ISO 26000
Recent papers in ISO 26000
Corporate Volunteering (CV) is a phenomenon that emerged in the second half of the 20th century and began to grow and globalize at the beginning of the 21st century. Th ere seems to be a consensus that the recent growth of Corporate... more
La investigación aquí tratada corresponde a un estudio cualitativo aplicado a nivel empresarial en la capital del Caquetá para establecer una línea base de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE) a la luz de la norma ISO 26000, Guía... more
تتنوع المعايير الدولية و الوطنية الصادرة عن جهات التقييس الرسمية وغير الرسمية، كما تتنوع أيضا مؤشرات الأداء لمختلف أنواع المكتبات والتي تساعدها في قياس أدائها ومن ثم تقييمه، وتغطي المعايير الدولية مختلف جوانب المكتبات إنشائها واختيار... more
La responsabilité sociétale des organisations renferme deux réalités complémentaires. Pour la société, c'est l'adhésion de toute organisation à l'effort national de développement durable. Pour l'organisation, c'est l'expression de la... more
تعاني المكتبات العامة من بعض المشكلات تتعلق بكفاية عددها، وطرق وأماكن إنشاءها، وإدارتها وقياس نتائجها، لذا فإن المعايير العالمية التي تصدر عن جهات التقييس الدولية، تعد أساسا علميا راسخا للنهوض بالمكتبات العامة ؛ بما تحمله في طياتها من... more
BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1 Latar Belakang Prioritas utama dari badan pengatur adalah untuk menjamin keamanan masyarakat umum. Bioavailabilitas obat dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik dosis, bentuk dan sangat penting untuk memastikan kinerja yang... more
Il en résulte que la frontière aujourd'hui poreuse entre les outils de soft et de hard law est la source la plus prometteuse de co-production normative.
This study investigated seven core subjects of ISO 26000 to explore the way in which new product development (NPD) links corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy with product development planning. This study thoroughly discussed the... more
(Bobot pemenuhan Tanggung jawab sosial (SR) bagi institusi politik atau Political Social Responsibility (PSR) tidak dapat disamakan bobotnya dengan pemenuhan tanggung jawab sosial korporasi (CSR) karena bagi institusi politik pemenuhan... more
En la actualidad las organizaciones están bajo precisa observación de sus consumidores, que son rigurosos y buscan más allá de un buen producto o servicio. Las organizaciones se ven en la obligación de contribuir al desarrollo sostenible... more
The last three decades have seen an expansion of international standardization in the context of globalization. Not only is the number of standards produced proliferating, but standardization as such is expanding into new fields.... more
A cross-cultural communication process is a two-way street in which on-coming traffic is often governed by different rules. Without knowing and understanding the cultural driving code of the approaching traffic one might easily crash.... more
Corporate sustainability starts with a company’s value system and a principled approach to doing business. With support from the US Department of Labor and under the EducaFuturo Project managed by Partners' of the Americas, the... more
The ISO 26000 Guidance provides valuable conceptual and methodological guidelines for making corporate social action an effective tool through which organizations contribute to the solution of social problems within the communities they... more
Corporate Social Responsibility, which originated in Bowen's work (1953), is a multidimensional concept known for the plurality of definitions and approaches to which it refers. Generally defined as: "the voluntary integration by... more
Voluntary certifications, such as Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) in the forestry sector, are used to manage sustainable and socially responsible practices in firms. Even though the certifications are based on standards, it has been... more
Cette première annexe de l'historiographie du RRSE brosse un portrait général prenant la forme d'une synthèse des écrits qui d'abord présente les différentes définitions et notions clés véhiculées, puis retrace l'évolution historique du... more
Resumo: o artigo aborda ética e responsabilidade social para uma empresa mais humanizada. O objetivo foi investigar quais consequências são geradas nas práticas dos colaboradores ao adotar uma política organizacional permeada pela ética e... more
In recent years there has been a growing debate over the social responsibility of business organizations as a result of changes in economic, political and social conditions and pressure from interested parties and stakeholders. Business... more
Following a growing interest in corporate social responsibility, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) announced plans for development of the ISO 26000—guidance standard for social responsibility. Despite initial... more
Existe cierto consenso acerca de que el Voluntariado Corporativo (VC) ha evolucionado de una práctica filantrópica hacia una actividad de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE). Este consenso se apoya principalmente en el hecho de que,... more
This brief succinctly makes the argument about the business as usual approach that the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) has taken in the development of its ISO 26000 standard to address corporate social responsibility... more
La prolifération incessante des normes a conduit les fondateurs de l’ISEOR depuis 2002 d’entamer un vaste programme de recherches développées par un réseau international ouvert baptisé "Tétranormalisation" (Savall et Zardet, 2005). Si les... more
Decreasing the size of governments, this theory was emerged that they are not able to solve many social problems. Corporate Social responsibility partisans believe that large corporate are economic institution as well as social... more
A ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 26000 vem contribuindo com o desenvolvimento da responsabilidade social empresarial, porém ainda mantém a natureza genérica, característica das abordagens anteriores e a ausência de... more
(The weight of fulfilling of social responsibility (SR) for political institutions, or Political Social Responsibility (PSR), cannot be compared to the weight of fulfilling of corporate social responsibility (CSR). For political... more
Corporate social responsibility (banks) is one of the important banking system issues which one of its effects is preventing banking crimes. Implementation of social responsibility principles and disciplines is of high importance in... more
Marco Introductorio para discutir temas claves de contexto.
Situación actual de la RSE en Argentina.
ISO 26000.
Reporte de Sustentabilidad.
Análisis de un Reporte.
Situación actual de la RSE en Argentina.
ISO 26000.
Reporte de Sustentabilidad.
Análisis de un Reporte.
Este artículo versa acerca de las normas internacionales que rigen la responsabilidad social alrededor del mundo, vale indicar que la ISO 26000 y el GRI son consideradas como las fuentes más robustas para establecer guías de gestión... more
The social responsibility (SR) agenda is gaining its momentum in an increasing number of organizations and global supply chains. Following this market demand, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has initiated... more
Résumé: Les acteurs engagés dans le processus de construction d’une norme transnationale dans le domaine de la responsabilité des entreprises (RSE) effectuent différentes formes de travail institutionnel afin de mener leur projet à terme.... more
Most organizational behavior’s studies highlight the positive link between Corporate Social responsibility (CSR) perceptions, attitudes and employees’ behaviors within the organization. Thereby this qualitative research... more
El tema de la Responsabilidad Social Empresaria o Corporativa (RSE) no es nuevo. Ha habido bibliografía que se remonta a mediados de la década del ´50, pero que nunca traspasó el sentido netamente filantrópico. Desde los ´90 el sentido de... more