Conference Presentations by Giorgia Mannaioli

The literature in philosophy and linguistics has shed light on a number of communicative devices ... more The literature in philosophy and linguistics has shed light on a number of communicative devices aimed at leaving part of a sentence’s meaning not fully expressed (Frege, 1892; Ducrot, 1972; Kerbrat-Orecchioni, 1986; Rigotti, 1988; Sbisà, 2007; Lombardi Vallauri, 2009; Domaneschi & Penco, 2016). Furthermore, it is known that implicit communication is an effective means of persuasion (Sbisà, 2007; Lombardi Vallauri, 2009; Reboul 2011; De Saussure, 2013). Contemporary
pragmatic views (Lombardi Vallauri 2016; Lombardi Vallauri & Masia, 2016, among others) have characterized presuppositions and implicatures, but also topicalizations, figurative language and semantic/syntactic vagueness as means for under-encoding meanings in a message. Research on corpus-based pragmatics (Lombardi Vallauri & Masia, 2014; Brocca et al. 2016) has sought to quantify the impact of the above-mentioned discourse phenomena on the processes by which addressees compute the meanings of utterances and texts. These quantitative approaches have proved
suitable for measuring and comparing the impact of implicit communication in texts belonging to different genres and targeted at different types of audiences, although political discourses epitomize a fertile ground for delving into both the functions and uses of implicit communicative strategies. Moreover, recent approaches in experimental pragmatics have shed light on the impact that different categories of implicit communication have on the human brain.
The workshop will tackle (but will not be limited to) the following topics:
- Manipulative and persuasive communication: boundaries and working definitions;
- Pragmatic strategies of implicit communication;
- Quantitative methods: measurement of implicit communication in persuasive texts;
- Processing implicit communication;
- Implicitness and attention diversion strategies;
- Developments and projects on theory-driven and empirical perspectives on implicit communication.
INVITED SPEAKER: Marina Sbisà (University of Trieste)
Proposals, not exceeding 1.000 words (references excluded) should be sent to the following email address: [email protected] by 20 February 2019.
Laura Baranzini, Doriana Cimmino, Federica Cominetti, Claudia Coppola, Davide Garassino, Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri, Giorgia Mannaioli, Viviana Masia, Alessandro Panunzi.
Papers by Giorgia Mannaioli

Available here: more Available here: ------------------ Il caso è simile a quello raccontato da Isaac Asimov in Foundation. Circa 50.000 anni dopo la scoperta dell'energia atomica, il pianeta della Fondazione è minacciato dal bellicoso pianeta Anacreon, che dispone di forze soverchianti. Ma l'ambasciatore dell'Impero, Lord Dorwin, ha appena terminato una visita diplomatica nel corso della quale, tenendo vari discorsi amichevoli e accorati, ha rassicurato tutti i governanti-scienziati di Fondazione sull'appoggio e la protezione dell'Impero contro eventuali minacce. Tutti i governanti-scienziati meno uno: l'uomo del destino e futuro salvatore della patria, il sindaco Salvor Hardin. Questi cerca di mettere in guardia il governo, asserendo che Anacreon attaccherà, e che l'Impero non interverrà a proteggere la Fondazione. I notabili tutti d'accordo obbiettano che le assicurazioni e le promesse di protezione fornite da Lord Dorwin a nome dell'Impero sono soddisfacenti. Hardin allora rivela di avere registrato ogni parola pronunciata da Lord Dorwin durante la visita diplomatica, e di avere chiesto ai colleghi del Dipartimento di Logica Simbolica di calcolarne il significato complessivo, al netto delle espressioni vaghe a cui non era possibile assegnare un senso preciso, e delle contraddizioni che si elidono l'una con l'altra come cifre di segno diverso in un'equazione. Il risultato, rivela Hardin agli inorriditi governanti di Fondazione, è il seguente: il collega Holk ha ammesso che l'analisi per cercare il significato nella prosa di Lord Dorwin è la più difficile che abbia mai fatta; ma alla fine, "dopo due giorni di lavoro, eliminando le vaghe affermazioni senza senso, i farfugliamenti, le osservazioni irrilevanti e tutta la fuffa diversiva, ha constatato che non rimaneva nulla. Tutto cancellato. Lord Dorwin, signori, in cinque giorni di discorsi non ha detto assolutamente niente."

