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Son muchos los fondos documentales relativos a la Historia de la Ciencia, en general y en particular a la Historia de la Medicina y la Farmacia, que se encuentran inéditos en Archivos españoles. La Cátedra de Historia de la Farmacia y... more
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      History of MedicineHistory of ScienceArchivesMedicinal Plants
Historia de la Farmacia: apunte bibliográfico.
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      Pharmacopoeia HistoryWorld History of PharmacyThe History of Ancient and Medieval Pharmacy/materia MedicaPharmaceutical History
The Cultural Histories Series: also available online A Cultural History of Plants is part of The Cultural Histories Series. Libraries have the choice of printed sets, with the convenience of a one-off purchase and tangible reference for... more
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      ClassicsHistory of MedicineHistory of the BookHistory of Science
We invite you to submit high quality of research papers in all areas of Life Sciences for the publication in & Trends in Biosciences & Advances in Life Sciences”. Dr. S. S. Ali, Editor – in- Chief , Trends in Biosciences Journal... more
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      BotanySystematics (Taxonomy)ZoologyPlant Ecology
2 Roundtables on the Renaissance studies now - @ IU Bloomington visit - I will present a paper on teaching history of Renaissance medicine in the botanical garden and on the role of a philosophy of vegetation in... more
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissanceIntellectual History of the RenaissanceMedieval and Renaissance Studies
Ellen Widder: Vom antiken Wissen zur modernen Wissenschaft. Wissenschaftshistorische Aspekte der Fuchs’schen Pflanzendarstellungen, in: Leonhard Fuchs (1501-1566) - Mediziner und Botaniker, hg. v. Gerd Brinkhus und Claudine Pachnicke,... more
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      Cultural HistoryBotanyPharmacyMedieval History
Una de las líneas de trabajo que sigue la Cátedra de Historia de la Farmacia y Legislación farmacéutica, de la Facultad de Farmacia de Granada, consiste en la confección de Catálogos de documentos de interés histórico-farmacéutico... more
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      History of MedicineHistory of ScienceArchivesEthnobotany in South America
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      History of BotanyHistory of Botany, Pharmacy and MedicineHistory of scientific expeditions
La publication par l’éditeur parisien Antoine Vérard d’un Ortus sanitatis translaté de latin en françois vers 1501 , peu de temps après celle de l’original latin , peut être regardée comme une date importante dans l’histoire de la... more
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      Women's StudiesWomen's HistoryHistory of MedicineWomen's Health
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      ClassicsLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesMedieval HistoryHistory of Medicine
authors: Danuta Raj, K. Pękakca-Falkowska, Jakub Węglorz, Maciej Włodarczyk Theriac is considered the most popular cure-all multi-ingredient medicine and has been used for more than two millennia. It has also been used as one of the most... more
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      History of MedicineTraditional MedicineHistory of Plague17th century Europe
Con el reinado de Carlos III se inicia en España un fértil período de promoción y desarrollo de las ciencias utilitarias, bien reflejado en las exploraciones botánicas al Nuevo Mundo acometidas durante el último tercio del siglo XVIII.... more
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      History of BotanyHistory of Botany, Pharmacy and MedicineHistory of scientific expeditions
Amongst the many narrative strategies in the recent " global turn " in the history of science, one commonly finds attempts to complement the single European story by multiplying histories of knowledge-making in as many different regional... more
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      Early Modern HistoryPostcolonial StudiesHistoriographyHistory of Science
For the first time in the history of the edition of Kaempfer's writings, this volume offers the important neo-Latin text with the translation by the classical philologist Dr. Karl August Neuhausen. The Japanologist and medical historian... more
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      Early Modern JapanHistory of BotanyEarly Modern TravellersHistory of Botany, Pharmacy and Medicine
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      History of BotanyHistory of Botany, Pharmacy and MedicineHistory of scientific expeditions
Travelers from Middle Europe had started journeys to know about Ottoman Civilization from 16th century. Within their journey, these nature enthusiast travelers identifi ed, named and registered the plants and the animals in their... more
