Honour Based Violence
Recent papers in Honour Based Violence
Interactional justice is concerned with how far victims feel (i) respected by justice officials ('interpersonal justice') and (ii) informed about the progress of their case and the justice process overall ('informational justice') .... more
There is emerging evidence that Domestic Violence and Abuse (DVA) has the potential to pose a real threat to the Sikh community as it seeks to ensure that gender equality is embraced within its religious practice. Nevertheless, the... more
Niniejszy artykuł poświęcony jest kluczowym osobom w postępowaniu honorowym –sekundantom, którzy zwani byli również zastępcami honorowymi. Poprzez dokonanie analizy porównawczej kodeksów honorowych Włdysława Boziewicza Polskiego kodeksu... more
Turner for her secretarial assistance, Rachel Evans, Androula Freke, Linda Wilson and Joanne Sibthorpe, for their committed financial work on the project, Rapinder Virdi and Kirin Kang for transcribing support and the security and... more
Immigrant women are at a high risk of intimate partner violence (IPV) and experience many challenges to help-seeking. Currently, little is known about IPV service providers' perspectives for better supporting immigrant women within their... more
Background: This paper discusses Dutch general practitioners (GPs) responses to patients, mostly women of migrant background, with health issues related to so-called Harmful Traditional Practices (HTPs) and other troubling issues of... more
Violence, gender and culture – an ethnographic approach. This article explores how an ethnographic approach to the study of violence against women (VAW) can provide insight into a particular gender culture with particular gender logic(s).... more
Honour, Violence, Women and Islam, edited by Mohammad Mazher Idriss and Tahir Abbas, approaches honour-related violence (HRV) to women from sociolegal perspectives, with individual chapters written by lawyers, sociologists,... more
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to explore the perceptions of and barriers to reporting female genital mutilation (FGM) by victims and survivors of FGM to the police in England and Wales. Design/methodology/approach-The paper is... more
is at the University of Roehampton. 2 This includes how belief in the importance of 'honour' can appear to justify (even to the victim) the abuse perpetrated and/or tolerated by family members and the wider community. Victims of HBV are... more
Contextualizing Violence: Knowledge, gender and lines of connection in apreliminary investigation on “honour violence”I discuss some practical and theoretical problems related to the feminist proje ...
The brutal custom of honour killings is practised in various societies of the world, including Pakistan; thereupon, the underline objectives of such killings are explored in a famous Pakistani Newspaper, 'The Dawn'. Two (2) editorials... more
Since 2015, in Canada, political discourse on "honour"-based violence has shifted away from highly problematic understandings of "culture" as the cause of violence among racialized, Muslim, and immigrant communities. Instead, talk of... more
Purpose“Honour”-based violence (HBV), a form of gender-based violence (GBV), has received increasing interest from media, human rights organisations, academics and the public. A significant increase in the occurrence and reporting of HBV... more
Honor killing is a violent crime committed by one or more perpetrators, in which the crime’s intention is to restore honor to their family. In this narrative review, the authors investigate the epidemiology of honor killing in the Eastern... more
This paper takes up an ethically challenging position: it argues that it may be useful to explore how 'queering' heteronormative embodiment in public space may lead to certain types of policing practices. It argues that policing may... more
The current study has been conducted to explore demographics-based differences in assessing attitudes toward honor killing. The scale used to measure attitudes is a newly developed indigenous measure. The scale consists of two subscales... more
Chris Russill (CR): I wonder if you might situate your article and collaborations with respect to the #CommunicationSoWhite intervention more broadly. How are you inspired and motivated by it? How do you engage and situate yourselves with... more
The violence, scale, and power of anti-Muslim narratives circulated on the internet and elsewhere continue to have considerable impact on feminist antiviolence initiatives. I examine contemporary responses to “honour killings” with... more
The study reported here explored the relationship between symbolic violence and overt violence through the descriptions of hate incidents experienced in South Africa. Data were collected during a five-year longitudinal study conducted... more
In this article Maaike Meijer argues that not only the film One flew over the cuckoo’s nest (1975), but also its literary pretext and the history of its interpretation serve as valuable objects of analysis. Four distinct interpretations... more
Media groups across Europe have reported on what has been called a “gay genocide” and “antigay purge” in Chechnya; it is alleged that men, suspected of being gay, have been victimised by the authorities and been threatened with so called... more
