Recent papers in Hyperlink
The World Wide Web has become one of our more important information sources, and commercial search engines are the major tools for locating information; however, it is not enough for a Web page to be indexed by the search engines - it... more
El mundo profesional y el académico se encuentran tradicionalmente en el marco del Congreso de Periodismo Digital de Huesca, una cita obligada para todos aquellos que quieren conocer, de primera mano, las principales novedades en este... more
Phishing is a criminal scheme to steal the user"s personal data and other credential information. It is a fraud that acquires victim"s confidential information such as password, bank account detail, credit card number, financial username... more
Große verteilte Informationssysteme wie das World Wide Web sind heute für die Kommunikation und den Informationsaustausch sowohl im privaten als auch im professionellen Bereich unverzichtbar. Sie werden von Personen mit... more
Author's right to authorize the communication to the public of his/her works including the making available to the public of his/her works and hyperlinking to author's works on the Internet. (Speech delivered in Greek in Athens WordPress... more
The scaling of microchip technologies has enabled large scale systems-on-chip (SoC). Network-on-chip (NoC) research addresses global communication in SoC, involving (i) a move from computation-centric to communication-centric design and... more
With the advent of the World Wide Web and the emergence of e-commerce applications and social networks, organizations across the Web generate a large amount of data day-by-day. The abundant unstructured or semi-structured information on... more
Ecommerce is developing into a fast-growing channel for new business, so a strong presence in this domain could prove essential to the success of numerous commercial organizations. However, there is little research examining ecommerce at... more
The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is spreading inside the classrooms at all educational levels. As this integration has extended to young learners (3 to 5 years), the authorities have recommended their use so... more
In this paper, basic relational database (DB) normalization algorithms are implemented efficiently as Mathematica modules. It was observed that, Mathematica provided a straightforward platform as opposed to previous ones, mainly Prolog... more
Web is the fundamental source for the generation of information or data in tremendous amount. However, each and individual site classify their own data but fetching the classified data from the multiple website is not possible. Clustering... more
Online community sites have replaced the traditional means of keeping a community informed via libraries and publishing. At present, online communities are islands that are not interlinked. We describe different types of online... more
The exponential growth of information available on the World Wide Web, and retrievable by search engines, has implied the necessity to develop efficient and effective methods for organizing relevant contents. In this field document... more
PENGEMBANGAN KOMPETENSI PROFESIONALISME GURU BERBASIS SISTEM NAVIGASI CAKAP I (SATU) LEMBAR Oleh : Akrim Maghfiroh, S.Pd KKG Ponorogo Jawa Timur 0003 Email: [email protected] ABSTRAK Best practice ini merupakan pengalaman... more
Abstract. The present work proposes a combined classifier of infant cry units that links in a single structure two focuses: a threshold-based classification and ANN-based classification. The threshold-based classifier considers 4 new... more
This essay presents a course about learning architecture based on both physical space and webinar interactive digital means. In this course, an interactive virtual online classroom for architects is described, named "Folie Numérique N5"... more
The proper use of iconic interfaces reduces system complexity and helps users interact with systems more easily. However, due to carelessness, inadequate research, and the web's relatively short history, the icons used on web sites often... more
ESBB is provisionally defined as a decentralized, pluri-centric international community of practice with the aim of investigating academic issues that relate to crossing borders such as international communicative competence or... more
et nolwenn trÉhondArt Les figures du Livre numérique « augmenté » au prisme d'une rhétorique de La réception « homothétique » ou « enrichi », sous format « ePub » ou « applicatif », à lire sur ordinateur, tablette, liseuse ou téléphone, à... more
colink retrieval constitutes (in this study) the pairing of academic Web pages. WCA may be called the sister technique of ACA, because it occupies a position within a subfield of bibliometrics, known as webometrics . Björneborn and... more
The HITS algorithm proposed by Kleinberg is one of the representative methods of scoring Web pages by using hyperlinks. In the days when the algorithm was proposed, most of the pages given high score by the algorithm were really related... more
In recent years, as information technologies have grown in sophistication and become more fully integrated into daily lifestyles, a general expectation has arisen that the internet has the potential to reconfigure social and political... more
Usability web site RESUMEN En los últimos diez años, se observa una creciente preocupación de la comunidad científica de Ingeniería de Software y otras comunidades relacionadas, en la evaluación de aplicaciones centradas en la Web, de... more
The cost of developing and deploying web applications is reduced by dynamically integrating other heterogeneous self-contained web services. However, the malfunctioning of such systems would cause severe losses. This paper presents a... more
A stigmergic hyperlink, or "stigh", is an object that looks and behaves like a regular HTML hyperlink, but runs at the server side. A system of stighs displays interesting emergent behaviors, of some complexity, but a stigh alone is very... more
The College of Mental Health Counselling calls upon the community to
“support mental health education accessible to everyone online.”
“support mental health education accessible to everyone online.”
The World Wide Web has become one of our more important information sources, and commercial search engines are the major tools for locating information; however, it is not enough for a Web page to be indexed by the search engines-it also... more
The need to understand authors' motivations for creating links between university web sites is addressed by a survey of a random collection of 414 such links from the ac.uk domain. A classification scheme was created and applied to this... more
Link analysis in various forms is now an established technique in many different subjects, reflecting the perceived importance of links and that of the web. A critical but very difficult issue is how to interpret the results of social... more
Traditional text-based document classifiers tend to perform poorly on the Web. Text in Web documents is usually noisy and often does not contain enough information to determine their topic. However, the Web provides a different source... more
The weight of the hypertext in the digital journalism: a comparative study 1
Abstract. The present work proposes a combined classifier of infant cry units that links in a single structure two focuses: a threshold-based classification and ANN-based classification. The threshold-based classifier considers 4 new... more
This research is part of the ongoing study to better understand web page ranking on the web. It looks at a web page as a graph structure or a web graph, and tries to classify different web graphs in the new coordinate space: (out-degree,... more
Resumen En los últimos diez años, se observa una creciente preocupación de la comunidad científica de Ingeniería de Software y otras comunidades relacionadas, en la evaluación de aplicaciones centradas en la Web, de modo que recientemente... more
Counts of links into the websites of Australasian universities were calculated from the output of a specially designed crawler that covered universities in the UK, Australia and New Zealand. These figures were compared to those from the... more
Google's PageRank is an influential algorithm that uses a model of Web use that is dominated by its link structure in order to rank pages by their estimated value to the Web community. This paper reports on the outcome of applying the... more
Focused crawler is an agent to index information according to specific topic. To traverse WWW, focused crawler makes a prediction of hyperlink's visiting priority in order to download relevant documents as maximum as possible and to... more
Web Impact Factors, the proposed web equivalent of Impact Factors for journals, can be calculated by using search engines. It has been found that the results are problematic because of the variable coverage of search engines as well as... more
This study examined why Websites were co-linked using Canadian university Websites as the test set. Pages that co-linked to these university Websites were located using Yahool. A random sample of 859 co-linking pages (the page that... more