Özlem Tüzüner
Professor Özlem TÜZÜNER (Ph.D.) graduated from Antalya Anatolian High School in 1998, Galatasaray University French Preparatory Department in 2000, Galatasaray University Faculty of Law in 2004, Galatasaray University Institute of Social Sciences Private Law Master's Program in 2006 and Galatasaray University Institute of Social Sciences Private Law Doctorate Program in 2011. Her application for associate professorship, which corresponded to the 2016-December period, was approved and she was awarded the title of associate professor as of April 2018. Then, on 1.3.2022, she was unanimously found successful at the colloquium (in the oral examination for associate professorship) and was appointed as a professor in 2023-October.
Tüzüner’s master’s thesis titled “Brand (Trademark) pledge (gage) contract and the applicable law” was published in 2007, his doctoral thesis titled “Utility model protection and the law applicable to the protection of utility model” was published in 2011, and his monography titled “The effects of forensic genetics and medical biology on the paternity law” was published in 2016. In 2018, his latest monography titled “Participation of muftis among registrars” was published. Tüzüner, who has presented papers (proceedings) at national and international congresses and published refereed articles in distinguished law journals indexed in national and international directories, also has practical workbooks (case study books), editorships and book chapters. After completing her doctorate, Tüzüner personally taught all undergraduate courses in the department of civil law and also taught postgraduate courses in the fields of carriage, intellectual and industrial rights, collaterals, paternity and consumer protection. After working as a faculty member at various universities, she is currently practicing her profession at Anadolu University Faculty of Law.
Prof. Dr. Özlem TÜZÜNER Antalya Anadolu Lisesi’nden 1998; Galatasaray Üniversitesi Fransızca Hazırlık bölümünden 2000; Galatasaray Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi’nden 2004; Galatasaray Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Özel Hukuk Yüksek Lisans programından 2006 ve Galatasaray Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Özel Hukuk Doktora programından 2011 yılında mezun olmuştur. 2016-Aralık dönemine tekabül eden doçentlik başvurusu olumlu sonuçlanmış ve 2018-Nisan’dan itibaren doçentlik unvanına layık görülmüştür. Daha sonra, 1.3.2022’de doçentlik sözlü sınavında oybirliğiyle başarılı bulunmuş, 2023-Ekim’de profesör atanmıştır.
Tüzüner’in, “Marka Rehni Sözleşmesi ve Uygulanacak Hukuk” isimli yüksek lisans tezi 2007, “Faydalı Modelin Korunması ve Faydalı Modelin Korunmasına Uygulanacak Hukuk” başlıklı doktora tezi 2011, “Adlî Genetik ve Tıbbî Biyoloji Bilimlerinin Soybağı Hukukuna Etkileri” başlıklı monografisi 2016’da yayımlanmıştır. 2018’de ise “Müftülerin Evlendirme Memurları Arasına Katılması” başlıklı son monografisi okuyucularıyla buluşmuştur. Ulusal ve uluslararası kongrelerde tebliğler sunan, ulusal ve uluslararası endekslerde taranan seçkin hukuk dergilerinde hakemli makaleler yayınlayan Tüzüner’in pratik çalışma kitapları, editörlükleri ve kitap bölümleri de bulunmaktadır. Tüzüner, doktorasını tamamladıktan sonra, medenî hukuk anabilim dalının lisans düzeyindeki bütün derslerini bizzat yürütmüş, ayrıca çalıştığı üniversitelerin sosyal bilimler enstitülerinde, taşıma, fikrî ve sınaî haklar, teminat, soybağı ve tüketici hukuku alanlarında yüksek lisans dersleri vermiştir. Çeşitli üniversitelerde öğretim üyesi olarak çalıştıktan sonra bugün, Anadolu Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi’nde mesleğini icra etmektedir.
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Hasan Hüseyin Bayraklı, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Koçak, Prof. Dr. Cevdet Yavuz, Prof. Dr. İ. Hamdi Yasaman, Prof. Dr. Yüksel Metin, Prof. Dr. Şebnem Akipek, Prof. Dr. Etem Saba Özmen, Prof. Dr. Metin İkizler, Prof. Dr. Burak Özen, Prof. Dr. Faruk Acar, Prof. Dr. Hayrunnisa Özdemir, and Prof. Dr. Tolga Ayoğlu
Phone: +90 532 644 09 46
Address: Anadolu Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi
Yunus Emre Kampüsü Yeşiltepe/Tepebaşı-Eskişehir (Posta Kodu: 32260)
Tüzüner’s master’s thesis titled “Brand (Trademark) pledge (gage) contract and the applicable law” was published in 2007, his doctoral thesis titled “Utility model protection and the law applicable to the protection of utility model” was published in 2011, and his monography titled “The effects of forensic genetics and medical biology on the paternity law” was published in 2016. In 2018, his latest monography titled “Participation of muftis among registrars” was published. Tüzüner, who has presented papers (proceedings) at national and international congresses and published refereed articles in distinguished law journals indexed in national and international directories, also has practical workbooks (case study books), editorships and book chapters. After completing her doctorate, Tüzüner personally taught all undergraduate courses in the department of civil law and also taught postgraduate courses in the fields of carriage, intellectual and industrial rights, collaterals, paternity and consumer protection. After working as a faculty member at various universities, she is currently practicing her profession at Anadolu University Faculty of Law.
Prof. Dr. Özlem TÜZÜNER Antalya Anadolu Lisesi’nden 1998; Galatasaray Üniversitesi Fransızca Hazırlık bölümünden 2000; Galatasaray Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi’nden 2004; Galatasaray Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Özel Hukuk Yüksek Lisans programından 2006 ve Galatasaray Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Özel Hukuk Doktora programından 2011 yılında mezun olmuştur. 2016-Aralık dönemine tekabül eden doçentlik başvurusu olumlu sonuçlanmış ve 2018-Nisan’dan itibaren doçentlik unvanına layık görülmüştür. Daha sonra, 1.3.2022’de doçentlik sözlü sınavında oybirliğiyle başarılı bulunmuş, 2023-Ekim’de profesör atanmıştır.
Tüzüner’in, “Marka Rehni Sözleşmesi ve Uygulanacak Hukuk” isimli yüksek lisans tezi 2007, “Faydalı Modelin Korunması ve Faydalı Modelin Korunmasına Uygulanacak Hukuk” başlıklı doktora tezi 2011, “Adlî Genetik ve Tıbbî Biyoloji Bilimlerinin Soybağı Hukukuna Etkileri” başlıklı monografisi 2016’da yayımlanmıştır. 2018’de ise “Müftülerin Evlendirme Memurları Arasına Katılması” başlıklı son monografisi okuyucularıyla buluşmuştur. Ulusal ve uluslararası kongrelerde tebliğler sunan, ulusal ve uluslararası endekslerde taranan seçkin hukuk dergilerinde hakemli makaleler yayınlayan Tüzüner’in pratik çalışma kitapları, editörlükleri ve kitap bölümleri de bulunmaktadır. Tüzüner, doktorasını tamamladıktan sonra, medenî hukuk anabilim dalının lisans düzeyindeki bütün derslerini bizzat yürütmüş, ayrıca çalıştığı üniversitelerin sosyal bilimler enstitülerinde, taşıma, fikrî ve sınaî haklar, teminat, soybağı ve tüketici hukuku alanlarında yüksek lisans dersleri vermiştir. Çeşitli üniversitelerde öğretim üyesi olarak çalıştıktan sonra bugün, Anadolu Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi’nde mesleğini icra etmektedir.
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Hasan Hüseyin Bayraklı, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Koçak, Prof. Dr. Cevdet Yavuz, Prof. Dr. İ. Hamdi Yasaman, Prof. Dr. Yüksel Metin, Prof. Dr. Şebnem Akipek, Prof. Dr. Etem Saba Özmen, Prof. Dr. Metin İkizler, Prof. Dr. Burak Özen, Prof. Dr. Faruk Acar, Prof. Dr. Hayrunnisa Özdemir, and Prof. Dr. Tolga Ayoğlu
Phone: +90 532 644 09 46
Address: Anadolu Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi
Yunus Emre Kampüsü Yeşiltepe/Tepebaşı-Eskişehir (Posta Kodu: 32260)
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Papers by Özlem Tüzüner
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nde kadastrodan geçmemiş satıhlar ve özel mülkiyete elverişli oldukları hâlde tapu siciline kaydedilmemiş taşınmazlar hâlâ bulunur. Bunlara öğretide ve yargı kararlarında bazen kısaca tapusuz veya tapuda kaydı olmayan taşınmaz denir. Elbette tapulu ve tapusuz taşınmazların hukukî rejimleri farklıdır. Tapusuz taşınmazlar üzerindeki zilyetlik taşınırlarda olduğu gibi sıhhat şekli aranmayan sözleşmelere, başka deyişle adi senede konu edilebilir. Ayrıca Yargıtay, tapusuz taşınmazlar üzerinde taşınırlar gibi tasarruf edilmesini uygun görür. Lex commissoria yasağı hem taşınır hem de taşınmaz rehninde Roma hukukundan bu yana uygulanan ve rehin vereni koruyan temel ilkedir. Buna göre rehinli alacaklı, rehinle temin edilen alacak kendisine ifa edilmese bile rehin verilmiş eşyanın mülkiyetini direkt edinemez. İşte bu çalışmada incelenen Yargıtay ilâmı, tapusuz taşınmazın tasarruf işlemine konu edilmesini normal karşılar ve tapusuz taşınmaz rehni hakkında lex commissoria yasağını doğallıkla tatbik eder. Bu yasağın tapusuz taşınmazlara sirayeti tartışılmaya muhtaçtır. Tapusuz taşınmaz rehni esnasında lex commissoria yasağına aykırı sözleşme kaydı, geçerlilik veya geçersizlik yönünden incelenirse literatüre katkı sağlanabilir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Tapusuz taşınmaz, tapusuz taşınmaz rehni, lex commissoria, lex commissoria yasağına aykırı sözleşme
In the Republic of Türkiye, there are still areas that have not been cadastrally surveyed and immovable properties that are not registered in the title deed (land registry) although they are suitable for private ownership. In the literature and judicial decisions, these are referred to as untitled (titleless) immovable properties. The legal regimes of titled and untitled immovable properties are obviously different. Possession of immovable property without a title deed may be subject to contracts that do not require a form of validity, in other words to an ordinary deed as in the case of movable property. Furthermore, the Court of Cassation considers it appropriate to dispose of untitled immovable property in the same way as movable property. The prohibition of lex commissoria, or forfeiture clause, is a fundamental principle that has been applied for both movable and immovable pledges since Roman law and protects the pledgor. Accordingly, even if the pledged creditors fail to collect the receivable secured by the pledge, they cannot directly acquire ownership of the pledged property. The decision of the Court of Cassation of the Republic of Türkiye examined in this study explains the application of the prohibition of lex commissoria for pledges on immovable property without title deeds. The extension of this prohibition to untitled immovable property needs to be discussed. A contribution to the doctrine can be made if the contractual clause contrary to the prohibition of lex commissoria for pledges on untitled immovable property is examined in terms of validity or invalidity.
