Indonesian Highway Capacity Manual
Recent papers in Indonesian Highway Capacity Manual
More then 500 billion € is spent yearly in the European Union on mobility. The road traffic is increasing at a rate of four to five percent each year, leading to an expected growth from mow to the year 2020 of fifty to sixty percent. The... more
This paper describes derivation of the curvature change for the transition curve in a 2 nd degree increasing concave formulation. The investigation of the usability of the developed transition curve in new designs and rehabilitation of... more
Indonesia have not finished yet with the overloading truck problem which makes early failure in Indonesia pavements, mainly in national highways such as Pantura national highway. This is the first research which the aim is to compare the... more
This paper presents a vibration-based vehicle classification system using distributed optical vibration sensing (DOVS) technology and describes a comprehensive classification method including signal processing and feature extraction. With... more
Weigh-in-motion (WIM) sensors allow the control of vehicle weights without disruption of traffic. By monitoring traffic and by reducing the number of overweight vehicles, the WIM sensors bring very important savings. This paper discusses... more
The main objective of this research study is to examine the effects of trucks equipped with lift axles on pavement and bridge structures on Maryland roadways. In this report, the information presented intends to meet the research... more
The strategic plan for establishing a vehicle weight monitoring net across Texas calls for deploying two technology types-piezoelectric and bending plate systems, and seeks to install weigh-in-motion (WIM) systems in roadways that are... more
Indonesia have not finished yet with the overloading truck problem which makes early failure in Indonesia pavements, mainly in national highways such as Pantura national highway. This is the first research which the aim is to compare the... more
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Office of Highway Planning requires states to furnish vehicle classification data as part of the Highway Performance Monitoring Systems (HPMS). To comply with this requirement, most states use the... more
Sinyal lalulintas perlu dipergunakan pada suatu persimpangan jalan untuk menghindari kemacetan akibat adanya konflik arus lalulintas sehingga terjamin bahwa suatu kapasitas tertentu dapat dipertahankan pada saat jam puncak. Selain itu... more
This report studies characteristics of truck traffic on various classes of highways in Texas using the data available from the Texas Manual Count Annual Report between 1977 and 1983. Regional stratifications were devised based on the... more
The strategic plan for establishing a vehicle weight monitoring net across Texas calls for deploying two technology types – piezoelectric and bending plate systems, and seeks to install weigh-in-motion (WIM) systems in roadways that are... more
Four weigh-in-motion (WIM) sites in Oregon, representing high, moderate, and low average daily truck traffic (ADTT) volumes, were selected to characterize axle weight and spacing spectra on Oregon state highways. Seasonal variations were... more
Transportation agencies tasked with forecasting freight movements, creating and evaluating policy to mitigate transportation impacts on infrastructure and air quality, and furnishing the data necessary for performance driven investment... more
The effect of using simulated truck records to forecast future return levels is examined. Statistical models are based on weigh-in-motion (WIM) data collected from thirty-three different sites in the State of New Jersey over an 11-year... more
- by Hani Nassif
ABSRACT: High construction cost for Traditional Flexible pavement in Tanzania on both low to high trafficked pavements initiated a search for alternative pavement constriction material and methods. The experience gained from Dar es Salaam... more
This paper describes derivation of the curvature change for the transition curve in a 2 nd degree increasing concave formulation. The investigation of the usability of the developed transition curve in new designs and rehabilitation of... more
Sinyal lalulintas perlu dipergunakan pada suatu persimpangan jalan untuk menghindari kemacetan akibat adanya konflik arus lalulintas sehingga terjamin bahwa suatu kapasitas tertentu dapat dipertahankan pada saat jam puncak. Selain itu... more
The load equivalency factors for pavement design currently in use by the Hungarian standard have been developed using Weigh-in-Motion data obtained during the first few years of operations after installing some 30 measuring sites in... more
This research study allowed to determine axle load spectra of four truck types that most frequently run on the Colombian road network. These spectra were separately obtained for each movement direction, and a comparison of results... more
Tackling maritime security is one of the major global challenges today. Safeguarding international transport by sea; preventing accidents and disasters; fighting transnational organised crimes like piracy and the trafficking of narcotics... more
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengevaluasi besar tundaan yang terjadi di simpang berlampu lalu lintas dengan menggunakan metode pengamatan langsung dan model matematis antrian di mana kedatangan kendaraan untuk metode... more
This paper presents and describes recent extensions to the Vehicle Dynamics Library (VDL) for heavy and commercial road-vehicle modeling and simulation (VDL/Trucks). Until now, the VDL was targeted mainly at passenger cars applications... more
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Office of Highway Planning requires states to furnish vehicle classifi- cation data as part of the Highway Performance Monitoring Systems (HPMS). To comply with this requirement, most states use... more
Prepared in cooperation with the Indiana Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Administration.
Project conducted in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration.
Weigh-in-motion (WIM) systems measure the axle spacings and axle loads for every vehicle in the traffic stream. There is a great need to estimate load equivalency factors (LEFs) from these WIM data. LEFs are approximately a fourth-power... more
This empirical paper compares the accuracy of five univariate methods for quarterly electricity demand forecasting, namely naïve, regression, decomposition additive and multiplicative, exponential smoothing, and Box-Jenkins methods. Data... more
- by Muhammad Lee