Family Violence
Recent papers in Family Violence
This research study examined the perceptions of parents, and victims of domestic violence, after receiving filial therapy. Specifically, parents were trained in a 10week filial therapy model, Child-Parent Relationship Training. At the... more
Children who are exposed to interparental violence are at risk for a host of adjustment problems, but little is known about the processes that explain why children from violent families develop different patterns of adjustment. In this... more
is a training and supervising psychoanalyst and faculty member of the Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis, Los Angeles. He has worked with victims and perpetrators of family, domestic, and sexual violence in Australia for four... more
The majority of research on the psychosocial impact of intimate partner violence (IPV) exposure for children has focused on IPV occurrence. The current study extended this research by examining three dimensions of IPV exposure: frequency,... more
Patterns of trauma exposure and symptoms were examined in a sample of 16,212 children in Illinois child welfare. Data were collected on trauma histories, child and caregiver needs and strengths, and analyzed in light of the proposed... more
It is now widely accepted that living with domestic abuse (DA) can significantly affect children, with the effects of DA continuing to be felt into adulthood. The common conceptualisation of children as passive 'witnesses' of DA and the... more
This study evaluated a positive parenting program to Brazilian mothers who used corporal punishment with their children. The intervention was conducted in four agencies serving vulnerable children, and at a home replica laboratory at the... more
The present 4-year follow-up study involves 56 mothers who were evaluated by social agencies as being abusive and neglectful or at high risk for child abuse and neglect. The aim of the study is to analyze the relationship between... more
This article examines the separate but sometimes overlapping foci of domestic violence (DV) and child protection services. When these sectors interact, the resulting tension becomes part of a complex dialectic and multiple opposing... more
This review paper seeks to explore some of the reasons why rehabilitation programs for male perpetrators of domestic violence appear to be less effective in reducing recidivism than programs for other offender groups. It is argued that... more
Literature suggests that early patterns of aggressive behavior in both girls and boys are predictive of later violent behavior, including violence that takes place within family contexts. Utilizing the Concordia Longitudinal Risk Project,... more
This study documents psychometrics of the Turkish version of Intimate Partner Violence Attitude Scale-Revised (IPVAS-R; Fincham et al. in Psychological Assessment, 20, 260-269, 2008). Dating college students (n=280) from four universities... more
Most research on physical abuse in relationships has been conducted from the perspective of the individual Data compiled on couples have been mostly aggregate in natare. The present stady examines physical violence at the level of the... more
Maternal reports of 60 preschool-aged children were used to investigate trauma responses to living in households where domestic violence was present. Posttrauma symptoms were measured using developmentally modified criteria based on the... more
Past and current memory for childhood sexual abuse reported by a clinical sample of 160 women survivors was assessed utilizing a structured clinical interview. Response alternatives for memory were ordered along a continuum. To minimize... more
Around the world, in high- and low-income countries alike, mental illness and high-risk behaviors contribute to profound suffering and loss at the level of the individual and the state. In the case of China as in other developing... more
Many women are abused by intimate partners, millions of children witness such acts, and many of these children are physically abused. Children who are exposed to violence often evidence difficulties, including violent behavior, as adults.... more
Findings from an exploratory study of 48 children sexually abused in daycare centers and daycare homes are presented. About two thirds were female and one third male. Approximately half of victims were maltreated by a single perpetrator... more
Responses of victims at a domestic violence advocacy center indicate that barriers exist to seeking help that are often overlooked by many mental health professionals. This descriptive study retrospectively examined 485 victim surveys... more
Family violence is a serious social problem across various communities in Aotearoa/New Zealand. This feminist ethnography centres the stories of diasporic South Asian young women living in Aotearoa, their experiences of migration,... more
Society's awareness of sibling incest and assault, and its response, has lagged behind other child abuse issues and concerns. In comparison with parent-child abuse, intersibling abuse is generally underreported by parents, teachers,... more
This study examines the effects of child abuse and domestic violence exposure in childhood on adolescent internalizing and externalizing behaviors. Data for this analysis are from the Lehigh Longitudinal Study, a prospective study of 457... more
Stalking involves repeated unwanted communication, harassment, and intrusive behaviour. This brief report draws on a service evaluation undertaken immediately prior to and during the 2020 COVID-19 crisis. The pandemic creates a paradox... more
The relationship between the dissociative and somatic symptoms in a clinical sample of 216 women and 35 men survivors of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) was examined. Symptom patterns were measured by the Dissociative Experiences Scale, the... more
Few signifiers of the persistence of gender inequality are more potent than the evidence across many centuries of men beating their domestic partners. Yet the historicization of family conflict demands that we interrogate the specific and... more
Violence against women is one of the world’s greatest public health problems and one of Latin America’s major development challenges. Intrafamily violence is widespread in the region, affecting between 14 and 38 percent of all women... more
As female faculty teaching classes on sensitive topics (e.g., Family Violence, Women and Crime, Victimology), we have received numerous disclosures of sexual assault and intimate partner violence (IPV) victimization from our students both... more
The extended family as a potential cause of and protection against intimate partner violence (IPV) remains relatively unstudied. This mixed-methods study used focus group discussions (FGDs) and a clinic-based survey to investigate several... more
Women's rates of incarceration have increased notably in the past two decades. Concurrently, research with female offenders has identified a high incidence of experiences of childhood sexual abuse (CSA), a potential risk factor for... more
Thirty three currently battered women who sought counseling/support services from a Nassau County, New York community agency that provides services to victims of domestic violence participated. Eighty-nine percent of the women experienced... more
Child sexual abuse material (CSAM) is widely available online. Existing research indicates that the parents and parental figures of victims are notably represented in offender populations. However, there is limited research in this area.... more
Two major social science perspectives on wife abuse have emerged in the last decade. One is a family violence perspective; the other is a feminist perspective. The purpose of this article is to compare the basic premises, methodology, and... more
An analysis of the National Survey of Violence Against Women (2006) in Mexico was performed to estimate the prevalence and the associated factors of women suffering intimate partner violence (IPV) that report their aggressor by severity... more
This study compared two groups of child pornography offenders participating in a voluntary treatment program: men whose known sexual offense history at the time of judicial sentencing involved the possession, receipt, or distribution of... more
L’article est une restitution problématisée d’un terrain de recherche mené en Italie dans un centre anti-violence accueillant des femmes victimes de violences conjugales. L’étude s’inscrit dans une approche sémio-pragmatique, enrichie par... more
This study adds to the available literature on female-perpetrated intimate abuse by examining Dutton's (2007) theory of the "abusive personality" (AP) in a sample of 914 women who had been involved in dating relationships. Consistent with... more
Although support groups for battered women are a widely used intervention, little research on their efficacy has been conducted. The current paper presents a rationale for support groups as the intervention of choice for assaulted women... more
There has been much research on the effects of domestic violence on women; however, little research has focused on possible differences in reactions to domestic violence between Latina and non-Latina women. Comparable samples of Latina... more