Keywords: Untitled (Titleless) Immovable Properties, Pledges on Immovable Property without Title Deeds, Lex Commissoria, Contractual Clause Contrary to the Prohibition of Lex Commissoria
Assist. Prof. Özlem Tüzüner (Ph.D.)
The agencies which look after elderly people in need of protection appear to elderly nursing home residents and eventide rest home. In accordance with articles 365 and 366 of the Turkish Civil Code, “care of people in need of protection, is provided by the institutions responsible. These institutions, may request their costs from alimony payer relatives. The case can be made, by the official or public benefit corporations which are caring for the lender of alimony”. It is thought that, in these provisions, the principle of subrogation is applied for the sake of law (subrogation affected by the operation of law). Such that, the institutions caring people in need of protection, when the conditions of article 364 of the Turkish Civil Code are realized, in accordance with the provisions 365 and 366 of the same code, as a successor to the alimony creditor, may sue (file) for maintenance alimony. Keywords: Maintenance alimony (It is a kind of permanent alimony allowance in Turkish Civil Law), elders, institutions (agencies), subrogation
Kadının evlilik hukuku kaynaklı yasal haklarına kavuşması, ancak nişanlanma veya evlenme sözleşmelerinden geçer. Türkiye’de, İslâm Aile Hukuku’nun sosyal yaşamda tezahürü doğaldır. Bu tezahürde, bilinçsiz tatbik, kadının mağduriyetine sebep olmuştur. Sırf dinî nikâh huzurunda eşiyle birlikte yaşamış kadın, evlenme kaynaklı haklarından mahrum kalmıştır. İşte müftülerin evlendirme memurları arasına katılması bu mahrumiyeti azaltabilir. Müftülerin evlendirme memurları arasına katılması hedefiyle, Nüfus Hizmetleri Kanunu ile Evlendirme Yönetmeliği’nde değişiklikler gerçekleşmiştir. Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı, Resmî Nikâh Yetkisi Hakkında Genelge yayımlamıştır. Türk Medenî Kanunu’nun 143’üncü maddesinin 2’inci fıkrası, evlenmenin dinî töreninin ancak resmî nikâhtan sonra yapılabileceğini düzenler. Bu madde Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Anayasası’nın hiyerarşik koruması altındadır. Müftülerce yönetilen nikâh merasiminin dinî değer taşımadığı söylenemez. Anılan genelge merkezinde müftü huzur ve yönetiminde gerçekleşen nikâh, hiç şüphesiz evlenmenin dinî ve resmî törenlerinin eş zamanlı birleşmesi anlamına gelir. Bu birleşme, normlar hiyerarşisini, özellikle Anayasa’nın 174’üncü maddesinin 4’üncü bendini ve Türk Medenî Kanunu’nun 143’üncü maddesinin 2’inci fıkrasını ihlâl eder. İlgili genelgeye göre nikâh merasimi, doğal olarak, İslâm’ın gerektirdiği hadis ve dualar marifetiyle başlayıp sonlanır. Genelge’nin bazı ekleri, önce Arapça, sonra Türkçe dilindedir. Anayasa Mahkemesi, müftülerin evlendirme memurları arasına katılması hakkındaki iptal istemini oybirliğiyle reddetmiştir. Oysa iki ihtimalden biri seçilebilirdi: Anayasa’nın 174’üncü maddesinin 4’üncü bendi korumasındaki Türk Medenî Kanunu’nun 143’üncü maddesinin 2’inci fıkrasına müdahale edilebilirdi veya ilgili genelgede evlenmenin dinî ve resmî törenlerinin kronolojik ayrışması ile öncelik sonralık sıralamasına özen gösterilebilirdi. İngiliz Aile Hukuku’nda, mabetlerin yöneticileri, uygun mekânları, resmî sayılan dinî nikâh kıyılması için, bina olarak kayıt ettirebilir. İngiltere’de, dinî nikâhın resmileşmesinde, Hristiyanlık, Yahudilik ve İslâmiyet ayırımı gözetilmeksizin, kayıtlı evlilik, kayıtlı bina ve evlendirmeye yetkili kişi terimleri ön plandadır. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nde, müftülerin evlendirme memurları arasına katılmasıyla İslâm’ın Sünnî boyutu layıkıyla tatmin edilmiştir. Eşitlik ve inanç özgürlüğü izdüşümünde, Türk Aile Hukuku, resmî kabul edilen dinî nikâh merasimi çemberini genişletirken, uygun şartlar oluştukça, diğer dinler yanı sıra, İslâm’ın Alevî ve Şia boyutlarını da dikkate alabilir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Müftülerin evlendirme memurları arasına katılması, Resmî Nikâh Yetkisi Hakkında Genelge, Anayasa’nın 174’üncü maddesinin 4’üncü bendi, Türk Medenî Kanunu’nun 143’üncü maddesinin 2’inci fıkrası, normlar hiyerarşisi, kayıtlı bina ve inanç özgürlüğü
Women can obtain legal rights based on marriage law only through official engagement or marriage contract. Extramarital union, only by having religious ceremony of marriage, causes the deprivation of family law rights. Including muftis among the registrars may reduce this deprivation. For the participation of muftis among the registrars, amendments were made in the Law on Civil Registration Services and the Marriage Regulation. The Presidency of Religious Affairs published the Circular on the Official Marriage Authority. The marriage carried out by the Mufti according to the mentioned circular refers to the simultaneous unification of the religious and official ceremonies. The mentioned simultaneous unification violates the hierarchy of norms, especially the fourth paragraph of article 174 of the Constitution and the second paragraph of article 143 of the Turkish Civil Code. According to the relevant circular, marriage ceremony begins and ends with the hadith and prayers required by Islam. The annexes of the Circular are written first in Arabic and then in Turkish. The Constitutional Court, unanimously, rejected the annulment request for the participation of muftis among the registrars. However, in the relevant circular, attention could be paid to the priority sequencing and chronological divergence of the religious and official ceremonies of marriage. In the United Kingdom, in the formalization of religious marriage, the terms of registered marriage, registered building and the authorized person are in the foreground, regardless of Christianity, Judaism or Islam distinction. In Republic of Turkey, The Sunni dimension of Islam has been deservedly satisfied with the participation of muftis among the registrars. In the project of the secularism and the freedom of belief, as Turkish family law expands the circle of officially recognized marriage ceremonies, when the appropriate conditions arise, not only other religions, but also the Alevi and Shia dimension of Islam can be taken into account.
Keywords: Participation of muftis among the registrars, Circular on the Official Marriage Authority, fourth paragraph of article 174 of the Constitution, second paragraph of article 143 of the Turkish Civil Code, hierarchy of norms, registered building, freedom of belief
Asst. Prof. Özlem Tüzüner (PhD)
Barter (or commodity swap), in other words good exchange contract,
based on the institution named (in Latin) permutatio of Roman law has maintained
its existence in Roman-Germanic legal systems until today. In this article, has been
given a short assessment of this Roman law institution called permutatio; as well
as Turkish law, also French, German and Swiss law has been touched on. Then, the
economic importance of the good exchange contract is mentioned. The invention
of money had pushed the good exchange contract to the back of the sale contract.
However, in times of economic crisis, good exchange contract had always assumed
savior task and regulatory role. In this regard, the present prediction about this
contract is to accelerate with momentum in the near future.
Keywords: Good exchange contract (barter or commodity swap), permutatio in
Roman law, savior and momentum
Assist. Prof. Özlem Tüzüner (PhD)
According to Turkish Civil Code Article 284, in the case of determination of paternity, rejection to genetic examination, is supposed to be boomerang evidence. Whereas Civil Procedure Law Article 292 which has been in force ten years after Turkish Civil Code, in the case of determination of paternity, provided that certain conditions are met, refers to the judge the power to compel the parties to the genetic examination. Civil Procedure Law Article 292 which has been in force after Turkish Civil Code Article 284 is the continuation of the current trend in Swiss Law. Thanks to scientific advances, a simple swab taken from the inside of the cheek, enables accurate determination of paternity of 99.73%. As well as hairs and nails, or a saliva swab taken from the inside of the cheek by a simple sterile ear bar is in violation of bodily integrity to what extent? The possibility of damage to the person by this kind of genetic examination is so low as not to be considered. Taking into account the banality and simplicity of this violation of bodily integrity, criticism against Civil Procedure Law Article 292 based on public order, does not seem accurate.
Keywords: Paternity, genetic examination, enforcement
Prof. Özlem Tüzüner (PhD)
The legal role and nature of spouses’ sexual dissatisfaction with each other in marriage and divorce must be determined. According to debitum conjugale, the imposition of copula carnalis or, in other words, sexual relations between spouses as an obligation is based on canon law. However, the view that marriage endows spouses with such reciprocal obligations must now be abandoned. Positive and negative behaviors such as cohabitation, loyalty, and tending to the happiness of the marital union should be qualified as a legal duty or task (or assignment) in the sense of family law, not an obligation in the sense of law of obligations. Certainly, sexual intercourse between spouses is not explicitly regulated by law and obligation should not be deduced from the existing provisions on the duties of spouses through interpretation. The Court of Cassation largely attributes full fault to defendants who are unwilling or unable to have sexual intercourse with their spouses in contentious divorce cases. The fact that sexual interaction is not established at all or is interrupted for a long time, contrary to the wishes of one party, of course indicates that the foundation of the marriage union has broken down irremediably. Nevertheless, this indication does not mean that the issue of sexuality in divorce can be directly subject to the distribution of faults. The condemnation of spouses who suffer psychologically and physically from ailments such as vaginismus or erectile dysfunction with complete fault in divorce both violates the definition of fault and reduces marriage to a partnership of lust. On the other hand, the termination of the sexual desire of one of the spouses towards the other and the avoidance of sharing a bedroom reflects the use of the freedom of decision, including the right of personality, and does not satisfy the concept of fault in the breakdown of the marital union. In the case of such sexual disorders and/or avoidance, the ending of the marriage in divorce without the fault of either spouse should be possible. However, in divorce cases based on the breakdown of the marital union, the Turkish Court of Cassation (Yargıtay) investigates the criterion for the defendant to be deemed at least slightly faulty. This criterion of the Court of Cassation poses problems in the divorces of spouses who could not establish close sexual relationships or whose intimacy ended. In Turkish divorce practice, the principle of fault should not be extended by the Yargıtay against the will of the legislator. Creating competition among the private lives of spouses in case files and court hearings can alienate the society from marriage. The fault-centered and multi-cause divorce system is not functional. For this reason, reform in Turkish divorce law can be organized by taking the family law developments in Switzerland and France as an example.
