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Esta obra visa identificar a forma pela qual o Supremo Tribunal Federal, por meio de suas deliberações, interferiu na implementação dos planos econômicos de estabilização monetária, implementados durante as décadas de 1980 e 1990. A... more
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      Money and BankingMoneyMonetary PolicyMonetary Law
This document is an extract constructed at UCA Day SOL E1:Y0:A54:S4:M1:D5 08:00:42 also known as [16-Sep-2012 UTC] from the Canons of Monetary Law located at This pdf is produced by automated means on an automated schedule.... more
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    • Monetary Law
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      Civil LawMoney and BankingMoneyTheories of Money
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      CurrencyBitcoinMonetary LawInternational Monetary Law
An essay in the Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society.
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      LawJewish LawJewish StudiesLand and Property Development
This paper gives an account of the Medieval legal theories on coinage and money in the Glossators' era, and especially of the role played by a brocard of the jurist Azo (12th-13th century) in the elaboration of this theories. The matter... more
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      Legal HistoryRoman LawEuropean Legal HistoryMedieval Canon & Roman Law
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    • Monetary Law
A la suite de l'adoption de la loi sur l'économie sociale et solidaire (loi ESS), nous présentons le nouveau cadre juridique des monnaies locales en droit français (p.63 et p.138 pour les Système d'échange locaux). Following the French... more
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      Money and BankingBanking LawVirtual CurrenciesCommunity Currencies
The notion of cryptocurrencies confronts one of the oldest economics' concepts with the newest technology developed and used in the digital economy. This contribution to the Festschrift in honnor of Herbert Kronke analyses the legal... more
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      International LawInternational monetary systemCurrencyMonetary Law
This report summarizes the proceedings of a conference on monetary and financial law held at the Bank of England in 2014.
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      International Financial LawRegulation of financial marketsFinancial RegulationMonetary Law
This paper departs from the observation that many legal conflicts which emerged in the aftermath of the recent financial crisis are characterized by fault lines between the economic and the legal disciplines. These fault lines derive from... more
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      Political EconomyInternational LawInterdisciplinarityLegal Theory
La legislación monetaria del siglo XVIII es fiel trasunto de las normas dictadas en los siglos anteriores, de acuerdo con el sistema heredado de la época de los Reyes Católicos. La reiteración de la normativa vigente y el mandato de que... more
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      Criminal LawMonetary PolicyMonetary LawCoin counterfeiting
This chapter presents in a very concentrated manner the fundamentals of major legal instruments used in contemporary finance, notably futures and options. It also deals extremely succinctly with some aspects of monetary law and of... more
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      SecuritizationFutures and OptionsCredit Default SwapsOptions
La legislacion monetaria del siglo XVIII es fiel trasunto de las normas dictadas en los siglos anteriores, de acuerdo con el sistema heredado de la epoca de los Reyes Catolicos. La reiteracion de la normativa vigente y el mandato de que... more
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      Criminal LawPolitical ScienceMonetary PolicyMonetary Law
Es gibt das Münzmonopol der Regierung, das Banknotenmonopol und Reservenmonopol der Zentralbank, aber keine gesetzliche Grundlage für das Giralgeldmonopol der Banken. Ein befremdlicher Sachverhalt. Ist Giralgeld überhaupt rechtmäßig? Mit... more
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      Fractional Reserve BankingMonetary LawGeldtheorieGeldsystem
L’Eurosystème est une structure unique du droit de l’Union européenne qui rassemble les Banques centrales des États membres ayant adopté l’euro et la Banque centrale européenne. Une étude théorique de l’évolution de l’exercice du pouvoir... more
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationEuropean LawLaw and Economics
Desde los estudios monográficos realizados por Hamilton en 1949, se ha producido el acercamiento a este tema por numerosos autores, en relación con otros trabajos relativos a la economía en general y al estudio de los sistemas bancarios... more
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      Economic HistoryMonetary PolicyMonetary Law
Considering that the literature in the field of EU payment law is yet to be fully established and would clearly benefit from a detailed elaboration of one of its central regulatory instruments. At present, there is no comprehensive... more
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      European UnionMoney and BankingFinancial Crises and International Financial IntegrationMonetary Law
A Ação de Descumprimento de Preceito Fundamental (ADPF) no 77, até o momento apreciada em medida cautelar pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), tem como objeto uma controversa medida de estabilização monetária prevista pelo Plano Real, em... more
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      Monetary PolicySupremo Tribunal FederalCurrencyJurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal
There is a schism in the contemporary scholarship in law and economics. The field that decades ago helped revive the classical liberal tradition for law and lawyers continues to advance its project of studying legal incentives at the... more
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      MacroeconomicsMonetary theoryLaw and EconomicsModern Monetary Theory
Globalization brings new challenges to the Algerian government. This issue implies a serious establishment of a domestic and a foreign economic stability in an attempt to confront the changes of the new economic wave. One of the reform... more
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      Credit lawEconomic ReformsCentral BankingMonetary Law
The twelfth- and thirteenth-century economic transformations had a great influence on the Western European economic thought. In particular, the quick monetisation of the economy, the frequent monetary crises and the practice of the... more
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      Legal HistoryRoman LawEuropean Legal HistoryMedieval Canon & Roman Law
Resumen.- El presente trabajo viene dedicado al estudio de las reformas monetarias llevadas a cabo durante el reinado de los primeros monarcas de la Casa de Borbón, tanto en los territorios peninsulares como en los ultramarinos de la... more
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      NumismaticsMonetary PolicyMonetary circulationNumismatica
Poder monetário de bancos centrais, sua moldura jurídica e seus mecanismos de prestação de contas e responsabilização: eis um tema altamente complexo e bastante atual que a autora explora em linguagem acessível, sem perder em profundidade... more
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      Money and BankingMoneyMonetary PolicyMonetary Law