Journal of Argumentation in Context
The paper provides evidence that linguistic strategies based on the implicit encoding of informat... more The paper provides evidence that linguistic strategies based on the implicit encoding of information are effective means of deceptive argumentation and manipulation, as they can ease the acceptance of doubtful arguments by distracting addressees’ attention and by encouraging shallow processing of doubtful contents. The persuasive and manipulative functions of these rhetorical strategies are observed in commercial and political propaganda. Linguistic implicit strategies are divided into two main categories: the implicit encoding of content, mainly represented by implicatures and vague expressions, and the implicit encoding of responsibility, mainly represented by presuppositions and topics. The paper also suggests that the amount of persuasive implicitness contained in texts can be measured. For this purpose, a measuring model is proposed and applied to some Italian political speeches. The possible social usefulness of this approach is showed by sketching the operation of a website i...
Conference Presentations by Giorgia Mannaioli
pragmatic views (Lombardi Vallauri 2016; Lombardi Vallauri & Masia, 2016, among others) have characterized presuppositions and implicatures, but also topicalizations, figurative language and semantic/syntactic vagueness as means for under-encoding meanings in a message. Research on corpus-based pragmatics (Lombardi Vallauri & Masia, 2014; Brocca et al. 2016) has sought to quantify the impact of the above-mentioned discourse phenomena on the processes by which addressees compute the meanings of utterances and texts. These quantitative approaches have proved
suitable for measuring and comparing the impact of implicit communication in texts belonging to different genres and targeted at different types of audiences, although political discourses epitomize a fertile ground for delving into both the functions and uses of implicit communicative strategies. Moreover, recent approaches in experimental pragmatics have shed light on the impact that different categories of implicit communication have on the human brain.
The workshop will tackle (but will not be limited to) the following topics:
- Manipulative and persuasive communication: boundaries and working definitions;
- Pragmatic strategies of implicit communication;
- Quantitative methods: measurement of implicit communication in persuasive texts;
- Processing implicit communication;
- Implicitness and attention diversion strategies;
- Developments and projects on theory-driven and empirical perspectives on implicit communication.
INVITED SPEAKER: Marina Sbisà (University of Trieste)
Proposals, not exceeding 1.000 words (references excluded) should be sent to the following email address: [email protected] by 20 February 2019.
Laura Baranzini, Doriana Cimmino, Federica Cominetti, Claudia Coppola, Davide Garassino, Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri, Giorgia Mannaioli, Viviana Masia, Alessandro Panunzi.
Papers by Giorgia Mannaioli
pragmatic views (Lombardi Vallauri 2016; Lombardi Vallauri & Masia, 2016, among others) have characterized presuppositions and implicatures, but also topicalizations, figurative language and semantic/syntactic vagueness as means for under-encoding meanings in a message. Research on corpus-based pragmatics (Lombardi Vallauri & Masia, 2014; Brocca et al. 2016) has sought to quantify the impact of the above-mentioned discourse phenomena on the processes by which addressees compute the meanings of utterances and texts. These quantitative approaches have proved
suitable for measuring and comparing the impact of implicit communication in texts belonging to different genres and targeted at different types of audiences, although political discourses epitomize a fertile ground for delving into both the functions and uses of implicit communicative strategies. Moreover, recent approaches in experimental pragmatics have shed light on the impact that different categories of implicit communication have on the human brain.
The workshop will tackle (but will not be limited to) the following topics:
- Manipulative and persuasive communication: boundaries and working definitions;
- Pragmatic strategies of implicit communication;
- Quantitative methods: measurement of implicit communication in persuasive texts;
- Processing implicit communication;
- Implicitness and attention diversion strategies;
- Developments and projects on theory-driven and empirical perspectives on implicit communication.
INVITED SPEAKER: Marina Sbisà (University of Trieste)
Proposals, not exceeding 1.000 words (references excluded) should be sent to the following email address: [email protected] by 20 February 2019.
Laura Baranzini, Doriana Cimmino, Federica Cominetti, Claudia Coppola, Davide Garassino, Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri, Giorgia Mannaioli, Viviana Masia, Alessandro Panunzi.