Debitum conjugale, copula carnalis, legal duty or task, obligation, sexual disorders and/or avoidance, ending of the marriage in divorce without the fault of either spouse, fault-centered and multi-cause divorce system, reform in Turkish divorce law
Özlem Tüzüner
Perihan Ece Erzik
The responsibility of the vehicle operators of stolen or usurped motor vehicles and the way to eliminate this responsibility are shown in the first paragraph of article 107 of Highway Traffic Law No: 2918. According to the aforementioned paragraph, operators can escape the liability to pay compensation by proving that they or the persons for whose actions they are responsible have no misbehaviors related to the theft or usurpation of the vehicles. In this study, the correlation between the first paragraph of article 107 of the Highway Traffic Law and the responsibility of the operators for stolen or usurped motor vehicles are examined. The first paragraph of article 107 of the Highway Traffic Law is criticized, in particular the possibility of the joint responsibility of the vehicle operator and the thief or usurper. Finally, in addition to the responsibility of the operator with the thief or usurper, the responsibility of those to the passengers who get into the stolen motor vehicle is also explained. It is hoped that a critical examination of the operator’s joint responsibility with the thief or usurper will contribute to the Turkish legal literature.
Keywords: Responsibility of the motor vehicle operators, stolen or usurped motor vehicle, first paragraph of article 107 of the Highway Traffic Law, joint responsibility, exemption of the vehicle operators from the responsibility
Indoctrination, known as brainwashing, has been used in theories since the beginning of the twentieth century. The aim of indoctrination is to place specific commands into one’s mind like being victim, self-destruction, self-humiliation, egotism, death, homicide, destroying enemy and supposedly martyrization through the use of seductive techniques. The human source of terrorism is formed and protected by professional brainwashing methods. The claim of this study is that the human factor in terrorism can be undermined by the law of persons. Law of persons can challenge brainwashing operations in terror organizations through preventive and litigation law. Personality is an alliance of values including physical, psychological and economic values, which characterize a man. Indoctrination in terrorism means the violation or infringement of personal rights. The awareness of legal protection of personality may create an immunity shield against all kinds of brainwashing methods. Against the violation, which is acquired through brainwashing, all the actions protecting the personality, can be brought if the legal conditions are appropriate. Especially in terms of terror organizations that abuse religions, partial or complete waiver notices of terrorist candidate whom rights and freedoms are given up on, definitely void and null even though it seems as if the terrorist candidate is willing.
Assist. Prof. Özlem Tüzüner
There are provisions concerning (governing) associations in Turkish Civil Code, Law on Associations, Regulation on Associations and also in addition to these legislations, in Turkish Commercial Code and Corporate Income Tax Law. It was held in Civil Code No. 743 that associations could operate commercial business that serve their purposes and the associations which operate commercial business were subject to the provisions about partnerships of commercial law. However, these provisions are not transferred to the Turkish Civil Code. This situation constitutes conscious or unconscious breach of law, rather conscious silence? Answer to this question below will be required.
Keywords: Association which operates commercial business, conscious silence and conscious or unconscious breach of law
Assist. Prof. Özlem Tüzüner (Ph.D.)
The assumptive contract relationship is one of the methods for calculating the pecuniary compensation in case of violation of financial rights of the copyright owner. This concept is seen in the processing of the hypothetical license cost, it doesn’t mean that the contract is really established between plaintiff and defendant. The concept of assumptive contract relationship cannot be extended from now on the defendant would be able to violate moral rights of the plaintiff copyright owner. Keywords: Assumptive contract, pecuniary compensation, calculation method
Assist. Prof. Özlem Tüzüner
Turkish Civil Code and Qur’an don’t cover directly the concepts of family and marriage. However, both in Turkish Civil Law and Islamic Law, the issues of the realization, function and termination of the marriage union are covered. According to the doctrine of Turkish Civil Law, the qualification legal of marriage is explained by the theses of contract, institution and disposition conditional. In Islamic Law, the marriage is defined as a pure civil contract isolated from the domain of State authority and means of state control, taken a place in a civil and autonomous environment.
Keywords: Family, marriage, characteristic (qualification) legal
Nurses work in various fields related to human health. While performing their duties, their acts must be in accordance with the requirements of medical science. The actions taken by nurses to contribute to a patient’s health may not always have positive outcomes. The nurse’s lack of legal responsibility for complications is the rule. A nurse is responsible for medical malpractice, not for complications. The nurse’s legal responsibility for medical malpractice is simply based on professional misdeeds.
In this study, the legal responsibility of nurses is examined and relevant cases that have been the subject of the Turkish Supreme Court decisions are analyzed. Considering the decisions of the Turkish Supreme Court in relation to nurses, injuries that occur upon a nurse’s injection are frequently encountered. The problem of injection in the legal responsibility of nurses has reached disturbing dimensions as a societal phenomenon. A multidisciplinary approach to injection is highly recommended. Injection problems must be minimized, particularly with the cooperation of medical and legal science.
Keywords: Nurse’s lack of legal responsibility for complications, nurse’s legal responsibility for medical malpractice, problem of injection in the legal responsibility of nurses, multidisciplinary approach to injection
The legal role and nature of spouses’ sexual dissatisfaction with each other in marriage and divorce can be determined. According to debitum conjugale, the imposition of copula carnalis or, in other words, sexual relations between spouses as an obligation is based on canon law. However, the view that marriage endows spouses with such reciprocal obligations shall now be abandoned. Positive and negative behaviors such as cohabitation, loyalty, and tending to the happiness of the marital union should be qualified as a legal duty or task (or assignment) in the sense of family law, not an obligation in the sense of law of obligations. Certainly, sexual intercourse between spouses is not explicitly regulated by law and obligation should not be deduced from the existing provisions on the duties of spouses through interpretation. The Turkish Court of Cassation (Yargıtay) largely attributes full fault to defendants who are unwilling or unable to have sexual intercourse with their spouses in contentious divorce cases. The fact that sexual interaction is not established at all or is interrupted for a long time, contrary to the wishes of one party, of course indicates that the foundation of the marriage union has broken down irremediably. Nevertheless, this indication does not mean that the issue of sexuality in divorce can be directly subject to the distribution of faults. The condemnation of spouses who suffer psychologically and physically from ailments such as vaginismus or erectile dysfunction with complete fault in divorce both violates the definition of fault and reduces marriage to a partnership of sexual trading. On the other hand, the termination of the sexual desire of one of the spouses towards the other and the avoidance of sharing a bedroom reflects the use of the freedom of decision, including the right of personality, and does not satisfy the concept of fault in the breakdown of the marital union. In the case of such sexual disorders and/or avoidance, the ending of the marriage in divorce without the fault of either spouse may be possible. However, in divorce cases based on the breakdown of the marital union, the Yargıtay investigates the criterion for the defendant to be deemed at least slightly faulty. This criterion of the Court of Cassation poses problems in the divorces of spouses who could not establish close sexual relationships or whose intimacy ended. In Turkish divorce practice, the principle of fault should not be extended by the Yargıtay against the will of the legislator. Creating competition among the private lives of spouses in case files and court hearings may constitute an infringement of the personal rights of the other. The fault-centered and multi-cause divorce system is not functional. For this reason, reform in Turkish divorce law can be organized by taking the family law developments in Switzerland and France as an example.
Keywords: Debitum conjugale, copula carnalis, legal duty or task, obligation, sexual disorders and/or avoidance, ending of the marriage in divorce without the fault of either spouse, fault-centered and multi-cause divorce system, reform in Turkish divorce law
Nurses work in various fields related to human health. While performing their duties, their acts must be in accord- ance with the requirements of medical science. The actions taken by nurses to contribute to a patient’s health may not always have positive outcomes. The nurse’s lack of legal responsibility for com- plications is the rule. A nurse is responsible for medical malpractice, not for complications. The nurse’s legal responsibility for medical malpractice is simply based on professional misdeeds.
In this study, the legal responsibility of nurses is examined and relevant cases that have been the subject of the decisions of the Turkish Court of Cassation are analysed. Considering the deci- sions of the Turkish Court of Cassation in relation to nurses, injuries that occur upon a nurse’s injection are frequently encountered. The problem of injection in the legal responsibility of nurses has reached disturbing dimensions as a societal phenomenon. A multidisciplinary approach to injection is highly recommended. Injection problems must be minimized, particularly with the cooperation of medical and legal science.
Keywords: Nurse’s Lack of Legal Responsibility for Complica- tions, Nurse’s Legal Responsibility for Medical Malpractice, Problem of Injection in the Legal Responsibility of Nurses, Multidisciplinary Approach to Injection
Some of the kadi registers and notebooks corresponding to the 16th and 18th centuries in Diyarbekir have been expressed in Latin letters. In this study, the registry numbers 3709, 3715, 3754, 3789 and 3828 of the Diyarbekir shar’iyya registries of the 18th century Âmid Court are examined. Among these regis-ters, thirty-eight decisions of the Âmid Court are about alimony. The evaluat-ed court orders demonstrate that there are significant differences between ali-monies in Islamic Family Law (marriage, kinship and orphan child) and alimo-nies in Turkish Family Law (temporary maintenance pending suit, child sup-port, post marital maintenance and alimony for relatives) in terms of the duration and condictio iuris of alimony. In addition to muhâlea/hul divorces, serious divergences from Turkish Law are also noticed in the conversion of immovables into cash. Further, the 18th century Diyarbekir Âmid Court which served not only Muslims but also non-Muslims, should be examined in terms of addressing a wide portfolio. Thus, with the interpretation of thirty-eight deci-sions on alimony, it is aimed to reveal the social and economic conditions of di-vorced women and orphan children in Diyarbekir in the 18th century.
Key Words
Alimonies in Islamic Family Law - Alimonies in Turkish Family Law
Muhâlea/hul Divorces - Diyarbekir Âmid Court which Served not only Muslims but also non-Muslims - Social and Economic Conditions of Divorced Women and Orphan Children
Diyarbekir’de, 16 ve 18’inci yüzyıl arasına tekabül eden kadı sicillerinin bazı-ları, okunuşları itibariyle Latin harfleriyle ifade edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada, 18’inci yüzyıl Diyarbekir Âmid Mahkemesi’nin 3709, 3715, 3754, 3789 ve 3828 numaralı sicilleri incelenmektedir. Bu siciller arasında, Âmid Mahkemesi’nin özellikle seçilen otuz sekiz ilâmında görülmektedir ki, İslâm Aile Hukuku’ndaki nafakalar (evlilik, hısımlık ve bakıma muhtaç kimsesiz/terk edilen çocukların nafakaları) ile Türk Aile Hukuku’ndaki nafakalar (tedbir, iştirak, yoksulluk ve yardım nafakaları) arasında, süre ve şartlar bakımından önemli farklar bu-lunmaktadır. Muhâlea/hul boşanmaları yanı sıra, taşınmazların paraya çevril-mesinde de Türk Hukuku’ndan ayrışmalar fark edilmektedir. Ayrıca, 18’inci yüzyılda, sadece Müslümanlara değil, gayrimüslimlere de hizmet veren Âmid Mahkemesi nafaka konulu kararlarının geniş portföye hitap etmesi itibariyle de ilgi çekicidir. Böylece, nafaka konulu otuz sekiz ilâmın yorumlanmasıyla, 18’inci yüzyılda, Diyarbekir’de, boşanan kadınlarla kimsesiz çocukların sosyal ve ekonomik durumları ortaya konulmak istenmektedir.
