Use of force in international law and international relations
Recent papers in Use of force in international law and international relations
Cyber-attacks that cause physical consequences are considered to be in violation of the use of force prohibition should the effects reach a certain severity threshold. That premise does not extend to cyber-attacks that cause economic harm... more
This draft chapter on the application of jus contra bellum to issues of cybersecurity is divided in three main parts. The first part is devoted to the political context and institutional framework relevant to the emergence of debates on... more
“Power is war, the continuation of war by other means”: Foucault’s reversal of Clausewitz’s formula has become a staple of critical theory — but it remains highly problematic on a conceptual level. Elaborated during Foucault’s 1976... more
W pierwszym podrozdziale niniejszego opracowania zostaną przedstawione skutki interwencji zachodnich dla roli Rady Bezpieczeństwa oraz używanego przez nią instrumentarium w celu utrzymania światowego pokoju i bezpieczeństwa, co obejmuje... more
The aim of the article is to examine the legal position presented by the UK after the 2018 airstrikes in Syria, both from the perspective of the legality of humanitarian intervention as well as the criteria employed with regard to a... more
After 2001, states have increasingly used the “unwilling or unable” formula when justifying military intervention against terrorist targets, such as the United States with respect to targeted killings outside declared theatres of... more
I. O duplo conceito alternativo que representa esta figura é demonstrativo da controvérsia que gera, oscilando entre a carga negativa da expressão "assassinatos" e a relativamente neutra "ataques dirigidos". Num sentido ou noutro, ambas... more
Both the reality of police behavior and perceptions of their behavior are important concerns in American law enforcement. Past research has shown that race or ethnicity is a strong predictor of perceptions of police actions, with Blacks,... more
The absence of a sufficient legal framework for the less grave form of the use of force in the grey zone conflict causes the instability and insecurity in Bien Dong because of Chinese unilateral operations. The blurred distinction between... more
En un principio la operación de la OTAN en Libia fue vista como la consolidación del principio de la Responsabilidad de Proteger (R2P) y el éxito material de este principio, al ser una misión de rápido despliegue y que logró poner fin a... more
This article examines the tendencies to define the scope of application of jus ad bellum negatively in relation to the scope of application of jus in bello and demonstrates their neutralising effect on the prohibition on the use of force... more
Research on the prohibition of the Use of Force with recent international events.
The use of force is heavily deprecated by states. This view of deprecation can be found in many sources of law, primarily treaty and customary law. This doctrine of the use of force is chiefly cited and discussed within the UN Charter and... more
An examination of the legal status of the 'unwilling or unable' test at international law
International relations scholars generally argue that norm-building requires a number of successful cases. This essay, however, is about three concrete examples when virtually everyone—except for the state citing it—disputes the... more
Les opérations militaires menées par la France contre Daech bousculent les normes du jus contra bellum. Le consentement donné par l’Irak assure certes la légalité des bombardements des positions djihadistes sur le territoire de cet Etat.... more
Martedì 1° marzo, ore 16 Aula D4, CLE (per gli studenti UniTo) In streaming
Author briefing (English version) provided to participants in OPERATION REGIONAL COOPERATION 01. Briefing described the Rules of Engagement/Rules for the Use of Force applicable under the Laws of Armed Conflict (LOAC) in UN... more
Published in November 2009, represents the only work of this type which sets out to explain in a practical way the complex procedures and methodology governing the development and implementation of Rules of Engagement. It has been... more
The crime of aggression has been a mainstay of international criminal law since Nuremberg, considering that an act of aggression does not only entail State responsibility but also individual criminal responsibility. In 2010, after more... more
This is a review of the book by Tom Ruys, Olivier Corten, and Alexandra Hofer, The Use of Force in International Law: A Case-Based Approach. Oxford University Press, 2018, 948, xi, pp; index. It was published in The Chinese Journal of... more
During 2015 and 2016, students on university campuses across South Africa embarked on large-scale, disruptive protests calling for systemic changes to how universities operate and approach education, as well as how academic curricula are... more
This article explores the role of the League of Nations in state formation in Third World or peripheral states and its legacy for contemporary understandings of Third World sovereignty. It examines Iraq under British Mandate, and UN and... more
British discourse during the Suez Crisis of 1956 was wide-ranging and deeply divided. Public discourse emerged in late July 1956, following Colonel Nasser's nationalization of the Suez Canal Company. It reached a climax following the... more
Prawo do użycia siły jest obecnie regulowane przede wszystkim przez Kartę Narodów Zjednoczonych, przyjętą 26 czerwca 1945 r. na konferencji w San Francisco, oraz prawo zwyczajowe, do którego Karta się odwołuje. Wszelkie inne normy... more
The article presents main stages of development of the just war theory from the ancient times to the modern ones in terms of a right to use force (ius ad bellum). This analysis is indispensable to answer the question whether opinions of... more
A legal analysis of the Russian action taken in annexing Crimea. Considers how far the Russian action is an intervention and or a use of force, before going on to consider legal justifications for the action taken. The concluding chapter... more
The international law discipline engaged in vigorous debate over the legality of the 2003 Iraq invasion. However, once the furor over the invasion died down, and attention turned to management of the ongoing reality of Coalition... more
La presente monografía argumenta en varios aspectos la necesidad de proponer un modelo de uso de la fuerza para los procedimientos de control social que debe efectuar la Policía Nacional en Colombia, el cual esta contextualizado en el... more
This draft chapter on the use of force in the context of peacekeeping operations is divided in three main parts. In the first part, the paper provides a survey of the historical origins of the concept of peacekeeping in the 1950s and some... more
This article in the Max Planck Encyclopedia examines the history, the doctrinal and legal aspects, and the main challenges facing United Nations-mandated peace operations. It also explores how the practice of peacekeeping and peace... more
This paper deals with the background, role players, sequence of events, geopolitical considerations and history of the Angolan War which took place from 1975 to 1990 between the Soviet Union and its allies & proxies on the one hand, and... more
The 2016 Arbitration Award of the PCA has set out the maritime legal questions in the South China Sea in great detail. This paper takes the Award as a starting point, but rather than focussing on maritime legal issues, it uses the South... more
The status of ‘international law’ is examined critically. In the first section, the basis of (national) legislation is described. This consists of an inquiry into a credible meaning of ‘natural law’. It is focused on the question whether... more
The emergence of cyber espionage, as well as the ability to leak gathered sensitive information, has exacerbated the complexity of determining the legality of espionage under international law. Cyber espionage, just like other cyber... more
Western analysis perceives Russian approaches to issues of humanitarian intervention and the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) as running counter to western-inspired international norms. This debate has surfaced with some vigour over... more
The Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, also known as the Jessup Moot, is the oldest and largest international moot competition in the world, attracting participants from almost 700 law schools in more than 90... more