The brutal ‘honour’ killing of Banaz Mahmod, aged 20, is still one of the most prominent murder cases of this kind in Britain. This was due partly to its complexity as well as the poor police response to Banaz’s pleas for help before her... more
This paper comes up with possible solutions to tackle the emerging global concern called honour killing. It has been rampant in many less developed countries and has become increasingly visible in the neo-clash of the modernity with the... more
Supplemental Material, Appendix for Using a Vignette in Qualitative Research to Explore Police Perspectives of a Sensitive Topic: "Honor"-Based Crimes and Forced Marriages by Wendy Aujla in International Journal of Qualitative... more
- by Wendy Aujla
Tujuan dari penulisan ini yaitu membahas novel Daughters of Shame karya Jasvinder Sanghera dengan menggunakan pendekatan feminisme melalui dua rumusan masalah. Rumusan masalah pertama dari penulisan ini akan membahas susunan kawin paksa... more
is at the University of Roehampton. 2 This includes how belief in the importance of 'honour' can appear to justify (even to the victim) the abuse perpetrated and/or tolerated by family members and the wider community. Victims of HBV are... more
Victims of honour-based violence/abuse (HBV/A), forced marriage (FM), and female genital mutilation (FGM) are now defined as 'priority groups' in the UK's Code of Practice for Victims of Crime (commonly known as the Victims' Code of... more
In Pakistan, crime against women is a notable daily issue. As explored by Mughal (2018), certain violent norms like honour killing are glamorized and desensitized in the name of culture and tradition, which can put lives at stake.... more
Internal workplace practices and policies in policing are based on a notion of fairness and equal opportunity. Yet police organizations are frequently criticized for discriminatory policing practices, unfair and biased workplace... more
To my supervisor, Andy Williams, who has guided and coached me through this amazing journey of self-discovery and realisation, that I can make a difference. My sincere thanks. The beers are on me. For my children, Sabrina, Andrew and... more
Women constitute about half of the population of Pakistan. The social status of women in Pakistan largely depends upon geographical location and the class from where she belongs to. Situation of Urban women is much better than rural... more
Reviewed by Sital Kalantry Women in the Crossfire, a book by philosopher Paul Churchill, is a significant contribution to efforts to understand honor killing. Too many works speak generally about gender-based violence. By focusing just on... more
Since 2015, in Canada, political discourse on “honour”-based violence has shifted away from highly problematic understandings of “culture” as the cause of violence among racialized, Muslim, and immigrant communities. Instead, talk of... more
Mastergradsoppgave i kulturvitenskapMAHF-KUVIKUVI35
Domestic violence (DV) victims face significant barriers to accessing healthcare. This is particularly concerning in cases of brain injury (BI), which is difficult to diagnose and risks severe long-term consequences for DV victims. Police... more
This paper examines the perceived and practical schism between deaf society and the police when the deaf attempt to obtain police services. The paper challenges current police culture and operating procedures, which tend to marginalize... more
Empirisk traekker artiklen på en undersøgelse af personlige perspektiver hos kvinder, der har henvendt sig til Rigshospitalets Center for Voldtaegtsofre. Kønnetheden ved personlige og almene samfundsmaessige aspekter af seksualiserede... more
Honour killings' are extreme acts of domestic violence culminating in the murder of a woman by her family or community. However only in relation to religious and ethnic communities is the concept of 'honour' invoked as motivation for... more
Honour killings' are extreme acts of domestic violence culminating in the murder of a woman by her family or community. However only in relation to religious and ethnic communities is the concept of 'honour' invoked as motivation for... more
Denne artikel bygger på forskellige kvinders fortællinger om sig selv og deres forestillinger om hverdagen og dens sammenhæng. Den refererer til afhandlingen På jagt efter klasse, i hvilken ærindet har været at studere klasse på... more
Life is unpredictable. No one knows the next minute of life. In such case, every human has the right and wish to live the life up to their willingness. No person shall be compelled to live a life for the benefit and name of others. Honour... more
- by Kavita Dhull
Een antropologie van kinderen wordt hier vanuit verschillende hoeken onder de aandacht gebracht. In het verleden werd wel meer antropologisch onderzoek bij kinderen gedaan, vooral dan in medische en psychologische antropologie. Deze... more
Although the police have been identified as a key service provider when responding to domestic violence and abuse (DVA), very few studies have investigated their response in relation to children. This review aims to examine children’s... more
Over the past two decades, Western immigrant-receiving countries have been confronted with honour killings and other forms of honour-related violence. To understand this violence, I first turn to its politicization: By reifying culture,... more