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nde kadastrodan geçmemiş satıhlar ve özel mülkiyete elverişli oldukları hâlde tapu siciline kaydedilmemiş taşınmazlar hâlâ bulunur. Bunlara öğretide ve yargı kararlarında bazen kısaca tapusuz veya tapuda kaydı olmayan taşınmaz denir. Elbette tapulu ve tapusuz taşınmazların hukukî rejimleri farklıdır. Tapusuz taşınmazlar üzerindeki zilyetlik taşınırlarda olduğu gibi sıhhat şekli aranmayan sözleşmelere, başka deyişle adi senede konu edilebilir. Ayrıca Yargıtay, tapusuz taşınmazlar üzerinde taşınırlar gibi tasarruf edilmesini uygun görür. Lex commissoria yasağı hem taşınır hem de taşınmaz rehninde Roma hukukundan bu yana uygulanan ve rehin vereni koruyan temel ilkedir. Buna göre rehinli alacaklı, rehinle temin edilen alacak kendisine ifa edilmese bile rehin verilmiş eşyanın mülkiyetini direkt edinemez. İşte bu çalışmada incelenen Yargıtay ilâmı, tapusuz taşınmazın tasarruf işlemine konu edilmesini normal karşılar ve tapusuz taşınmaz rehni hakkında lex commissoria yasağını doğallıkla tatbik eder. Bu yasağın tapusuz taşınmazlara sirayeti tartışılmaya muhtaçtır. Tapusuz taşınmaz rehni esnasında lex commissoria yasağına aykırı sözleşme kaydı, geçerlilik veya geçersizlik yönünden incelenirse literatüre katkı sağlanabilir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Tapusuz taşınmaz, tapusuz taşınmaz rehni, lex commissoria, lex commissoria yasağına aykırı sözleşme
In the Republic of Türkiye, there are still areas that have not been cadastrally surveyed and immovable properties that are not registered in the title deed (land registry) although they are suitable for private ownership. In the literature and judicial decisions, these are referred to as untitled (titleless) immovable properties. The legal regimes of titled and untitled immovable properties are obviously different. Possession of immovable property without a title deed may be subject to contracts that do not require a form of validity, in other words to an ordinary deed as in the case of movable property. Furthermore, the Court of Cassation considers it appropriate to dispose of untitled immovable property in the same way as movable property. The prohibition of lex commissoria, or forfeiture clause, is a fundamental principle that has been applied for both movable and immovable pledges since Roman law and protects the pledgor. Accordingly, even if the pledged creditors fail to collect the receivable secured by the pledge, they cannot directly acquire ownership of the pledged property. The decision of the Court of Cassation of the Republic of Türkiye examined in this study explains the application of the prohibition of lex commissoria for pledges on immovable property without title deeds. The extension of this prohibition to untitled immovable property needs to be discussed. A contribution to the doctrine can be made if the contractual clause contrary to the prohibition of lex commissoria for pledges on untitled immovable property is examined in terms of validity or invalidity.
Keywords: Untitled (Titleless) Immovable Properties, Pledges on Immovable Property without Title Deeds, Lex Commissoria, Contractual Clause Contrary to the Prohibition of Lex Commissoria
Assist. Prof. Özlem Tüzüner (Ph.D.)
The agencies which look after elderly people in need of protection appear to elderly nursing home residents and eventide rest home. In accordance with articles 365 and 366 of the Turkish Civil Code, “care of people in need of protection, is provided by the institutions responsible. These institutions, may request their costs from alimony payer relatives. The case can be made, by the official or public benefit corporations which are caring for the lender of alimony”. It is thought that, in these provisions, the principle of subrogation is applied for the sake of law (subrogation affected by the operation of law). Such that, the institutions caring people in need of protection, when the conditions of article 364 of the Turkish Civil Code are realized, in accordance with the provisions 365 and 366 of the same code, as a successor to the alimony creditor, may sue (file) for maintenance alimony. Keywords: Maintenance alimony (It is a kind of permanent alimony allowance in Turkish Civil Law), elders, institutions (agencies), subrogation
Kadının evlilik hukuku kaynaklı yasal haklarına kavuşması, ancak nişanlanma veya evlenme sözleşmelerinden geçer. Türkiye’de, İslâm Aile Hukuku’nun sosyal yaşamda tezahürü doğaldır. Bu tezahürde, bilinçsiz tatbik, kadının mağduriyetine sebep olmuştur. Sırf dinî nikâh huzurunda eşiyle birlikte yaşamış kadın, evlenme kaynaklı haklarından mahrum kalmıştır. İşte müftülerin evlendirme memurları arasına katılması bu mahrumiyeti azaltabilir. Müftülerin evlendirme memurları arasına katılması hedefiyle, Nüfus Hizmetleri Kanunu ile Evlendirme Yönetmeliği’nde değişiklikler gerçekleşmiştir. Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı, Resmî Nikâh Yetkisi Hakkında Genelge yayımlamıştır. Türk Medenî Kanunu’nun 143’üncü maddesinin 2’inci fıkrası, evlenmenin dinî töreninin ancak resmî nikâhtan sonra yapılabileceğini düzenler. Bu madde Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Anayasası’nın hiyerarşik koruması altındadır. Müftülerce yönetilen nikâh merasiminin dinî değer taşımadığı söylenemez. Anılan genelge merkezinde müftü huzur ve yönetiminde gerçekleşen nikâh, hiç şüphesiz evlenmenin dinî ve resmî törenlerinin eş zamanlı birleşmesi anlamına gelir. Bu birleşme, normlar hiyerarşisini, özellikle Anayasa’nın 174’üncü maddesinin 4’üncü bendini ve Türk Medenî Kanunu’nun 143’üncü maddesinin 2’inci fıkrasını ihlâl eder. İlgili genelgeye göre nikâh merasimi, doğal olarak, İslâm’ın gerektirdiği hadis ve dualar marifetiyle başlayıp sonlanır. Genelge’nin bazı ekleri, önce Arapça, sonra Türkçe dilindedir. Anayasa Mahkemesi, müftülerin evlendirme memurları arasına katılması hakkındaki iptal istemini oybirliğiyle reddetmiştir. Oysa iki ihtimalden biri seçilebilirdi: Anayasa’nın 174’üncü maddesinin 4’üncü bendi korumasındaki Türk Medenî Kanunu’nun 143’üncü maddesinin 2’inci fıkrasına müdahale edilebilirdi veya ilgili genelgede evlenmenin dinî ve resmî törenlerinin kronolojik ayrışması ile öncelik sonralık sıralamasına özen gösterilebilirdi. İngiliz Aile Hukuku’nda, mabetlerin yöneticileri, uygun mekânları, resmî sayılan dinî nikâh kıyılması için, bina olarak kayıt ettirebilir. İngiltere’de, dinî nikâhın resmileşmesinde, Hristiyanlık, Yahudilik ve İslâmiyet ayırımı gözetilmeksizin, kayıtlı evlilik, kayıtlı bina ve evlendirmeye yetkili kişi terimleri ön plandadır. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nde, müftülerin evlendirme memurları arasına katılmasıyla İslâm’ın Sünnî boyutu layıkıyla tatmin edilmiştir. Eşitlik ve inanç özgürlüğü izdüşümünde, Türk Aile Hukuku, resmî kabul edilen dinî nikâh merasimi çemberini genişletirken, uygun şartlar oluştukça, diğer dinler yanı sıra, İslâm’ın Alevî ve Şia boyutlarını da dikkate alabilir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Müftülerin evlendirme memurları arasına katılması, Resmî Nikâh Yetkisi Hakkında Genelge, Anayasa’nın 174’üncü maddesinin 4’üncü bendi, Türk Medenî Kanunu’nun 143’üncü maddesinin 2’inci fıkrası, normlar hiyerarşisi, kayıtlı bina ve inanç özgürlüğü
Women can obtain legal rights based on marriage law only through official engagement or marriage contract. Extramarital union, only by having religious ceremony of marriage, causes the deprivation of family law rights. Including muftis among the registrars may reduce this deprivation. For the participation of muftis among the registrars, amendments were made in the Law on Civil Registration Services and the Marriage Regulation. The Presidency of Religious Affairs published the Circular on the Official Marriage Authority. The marriage carried out by the Mufti according to the mentioned circular refers to the simultaneous unification of the religious and official ceremonies. The mentioned simultaneous unification violates the hierarchy of norms, especially the fourth paragraph of article 174 of the Constitution and the second paragraph of article 143 of the Turkish Civil Code. According to the relevant circular, marriage ceremony begins and ends with the hadith and prayers required by Islam. The annexes of the Circular are written first in Arabic and then in Turkish. The Constitutional Court, unanimously, rejected the annulment request for the participation of muftis among the registrars. However, in the relevant circular, attention could be paid to the priority sequencing and chronological divergence of the religious and official ceremonies of marriage. In the United Kingdom, in the formalization of religious marriage, the terms of registered marriage, registered building and the authorized person are in the foreground, regardless of Christianity, Judaism or Islam distinction. In Republic of Turkey, The Sunni dimension of Islam has been deservedly satisfied with the participation of muftis among the registrars. In the project of the secularism and the freedom of belief, as Turkish family law expands the circle of officially recognized marriage ceremonies, when the appropriate conditions arise, not only other religions, but also the Alevi and Shia dimension of Islam can be taken into account.
Keywords: Participation of muftis among the registrars, Circular on the Official Marriage Authority, fourth paragraph of article 174 of the Constitution, second paragraph of article 143 of the Turkish Civil Code, hierarchy of norms, registered building, freedom of belief
Asst. Prof. Özlem Tüzüner (PhD)
Barter (or commodity swap), in other words good exchange contract,
based on the institution named (in Latin) permutatio of Roman law has maintained
its existence in Roman-Germanic legal systems until today. In this article, has been
given a short assessment of this Roman law institution called permutatio; as well
as Turkish law, also French, German and Swiss law has been touched on. Then, the
economic importance of the good exchange contract is mentioned. The invention
of money had pushed the good exchange contract to the back of the sale contract.
However, in times of economic crisis, good exchange contract had always assumed
savior task and regulatory role. In this regard, the present prediction about this
contract is to accelerate with momentum in the near future.
Keywords: Good exchange contract (barter or commodity swap), permutatio in
Roman law, savior and momentum
Assist. Prof. Özlem Tüzüner (PhD)
According to Turkish Civil Code Article 284, in the case of determination of paternity, rejection to genetic examination, is supposed to be boomerang evidence. Whereas Civil Procedure Law Article 292 which has been in force ten years after Turkish Civil Code, in the case of determination of paternity, provided that certain conditions are met, refers to the judge the power to compel the parties to the genetic examination. Civil Procedure Law Article 292 which has been in force after Turkish Civil Code Article 284 is the continuation of the current trend in Swiss Law. Thanks to scientific advances, a simple swab taken from the inside of the cheek, enables accurate determination of paternity of 99.73%. As well as hairs and nails, or a saliva swab taken from the inside of the cheek by a simple sterile ear bar is in violation of bodily integrity to what extent? The possibility of damage to the person by this kind of genetic examination is so low as not to be considered. Taking into account the banality and simplicity of this violation of bodily integrity, criticism against Civil Procedure Law Article 292 based on public order, does not seem accurate.
