Islamic finance and banking
Recent papers in Islamic finance and banking
المصارف الاسلامية المنهج والتطبيق
Encore extrêmement limitée il y a 30 ans, la finance islamique moderne atteindra en 2020 un encours de 4500 milliards de dollars. Si cela ne parait pas considérable à l'échelle mondiale, les banques islamiques semblent avoir bien résisté... more
Hibah the issue of its validity as a contract due to lack of consideration
كل ما تريد معرفته عن أول صكوك سيادية للسعودية
Halal economy is new terms used recently as a new agenda that will be future of global economic and social. It is reflect both separated system halal product and Islamic finance to be integrated and become the new model of economy. Based... more
An Interim Book (Review of: Zhuravlev, A.Yu. (2017) Islamskii banking [Islamic Banking]. M.: Sadra. — 232 p.
Melalui buku kecil ini, penulis mencoba menguraikan materi yang sangat kompleks dan lekat dengan keseharian ummat, yaitu ekonomi syariah dengan berbagai aspeknya. Materi yang begitu luas tersebut, penulis coba suguhkan secara sederhana... more
The research paper aims to analyses the overview of interest-free finance activities in Turkey and Bangladesh. The history of the intellectual efforts of the Islamic economy in modern times is date back to the 1950s. The interest-free... more
Observers call upon Islamic financial institutions to move beyond offering merely Sharīʿah-compliant instruments toward offering more Sharīʿah-based ones. But when did these terms come into usage, and why? What precisely do people mean by... more
Bagaimana menjadi pemimpin yang baik dengan Islamic Leadership and Your Leadership Style disampakai pada Seminar Nasional yang diselenggarakan oleh Kelompok Studi Ekonomi Islam-Kassi-Febi IAIN Bukittinggi pada tanggal 12 April 2018.... more
There has been a lot of media attention devoted to the Islamic prohibition of interest and how this affects financial transactions such as mortgages. Other key Islamic principles that could have a bearing on business include social... more
This study examines the customers' perceptions on Islamic banking in Gambia using both descriptive statistics and logistic regression methods. A sample of 150 customers from four major conventional banks and the only Islamic bank which is... more
Credit Rating Agency of Bangladesh Limited is one of the leading rating agencies in Bangladesh. A credit rating estimates the credit worthiness of an individual, corporation, or even a country. Credit ratings are determined by credit... more
Perbedaan Bank Konvensional dan Syariah berdasarkan referensi dan sumber yang tertera yang telah dirangkum
Difference between Commercial Banking-Vs-Islamic Banking
Перевод книги Р.И. Беккина "Исламская экономическая модель и современность" на узбекский язык.
Translation of R.I. Bekkin's book "Islamic economic model nowadays" into Uzbek language
Translation of R.I. Bekkin's book "Islamic economic model nowadays" into Uzbek language
This presentation outlined deposit products as well as investment products used in Islamic banking system
Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd is one of the largest Islami Bank in Bangladesh. The bank started their journey on 18 June 1995 as a private limited company. A number of 20 dedicated Islamic personalities of Bangladesh are the architect of the... more
'Audzubillahminassyaithonirrojiim Bismillahirrahmanirrohiim Hamdan syakirin, hamdan na'imin, hamdayuafini 'amahu wa yukafi mazidah, ya rabbana lakal hamdu kama yambaghilii jalalii wajhikal kariimi wa 'adzimi sulthonik Subhanallohi... more
Kendala utama yang sering dihadapi dalam penilaian prestasi kerja adalah kurang baiknya job analysis (analisis pekerjaan) yang diterapkan pada suatu organisasi maupun perusahaan. Job analysis merupakan proses pengumpulan dan pemeriksaan... more
As an alternative to conventional interest-based leasing structure, Islamic finance has come with Musharakah Mutanaqisah (MMQ) modes of contract that is currently in existence. The MMQ is a form of Musharakah (partnership) in which one... more
Jordanian Islamic Banks (JIBs) are faced by an enormous challenge that is the financial Globalization and liberalization, where the financial openness nationally and internationally took various deep dimensions and effects that affected... more
A stock market, equity market or share market is the aggregation of buyers and sellers (a loose network of economic transactions, not a physical facility or discrete entity) of stocks (also called shares); these may include securities... more
Memperkuat Kompilasi Hukum Ekonomi Syariah
This is a commentary on the Malaysian Court of Appeal decision in Low Chin Meng v CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad [2015] 5 CLJ 324. In this case, a guarantor challenged legality of the Bai’ Bithaman Ajil (BBA) financing facility between a... more
Fakta menunjukkan bahwa walaupun berpopulasi mayoritas muslim, namun akses warga muslim Indonesia terhadap institusi lembaga keuangan mikro syari’ah masih terbatas. Beberapa penelitian menyebutkan bahwa akses terhadap institusi ini... more
Islamic banking has advanced in the past four decades. It has become a worldwide brand, cultured and structured industry. Nevertheless, Malaysia has witnessed low penetration of Islamic banking. Researchers documented several reasons... more
For Islamic financial institutions, data has always been a source of value creation. Those who manage their data best are those who become the most competitive, the most profitable, and who develop the right types of products and... more
This research aims to identify the factors influencing the ability of Islamic Banks (IB) and Conventional Banks (CB) to manage liquidity risk; determine the effects of the global financial crisis on Islamic and conventional banks, and... more
peran dan fungsi bank syariah di kota palu, manfaat bank syariah di kota palu
The research paper aims to analyse the overview of interest-free finance activities in Turkey and Bangladesh. The history of the intellectual efforts of the Islamic economy in modern times dates back to the 1950s. The interest-free... more
The article analyzes the evolution of the Islamic financing modes whose understanding is essential to understand the current situation of the Islamic financial practice. The history of Islamic banks was characterized by the gradual... more
Global cooperation for poverty alleviation and development issues are among the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (2016-2030) and have recently been the subject of frequent academic discussion. Today's poverty has become like a... more