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Purpose – Analyze how the characteristics of the business environment generates differences in the quality of accounting information in the international context. Design/methodology/approach – Descriptive research with a quantitative... more
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Given a metric continuum X, we consider the following hyperspaces of X: 2 X , Cn(X) and Fn(X) (n ∈ N). Let F 1 (X) = {{x} : x ∈ X}. A hyperspace K(X) of X is said to be rigid, provided that for every homeomorphism h : K(X) → K(X), we have... more
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      Pure MathematicsRigidityContinuumHyperspace
A novel three-dimensional gray-level interpolation method called the Directional Coherence Interpolation (DCI) is presented in the paper. The principal advantage of the proposed approach is that it leads to significantly higher visual... more
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      VisualizationShapeImage InterpolationInterpolation
In interpretation of seismic data the resolution and smoothness of the envelope of the seismic trace is an important property to have. This paper introduces a new method of envelope generation for seismic traces that is based on the... more
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      GeophysicsInterpretationApplied GeophysicsHilbert transform
In interpretation of seismic data the resolution and smoothness of the envelope of the seismic trace is an important property to have. This paper introduces a new method of envelope generation for seismic traces that is based on the... more
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      GeophysicsInterpretationApplied GeophysicsHilbert transform
This paper presents a new subdivision scheme that operates over an infinite triangulation, which is regular except for a single extraordinary vertex. The scheme is based on the quartic three-directional Box-spline scheme, and is... more
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      EngineeringMathematical SciencesBox SplinesComputer Aided Geometric Design
The characterization of optimization problems over continuous parameter spaces plays an important role in optimization. A form of "fitness landscape" analysis is often carried out to describe the problem space in terms of modality,... more
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      Data MiningComputational ModelingData AnalysisOptimization
Applying 2D algorithms for inverting the potential field data is more useful and efficient than their 3D counterparts, whenever the geologic situation permits. This is because the computation time is less and modeling the subsurface is... more
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Compactly supported Riesz wavelets are of interest in several applications such as image processing, computer graphics and numerical algorithms. In this paper, we shall investigate compactly supported MRA Riesz multiwavelet bases in L 2... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsImage ProcessingPure Mathematics
The aim of the paper is to establish (local) optimal embeddings of Besov spaces B^0,b_p,r involving only a slowly varying smoothness b. In general, our target spaces are outside of the scale of Lorentz-Karamata spaces and are related to... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsApproximation TheoryComputer Science
The strategic plan for establishing a vehicle weight monitoring net across Texas calls for deploying two technology types-piezoelectric and bending plate systems, and seeks to install weigh-in-motion (WIM) systems in roadways that are... more
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      Service LifeSmoothness
This paper presents a new subdivision scheme that operates over an infinite triangulation, which is regular except for a single extraordinary vertex. The scheme is based on the quartic three-directional Box-spline scheme, and is... more
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      EngineeringMathematical SciencesBox SplinesComputer Aided Geometric Design
CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Rigorous Results about Conjugacies between Circle Maps 3. Some General Heuristic Remarks on Renormalization and Conjugacies 4. Computing the Conjugacies 5. Methods for Studying the Regularity 6. Numerical... more
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      Applied MathematicsHarmonic AnalysisExperimental MathematicsPure Mathematics
The strategic plan for establishing a vehicle weight monitoring net across Texas calls for deploying two technology types – piezoelectric and bending plate systems, and seeks to install weigh-in-motion (WIM) systems in roadways that are... more
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      Service LifeSmoothness
We consider social choice rules which select a lottery over outcomes for each profile of individual preferences. Agents are assumed to have preferences over lotteries satisfying the axioms of expected utility. We exhibit a large class of... more
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      EconomicsMathematical Models for Social SciencesMathematical SciencesSocial Choice
In this paper we present results on asymptotic characteristics of multivariate function classes in the uniform norm. Our main interest is the approximation of functions with mixed smoothness parameter not larger than 1/2. Our focus will... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsApproximation TheoryComputer Science
The aim of this paper is to present a survey of some recent results obtained in the study of spaces with asymmetric norm. The presentation follows the ideas from the theory of normed spaces (topology, continuous linear operators,... more
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      Functional AnalysisReflexivityKey wordsDuality
In this paper we propose new method for proving of global solutions for 3D Navier-Stokes equations. This complies an application to the Clay Institute Millennium Prize Navier Stokes Problem. The proposed method can be applied for... more
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      MathematicsNavier-Stokes EquationsSmoothness
h this paper, we attack the figure-ground discrim- ination problem from a combinatorial optimization perspective. In general, the solutions proposed in the past solved this problem only partially: Either the mathematical model encoding... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceImage ProcessingCombinatorial Optimization
A general variational framework for image approximation and segmentation is introduced. By using a continuous "line-process" to represent edge boundaries, it is possible to formulate a variational theory of image segmentation and... more
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      Cognitive ScienceMathematicsPartial Differential EquationsComputer Science
In this paper we study the existence, stability and the smoothness of a bounded solution of the following nonlinear time-varying thermoelastic plate Equation with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions    u tt + Δ 2 u + αΔθ = f 1... more
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      Applied MathematicsPure MathematicsLinear SystemLarge classes
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      Applied EconometricsReconstructionMonotonicityRandom Errors
When dominant information is available about a process, its corresponding spectral density will exhibit a variable order of smoothness. In such situations, calculating a nonparametric spectral estimate with a fixed smoothing parameter... more
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      StatisticsTime SeriesSpectral EstimationBandwidth
This paper outlines a method for solving the stereovision matching problem using edge segments as the primitives. In stereovision matching the following constraints are commonly used: epipolar, similarity, smoothness, ordering and... more
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      Pattern RecognitionFuzzyFuzzy ClusteringFuzzy Cognitive Maps