Hellenistic Poetry
Recent papers in Hellenistic Poetry
This was a paper given at the 2015 Duke/UNC Chapel Hill Graduate Colloquium. It discusses the use of the word 'ogygios' within the Alexandrian corpus as a means of collapsing the geography of Boeotian Thebes with Egyptian Thebes.
A revised version of this paper is forthcoming as Nelson, T.J. (ca. 2024) 'Attic Tradition and Tragic Allusion in the Ithyphallic Hymn for Demetrius Poliorcetes', Classical Antiquity
Du beweinst, du liebst ihn, liebe Seele, Rettest sein Gedächtnis von der Schmach; Sieh, dir winkt sein Geist aus seiner Höhle: Sei ein Mann, und folge mir nicht nach. (J.W. Goethe) 1
"Abstract: Of all the lost Foundation Poems attributed to Apollonius Rhodius, active at the court of Ptolemy II, the Ktisis of Alexandria must have been the most important for his contemporaries, and surely is the most intriguing for... more
Il lavoro discute un verso di Properzio in cui nelle edizioni recenti un emendamento di Heinsius (montibus) si è progressivamente affermato a danno della lezione unica della tradizione manoscritta (fontibus). Oltre a mettere in dubbio le... more
An "Alexandrian" encomiastic epigram in honor of Augustus (Supplementum Hellenisticum 982), "Aevum Antiquum" 11 (1998), 255-344 Contents: 1) Papyrological evidence. Hypothesis on the period and on the circumstances of the composition... more
an interpretation of some passages of Callimachus' Hymn to Demeter.
Harder This paper offers bi-directional readings of the intertextual allusions between Apol-lonius' Argonautica and Callimachus' Argonautic stories in the Aetia. It argues that the allusions represent direct confrontations between... more
Success in war over rival kings or barbarian invaders was one of the marks of legitimation for the Hellenistic rulers. Depictions of, or allusions to, war are quite rare in the surviving Hellenistic court poetry; however, we can have a... more
Very extended version of the paper presented at the conference "Alexander's Legacy", including a commentary of all the texts which could not be included in the shorter book version (here:... more
This paper can be downloaded for free - Articolo liberamente scaricabile This paper compares a number of epigrams from the Garland of Philip and their likely models in the Garland of Meleager. By such a comparison, this work aims to... more
OT'ixao 8 oio.tváv géy' ŭrcEipoxov étyyEXto5T11v acitv TEpacov* ĉt T' šl.t0i01 gaotg Év8élta tpaívotç. 70 ETX,Eo 8' aiçtVáv 8 Tt qtépTaTov • oŭ aŭ yE viáiv ŠgrcEpagoug, oŭ x Itv8pa aatcéartall.ov, oú gÉv étotSóv" ĉtI.X.ét Tá gtv... more
πάντα γυναῖκες ἴσαντι, καὶ ὡς Ζεὺς ἀγάγεθ᾽ Ἥραν (Théocr.15.64) en hommage à ma mère, Éva Il est bien connu que le monde des femmes occupe une place centrale dans la production poétique hellénistique. Suivant l'exemple d'Euripide qui... more
Chapter 10 studies Hellenistic and Roman military epitaphs, and addresses a number of interconnected issues: the unpopularity of epitaphs for individual soldiers in the Greek Anthology; the near absence of inscribed epitaphs in literary... more
These are the academic papers written by Magda El-Nowieemy, (Alexandria University) in both Arabic and English, published in Egypt and outside.
At the time the Argonautika was composed, the ubiquitous image of the good Hellenistic king was Heracles. Thus, it seems odd that Apollonius would portray his Jason, the leader of the Argonauts, as not only explicitly weaker than... more
This is a meticulous survey of the reception of some lyric subgenres in Hellenistic poetry and it is meant to be the first of a series of contributions on the subject. Leaving aside lyric in a religious context, the paper is divided into... more
Harry Tzalas' Farewell to Alexandria and the Alexandrian Mime in Antiquity: The Metaphorical Language of Cultural Identity. The aim of my paper is to investigate the metaphorical language of cultural identity used in both Farewell to... more
Although there is no explicit evidence of queen patronage in the first generations of Ptolemies, the frequent dedication of encomiastic poems to queens (especially Arsinoe II, Berenice II) by Alexandrian learned poets suggests an... more
In this article, I compare the astronomical poem by Aratus called Phaenomena (third century bc) with the citations of a work of the same name by Eudoxus that are found in Hipparchus’ only extant work, In Arati et Eudoxi phaenomena (second... more
This paper focuses on the analysis of the Lycophronean references in two passages from the section of the Dionysiaca narrating Dionysus’ youth, i.e. IX 200-205 and XI 171-174. Nonnus draws from Lycophron a word (in the first case) and an... more
In the Argonautica of Apollonius of Rhodes, women have a special importance, presenting themselves in complementarity with the male gender. In this study we analyse the political behaviour of two female characters, Hypsipyle, on the... more
This essay follows the previous book "Traduções Portuguesas de Teócritos", gathering and presenting some Theocritus' Portuguese translations not included in the volume.
I contributi pubblicati in questo volume sono liberamente disponibili su https://www.openstarts.units.it/handle/10077/30680 Gli articoli pubblicati sono sottoposti a valutazione di referee interni ed esterni. Registrazione del Tribunale... more
Als „Erfinder“ der Hirtendichtung ging der hellenistische Dichter Theokrit in die Literaturgeschichte ein und prägte damit für Jahrhunderte das Gattungsspektrum der europäischen Literatur. Die Autorinnen und Autoren dieses Bandes widmen... more
Revised and extended version of the paper "The Kind Look of the Muses, The Evil Eye of Ares. Encomiastic strategies in Callimachus and in Hellenistic inscriptional epitaphs." delivered at the International conference "Casting Off Shadows:... more
Revised and expanded version of the paper presented at the conference "The Poetics of War. Remembering Conflict from Ancient Greece to the Great War". UCL, 2015: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/classics/outreach/general-public/ww1 In spite of... more
SCXS3E-' JGOm S£&SÖ5£ 3SSÖSSX ».»«.".t*.. "W***., »«.»«.»«.»«.»V.» Von den Toren des Hades zu den Hallen des Olymp Artemiskult bei Theokrit und Kallimachos yxxa SSCXSÖS... more
Among many mythological reworkings in the Metamorphoses, Ovid provides pathetic origin stories for three female monsters whom Homer represented as inhuman and dangerous. The Gorgon Medusa, Ovid claims, was once a beautiful-haired girl... more
The copyright in this publication belongs to Peeters Publishers. This is a limited view.
The concluding line of the epilogue of Callimachus' Aitia (fr. 112.9 Pf.)1 is rightly understood as an introduction to the Iambi that follow it directly in P.Oxy. 7.1011 and the Diegeseis.2 The poet's deliberate linking of these... more