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      BotanyHistory of Science16th Century Counterpoint16the century Mediterranean
Este artículo presenta los avances de investigación del proyecto postdoctoral “Artefactos, saberes y prácticas científico-educativas: el caso de la enseñanza de la farmacobotánica argentina (1900-1940)” iniciado en el ámbito de la Cátedra... more
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      Museum StudiesHistory of ScienceSCIENCE TEACHINGHistory of Botany, Pharmacy and Medicine
A new approach to Botany in the Arabic World
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesTranslation StudiesHistory of MedicineHistory of the Book
A 16 week (4-hour) Honors elective capstone course for health profession majors at the senior level (BSN, pre-medicine, pre-pharmacy, public health, nutrition and dietetics, food science and culinary arts programs). The design to uniquely... more
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      EthnobotanyPhytochemistryMedical EducationPhytotoxicology
Texto de divulgación en un catálogo de la exposición "Herbarios imaginados"
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      History of MedicineThe History of Ancient and Medieval Pharmacy/materia MedicaHistory of BotanyHistory of Botany, Pharmacy and Medicine
El Catálogo lo forman 1.231 fichas que abarcan una documentación que se extiende de mediados el siglo XV a los primeros años del siglo XIX. Siendo su parte más interesante la relativa al reinado de los Reyes Católicos. Se completa el... more
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      History of MedicineHistory of ScienceArchivesMedicinal Plants
Very little has been written on the unique historical medical heritage of the National Palace of Mafra in Portugal, which celebrated its new status as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2019. This book brings together a set of innovative... more
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    • History of Botany, Pharmacy and Medicine
El comercio de drogas americanas en el siglo XVIII y el aprovisionamiento de la Real Botica En el tema del aprovisionamiento de drogas, de origen americano y filipino, a la Real Botica, han confluido dos de las líneas principales de... more
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      History of MedicineHistory of Latin AmericaMedicinal PlantsHistory of Colonial Mexico
"Botanical books in Robert Areskine's library: the catalogue of extant specimens". A chapter from the collective monograph dedicated to Areskine's herbarium. Download full monograph here:... more
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      History of BotanyHistory of Botany, Pharmacy and MedicinePersonal librariesRobert Areskine
The importance of exotic plants in European botany of the 18th-century concerned not only the species of edible plants but also the abundant vegetal species used for therapeutic purposes. Italian pharmacies also made sure to have... more
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      History of MedicineExotic SpeciesMedicinal PlantsHistory of Pharmacology
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      History of BotanyFacsimilesHistory of Botany, Pharmacy and MedicineHistory of scientific expeditions
The objective of the study was to investigate the alpha glucosidase and Dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) inhibitory activity of aqueous extract of Desmodium gangeticum (D. gangeticum). α-d- Glucosidase from Saccharomyces... more
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      PharmacyPharmacy PracticePharmacy InformaticsPharmacy Ethics
This study had been initiated to investigate the modulatory role of Ashwagandha root extract against gamma radiation-induced nephrotoxicity and cardiotoxicity in male albino rats. Administration of Ashwagandha (100 mg/kg) for 7 days... more
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      PharmacyPharmacy PracticePharmacy InformaticsCommunity Pharmacy
Il Liber de simplicium medicinarum virtutibus è un trattato di farmacopea medievale composto nel XII sec. nel milieu della Scuola Medica Salernitana. Il Glossario che qui si propone scaturisce da uno dei tre volgarizzamenti romanzi noti,... more
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      LexicologyRomance philologyLexicographyMedieval Latin and Italian Vulgar Tongue
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      AssyriologyAncient Near EastSumerianAkkadian
"Life and heritage of Robert Areskine". A chapter from the collective monograph dedicated to Areskine's herbarium. Download full monograph here:
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      HerbariumHistory of BotanyKunstkamera of Peter the GreatHistory of Botany, Pharmacy and Medicine
Iniciamos hoy la remomerac10n dé una serie de hombres, cuya profesión era la Medicina, pero tan enormemente apa sionados a la botánica, que todo su tiempo disponible lo des tinaron a investigar los efectos potenciales que determinadas... more