Keywords: Paternity, genetic examination, enforcement
Prof. Özlem Tüzüner (PhD)
The legal role and nature of spouses’ sexual dissatisfaction with each other in marriage and divorce must be determined. According to debitum conjugale, the imposition of copula carnalis or, in other words, sexual relations between spouses as an obligation is based on canon law. However, the view that marriage endows spouses with such reciprocal obligations must now be abandoned. Positive and negative behaviors such as cohabitation, loyalty, and tending to the happiness of the marital union should be qualified as a legal duty or task (or assignment) in the sense of family law, not an obligation in the sense of law of obligations. Certainly, sexual intercourse between spouses is not explicitly regulated by law and obligation should not be deduced from the existing provisions on the duties of spouses through interpretation. The Court of Cassation largely attributes full fault to defendants who are unwilling or unable to have sexual intercourse with their spouses in contentious divorce cases. The fact that sexual interaction is not established at all or is interrupted for a long time, contrary to the wishes of one party, of course indicates that the foundation of the marriage union has broken down irremediably. Nevertheless, this indication does not mean that the issue of sexuality in divorce can be directly subject to the distribution of faults. The condemnation of spouses who suffer psychologically and physically from ailments such as vaginismus or erectile dysfunction with complete fault in divorce both violates the definition of fault and reduces marriage to a partnership of lust. On the other hand, the termination of the sexual desire of one of the spouses towards the other and the avoidance of sharing a bedroom reflects the use of the freedom of decision, including the right of personality, and does not satisfy the concept of fault in the breakdown of the marital union. In the case of such sexual disorders and/or avoidance, the ending of the marriage in divorce without the fault of either spouse should be possible. However, in divorce cases based on the breakdown of the marital union, the Turkish Court of Cassation (Yargıtay) investigates the criterion for the defendant to be deemed at least slightly faulty. This criterion of the Court of Cassation poses problems in the divorces of spouses who could not establish close sexual relationships or whose intimacy ended. In Turkish divorce practice, the principle of fault should not be extended by the Yargıtay against the will of the legislator. Creating competition among the private lives of spouses in case files and court hearings can alienate the society from marriage. The fault-centered and multi-cause divorce system is not functional. For this reason, reform in Turkish divorce law can be organized by taking the family law developments in Switzerland and France as an example.
Debitum conjugale, copula carnalis, legal duty or task, obligation, sexual disorders and/or avoidance, ending of the marriage in divorce without the fault of either spouse, fault-centered and multi-cause divorce system, reform in Turkish divorce law
Özlem Tüzüner
Perihan Ece Erzik
The responsibility of the vehicle operators of stolen or usurped motor vehicles and the way to eliminate this responsibility are shown in the first paragraph of article 107 of Highway Traffic Law No: 2918. According to the aforementioned paragraph, operators can escape the liability to pay compensation by proving that they or the persons for whose actions they are responsible have no misbehaviors related to the theft or usurpation of the vehicles. In this study, the correlation between the first paragraph of article 107 of the Highway Traffic Law and the responsibility of the operators for stolen or usurped motor vehicles are examined. The first paragraph of article 107 of the Highway Traffic Law is criticized, in particular the possibility of the joint responsibility of the vehicle operator and the thief or usurper. Finally, in addition to the responsibility of the operator with the thief or usurper, the responsibility of those to the passengers who get into the stolen motor vehicle is also explained. It is hoped that a critical examination of the operator’s joint responsibility with the thief or usurper will contribute to the Turkish legal literature.
Keywords: Responsibility of the motor vehicle operators, stolen or usurped motor vehicle, first paragraph of article 107 of the Highway Traffic Law, joint responsibility, exemption of the vehicle operators from the responsibility
Indoctrination, known as brainwashing, has been used in theories since the beginning of the twentieth century. The aim of indoctrination is to place specific commands into one’s mind like being victim, self-destruction, self-humiliation, egotism, death, homicide, destroying enemy and supposedly martyrization through the use of seductive techniques. The human source of terrorism is formed and protected by professional brainwashing methods. The claim of this study is that the human factor in terrorism can be undermined by the law of persons. Law of persons can challenge brainwashing operations in terror organizations through preventive and litigation law. Personality is an alliance of values including physical, psychological and economic values, which characterize a man. Indoctrination in terrorism means the violation or infringement of personal rights. The awareness of legal protection of personality may create an immunity shield against all kinds of brainwashing methods. Against the violation, which is acquired through brainwashing, all the actions protecting the personality, can be brought if the legal conditions are appropriate. Especially in terms of terror organizations that abuse religions, partial or complete waiver notices of terrorist candidate whom rights and freedoms are given up on, definitely void and null even though it seems as if the terrorist candidate is willing.
Assist. Prof. Özlem Tüzüner
There are provisions concerning (governing) associations in Turkish Civil Code, Law on Associations, Regulation on Associations and also in addition to these legislations, in Turkish Commercial Code and Corporate Income Tax Law. It was held in Civil Code No. 743 that associations could operate commercial business that serve their purposes and the associations which operate commercial business were subject to the provisions about partnerships of commercial law. However, these provisions are not transferred to the Turkish Civil Code. This situation constitutes conscious or unconscious breach of law, rather conscious silence? Answer to this question below will be required.
Keywords: Association which operates commercial business, conscious silence and conscious or unconscious breach of law
Assist. Prof. Özlem Tüzüner (Ph.D.)
The assumptive contract relationship is one of the methods for calculating the pecuniary compensation in case of violation of financial rights of the copyright owner. This concept is seen in the processing of the hypothetical license cost, it doesn’t mean that the contract is really established between plaintiff and defendant. The concept of assumptive contract relationship cannot be extended from now on the defendant would be able to violate moral rights of the plaintiff copyright owner. Keywords: Assumptive contract, pecuniary compensation, calculation method
Assist. Prof. Özlem Tüzüner
Turkish Civil Code and Qur’an don’t cover directly the concepts of family and marriage. However, both in Turkish Civil Law and Islamic Law, the issues of the realization, function and termination of the marriage union are covered. According to the doctrine of Turkish Civil Law, the qualification legal of marriage is explained by the theses of contract, institution and disposition conditional. In Islamic Law, the marriage is defined as a pure civil contract isolated from the domain of State authority and means of state control, taken a place in a civil and autonomous environment.
Keywords: Family, marriage, characteristic (qualification) legal
Nurses work in various fields related to human health. While performing their duties, their acts must be in accordance with the requirements of medical science. The actions taken by nurses to contribute to a patient’s health may not always have positive outcomes. The nurse’s lack of legal responsibility for complications is the rule. A nurse is responsible for medical malpractice, not for complications. The nurse’s legal responsibility for medical malpractice is simply based on professional misdeeds.
In this study, the legal responsibility of nurses is examined and relevant cases that have been the subject of the Turkish Supreme Court decisions are analyzed. Considering the decisions of the Turkish Supreme Court in relation to nurses, injuries that occur upon a nurse’s injection are frequently encountered. The problem of injection in the legal responsibility of nurses has reached disturbing dimensions as a societal phenomenon. A multidisciplinary approach to injection is highly recommended. Injection problems must be minimized, particularly with the cooperation of medical and legal science.
Keywords: Nurse’s lack of legal responsibility for complications, nurse’s legal responsibility for medical malpractice, problem of injection in the legal responsibility of nurses, multidisciplinary approach to injection
The legal role and nature of spouses’ sexual dissatisfaction with each other in marriage and divorce can be determined. According to debitum conjugale, the imposition of copula carnalis or, in other words, sexual relations between spouses as an obligation is based on canon law. However, the view that marriage endows spouses with such reciprocal obligations shall now be abandoned. Positive and negative behaviors such as cohabitation, loyalty, and tending to the happiness of the marital union should be qualified as a legal duty or task (or assignment) in the sense of family law, not an obligation in the sense of law of obligations. Certainly, sexual intercourse between spouses is not explicitly regulated by law and obligation should not be deduced from the existing provisions on the duties of spouses through interpretation. The Turkish Court of Cassation (Yargıtay) largely attributes full fault to defendants who are unwilling or unable to have sexual intercourse with their spouses in contentious divorce cases. The fact that sexual interaction is not established at all or is interrupted for a long time, contrary to the wishes of one party, of course indicates that the foundation of the marriage union has broken down irremediably. Nevertheless, this indication does not mean that the issue of sexuality in divorce can be directly subject to the distribution of faults. The condemnation of spouses who suffer psychologically and physically from ailments such as vaginismus or erectile dysfunction with complete fault in divorce both violates the definition of fault and reduces marriage to a partnership of sexual trading. On the other hand, the termination of the sexual desire of one of the spouses towards the other and the avoidance of sharing a bedroom reflects the use of the freedom of decision, including the right of personality, and does not satisfy the concept of fault in the breakdown of the marital union. In the case of such sexual disorders and/or avoidance, the ending of the marriage in divorce without the fault of either spouse may be possible. However, in divorce cases based on the breakdown of the marital union, the Yargıtay investigates the criterion for the defendant to be deemed at least slightly faulty. This criterion of the Court of Cassation poses problems in the divorces of spouses who could not establish close sexual relationships or whose intimacy ended. In Turkish divorce practice, the principle of fault should not be extended by the Yargıtay against the will of the legislator. Creating competition among the private lives of spouses in case files and court hearings may constitute an infringement of the personal rights of the other. The fault-centered and multi-cause divorce system is not functional. For this reason, reform in Turkish divorce law can be organized by taking the family law developments in Switzerland and France as an example.
Keywords: Debitum conjugale, copula carnalis, legal duty or task, obligation, sexual disorders and/or avoidance, ending of the marriage in divorce without the fault of either spouse, fault-centered and multi-cause divorce system, reform in Turkish divorce law
Nurses work in various fields related to human health. While performing their duties, their acts must be in accord- ance with the requirements of medical science. The actions taken by nurses to contribute to a patient’s health may not always have positive outcomes. The nurse’s lack of legal responsibility for com- plications is the rule. A nurse is responsible for medical malpractice, not for complications. The nurse’s legal responsibility for medical malpractice is simply based on professional misdeeds.
In this study, the legal responsibility of nurses is examined and relevant cases that have been the subject of the decisions of the Turkish Court of Cassation are analysed. Considering the deci- sions of the Turkish Court of Cassation in relation to nurses, injuries that occur upon a nurse’s injection are frequently encountered. The problem of injection in the legal responsibility of nurses has reached disturbing dimensions as a societal phenomenon. A multidisciplinary approach to injection is highly recommended. Injection problems must be minimized, particularly with the cooperation of medical and legal science.
