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Wörtlich übersetzt bedeutet Popularphilosophie (lat. philosophia popularis) eine dem Volk zugehörige oder dasselbe betreffende Philosophie, salopp gesagt: ein Denken fürs Volk. Mit dieser Übersetzung sind sämtliche Ambi-oder Polyvalenzen... more
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      German IdealismImmanuel KantClassical German PhilosophyPopular Philosophy
“Perhaps not all the stories that follow are true. They could, however, be true, and the Reader is invited to ponder this.” So begins this collection of dialogues, epistles, and imaginary documents illustrating the many philosophical... more
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      PhilosophyParadoxesCommon Sense PhilosophyFilosofía
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      AestheticsEthicsEpistemologyGerman Idealism
This is the original Italian edition of "Insurmountable Simplicities. Thirthy-nine Philosophical Conundrums" (2006). Other editions: French, 2005; Korean, 2005; Portuguese, 2005; Greek, 2006; Spanish, 2007; Chinese, 2007; Polish, 2008,... more
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      PhilosophyParadoxesFilosofíaPopular Philosophy
Published on Britannica.Com Humanities Web Site (May 2000); revised version in The Surre(gion)alist Manifesto & Other Writings (Baton Rouge: Exquisite Corpse Books, 2003).
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      Critical TheorySocial TheoryPhilosophyApplied Philosophy
We seem to hold two possibly inconsistent opinions: (a) that people like what they like (see Judge John Hodgman), and (b) there are aesthetic experts who can tell us what is actually good. Utilizing Hume's *Of the Standard of Taste* I... more
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      PhilosophyAestheticsCoffeeDavid Hume
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      Popular PhilosophyIntroduction to philosophy and logicAnalitycal Philosophy
A new collection of philosophical stories, dialogues, epistles, and imaginary documents illustrat-ing the many philosophical conundrums that hide in the wrinkles of everyday life. A follow-up to "Semplicità insormontabili" (2004).
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      PhilosophyParadoxesFilosofíaPhilosophical Dialogue
Appetites for Thought offers up a delectable intellectual challenge: can we better understand the concepts of philosophers from their culinary choices? Guiding us around the philosopher’s banquet table with erudition, wit, and... more
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      Anthropology of FoodOnfray, MichelPopular Philosophy
A series of twelve illustrated stories for children featuring same basic philosophical problems and topics such as existence, identity, perception, knowledge, truth, causation, time, colors, and more. The stories are intended for the... more
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      Philosophy with ChildrenPHILOSOPHY FOR CHILDRENPhilosophy for Children (P4C)Philosophy of education, dialogue in education,philosophy for children
Stiven Hoking je pre desetak godina proglasio „smrt filozofije”, dok Danijel Denet tvrdi da je filozofija postala „samodovoljna” disciplina eksluzivne zajednice koja se ne bavi „ozbiljnim problemima”. Filozofi, uglavnom u odbrambenoj... more
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      Popular CultureCultureCapitalismMass culture
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      PhilosophyFilosofíaPopular Philosophy
As the founding principle of the philosophical experience of cynicism, the debasement of Sinope’s currency by Diogenes and (or) his father placed Cynic philosophy under the sign of a new minting of customs and values, counterfeiting... more
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      EthicsStoicismPopular PhilosophyChristianism
In this paper, I examine Christian Garve's take on the epistemology of the particular and his subsequent empirical studies of a particular 'social milieu,' namely the peasants of Silesia. I argue that this predecessor of a case study (of... more
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      EmpiricismSocial SciencesCase Study ResearchEnlightenment
The hasty cultural criticism of the slightly elitist 'Philosophers' View' on life.
