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It is strictly a academic paper.My effort is to know the relevance of social theory on analyzing the current social issues in India with the help of Derrida’s ‘Theory of deconstruction’ and also the ‘Social Construction of Reality’ by... more
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      TerrorismHonour KillingRelevance of caste in contemporary indian societyHonour crimes
If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emerald for Authors service information about how to choose which publication to write for and submission guidelines are available for all. Please... more
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      Gender and SexualityFemale Genital MutilationHonour Based Violence
This paper explores the conceptualization of ‘honour’ killings in Canada’s increasingly diverse and multicultural society, demonstrating that these murders are best seen as falling within the broad spectrum of domestic violence, rather... more
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    • Honour Based Violence
This paper focuses on the hidden crimes of Honour and the challenges the UK police face when policing crimes of honour
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    • Honour Based Violence
This article examines how a vignette presented to participants during qualitative research interviews was successful in gathering information on the perceptions of 32 police officers and 14 civilians regarding "honor"-based crimes and... more
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      PoliceQualitative ResearchConstructivist Grounded TheoryVignettes
Police regularly deal with various forms of violence against women and girls, such as domestic violence, family violence, and intimate partner violence in police work.
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      Forced MarriageHonour Based Violence
Popular representations of Honour Based Violence (HBV) and honour killings construct this violence as an artefact of an uncivilised code of morality, unique to Islam. Here sharaf or izzat (honour) and shame are adhered to particular moral... more
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      Policing StudiesIslamophobiaHonour KillingHonour Based Violence
Police understandings of honour-based crimes (HBCs) and forced marriages (FMs) vary in terms of an individual officer's level of expertise, knowledge, and experience in handling such situations. This study applied constructivist grounded... more
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      Domestic ViolenceCross-cultural Issues in Domestic ViolencePolicingForced Marriage
This study examines Turkey's Law No. 6284, which was enacted pursuant to the Istanbul Convention's obligations for signatories to combat and prevent violence against women. The law aims to provide both protection and prevention measures... more
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      Domestic ViolenceViolence Against WomenIntersectionalityFeminist legal theory
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      Gender StudiesRace and EthnicityMuslims in EuropeGovermentality
Since 2015, in Canada, political discourse on “honour”-based violence has shifted away from highly problematic understandings of “culture” as the cause of violence among racialized, Muslim, and immigrant communities. Instead, talk of... more
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      CultureGender based violenceCanadaSouth Asians
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      Domestic ViolenceViolence Against WomenHong KongCrimes Against Women
W: Prawo jako narzędzie kształtowania społeczeństwa, red. I. Barwicka-Tylek, P. Eckhardt, J. Ptak, M. Wróbel, Kraków 2016, ISBN 978-83-63896-41-6.
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      Sociology of LawLegal PluralismPublic policiesHonour Killing
In Denmark as in the rest of Scandinavia the notion of honour violence is often used to designate violence which (some) ethnic minority women are being subjected to as an implied contrast to violence which ethnic majority women are... more
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      Gender StudiesPostcolonial StudiesNarrative AnalysisHonour Based Violence
Popular representations of hate crime are commonly framed by the notion of ‘stranger danger’, and while more contemporary research has identified the everyday nature of this victimisation (Iganski, 2008; Moran, 2007; Mason, 2005; Perry &... more
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      ViolenceHate CrimesFamily ViolenceHonour Based Violence
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      Gender StudiesBelgiumGender based violenceSexual and Gender-Based Violence
This is just an Essay plan and will be added to in relation to Honour Based Violence, Forced Marriage and FGM and the challenges the police face when policing honour crimes
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      Female Genital MutilationChild marriage preventionChild MarriageHonour crimes
Applied to institute a distinct category of violence, the testimonial format of battered migrant women who escape their families is a recurrent narrative pattern in public discourses on honor-based violence. Through interviews with women... more
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      Narrative AnalysisOrientalism and ReligionFramingMigrant Women
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      GenderGender based violenceGender-Based ViolenceHonour Related Violence
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      AutobiographiesHonour Based ViolenceMuslims in Denmark