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Robots must be cognizant of how their actions will be interpreted in context. Actions performed in the context of a joint activity comprise two aspects: functional and communicative. The functional component achieves the goal of the... more
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      RoboticsHuman Robot InteractionHuman-Robot CollaborationAutonomous and Collaborative Robot
The article is about the concept of directness / indirectness in communication. The author is trying to prove that this is a false opposition.
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      English PhilologyIndirect Speech ActsImplicit Communication
Implicit communication is an effective way to achieve manipulation. Strategies such as presupposition, implicature, metaphor, vagueness, etc., often allow achieving manipulative communicative moves reducing the receiver’s conscious... more
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      PragmaticsExperimental LinguisticsManipulationImplicit Communication
È ormai noto che molti dei significati trasmessi da un enunciato sono in realtà sotto-codificati (Beaugrande & Dressler, 1994; Sbisà, 2002, 2007, Lombardi Vallauri & Masia 2014). Questo caratterizza pervasivamente gli usi associati ad... more
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      PragmaticsPersuasionTextual analysisImplicit Communication
Twitter is nowadays a powerful means of political propaganda. Its effectiveness can be easily appreciated in the large amounts of messages exchanged by politicians every day. This wealth of data, together with the interactive nature of... more
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      PragmaticsTwitterPolitical Discourse AnalysisImplicit Communication
In this paper, we claim that we cannot really live or collaborate with a robot not able to read our behavior in terms of ‘signals’, to ‘understand’ what we are doing and that we – while doing – expect that it observes, understands, and... more
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      Human-Robot InteractionImplicit Communication
In casual conversations, interlocutors often merely hint at intertextual references. The elusive design of such references ranges from extremely truncated or modified quotes, or mentions of names, to the rendition of generic patterns and... more
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      Russian StudiesSociolinguisticsRussianConversation Analysis
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      Language ProcessingManipulationImplicit Communication
The literature in philosophy and linguistics has shed light on a number of communicative devices aimed at leaving part of a sentence’s meaning not fully expressed (Frege, 1892; Ducrot, 1972; Kerbrat-Orecchioni, 1986; Rigotti, 1988; Sbisà,... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPragmaticsNeurolinguisticsPersuasion
Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt die Fortsetzung der in Weiss (2009) vorgestellten Studie dar, die im Rahmen des in Bergen / NO geleiteten, den Sprachkrisen der 20er und 90er Jahren gewidmeten Forschungsvorhabens "The Landslide of the Norm"... more
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      Forensic LinguisticsFreedom Of ExpressionFreedom of SpeechEvidentiality
Our contribution is devoted to analyze how linguistic communication could have arisen from other kinds of pre-linguistic communication. One of these forms could have been Behavioural Implicit Communication, i.e. communication based on... more
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      Origin of LanguageGesturesSignalingImplicit Communication
Nell’ultimo decennio, Twitter ha mostrato di poter modificare radicalmente le interazioni tra classe politica ed elettorato. Tuttavia, l’influenza reciproca tra questo social medium e i discorsi politici tradizionali non è ancora stata... more
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      PragmaticsPolitical communicationSocial MediaImplicit Communication
This paper tackles some of the most striking features of implicit communication in a corpus of tweets produced by ten Italian politicians who represent the most influential political parties in Italy. Based on current pragmatic theories,... more
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      PragmaticsStatistical AnalysisTwitterImplicit Communication
Education plays a crucial role in equipping today's and future citizens with the necessary intellectual tools to critically read or listen to propagan-distic messages. Often enough, the persuasive strength of these messages lies more... more
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      Language AcquisitionPragmaticsPolitical Discourse AnalysisImplicit Communication
Becoming effective hunters of manipulative communicative moves is far from an easy capacity to develop. This book aims at offering a guide to the most dangerous traps of deceptive language as triggered by implicit communication strategies... more
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      PragmaticsManipulationPolitical DiscourseImplicit Communication
Please quote as: Brocca, Nicola, 2020: Implizite Bedeutung in sozialen Netzwerken. Stärkung des gesellschaftlich-demokratischen Bewusstseins im Französisch als Fremdspracheunterricht. In: Kapelari S. (Hr.), Vierte „Tagung der... more
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      Political LanguageSprachdidaktikDidactique du français langue étrangèreImplicit Communication
Indirect speech is a remarkable trait of human communication. The present paper tackles the sociobiological underpinnings of communicative indirectness discussing both socio-interactional and cognitive rationales behind its manifestation... more
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      SociobiologyPresuppositionsImplicatureImplicit Communication