Recent papers in Histria
Autor kritički analizira novu talijansku historiografiju o takozvanoj "Confine orientale", ili bivšima Veneziji Giuliji/Julijskoj Krajini i Österreichische Küstenland. Ovo Sjeverno-jadransko područje koje nema zajedničko ime u tri... more
An essential component of the archaeological research is the study of landscape. The systematic study of it began to take shape in the 70s of last century, when it was launched the concept of "landscape archeology". Behind this is... more
A word-by-word explanation of the translation of the so-called creation hymn of Rigveda. The translation is very different from traditional ones. As I demonstrate, the hymn has been completely misunderstood by previous translators. The... more
In the Coin Room Collection of the National History Museum of Romania the collection of a well-known Greek and Byzantine numismatics aficionado, Ion Donoiu is kept. In this study, there are presented a number of 31 Greek coins from his... more
Naus avans la chance d'avair aujourd'hui plusieurs recherches sur Ies beaux fragments du temple de Theos Megas. C'est d'abard Gabriella Bardenache, qui, en presentant en callaboratian avec D.M. Pippidi, un premier apen;:u sur cette... more
In his text on some characteristics of the Histrian onomastics (Histria Historica, 4/2, Pula 198: 67-74; reprinted in: Iliri i antički svijet, Split 1989, 729-735) Professor Duje Rendić Miočević had (again) reopened the question of the... more
Les manuscrits et les périodiques proposés en échange, ainsi que toute correspondance seront adressés à la Rédaction : Institut d'Archéologie « V.
A fresh and original translation from Sanskrit of the dashrajnya hymn (hymn 7.18 of Rig Veda) describing this defining battle between Aryan king Sudas and his Aryan as well as non-Aryan foes. The decisive battle led to the uprooting of... more
Prefața memoriilor lui Petre Alexandrescu, ”Continentul scufundat” - o istorie sui generis a șantierului Histria și a breslei arheologilor din România.
SER IA III 11 tu muli https://biblioteca-digitala.ro '.\u apar \inc acel uiaşi cen tr u de prod Ul' \ i c ca exl' mplarde de la :\larsilia şi I lislria (Lambrino), a căror provcnicn\< i comu nă "ioniani" t" csll' asigurat: 1 ele... more
~0 Doina Galbenu, Aşezarea neolitică de la Hirşova, SCIV, XIII, p. 2fl5-30G. 21 Ibidem.
The foundation of Histria raised important issues over time which brought under discussion on one hand the space of the archaic city and on the other hand its chronology. We started from the archaeological and geomorphological situations... more
This project refers to the 2020 EU strategy on "sustainable growth", on the AXIS 3-Environmental and cultural heritage, with Priority 6c-Conservation, protection, promotion and development of natural and cultural heritage and specific... more
Najstariji podaci o stanovnicima sjevernog dijela istočne ja dranske obale nalaze se u sačuvanim ulomcima Hekatejevim. Na području od Istre do srednje Dalmacije Hekatej spominje Histre, Kaulike, Japigiju, Mentore, Liburne, Siope i... more
Tehnoredactare / Computer graphics: Camelia KAIM Consultanţi limbi străine / Language editors: Albane BURENS (limba franceză / French), Ioana MUREŞAN, Lucian-Mircea MUREŞAN, Alexandra ŢÂRLEA (limba engleză / English), Laura DIETRICH... more
In this paper I discuss two gold pendants, from the Late Antique or Early Medieval Period, which are somewhat unique finds for Slovenian territory. The first pendant is from the Late Antique site of Kranj-Lajh (Carnium); it is... more
Tehnoredactare / Computer graphics: Camelia KAIM Consultanţi limbi străine / Language editors: Albane BURENS (limba franceză / French), Ioana MUREŞAN, Lucian-Mircea MUREŞAN, Alexandra Clara ŢÂRLEA (limba engleză / English), Laura DIETRICH... more
Following the death of the emperor Justinian I and the breakup of the ancient province of Venetia et Histria the provincial society experienced dramatic social and political change. They found themselves guarding the frontier, surrounded... more
This paper focuses on the Late Roman lamps discovered in the excavation undertaken by the University of Bucharest on the Acropola Centru-Sud Sector at Histria (ancient Istros), Romania in 2014.
This hymn pertains to the river crossing event of the Rigveda. A massive and continuous flood stopped the Bharatas in their tracks. Their guide Vishwamitra then organised a sacrifice and composed this hymn to mollify the rivers' fury.... more
Restauri Restavriranje Restoration Opera Est-conservazione e restauro sas Traduzioni Prevod besedil Translations Marina Baralle (English) Dana Čandek (slovenščina) Sito internet Spletna mesto Website www.oltreaquileia.it Un particolare... more
In 1887, the founder of the Romanian school of epigraphy, G. Tocilescu introduced in scientific use a proxeny decree for architect Epicrates, son of Nicoboulos from Byzantium. The slab of marble embedded in the floor tiles of the big... more
an short and historical view of istrioto language in the rovignese variant with a little section of linguistic example in rovignese with italian translation
The Elephant is an animal found only in India and Africa. If this animal were to be mentioned in the Rigveda, it would be a clear proof that the Events described in the Rigveda took place in India. However, this translation shows that the... more
U okviru mirovnih pregovora između Mletačke Republike i Kuće Austrije, 1535. godine, donesen je Tridentski pravorijek. U ovom je radu predstavljen prijepis i prijevod rukopisa, čuvanog u Venecijanskom arhivu, koji sadrži tekst Tridentskog... more