Indian Epics
Recent papers in Indian Epics
, was founded in 1958 as the Central Institute of English (CIE). Giving shape to Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru's (India's first Prime Minister) vision to set up an institution to impart quality training in English for teachers, the mandate of... more
Indian mythology is a rich and alluring tapestry of ancient tales, gods, and goddesses, as well as epic conflicts that have influenced the nation's cultural and spiritual environment for millennia. Investigating these fictitious worlds... more
This paper explores how Sita is portrayed in The Forest of Enchantments by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, providing a postcolonial analysis that questions conventional interpretations of Sita's submissiveness and obedience. In this... more
The foremost objective of the Arthaśāstra (AŚ, 50 BCE – 300 CE) is teaching the king or a prince (i.e., a king in the making) how to successfully do his job: Ruling a country and securing its survival and prosperity. As part of this task,... more
This article deals with descriptions of disturbances of mind and behavior in Homer's Iliad and Odyssey and in the Indian poems Mahābhārata and Rāmāyaṇa. We collect and examine Homeric scenes in which the poet depicts the human mind as... more
The "greatness" of the Mahābhārata, its mahat/mahā quality, refers primarily to its intended dynamism as a powerful engine generating the spread of Brahminic teaching throughout the world, casting "heathen" (nāstika) teachings and their... more
This paper is an attempt to present the positions of women in Hindu civilization within the context of justifying the purity of women in Vālmīki's celebrated epic poem 'Rāmāyaṇa' and prominent contemporary Indian writer Premchand's story... more
PBL is known among its practitioners as a didactic method that greatly boosts students' efficiency in learning to learn. It allows for a shift of the center of gravity from knowledge content to skills. Despite its long university career,... more
ଆର୍ଟିଫିସିଆଲ ଇଣ୍ଟେଲିଜେନ୍ସର ବୃହତ ଭାଷା ମଡେଲ ଗୁଡ଼ିକ ମଧ୍ୟରୁ, ଆଜି ସବୁଠାରୁ ବ୍ୟାପକ ହେଉଛି ChatGPT, ଏବଂ ଏହାର ସଂସ୍କରଣ 4o ପୂର୍ବରୁ ବିଶ୍ୱସନୀୟ ଜ୍ଞାନର ଗ୍ୟାରେଣ୍ଟି ଦେଇଛି, ସଂସ୍କରଣ 3 ଏବଂ 4 ର "ହାଲୁସିନେସନ୍" ପରିବର୍ତ୍ତେ, କିନ୍ତୁ ଏହା ନିଶ୍ଚିତ ଭାବରେ 5 ସଂସ୍କରଣ ପାଇଁ... more
The novel Karna's Wife is mainly a retelling of the epic The Mahabharata which is the world-famous treasure for the human welfare anda saga of all kindof conduct, performances, behavior. One scrutinizes its various characters to... more
The postmodernist approach of reinterpretation provides many interesting ways to explore the ancient treasure and present the same stories to the sensible readers in a new lense. The great mythological epics till now are shared more with... more
The prosperity and development of ethnic culture can not be departed with females especially in oral. With the trend of modernization, the inheritance of Dai's poetry is changing in both Dai areas with characters and areas without... more
中国的傣族,以至于跨境居住在东南亚国家的傣—泰民族,可以分属于两个大的文化圈:一个是信仰佛教的傣一泰民族文化圈,一个是持原始宗教的傣一泰民族文化圈。前者包括中国西双版纳、德宏、孟连、景谷在内的大多数傣泐、傣讷、傣卵等支系,国外包括缅甸的掸族,泰国的泰北人,老挝的泐族;后者包括中国境内元江、红河流域和金平县内的各"花腰傣"族群,国外有越南西北部的泰族,老挝北部的"布傣"族群等。第一个文化圈内的傣—泰民族,他们信仰南传佛教,创立了文字,过着传统的泼水节(宋干节),其诗歌受到佛教和... more
中国的傣族,至跨境居住在东南亚国家的傣-泰民族,可以分属于两个大的文化圈,一是信仰佛教的文化圈,一个是持原始宗教的文化圈。只有信仰佛教的傣-泰民族才过泼水节(东南亚各国称为"宋干节")。过泼水节的族群中,关于泼水节的起源神话大同小异,但是对泼水节的认识和定位并不相同,有的将泼水节视为新年,而有的仅视为重要的传统节日之一。无论是从泼水节的起源神话故事,还是从"采花取水"和"放高升"等节日环节都可以发现,泼水节本质上是服务于稻作农业生产的祈雨仪式,反映出人们征服干旱、火灾等自然力... more
我国南方民族中信仰南传佛教的有傣族、布朗族、德昂族、佤族和阿昌族,他们聚居的区域以西双版纳、德宏、孟连为轴向周边辐射连成一个云南境内狭长的南传佛教文化带。他们使用傣文书写的佛经,具有与傣族相似的南传佛教习俗传统。傣族的贝叶经流入到周边民族地区进而影响了他们的文学,同时傣族也吸收了这些民族文化中的养分,形成了“你中有我,我中有你”的区域性贝叶文学现象。通过比较傣族史诗《创世纪》与德昂族史诗《达古达楞格莱标》,布朗族叙事诗《朗三飘》与傣族的《三尾螺》《三时香》等篇目,可以发现这些... more
文章以《巴塔麻嘎捧尚罗》为例,从三个角度阐述我国傣族创世叙事中所具有的印度神话元素:一是介绍傣族创世叙事中的大量梵语、巴利语借词,包括专有名词、神祇名、度量衡和数字等元素;二是通过分析史诗中英叭、帕雅英诸神的神格及其叙事,探讨其与印度神祇之间的关联;三是阐述傣族创世叙事在何种程度上吸收印度神话中的多层宇宙观、以须弥山为中心的世界结构以及火水风“三劫”等叙事元素,进而形成世界毁灭又重生的循环时间观。以《巴塔麻嘎捧尚罗》为样本进行剖析可以检视傣族文化的多元文化形态,并为南传佛教如... more
Albert Hoffstädt was the architect of a unique cooperation between Brill publishers and the Leiden Department of Comparative Indo-European Linguistics, a cooperation that has so far resulted in a series of twelve etymological dictionaries... more