Keeping Up with the Kardashians; Harry Potter and philosophy, the economics of modern culture; anaconda in an academic light, Nicki Minaj
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyPop Culture and philosophyPopular Culture
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      Intellectual History of EnlightenmentJohann Gottlieb FichteImmanuel Kant18th-century German philosophy
I start with the outright assertion that one of the key struggles for philosophy in the 21 st century is the struggle for relevance. In our increasingly globalized capitalist and consumerist culture, the relevance of something is defined... more
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      PlatoSocial and Political PhilosophyPopular Philosophy
Preface à Jiri Benovski, Le puzzle philosophique , Ithaque 2008

heurs et malheurs de la philosophie médiatique
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      Pop Culture and philosophyContemporary French PhilosophyPopular Philosophy
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      PythagoreanismAncient Greek PhilosophyNeoplatonism and PythagoreanismPorphyry
The purpose of the research is to investigate the practices of philosophical communities in Russia within the concept of trading zones and the problem of public philosophy. Our main theoretical framework is the notion of the trading zone,... more
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      PhilosophyTrading Zones and Educational organizationsArt and PhilosophyPublic Philosophy
erfährt derzeit eine verstärkte editorische Auf-merksamkeit, so daß eine neue Generation an Interessierten sich mit sei-nem Werk auf solider Grundlage befassen kann. Nach drei substantiellen Bänden mit wichtigen Korrespondenzen, die im... more
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      Karl Jaspers20th-century German philosophyExistentialismJaspers
The paper starts a series of articles which are aimed to discover different dimensions of philosophy in the public space. The author analyses the Public turn which occurs in social and human sciences in the early 2000s and analyses its... more
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      Applied PhilosophyPractical PhilosophyScience PopularizationPhilosophy and popular culture
The Narratio Zosimi is a narration about Zosimus visiting the Blessed ones who are identified with the Reachabites. Jewish backgrounds are assumed - here is a different explanation of this text. I plan to write a commentary on this text... more
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      Indian PhilosophyHagiographyArmenian StudiesByzantine Literature
AUFSATZSAMMLUNG 18-1 Weltverwunderung : Nachdenken über Hauptwörter / Friedrich Dieckmann. -1. Aufl. -Berlin : Quintus-Verlag, 2017. -184 S. : Ill. ; 21 cm. -ISBN 978-3-947215-02-7 : EUR 18.00 [#5655] Als philosophisches Brevier wird der... more
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      Popular PhilosophyPhilosophical EssaysPopularphilosophie
a démocratie désigne un régime politique mais aussi un ensemble de valeurs et de principes organisant la vie en commun. Dans ce cadre, quelle place la réserve-t-elle à ceux que la communauté considère comme des personnes nuisibles ou... more
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      Pop Culture and philosophyPolitical TheoryPop CultureFantasy Literature
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      FilosofíaPopular PhilosophyFilosofia
EDITION 21-2 Ausgewählte Werke / Christian Garve. Hrsg. von Udo Roth und Gideon Stiening.-Berlin [u.a.] : De Gruyter.-24 cm.-(Werkprofile ; 15) [#7399] Bd. 1. Kleine Schriften.-2021.-XXIX, 414 S. : 1 Porträt.-ISBN 978-3-11-064592-7 : EUR... more
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      Intellectual History of Enlightenment18th-century German philosophyGerman EnlightenmentAufklärung
Popular article discussing the emergence, definitional issues, and politics of fake news.
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      Popular PhilosophyFake News
Feature in De Standaard Weekblad 24/02
Van de hand van Filip Rogiers
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      Philosophy of EmotionPridePopular Philosophy
"OK JAZZ LIVES!", a poster by Max Cafard and Rick O'Shea for Slavoj Zizek's talk on “Uses and Misuses of Violence.” Nunemaker Hall, Loyola University New Orleans, Nov. 17, 2013. So far, two people have responded with the correct meaning... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesSocial TheoryPhilosophy
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      PhilosophyBeer (Alcohol Studies)PuzzlesCraft beer
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      Public OpinionPhilosophy and popular cultureOpinion PublicaPopular Philosophy
D’une part les riches propriétés des citoyens romains étaient remplies des images se référant dans la majorité de cas au sens non philosophique. D’autre part les hommes bien formés s’entouraient des images remplies des allusions... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyRoman HistoryPresocratic PhilosophyIconography
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      Rhetorical AnalysisPhilosophy and popular culturePopular PhilosophyAlain De Botton
Essay by Isaac Bashevis Singer, first published in the Yiddish daily Forverts on January 4, 1947, as part of a popular series on philosophy written under one of Singer’s pseudonyms, Yitskhok Varshavsky, between 1946 and 1947.
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      Jewish American LiteratureYiddish LiteraturePhilosophyJewish Studies
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      William JamesEthics of BeliefPhilosophy and popular culturePopular Philosophy
A short article for the popular philosophy magazine Philosophy Now
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      PhilosophyPopular CultureMartin HeideggerPopular Culture and Philosophy
Handreichung zu jeder künftigen fremdenfeindlichen Aggression
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      Popular CultureRacismRepresentation of OthersPopular Philosophy
The treatise De mundo (On the Cosmos), dated around the 1st century BCE, offers a cosmology in the Peripatetic tradition which draws also on Platonic and Stoic thought and subordinates what happens in the cosmos to the might of an... more
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      Popular PhilosophyPseudo-Aristotle
Leonard Cohen offers a conception of romantic love from a distinctly philosophical, even mystical, perspective. Where love is concerned, "the dreamers ride against the men of action" (The Traitor) and female beauty is to be worshiped as a... more
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      Canadian StudiesMusicMusic HistoryPhilosophy