Israel Studies, media studies, military sociology
Recent papers in Israel Studies, media studies, military sociology
Richard Behar, Forbes 21.8.2014
עם פרוץ האינתיפאדה הראשונה פורסם מאמרו המטלטל של פרופ' יהודה אלקנה, "בזכות השכחה", שבו קרא למדינת ישראל לשכוח את השואה ולהביט קדימה אל עתידה. אלא שעל סף התבגרותו של הדור הרביעי לשואה, דומה שישראל מעדיפה – להישמע לציוויו של המשורר אברהם... more
The constant presence of cameras and social media has become a given during day-today military activities in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Such technologies shift the focus of warfare onto the individual, and in... more
Since 2005, asylum seekers from Africa have begun arriving in Israel at irregular intervals. This paper suggests that this phenomenon, which lies in contradiction to the policies of the Israeli ethnocratic regime, is tied both to the... more
New media includes all those platforms that empower a broad range of actors (individuals through nation--states) to create and disseminate near--real time or real time information with the ability to affect a broad (regional or worldwide)... more