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      History of MedicineHistory of PharmacologyEspañaPlantas Medicinales
A partir do período das grandes navegações, podemos observar um fenômeno que teve como uma de suas características marcantes, a disseminação do cultivo, comercialização e uso de uma série de plantas. Apesar de atualmente haver um... more
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      History of ScienceHistory of the Portuguese EmpireHistory of Botany, Pharmacy and Medicine
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      Complementary and Alternative MedicineSocial and Cultural History of MedicineThe History of Ancient and Medieval Pharmacy/materia MedicaHistory of Botany, Pharmacy and Medicine
Lecture by Florike Egmond, University of Leiden, "The Hortus Malabaricus Images in the Context of a European Visual Tradition", organised by Minakshi Menon, MPIWG, 28th July, 2020
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      History of Natural HistoryVisual CultureHistory of ScienceColonialism
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      History of BotanyHistory of Botany, Pharmacy and MedicineHistory of scientific expeditions
The expansion of the utilitarian science and the accession of the Bourbons to the throne had a great impact on the Spain of the Enlightment Era. While most of the actions undertaken across the Pyrenees, were in imitation of the French... more
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      History of BotanyHistory of Botany, Pharmacy and MedicineHistory of scientific expeditions
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      History of BotanyHistory of Botany, Pharmacy and MedicineHistory of scientific expeditions
en Lucero Morelos y Rodrigo Vega y Ortega (coord.), Estudios históricos sobre la cultura mexicana en los siglos XIX y XX, México, Historiadores de las Ciencias y las Humanidades, A. C., 2014, pp. 17-44. ISBN: 978-607-9236-02-1. [Dictamen... more
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      History of MedicineHistory of civil engineeringHistory of MiningSocial History of Medicine
The violet (Viola odorata) is cited in several herbals and many recipe books as a particularly sweet scented, fragrant flower. Herbals, such as Culpeper"s, describe the violet as a "cold and moist" plant, with many medicinal qualities. It... more
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      ShakespeareHistorical PhenomenologySensory StudiesBaking
The history of the introduction of exotic therapeutic drugs in early modern Europe is usually rife with legend and obscurity and Peruvian bark is a case in point. The famous antimalarial drug entered the European medical market around... more
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      History of ScienceHistory of Botany, Pharmacy and MedicineCirculation of Knowledge in the Early Modern Period
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      History of Botany, Pharmacy and MedicineHistory of scientific expeditions
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      History of ScienceHistory of Botany, Pharmacy and MedicineHistory of scientific expeditions
A partir do século XV, observa-se, em escala global, a disseminação do cultivo, da comercialização e do uso de muitos vegetais. Apesar de a historiografia dispor de um razoável volume de estudos publicados sobre as especiarias do Oriente,... more
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      History of ScienceHistory of the Portuguese EmpireHistory of Botany, Pharmacy and Medicine
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      Ancient HistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyHistory of MedicineHistory of Science
This presentation aims at investigating the analogy between plants and animals in the medical tradition. The talk is divided into two parts. In the first section, we provide a specific focus on Galen’s medicine and the role he attributes... more
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      History of MedicineGalenHistory of Medicine and the BodyHistory of Medicine in Medieval and Early Modern Europe
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      PharmacyWorld History of PharmacyThe History of Ancient and Medieval Pharmacy/materia MedicaHistory of Botany, Pharmacy and Medicine
Bei dem kilikischen Heilbuch für Pferde handelt es sich um die armenische Handschrift „Heilbuch für Pferde und gemeine Lasttiere“ [Bžškaran jioy ew aṙhasarak grastnoy, MS 10975] aus dem Spätmittelalter (1295-1298). Dieses Pferdearzneibuch... more
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      Veterinary MedicineEtymologyThe History of Ancient and Medieval Pharmacy/materia MedicaIndoeuropean Linguistics
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      History of MedicineHistory of Medicine and the BodyRoman MedicineGreek, Roman, and Byzantine Medicine
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyEarly Modern HistoryHistory of MedicineRenaissance Studies