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The different lives of James Bond -narratives of globalization, estrangement and empowerment Cities and cinema are both urban phenomena and two hallmark bearers of the effects of modernity on civilizations across the world. As Giuliana... more
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      James BondEspionageCinematic citySpy Fiction
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      Classical MythologyJames BondIan Fleming
Ce seizième numéro hors série de Marginalia est consacré aux études sur Ian Fleming et James Bond, l'agent 007. Cette bibliographie internationale, partiellement commentée, se divise en deux parties. La première partie recense plus... more
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      James BondEspionageSpy FictionIan Fleming
Discuss the impact of fashion and branding on society as explored in contemporary texts. (Bret Easton Ellis, Ian Fleming, Chuck Palahniuk)
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      Slavoj ŽižekThomas PynchonRoland BarthesJacques Derrida
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      Graham GreeneIan FlemingJohn Le CarréLen Deighton
After working as a personal assistant during the Second World War to John Godfrey, the Director of Naval Intelligence of the Royal Navy, Ian Fleming designed James Bond as a prominent fictional British agent from the novel Casino Royale... more
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      Evolutionary PsychologyGender StudiesJames BondSeduction
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      Popular CultureFriedrich NietzscheThe Cold WarJames Bond
I try to show that seeing how James Bond finds a way to create a meaningful life can challenge our own assumptions about that notion.
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      Raymond GeussJames BondIan Fleming
This chapter not only examines why the James Bond franchise has so far fallen outside the jurisdiction of Adaptation Studies, it also offers a classification of the Bond films as adaptations. By discussing the franchise as a paradigm of... more
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      AdaptationFilm AdaptationAdaptation (Film Studies)James Bond
In seinem 24. Abenteuer «Spectre» zeigt sich James Bond wieder als brachialer Actionheld. Jeder Darsteller hat die Figur neu interpretiert und so Trends gesetzt.
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      Film StudiesJames BondIan Fleming
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      PsychoanalysisPhilosophy of TechnologyMedia StudiesLanguages and Linguistics
This chapter analyses the remediation of the James Bond character on television, leading to the first screen Bond in 1954 when CBS broadcast Casino Royale as a live TV drama. In 1956, Ian Fleming wrote a TV pilot, James Gunn – Secret... more
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      Popular CultureThe SixtiesCult televisionAdaptation (Literature)
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      Film StudiesFilm GenreJames BondEspionage
Este artículo trata de detectar los elementos argumentales que reflejan el contexto de la Guerra Fría a principios de la década de 1960 y la aparición de un nuevo foco de tensión internacional centrado en el área caribeña aparecidos en la... more
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      Cold WarCommunismCuban RevolutionJames Bond
Stieg Larsson's successful Millenium novels (2005, 2006, 2007) have become a major phenomenon in contemporary globalized culture by combining criminal inquiry with complex accounts of personal life and realism. In doing so they... more
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      Film StudiesFilm GenreJames BondEspionage
Il volume analizza l"immagine del turco nella traduzione italiana del celebre romanzo di Ian Fleming "From Russia, with Love" (1957) in relazione alla teoria polisistemica e all"immagine del turco nella letteratura italiana. Uno studio... more
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      Italian LiteratureLetteratura italianaEnglish and Italian literatureLetteratura Comparata, Teoria della letteratura
An essay about Ian Fleming's problematic discourse in James Bond series. Foucault's approach system is applied to this discourse.
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      British LiteratureDiscourse AnalysisEnglish LiteratureLiterature
This article is published online:
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      Intelligence and EspionageWorld War IISpecial Operations Executive (SOE)Ian Fleming
This blog is about the first James Bond on screen, in a one-hour TV drama, shot live in the USA in 1954. The version of "Casino Royale" was in a thriller series, "Climax!" on the CBS network and was an early example of colour TV. James... more
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      Media HistoryAdaptation (Literature)Adaptation (Film Studies)History of Broadcasting
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      Intelligence and EspionageJean BaudrillardEvelyn WaughRaymond Chandler
Herbert George Wells (1866-1946) was a writer with a university education specialized in biology. He had followed T. H. Huxley's teaching of comparative anatomy which defended Darwin's theory of evolution and therefore much of his writing... more
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      HistoryEvolutionary BiologyPaleoanthropologyPaleontology
Aging is not a phenomenon commonly associated with the James Bond franchise, which relies on the successful template of a relatively youthful hero: 007 seems to be permanently stuck at around 40 years of age and retains the agility of a... more
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      Gender and SexualityAgingAging & the life courseJames Bond
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      Film StudiesIntelligence and EspionageCinemaTennyson
Stieg Larsson's successful Millenium novels (2005, 2006, 2007) have become a major phenomenon in contemporary globalized culture by combining criminal inquiry with complex accounts of personal life and realism. In doing so they... more
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      Film StudiesFilm GenreJames BondEspionage
commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem auctorum)
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      James BondCocktailIan FlemingVodka
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtPaintingEngraving
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      Film StudiesHumorHumor StudiesJames Bond
ARMANDO ROTONDI IL 2014 che ci siamo lasciati alle spalle ha visto grandi anniversari per Napoli, dal trentennale della scomparsa di Eduardo De Filippo, vero monopolizzatore della cultura partenopea degli ultimi mesi con eventi,... more
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      English LiteratureItalian StudiesNaplesJames Bond
The Holiday Property Bond provides luxury accommodation in the UK and abroad. This essay follows a literary trail in Shropshire, Dorset and Cumbria and appears in the  August 2015 BOND Magazine.
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      English LiteratureWilliam WordsworthThomas HardyRobert Southey
Biographical fiction based on the life of Noor Inayat Khan: In 1943, a Sufi Muslim woman becomes a spy for Britain's Special Operations Executive and goes in search of her Jewish beloved through Occupied France.
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      Comparative ReligionGender StudiesWomen's StudiesFrench History
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      Film StudiesJames BondEspionageSpy Fiction