Keywords: Nurse’s Lack of Legal Responsibility for Complica- tions, Nurse’s Legal Responsibility for Medical Malpractice, Problem of Injection in the Legal Responsibility of Nurses, Multidisciplinary Approach to Injection
Some of the kadi registers and notebooks corresponding to the 16th and 18th centuries in Diyarbekir have been expressed in Latin letters. In this study, the registry numbers 3709, 3715, 3754, 3789 and 3828 of the Diyarbekir shar’iyya registries of the 18th century Âmid Court are examined. Among these regis-ters, thirty-eight decisions of the Âmid Court are about alimony. The evaluat-ed court orders demonstrate that there are significant differences between ali-monies in Islamic Family Law (marriage, kinship and orphan child) and alimo-nies in Turkish Family Law (temporary maintenance pending suit, child sup-port, post marital maintenance and alimony for relatives) in terms of the duration and condictio iuris of alimony. In addition to muhâlea/hul divorces, serious divergences from Turkish Law are also noticed in the conversion of immovables into cash. Further, the 18th century Diyarbekir Âmid Court which served not only Muslims but also non-Muslims, should be examined in terms of addressing a wide portfolio. Thus, with the interpretation of thirty-eight deci-sions on alimony, it is aimed to reveal the social and economic conditions of di-vorced women and orphan children in Diyarbekir in the 18th century.
Key Words
Alimonies in Islamic Family Law - Alimonies in Turkish Family Law
Muhâlea/hul Divorces - Diyarbekir Âmid Court which Served not only Muslims but also non-Muslims - Social and Economic Conditions of Divorced Women and Orphan Children
Diyarbekir’de, 16 ve 18’inci yüzyıl arasına tekabül eden kadı sicillerinin bazı-ları, okunuşları itibariyle Latin harfleriyle ifade edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada, 18’inci yüzyıl Diyarbekir Âmid Mahkemesi’nin 3709, 3715, 3754, 3789 ve 3828 numaralı sicilleri incelenmektedir. Bu siciller arasında, Âmid Mahkemesi’nin özellikle seçilen otuz sekiz ilâmında görülmektedir ki, İslâm Aile Hukuku’ndaki nafakalar (evlilik, hısımlık ve bakıma muhtaç kimsesiz/terk edilen çocukların nafakaları) ile Türk Aile Hukuku’ndaki nafakalar (tedbir, iştirak, yoksulluk ve yardım nafakaları) arasında, süre ve şartlar bakımından önemli farklar bu-lunmaktadır. Muhâlea/hul boşanmaları yanı sıra, taşınmazların paraya çevril-mesinde de Türk Hukuku’ndan ayrışmalar fark edilmektedir. Ayrıca, 18’inci yüzyılda, sadece Müslümanlara değil, gayrimüslimlere de hizmet veren Âmid Mahkemesi nafaka konulu kararlarının geniş portföye hitap etmesi itibariyle de ilgi çekicidir. Böylece, nafaka konulu otuz sekiz ilâmın yorumlanmasıyla, 18’inci yüzyılda, Diyarbekir’de, boşanan kadınlarla kimsesiz çocukların sosyal ve ekonomik durumları ortaya konulmak istenmektedir.
The right to education is among the human social rights and requires the passive attitude of the State as well as its active participation. The Covid-19 pandemic has paved the way for the digitalization of education. That transformation has affected future jurists together with all students. Law education does not consist of merely providing access to knowledge. Graduates should be equipped with the essential qualifications required for being a jurist. Law students undergo a serious and carefully designed formation process that consists of theory, practice, and ethics because knowledge alone is not enough for a jurist. Jurists must also pay attention to their appearance, express themselves with care, and emphasize the priority of the honour of the law profession in all areas of their life. Considering both field and elective courses, the law faculty curriculum is primarily weighted toward the civil law department. This department greets students with preliminary provisions and the law of persons in the first semester, concluding with the law of inheritance in the final year. This department also teaches family law and law of obligations to first-year and second-year students. Contact with third-year students in this department is also quite intense with two extra field courses. Effective and sincere communication between the faculty members of the civil law department and the students is of utmost importance for law students to absorb both the essence of law and professional ethics. Law student’s right to education can only be satisfied by the professional maintenance of civil law courses. As the education system was confined to the computer due to the pandemic, law faculties took a step towards education over the internet. The principal problem of online education for law faculties is the inability of faculty members in civil law department to communicate effectively with their students. The development of sincere, close, and respectful relations between faculty members who teach civil law courses and the students is the basis of adequately satisfying the right to law education. Although blended education will be increasingly adopted in the future, the hybrid education model is not applied uniformly in all universities. The definition of blended education in the educational sciences is clear, however. Blended education in the courses offered by the civil law department can strengthen the connection between faculty members and students. Blended education explanations in the educational sciences should be utilized. Thus, significant quality improvement at the core of the right to law education through faculty members of the civil law department can be envisaged at the national level.
Eğitim hakkı, sosyal-ekonomik-kültürel haklar arasında yer alır ve Devletin aktif katılımı kadar pasif tutumunu da gerektirir. Salgın, eğitim-öğretimin dijitaleşmesine zemin hazırlamıştır. Bu dönüşüm tüm öğrenciler kadar müstakbel hukukçuları da etkilemiştir. Hukuk öğretimi ve hukukçunun eğitimi bilgilere erişimin sağlanmasından ibaret değildir. Mezunlar hukukçuluğun gerektirdiği elzem niteliklerle bezenmelidir. Hukuk öğrencilerine, ciddî ve programlı formasyon yüklenmektedir. Bu formasyon, teorik, pratik ve etik üçlüsünden oluşur. Hukukçunun bilmesi kâfi gelmez. Hukukçu, dış görünüşüne titizlik göstermeli, kendisini ifadede asil duruş sergilemeli ve hayat alanlarının tamamında hukuk meslek onuru önceliğini dışa vurmalıdır. Gerek alan dersleri gerek seçimlik dersler dikkate alındığında, hukuk fakültesi müfredatında yoğunluk, evvel emirde medenî hukuk anabilim dalındadır. Medenî hukuk anabilim dalı, öğrenciyi ilk sınıfta, başlangıç hükümleri ve kişiler hukukuyla karşılar; son sınıfta ise, miras hukukuyla uğurlar. Bu anabilim dalının birinci ve ikinci sınıf öğrencilerine aile ve borçlar hukuklarını aktardığı hatırlatılmalıdır. Ayrıca, üçüncü sınıf öğrencileriyle teması, iki alan dersiyle yine oldukça yoğundur. Hukuk öğrencilerinin hem hukukun özünü hem de meslek etiğini hazmetmesinde, medenî hukuk anabilim dalı öğretim üyeleriyle öğrenciler arasında etkin ve içten iletişim azamî önem arz eder. Hukuk öğrencisinin eğitim hakkı, medenî hukuk derslerinin profesyonel idamesiyle ancak tatmin edilebilir. Salgın üzerine bilgisayara hapsolan eğitim sisteminde, hukuk fakülteleri internet üzerinden öğretime adım atmıştır. Hukuk fakültelerinde çevrimiçi öğretimin başat sorunu medenî hukuk öğretim üyelerinin öğrencileriyle etkili irtibat kuramamasıdır. Oysa medenî hukuk derslerini yürüten öğretim üyeleriyle öğrenciler arasında sıkı, yakın ve saygılı ilişki geliştirilmesi hukuk eğitimi hakkının layıkıyla tatmin edilmesinin temeli sayılabilir. İlerleyen süreçte, harmanlanmış öğretim modeline geçilse de hibrit yöntem üniversitelerde yeknesak uygulanmamaktadır. Aslında eğitim bilimlerinde harmanlanmış öğretim tanımı açıktır. Medenî hukuk anabilim dalı tarafından yürütülen derslerde harmanlanmış öğretim, öğretim üyesi ve öğrencilerin irtibatını kuvvetlendirebilir. Eğitim bilimlerindeki harmanlanmış öğrenme açıklamalarından medenî hukuk derslerinde istifade edilmelidir. Böylece, medenî hukukçular vasıtasıyla hukuk eğitimine yönelik hakkın özünde anlamlı kalite artışı ulusal düzeyde öngörülebilir.
Assoc. Prof. Özlem Tüzüner (PhD)
Afyon Kocatepe University Faculty of Law
Women can obtain legal rights based on marriage law only through official engagement or marriage contract. Extramarital union, only by having religious ceremony of marriage, causes the deprivation of family law rights. Including muftis among the registrars may reduce this deprivation.
For the participation of muftis among the registrars, amendments are made in the Law on Civil Registration Services and the Marriage Regulation. The Presidency of Religious Affairs published the Circular on the Official Marriage Authority.
The marriage carried out by the Mufti according to the mentioned circular refers to the simultaneous unification of the religious and official ceremonies of marriage. The mentioned simultaneous unification violates the hierarchy of norms, especially the fourth paragraph of article 174 of the Constitution and the second paragraph of article 143 of the Turkish Civil Code.
According to the relevant circular, marriage ceremony begins and ends with the hadith and prayers required by Islam. The annexes of the Circular are written first in Arabic and then in Turkish. The Constitutional Court, unanimously, rejects the annulment request for the participation of muftis among the registrars. However, in the relevant circular, attention could be paid to the priority sequencing and chronological divergence of the religious and official ceremonies of marriage.
In the United Kingdom, in the formalization of religious marriage, the terms of registered marriage, registered building and the authorized person are in the foreground, regardless of Christianity, Judaism and Islam distinction.
In Republic of Turkey, The Sunni dimension of Islam is deservedly satisfied with the participation of muftis among the registrars. In the project of the secularism and the freedom of belief, as Turkish family law expands the circle of officially recognized marriage ceremonies, when the appropriate conditions arise, not only other religions, but also the Alevi dimension of Islam can be taken into account.
Keywords: Participation of muftis among the registrars, Circular on the Official Marriage Authority, fourth paragraph of article 174 of the Constitution, second paragraph of article 143 of the Turkish Civil Code, hierarchy of norms, registered building, freedom of belief
Assoc. Prof. Özlem Tüzüner (PhD)
Afyon Kocatepe University Law Faculty Civil Law Department
Delimitating the amount of damage to a lower threshold (to a lower limit) in property losses and the amount of compensation to the upper limit in case of death or corporeal damage is the guiding principle of product liability in comparative law. These amount limits play the most crucial role on the survivability of the economic system, the insurability of the compensation paid by the producer and the equitable distribution of the risk. It also prevents the accumulation of cases in courts and upsurge in prices of goods and services. It is recommended that these limits equalling to the amounts of insurable risk should be adopted in Turkish product liability. The EU Directive Nr. 85/374/EEC could be a beneficial model in this legislative process for the adoption of both the threshold and the ceiling. If the Turkish legislator has the intention to comply with the European Union acquis, a legal instrument regarding the lower threshold for property losses shall be enacted. In addition, to support the resistance and stability of the Turkish insurance industry, it should also draw a compensation ceiling, namely upper limit on the amount of compensation for damage in case of death/ corporeal damage.