This paper argues that not only fairy tales, but also myths are subversive in nature and the recent genres of mythological fiction and graphic/ mythological picture books are able to exploit this aspect of myths through their innovative... more
Dgongs pa rab gsal Dbu ma la 'jug pa'i rgya cher bshad pa dgongs pa rab gsal (Tsong kha pa blo bzang grags pa): Zhol ed. Ma. Tohoku No. 5408. Dag yig gsar bsgrigs Dag yig gsar bsgrigs, dag bcos ma. Xining: Mtsho sngon mi rigs dpe skrun... more
While epics are a part of cultural identity, they are an important source in transferring values, moral principles, social and religious teachings from generation to generation, ensuring cultural unity and understanding historical events.... more
The story of Ram and later the acknowledgment of Ram as an incarnation of Vishnu was quite old; but somehow the practice of bhakti to Him started quite late with Ramanand (13 th cent.), a follower of Ramanuja (12 th cent.) tradition. All... more
On the Crow’s Story in the Rāmcaritmānas Once Again In the most prominent of the Hindi Rāmāyaṇas, the sixteenth-century Rāmcaritmānas by Tulsīdās (1532–1623), the word communicated by the poet adopted the metaphorical form of the waters... more
About the book How often have you been advised to follow the teachings of Krishna but wondered what those teachings were? This book brings forth eleven of the most important lessons delivered by Krishna at critical junctures in the... more
Buddha Smiles and Other Stories Instruction to authors Bijay Biswaal Cover page Invitation of articles for Srujan: The Creativity Journal This is an effort to put together a journal with the choicest creative articles in Odia Literature... more
This comprehensive study integrates Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) with the environmental concerns mentioned in the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita to uncover the intricate layers of the Mahabharata. Examined are moral dilemmas, prophecies, and... more
A review essay of G.N. Devy’s 'Mahabharata' where in Devy interprets the epic in the light of today’s India, including the many agitations it has recently faced.
Ober das relativ hohe Alter wenigstens der ~iltesten Teile der Bhagavadgitd scheint sich die Forschung weitgehend einig zu sein, 1 nicht dagegen fiber die Frage, ob diese ~ltesten Teile yon Anfang an dem Mahdbhdrata angeh6rt haben, oder... more
This exploration delves into the profound influence of Indian epics, particularly the Ramayana and Mahabharata, on traditional attire and fashion. Woven within Sanskrit literature, these epics shape cultural symbolism, historical... more
This Paper deals with the Narrative Rāmāyaṇa Sculptures at the Kumbakōṇam Nāgēśvara temple. It starts with a brief introduction to the temple, followed by a discussion on the architectural features of the vimāna and maṇḍapa, location of... more
The present essay is an attempt to analyse the act of deceit performed by Yudhi ¶¢hira (as found in Mahåbhårata). All the moral responses to the act of deceit found in the text have been presented including that of Yudhi ¶thira himself.... more
War positions societies, as well as individuals, in the transitional moments between the past and the future, between life and death as well as the spaces beyond, between the known and the unknown – both in the socio-political and the... more
Shri Rama, the hero of Suryavamsha in the Ramayana, was born with divine intervention and superhuman abilities to combat evil. His birth, marked by the Putrakameshti Yajna, is a significant event symbolizing the emergence of royal blood... more
This paper features the first complete collection of the Sanskrit names of the rainbow. After listing them, the paper divides such names into onomasiologic fields following Mario Alinei's model and through a selection of Vedic and epic... more
Although it is rare to find a comparative treatment of Greek and Sanskrit drama as thoughtful and passionate as this one, students of classical Indian theater will recognize a familiar topic in the title. It is natural to want to see how... more