Recent papers in Interpassivity
Det begrepp Pfaller är mest känd för är interpassivitet. Det tar fasta på att människor ofta varken vet vad de är ute efter, vad de tänker på eller vad det egentligen är de sysslar med. Turism utgör ett tacksamt exempel. Man kunde tro att... more
It is often claimed that Social Media are changing the subject of social interaction, empowering people and facilitating new and interactive possibilities. The present paper, an empirically based theoretical reflection on the... more
I aim to produce a close reading of two Youtube phenomena with evident psychoanalytic underpinnings —ASMR and Satisfying videos. These types of videos can be seen to aestheticize or attach a positive valence to what could otherwise be... more
Soziale Beziehungen bilden einen der zentralen Untersuchungsgegenstände der Soziologie. Dennoch werden sie dort auf eine merkwürdig eingeschränkte Art und Weise behandelt. Ihre soziologische Erforschung leidet unter einem aktivistischen... more
Tekst był publikowany w: Interaktywne media sztuki. Red. Antoni Porczak. Wydawnictwo Akademii Sztuk Pięknych im. Jana Matejki w Krakowie. Kraków 2009.
The starting point for this essay is the sense that we live in a world that is, perhaps more than ever before, intensely mediated. In many ways, the rise of electronic information technology in the so-called “developed world” has... more
The current paper addresses the notion of interpassivity as coined by Robert Pfaller and it explores its relationship with the notion of uncanny (Freud, 1919) through its psychoanalytic implications for the clinic as well as... more
This article examines contemporary practices of playing so-called Idle games and watching YouTube videos of performed gameplay through the prism of interpassivity theory. Despite its prevalence in philosophy, the theory has rarely been... more
Do Androids really dream of electric sheep? This paper interrogates the relationship of interpassivity and the object via Lacan's explication of the object in psychoanalytic praxis.
Introduction to CT&T, 2(1): '(Re)Thinking Robert Pfaller's Interpassivity'
The relationship between sport and psychoanalysis offers a unique, yet underexplored, account of the intrapsychic and interpersonal dimensions that underpin our sporting lives. Win or lose, the sporting event exposes a form of repetition... more
Algorithmic black boxes, which restitute the “below-surface dimension” (Krämer, 2018) normally absent in communication between disembodied subjects, catalyse processes and methods of rationalisation and normalisation with regard to... more
Die Lebenssoziologie hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten ohne Zweifel zu einer veritablen Wissenschaft des Sozialen formiert. Dabei handelt es sich jedoch nicht um eine Wissenschaft im klassischen Sinn, nicht um eine ›Königswissenschaft‹,... more
This contribution focuses on one member in particular of the anthropocenic triad Earth-technology-humankind, namely the current form of human subjectivity that characterizes humankind in the Anthropocene. Because knowledge, desire and... more
Gedanken zur visuellen Kompetenz von Filmmusik, unter Bezug auf die Interpassivitätstheorie des Philosophen Robert Pfaller beispielhaft dargelegt am virtuellen Soundtrack Rosetta des griechischen Komponisten Vangelis.
In his book on sympathy, Max Scheler argues that our emotional life is in connection with all the emotional lives of our co-living, as well as connected with the places and objects of our daily lives. It's the "ambience" (the affective... more
The article re-examines the concepts of interpassivity with Pfaller and van Oenen in order to clarify conceptual difficulties and to develop a specific understanding of interpassivity and its counterpart interactivity. Contrary to the... more
This article explores ideas of public memory, commemoration and ritual in the commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall at Brandenburg Gate. The article proposes a novel theory of commemoration as interpassive... more
Die Lebenssoziologie hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten ohne Zweifel zu einer veritablen Wissenschaft des Sozialen formiert. Dabei handelt es sich jedoch nicht um eine Wissenschaft im klassischen Sinn, nicht um eine ›Königswissenschaft‹,... more
Over the past 20 years, ethical brands have risen to prominence. The prevailing discourse implies that this trend has emerged as a result of consumers wanting to make a difference through their consumption. We argue that the popularity of... more
In his book, On the Pleasure Principle in Culture (2014), Robert Pfaller argued that our relationship to sport is one grounded in “illusion”. Simply put, our interest in and enjoyment of sport occurs through a process of “knowing better”.... more
In Jean Baudrillards Tagebuchaufzeichnungen "Cool memories 1980–1985" (Baudrillard 1989) kann man, neben einigen ungewollten Einblicken in die virilen Hinterstübchen eines Theoretikers, auf eine bemerkenswerte Überlegung bezüglich der... more
Following a spate of appearances on political television programmes in 2013 that subsequently went viral, actor-comedian Russell Brand seemed to momentarily become the new popular face of radical left wing politics. However, his... more
Over the past 20 years, ethical brands have risen to prominence. The prevailing discourse implies that this trend has emerged as a result of consumers wanting to make a difference through their consumption. We argue that the popularity of... more
Text was published in: Interactive Media Arts. Ed. Antoni Porczak. Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. Krakow 2009.
"Theorien des Nichtlesens."
In: Grundthemen der Literaturwissenschaft: Lesen. Ed. Alexander Honold and Rolf Parr. Boston: De Gruyter, 2018: 211-230.
In: Grundthemen der Literaturwissenschaft: Lesen. Ed. Alexander Honold and Rolf Parr. Boston: De Gruyter, 2018: 211-230.
Wir gehen davon aus, dass es soziale Beziehungen gibt, die nicht auf Handlungen, Interaktionen und Kommunikationen zurückgehen. Das mag banal erscheinen, ist aber in der Soziologie keine Selbstverständlichkeit. Es wurde zu Beginn dieses... more
This article investigates how the contemporary war dispositif in cinematic representations captures and integrates bodies, gestures, space and desire. It focuses on two analytic aspects of this process, suture and interpassivity, and... more