Keywords: Lower threshold (property losses), compensation ceiling (damage in case of death/ corporeal damage), amount limitations and insurance
Doç. Dr. Özlem Tüzüner
Doktrinleştirme (indoctrination), daha popüler ismiyle beyin yıkama (brainwashing), yirminci yüzyılın ilk yarısından itibaren teorilere konu edilir. Beyin yıkamada, kişinin hem bilincine, hem de bilinç altına ve/veya üstüne hitap eden özel tekniklerle, kurban olma, kendi kendini mahvetme, aşağılama veya yüceltme, ölme, öldürme, düşmanı yok etme, güya kahraman (şehit) olma gibi bazı düşünce ve emirler ekilir. Hedef tarafından fark edilsin fark edilmesin, beyin yıkamaya karşı koymak çok güçtür. Doktrinleştirme faaliyetlerinin hüküm sürdüğü alanlardan en önemlisi terör örgütleridir. Terörizmde insan faktörü doktrinleştirme sayesinde oluşur ve korunur. Bu çalışmanın iddiası, terörizmde insan faktörünün kişiler hukukuyla baltalanabileceğidir. Kişiler hukuku, hem koruyucu (önleyici) hukuk, hem de dava hukuku olarak doktrinleştirmeye meydan okuyabilir. Kişilik, kişiyi donatan fiziksel, psikolojik ve ekonomik değerlerin bütünüdür. Terör örgütlerinde doktrinleştirme, kişilik hakkı ihlâlidir. Gerçek kişi, kişiliğinin hukuken korunduğundan haberdar olursa, işbu farkındalık sayesinde, doktrinleştirilmeye, yani beyninin yıkanmasına karşı, daha baştan duyarlı mertebeye çıkabilir. Bu farkındalık her türlü doktrinleştirmeye karşı bağışıklık kalkanı sağlayabilir. Kişiler hukukunun en başta sağlayacağı kişiliğin korunması farkındalığı, önleyici hukuk boyutudur. Dava hukuku boyutuna gelindiğinde kişiliğin fiilen korunması gündemde yerini bulur. Türk Medenî Kanunu, 24 ve 25’inci maddelerinde, kişiliğin dışarıdan gelen saldırılara karşı korunmasını; 23’üncü maddesinde ise, kişinin bizzat katıldığı hukukî işlemlerden korunmasını düzenler. Kişiler hukuku perspektifinde, terörist adayının zihnine/bilincine, bilinç altına/üstüne, fiziksel veya psikolojik baskıyla telkin edilen, dayatılan veya zorla ekilen her türlü komut, kişilik hakkı ihlâlidir. Saldırının varlık ve derecesi, bireyin temel inancının, insancıl öncelik sıralamasının, düşünce akışının ve zihinsel komutlarının ondan izinsiz bozulmasında araştırılabilir. Doktrinleştirme yoluyla ika edilen kişilik hakkı ihlâline karşı, hukukî şartları uygun düştükçe kişiliği koruyucu davalardan yararlanılabilir. Dinleri suiistimal eden terör örgütleri bakımından, kişinin ehliyet ve özgürlüklerinden kısmen veya tamamen vazgeçmesini konu edinen hukukî işlemler de, bu vazgeçiş görünürde terörist adayının rızasına dayansa bile, kesin olarak hükümsüzdür.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Doktrinleştirme, terör örgütünde beyin yıkama, kişilik, kişiliğin korunması
Assoc. Prof. Özlem Tüzüner (Phd)
Indoctrination, known as brainwashing, has been used in theories since the beginning of the twentieth century. The aim of indoctrination is to place specific commands into one’s mind like being victim, self-destruction, self-humiliation, egotism, death, homicide, destroying enemy and supposedly martyrization through the use of seductive techniques. The human source of terrorism is formed and protected by professional brainwashing methods. The claim of this study is that the human factor in terrorism can be undermined by the law of persons. Law of persons can challenge brainwashing operations in terror organizations through preventive and litigation law. Personality is an alliance of values including physical, psychological and economic values, which characterize a man. Indoctrination in terrorism means the violation of personal rights. A person who is sufficiently aware of his/her personality and who knows that law protects his/her personality can refuse easily indoctrination at the beginning of the process. The awareness of legal protection of personality may create an immunity shield against all kinds of brainwashing methods. In Turkish Civil Code, Articles 23, 24 and 25, it is stated that personality shall be protected from not only external offences but also renunciation of personal rights and freedoms. Any indoctrination on the mind of terrorist candidate is the violation of his/her personal rights. Existence of violation and the level of it can be understood if there is an extreme and unwilling change in one’s belief, way of reasoning or mental balance. Against the violation, which is acquired through brainwashing, all the actions protecting the personality, can be brought if the legal conditions are appropriate. Especially in terms of terror organizations that abuse religions, partial or complete waiver notices of terrorist candidate whom rights and freedoms are given up on, definitely void and null even though it seems as if the terrorist candidate is willing.
Key Words: Indoctrination, brainwashing in terror organization, personality, protection of personality.
Assist. Prof. Özlem Tüzüner (Ph. D.)
Monosodium glutamate is a food additive referred to as E621. Most of the scientific findings are that MSG threatens the health of the consumer. In the perspective of comparative consumer and food law, the present additive claimed to threaten the health of the consumer, is regulated in two different possibilities as freedom or restriction (limitation). For example, when Canada and the United States food and consumer laws are examined at federal level, the free MSG regime is seen. In contrast, limited (restricted) use is permitted in the European Union, specifically in Spain, France, the United Kingdom of Great Britain, and also in Switzerland. As this additive is allowed for limited use in many countries around the world, it is worthy of criticism that it is not restricted in Turkey at all.
Keywords: Monosodium glutamate, Consumer Health, Freedom and Restriction
Assist. Prof. Özlem Tüzüner (Ph.D.)
Comparative law is cautious against the uncontrolled consumption of alcoholic beverages of the dipsomaniac consumer. About the compensation for losses due to the dipsomaniac consumer, the aforementioned alcoholic beverages consumer may not be the only obligor. The consumer who drank over dose alcoholic beverages, the alcoholic drinks provider (business entity) and the workers in such enterprises may be subject to joint and several liability. Indeed, the provider, which serves excessive alcoholic beverage as well as the business manager, the waiters, the bartenders and even the security guards, can be found responsible all together. In Anglo-American jurisdictions, dipsomaniac consumer conflicts are studied under the title of dram shop law. Also in French and Swiss law, there exist measures to protect the dipsomaniac consumer from drinking too much alcoholic beverages. In many of the Swiss cantons, it’s illegal to serve alcohol to the consumer who has approached to become intoxicated. It’s essential to take this subject into consideration in the Turkish Consumer Law.
Keywords: Dipsomaniac consumer, excessive alcoholic beverages service, dram shop law, joint and several liability
Assist. Prof. Özlem Tüzüner (Ph.D.)
Anorexia and bulimia are two mental illnesses examined under the umbrella of the so-called eating disorders. Anorexia is the corruption of body mass perception of the person who refuses to eat. Thus the body mass falls far below what is required. Bulimia, on behalf not to gain weight or lose weight, is eating two to three times than the normal human food at one time and inducing to vomit as self-conscious. In both two disorders, can be found other anxieties in addition to the fear of weight gain. Also they may be accompanied by the abuse of diuretic, laxative and other diet drugs accelerating metabolism. Strong tendency to self-slaughter, among anorexia and/or bulimia patients, there is high mortality rate. It is listed as causes of death in the medical literature: excessive hunger, excessive thirst, melting of the muscles including the heart muscle, endocrine disruption, interruption in nerve conduction, deviation in the appetite center, urea increase, fever based on extreme constipation rise and electrolyte imbalance.
Any anorexia and/or bulimia nervosa patient who comes to hospital with high risk of death, his/her declaration of the absolute rejection for treatment is null and void. Because of the high risk of death due to taking the step to self-destruct stage, from now on the anorexic and/or bulimic person, to realize the implications of that treatment is not possible. Through the principle of relativity in the power of discernment, the anorexic and/or bulumik person whose death approaches as a serious risk has no power to understand the consequences of not being treated.
When the anorexic and/or bulimic person is unconscious, under full age or limited by a court decision, there are legislations/provisions in Turkish Law, which serve the urgent medical intervention to those patients. However, about the minor and slightly conscious anorexia and/or bulimia nervosa patient who stepped into fatal stage, when his/her declaration of the absolute rejection for treatment is null and void, there occurs some important results welded the integrity rule as well as general provisions. As the disclaimer to treatment service of the anorexic and/or bulimic person is invalid, most important results occur from consumer law. The results concerning the consumer law, especially liability for compensation, are examined below in the comparative law perspective.
Keywords: Anorexia, bulimia, power of discernment, invalidity, integrity rule, obligation to save life, obligation to contract and liability for compensation
Assist. Prof. Özlem Tüzüner (Ph.D.)
Both in Turkish and French Law, the Public Procurement Law is in force. The objectivity and the compliance with legal security of public procurement can be assessed over three considerations: The amount of the exceptions to the Public Procurement Law, the number of the changes that have occurred in this law and the selection criteria used among the applicants.
Thanks to these issues (topics), the objectivity of the Turkish Public Procurement Law has been compared to that of the French. Thus, it was concluded that the Turkish Public Procurement Law, has been changed more than the French one, almost gratuitously. In addition, it has been identified that in Turkish Law it is brought more exceptions to the code and while making choice among the bidders, officials don’t give enough importance to the other objective and qualitative criteria except price (non-price objective and qualitative criteria).
Keywords: Public Procurement Law, changes, exceptions and non-price objective and qualitative criteria (other objective and qualitative criteria except price)
I thank to my dear student and prospective colleague Tevfik for fixing my perception of religion and world order. I dedicate this write-up to him and all his loved ones.
Assist. Prof. Özlem Tüzüner (Ph.D.)
The concept of halal is described clearly in Islamic law. The developments occurring in the banking sector and the food technology decrease the doubt of Muslims about halal products and halal earnings. In order to resolve this doubt is created with good intentions the halal certificate, to whom/which it serves?
Halal or kosher certifications make sense to Muslims and Jews, but do not make sense for Christians. According to data from 2004, Exports of Turkish Republic to countries, such as Iran, Lebanon and Malaysia vast majority of the population consists of Muslims, the halal certificate is not found grip as a barrier. In contrast, in our foreign trade with Israel, are specifically addressed, kosher certificate and the problem that none of the products have not entered in the Arab countries.
In Turkey, there are many organizations that give halal certificates. Considering the popularity, three of these organizations are examined below. Also, the sale of non-halal products as in the context of the halal certificate will arise civil law disputes. Foreseeing these disputes, worked on the solution thereof.
It may be objected to the claim that halal certificate increases the volume of exports of the Turkish Republic. United States, Argentina, Russia and China are still the leading countries, which meet the needs of the Muslims of halal product. With beautiful hopes for which Muslims made believe, the halal certificate, means of getting a share of the rents and bastardization of the concept of halal.
Taking advantage of the halal certification, based on the slogan “three religions one God” inter religions dialogue and the project of moderate Islam which is the projection of this dialogue; try fitting the concept of halal in capitalism. Halal certification as one of the tools of this trial, serves the big moneylenders of the global economic order. How if moderate Islam, is the tool of the globalization which is the cute name of the imperialism, halal certification is also one of the economic support of the same project.
