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Malaria is a potentially life-threatening disease transmitted through the bites of female anopheline mosquitos infected with protozoan parasites. Malaria remains one of the major causes of mortality by infectious disease: in 2015, there... more
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      MalariaSub-Saharan AfricaActIRS
The information retrieval system (IRS) now provides document search results with abundant results of documents (high recall) and low accuracy (low precision). The objective of designing IRS with Vector Space Model (VSM) Method is to... more
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      IRSVector Space ModelRecallPrecision
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      ReligionJournalismGlobalizationFBI domestic covert action programs, COINTELPRO
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      Remote SensingIRSIndian Remote Sensing SatellitesIRS and Its applications
Vedanta IAS academy, Best IAS coaching in Delhi for UPSC and Civil Services preparation Institute. One of the top IAS coaching in Delhi since 1997. The strategy and idea of Vedanta IAS Academy was made by Mr. SP Verma which held in 1997... more
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"The epidemiological and Geographical Information System (GIS) mapping of mosquito species in Nigeria intends to develop a comprehensive state of the art web based GIS database by integrating contemporary entomological field surveillance... more
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      EpidemiologyIRSIntegrated Vector ManagementGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
Balancing the autonomy of religious organizations against regulatory laws remains both a difficult and hotly contested issue. It is helpful to survey labor, property, tax, and education laws to illustrate the tensions between religion and... more
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      Tax LawProperty LawAutonomyLabor law
a b s t r a c t 11␤-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11␤-HSD1) catalyzes the intracellular regeneration of active cortisol from inert cortisone in key metabolic tissues, thus regulating ligand access to glucocorticoid receptors. There... more
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      Traditional MedicineEast AfricaCortisolPregnancy
Mobile data traffic is rapidly increasing with smartphones’ massive spread and multimedia-driven applications. To cope up with the data demand, operators will continue to deploy new small cells and update networks to advanced 4G LTE and... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsMultiuser Information Theory, Statistical Pattern Recognition, Image ProcessingIRSMultiuser Communication
Lakes are versatile ecosystems and they are under the threat of eutrophication and siltation. The physical characteristics of a lake provide some insight into the status of the lake. Satellite imagery analysis now plays a prominent role... more
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      IRSLakePhysical characteristics of a lake
Interactive Response System (IRS) is a technology which is used to transmit students' responses to teacher via computers, mobile devices or QR code cards. IRS can be used to make courses more interesting with gamification principles.... more
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      Questions and AnswersGamificationIRS
Keap1 knockdown increased body weight, adipose tissue mass, and hepatic steatosis after 24 weeks of high-fat diet feeding. Keap1 knockdown altered short-term glucose homeostasis after 24 weeks of high-fat diet feeding. Keap1 knockdown... more
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      BioinformaticsFree RadicalsLife SciencesInflammation
In order to communicate with the micro satellite FLYING LAPTOP, a ground station is being implemented at the Institute of Space Systems (IRS) of the University of Stuttgart. The satellite's TTC system operates in commercial S-Band using... more
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      IRSHam RadioWidebandSatellite Ground Station
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      DiscourseMalariaPublic HealthIRS
Water quality monitoring helps to assess the quality of water and to implement effective measures for the restoration and protection of our water bodies. Eutrophication is a serious problem to almost all the tropical lakes. This study is... more
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    • IRS
The resurgence in recent years of domestic and international finance crimes like money laundering is being addressed through the enactment of laws aimed at combatting such behavior. Heba Shams, The World Bank External Affairs Manager for... more
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      Money LaunderingIRSPATRIOT ACT
E se lhe dissessem que alguém facilitou a sua vida ao ensinar-lhe exatamente o que precisa de saber? E se, ainda por cima, lhe mostrassem que fazer o IRS pode ser tão fácil como respirar? Pois bem, foi isso mesmo que fizemos. Veja mais em... more
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      EconomiaIRSFinançasFinanças Pessoais
Shoreline represents the dynamic boundary that separates beaches from the continual impact of waves, winds, surge, and tides. This boundary evolves over timescales of hours (e.g., changing tides or wave conditions) to decades. The term... more
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In the past few decades there has been an increasing pressure of population all over the world, especially in India, resulting in the utilization of every available patch of available land from woodlands to badlands. The study area... more
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      GeographyGeomorphologyRemote SensingAgriculture
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      Tax LawInternational Tax LawTaxationTax reform
Insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) is a cytoplasmic scaffolding protein that is phosphorylated by insulin-like growth factor-I receptor and recruits downstream effectors. Recent evidence suggests that IRS-1 has a nuclear localization... more
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      CancerBreast CancerImmunohistochemistryTreatment Outcome
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      ZoologyDentistryBiomedical EngineeringCellular mechanotransduction
Politica fiscal-bugetară nu este doar acea componentă a mix-ului de politici economice prin care sunt asigurate resursele bugetare necesare furnizării bunurilor și serviciilor publice, ci și o pârghie importantă, dacă este proiectată și... more
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      TaxationFiscal policySocial InequalityRomania
Mashak Vs The IRS: What does #Progressive "Rule of Man" justice look like?... more
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      Criminal LawConstitutional LawCivil LawNatural Law
We determined the effects of maternal diet-induced obesity on offspring adipose tissue insulin signalling and miRNA expression in the aetiology of insulin resistance in later life. Although body composition and glucose tolerance of... more
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      Adipose tissuemiRNAIRSmicroRNAs
irs0132 + irs0134 are the appendixes to this motionThis is a motion in opposition to the IRS-Justice departments to dismiss the complaint. There were many factual errors because the IRS evidently failed to give the lawyer from the... more
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      IRSIRS and Its applications
Cystic fibrosis-related diabetes is to date the most frequent complication in cystic fibrosis (CF). The mechanisms underlying this condition are not well understood, and a possible role of insulin resistance is debated. We investigated... more
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      GeneticsSkeletal muscle biologyCystic FibrosisSignal Transduction
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      Oxidative StressBiological SciencesMiceIRS
We investigated the capacity of dietary ( À )-epicatechin (EC) to mitigate insulin resistance through the modulation of redox-regulated mechanisms in a rat model of metabolic syndrome. Adolescent rats were fed a regular chow diet without... more
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      Free RadicalsEndoplasmic Reticulum StressWestern blottingSignal Transduction
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      Organic ChemistryLawJurisprudenceConstitutional Law
Obesity is accompanied by a low-grade inflammation state, characterized by increased proinflammatory cytokines levels such as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) and interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β). In this regard, there exists a lack of... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsInflammationInsulin ResistanceIRS
This paper describes two approaches to short-range microwave imaging by means of ultra-wideband (UWB) technology. The first approach deals with synthetic aperture radar (SAR) that employs a transmit-receive antenna pair on mechanical... more
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      ImagingSynthetic Aperture RadarIRSAntenna Array
Balancing the autonomy of religious organizations against regulatory laws remains both a difficult and hotly contested issue. It is helpful to survey labor, property, tax, and education laws to illustrate the tensions between religion and... more
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      Tax LawProperty LawPolitical ScienceAutonomy
The digital images acquired by earth sensing space borne systems have acquired a unique place in signal processing domain. This domain presents highly complex challenges to image processing specialists to evolve efficient methods to... more
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      SensorPattern RecognitionCognitive BiasPattern languages
In Preslar v. Commissioner, the Tenth Circuit examined the “disputed debt” exception and concluded that the result was at odds with similar holdings from the Third Circuit. The Third and Tenth Circuits interpret the underlying logic of... more
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Keywords: PACAP Network inference Adenylate cyclase Gsk3b Sgk3 PI 3-kinase As an activator of adenylate cyclase, the neuropeptide Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase Activating Peptide (PACAP) impacts levels of cyclic AMP, a key second messenger... more
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      GeneticsAlgorithmsSignal TransductionBrain
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      Traditional MedicineMetabolic syndromeInsulin ResistanceAdipose tissue
Benzylamine is found in Moringa oleifera, a plant used to treat diabetes in traditional medicine. In mammals, benzylamine is metabolized by semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase (SSAO) to benzaldehyde and hydrogen peroxide. This latter... more
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      Traditional MedicineMetabolic syndromeInsulin ResistanceAdipose tissue
Objective: We have previously reported the combined effect of SNPs perturbing insulin signaling (ENPP1 K121Q, rs1044498; IRS1 G972R, rs1801278; TRIB3 Q84R, rs2295490) on insulin resistance (IR), type 2 diabetes (T2D) and cardiovascular... more
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      AtherosclerosisTreatment OutcomeMortalitySignal Transduction
Currently the digital images are used in various areas like medical, fashion, architecture, face recognition, finger print recognition and bio metrics. Recently the CBIR reduced the semantic gap between the low visual features and high... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceBack PropagationCBIRANN