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This course explores the legal developments of the global monetary architecture and looks into the political and economic rationales underpinning international monetary law and its practices. The aim is to help students acquire the... more
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      International LawCentral BankingCentral Banking & Moneytary PolicyInternational Monetary Fund
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      CurrencyBitcoinMonetary LawInternational Monetary Law
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      Sovereign DebtSovereign debt crisis in the EUECBInt'l Financial and Monetary Law
The notion of cryptocurrencies confronts one of the oldest economics' concepts with the newest technology developed and used in the digital economy. This contribution to the Festschrift in honnor of Herbert Kronke analyses the legal... more
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      International LawInternational monetary systemCurrencyMonetary Law
1-Les prêts libellés en devises ont connu une forte envolée dès le début de la crise financière 1. Le risque lié à l'opération de change découlant de ces prêts a donné lieu à un important contentieux sur tout le territoire français que ni... more
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      Banking LawInternational Financial LawFinance and bankingInternational Banking
In the aftermath of the 2008 crisis, emerging powers engaged in political and legal strategies to challenge the actual framework for global moneta- ry governance. This article examines two categories of monetary strategies designed as... more
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      Monetary EconomicsMoney and BankingMonetary historyInternational Monetary Reform
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      International economic lawEmerging MarketsCentral BankingInt'l Financial and Monetary Law
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      IMFG20 - G8 - G7Central BankingInternational monetary system

International Conference on Company Law at the University of Cyprus
“Cross-border Mergers Directive: EU perspectives and national experiences”
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      Financial EconomicsEuropean LawCorporate LawMergers & Acquisitions
Central banks are not traditionally thought of as being socially accountable. In fact, the main innovation of central banks in the 20th century was to make them largely independent from political influence. Thus, the prevailing (economic)... more
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      European StudiesInternational LawBrazilian StudiesAccountability
O G-20 está falhando em seu original e principal propósito, de reforçar a estabilidade financeira e monetária global.
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      G20 - G8 - G7BRICSSwapsCentral Banking
Поскольку вопрос о таможенных процедурах в значительной степени связан с областью регулирования цен, необходимо уделить внимание регулированию цен в соответствии с правовыми нормами ЕС, которые в рамках регулирования единого рынка... more
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      International RelationsInternational Tax LawInternational LawInternational Trade
Various challenges have to date marred the effective and consistent enforcement of the insider trading prohibition in Zimbabwe. As a result, the regulation of insider trading has remained flawed and problematic in Zimbabwe since the early... more
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      FinanceCorporate Social ResponsibilityCorporate LawCorporate Governance
A crise da Covid-19 reforçou e consolidou um modelo de cooperação monetária global que visa sustentar o funcionamento do mercado financeiro internacional. No centro do sistema monetário, o desenho jurídico para a cooperação tem se... more
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      International economic lawInternational Financial LawSwapsDollar
As of today, financial markets’ inefficiencies generate important costs unevenly spread across different stakeholders. Meanwhile retail investors’ trust in the financial markets became pivotal in making the latter liquid and stable.... more
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      International Financial LawEU financial lawMifidInt'l Financial and Monetary Law
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    • Int'l Financial and Monetary Law
On the law applicable to the ECB's policy of Quantitative Easing and the particularities of the Greek case.
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      European LawEuropean Union LawEuropean Central BankQuantitative Easing
Who will be the lender of last resort in the next financial crisis? Seven years and nine G20 summits on from the 2008 crisis, we still do not know the answer to this critical question. In the current institutional context, the best hope... more
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      Emerging EconomiesIMFEmerging MarketsMonetary Policy
Abstract The article examines different concepts of international financial law, it role in maintaining order in the world financial system. The author examines the connection between international financial law and other regulators in... more
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      International LawPublic International LawFinancial, Economic And Company LawInternational Financial Law
Příspěvek obsahuje rozbor právní úpravy daňových skladů, problematiky vlastnických práv (zejména, avšak nikoliv jen, na příkladu skladování minerálních olejů), jakož i otázek naskladnění, vyskladnění, přiznání a odvodů nepřímých daní (jak... more
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      Civil LawInternational EconomicsTax LawInternational Tax Law