Of course, the producers who ever obtain this certification, with conscientious concerns and in order to protect economic presence in the competitive environment, are exempt. Albeit certified, or uncertified, halal, it is always lawful. Being certified of haram as halal, the illicit does not change.
Keywords: Halal, certificate, global economic system, civil disputes
Assist. Prof. Özlem Tüzüner (Ph.D.)
After the change of Law on Consumer Protection No. 4077 with the Law No. 4822, both consumer and service descriptions, were expanded at the scope. The natural result of this expansion may be listed as fallows. All the private training activities are qualified as provision of services. The foundation universities are providers. The students who benefit from those universities and their parents are qualified as consumers. Thus, the students and their parents, together or separately, benefit from the opportunities protective of the consumer law.
Keywords: Foundation university, student and parent, consumer, provider
Assist. Prof. Özlem Tüzüner (Ph.D.)
Subliminal is a method used for influencing the subconscious (or unconscious) without notice of the consciousness. Subliminal advertising can be defined as the hidden, router and/or encouraging message embedded in another object, sent to the subconscious (or unconscious).
Both the Turkish Law and the comparative law banned the subliminal advertising. Based on the comparison, the European Union, France, Canada and Swiss law are mentioned. A view as a result, has been determined that, the toughest and most comprehensive subliminal prohibition exists in the Canadian Law. In particular, the Code of Ethics shows that in Canada it is taken a serious stand against subliminal advertising.
By the Turkish Consumer Law, the provision included in the Advertising Regulation is insufficient. Therefore, under the name of draft law, it has been necessary to revise totally the law proposal which was presented to the Parliament in 2005. Besides a draft regulation about this subject has been prepared and gone shares.
Keywords: Subliminal, subliminal advertising (commercial), draft law, draft regulation
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Özlem Tüzüner-Arş. Gör. Kerem Öz
6537 Sayılı Kanun, tarım arazi ve işletmelerinin miras yoluyla intikali hususunda yeni düzenlemeler getirdiği gibi, bazı kanun hükümlerini de lağvetmiştir. Böylece, Türk Medenî Kanunu’nun, “Tarımsal İşletmeler” başlıklı yürürlükten kaldırılan 659-668 hükümleri, 1.1.2002 tarihinden 15.5.2014 tarihine kadar yürürlükte kalmıştır. Yeni düzenleme, Türk Medenî Kanunu’ndaki mülga hükümlerden daha ileri veya geri değildir. Kanun koyucu, aile çiftçiliğine ket vurmuş, tarımda şirketleşmeyi tercih etmiştir. Önceden, tarım arazi ve işletmesinin aile içinde kalması, üçüncü kişilere geçmemesi, bu şekilde aile çiftçiliğinin korunması ve özendirilmesi önemliydi. Bugün, özgüleme yerine şirketlere devir prensibiyle, paylaşma haricinde tutma kuralı yumuşatılmıştır. Artık, aile çiftçiliği değil, aile içinde kalsın kalmasın iktisadî anlamda tarım işletmesinin ticaret şirketi bazında bekası önemsenmektedir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Aile çiftçiliğine ket vurulması, kanun koyucunun tarımda şirketleşme tercihi, özgüleme yerine şirketlere devir prensibi
Assist. Prof. Özlem Tüzüner (Ph.D.)
Dedicated to my dear sister Makbule Tüzüner
Became famous under the name of the domain name of the defendant, gittigidiyor jurisprudence has been recently written by Yargıtay General Law Assembly. The Internet provider who had been notified that the imitation branded products was being sold on his own web site, in terms of compensation, was considered jointly liable. However, in this case, the negative behavior (avoidance), where it should be evaluated on the element of illegality, evaluated on the element of defect. On the other hand, in tort compensation, as though there is warning notice, instead of the term informing notice, the term of the warning notice is preferred. In this case which contains such serious civil law problem, there are only two references to the trademark law doctrine, but no reference to the civil law doctrine, is met surprisingly and awarded to criticism.
Keywords: Negative behavior, avoidance, illegality, necessity to make reference to the doctrine of civil law
“Müftülerin Evlendirme Memurları Arasına Katılması” başlıklı bu çalışmanın kaleme alınması yanı sıra, baskıya hazırlanması süreci de, konunun özel hukuk politikasını ilgilendirmesinden ötürü beklenenden daha meşakkatli gerçekleşmiştir. Önemsenen, bu kitaptaki düşüncelerin doğru bulunması değildir. Akademik eleştiriye açık olmanın, yasa koyucunun gücüne güç katabileceği ispatlanmak istenmiştir. İlmî tarafsızlığı korumanın sanıldığı kadar kolay olmadığı fiilen deneyimlenmiştir. Mukayeseli hukuktan feyz almakla, objektifliğe hizmet eden yolda ilerlemenin kolaylaştığı bir kez daha teyit edilmiştir. Umarım bu kitabı besleyen cesaret takdire layık görülür.
Esasen “müftü nikâhı” terimi, ilk duyulduğunda, hukukî olarak uygun bulunmayabilir. Sonuçta, belediye nikâhı, konsolos veya köy muhtarı nikâhı şeklinde ayırımlar hukuk düzenimizde bulunmuyordu. Bu çalışmada müftü nikâhı şöyle ifade edilir: “görünürde İslâm dinine çok yakın, biraz incelendiğinde ise, İslâm Aile Hukuku’na aykırı sonuçlar doğurma ihtimali barındıran, Türk Aile Hukuku’na özgü yeni bir nikâh çeşidi”. Türk Hukuk düzeninin özgün atılımlarda bulunması övgüyle karşılanabilir.
Eserin kaynakça kısmından önce, Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı tarafından yayımlanan Resmî Nikâh Yetkisi Hakkında Genelge’ye yer verilir. Yirmi küsur sayfa tutan bu ekin isabeti tartışılabilir. Bu ekle, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti kanunlarında bazı ilklere imza atan mezkûr hukukî gelişmenin, görsel takibi kolaylaştırılmak istenmiştir. Gerçekten, kitabın okunması esnasında, mezkûr genelgeyle ihlâl edildiği iddia edilen ilke ve normların, eş zamanlı takip edilmesi mümkündür.
Yazarın yabancı dilleriyle sınırlı vaziyette on beş sayfadan ibaret kaynakça da, konunun doğası gereği, İslâm Aile Hukuku’ndan saygın eserlere yer verilir. Türk Aile Hukuku ile İslâm Aile Hukuku’nun bu kitapta kesişmesinin memnuniyetle karşılanacağı ümit edilir. Bir daha böylesine iki alanı ortaklaşa ilgilendiren yasal değişikliklerin arifesinde, birlikte çalışmanın ne kadar faydalı olabileceği böylece ortaya çıkmıştır. Ulusal tesirinin kuvvetli olacağına inanılan bu çalışmanın, hukuk ilmiyle ilgilenen her kitapsever tarafından memnuniyetle okunacağı öngörülür.
Doç. Dr. Özlem Tüzüner
Türk Medenî Kanunu’nun 930 ile 938 arası hükümlerine mehaz teşkil eden maddelerin biri hariç tamamı İsviçre’de yürürlükten kaldırılmıştır. Türkiye’de de, bu bölümde öngörülen rehinli tahvil veya senetlerin, ne mülga, ne de yürürlükteki kanun döneminde, rağbet görmediği şimdiden dile getirilmelidir. Aslında, taşınmaz mülkiyetinin getirilerinden biri de, teminat teşkil etmekle kredi sağlamasıdır. Malik, taşınmazını elinden çıkarmadan, teminat fonksiyonundan yararlanarak, geçici ve sınırlı ödünçle kredi bulabilir. İşte Türk Medenî Kanunu’nun 930 ile 938 arası hükümleri de, taşınmaz rehinine dair diğer hükümler gibi, kredi bulma amacına hizmet edebilir. Yalnız burada, daha profesyonel biçimde, taşınmaz rehiniyle kuvvetlenmiş alacak karşılığında, malik tarafından tahvil veya senet çıkarılması veya aracı kurum tarafından seri hâlde ipotekli borç yahut irat senedi tedavüle konulması söz konusudur. Bu hükümlerin özelliği, krediye ihtiyacı olan tarafta değil, asıl karşı tarafta kendini gösterir ki, düşük faizli de olsa neticede güvenli yoldan uzun vadeli gelir elde etmek isteyen küçük tasarruf sahiplerine hitap etmesidir. Kısacası, bu hükümler, “taşınmaz karşılığında senet çıkarma” konusunu düzenlemekte olup, büyük kredi arayan girişimcinin kendi taşınmazı üzerinde küçük tasarruf sahipleri lehine rehin kurması yoluyla bu ihtiyacını gidermesini sağlar. Gerçekte çıkarılacak her tahvil için alacaklısı lehine taşınmaz rehinlerini ayrı ayrı tesis etmek pratik olmadığından bu güçlüğün önüne geçmek adına Türk Medenî Kanunu’nun 930 ile 938 arası hükümleri ihdas edilir. Çünkü ayrı ayrı taşınmaz rehini tesis etmek hem malî yönden masraflı, hem de pratik açıdan verimsizdir. Diğer taraftan, ödünç senedi, taşınmaz rehiniyle kuvvetlendiğinde, önce rehine müracaat ilkesine rağmen, senet alacaklısı, sırf rehinle teminat altına alınan alacak aynı zamanda kambiyo senedine (kıymetli evraka) bağlı olduğundan, kambiyo senetlerine özgü haciz ya da iflâs yoluyla takip yapılabilmesinin önü açılır. Hatta, ipotekli borç ve irat senedinin, tertip hâlinde çıkarılmasına veya süresinin iki yıl olmasına bakılmaksızın, menkul kıymet özelliğini sağladığı savunulur. Sıralanan bu avantajlara rağmen, Türkiye’de ipotekli borç senedi veya irat senedi hiçbir zaman revaç kazanmamıştır ki, bunların seri hâlde çıkarılmasından bahseden kanun hükümlerinin işlerliği savunulsun. Aşağıda, taşınmaz rehiniyle güvence altına alınan ödünç senetleri konusu işlenirken, hem Türk Medenî Kanunu, hem de İsviçre Medenî Kanunu ele alınır. Yeri geldikçe, Türk Medenî Kanunu’nun ilgili maddelerinin gerekçelerine de değinilir. Mehaz kanunun güncel durumu aktarılırken, ipotekli borç senedinin yaratıcısı olması itibariyle, Fransız medenî hukuk tarihine kısaca değinilir. Nihayet, İsviçre’deki güncel durumla uyum gözetilerek, Türkiye için öneride bulunulur.
La protection du certificat d’utilité, comporte les inventions qui sont nouvelles et applicables à l’industrie. Le titulaire du certificat d’utilité, a un droit exclusif, exige un monopole d’exploitation. Le titulaire du certificat d’utilité, est protégé contre les violations. La protection du certificat d’utilité, est un modèle jeune. C’est pourquoi, on droit l’examiner en détail. Le droit applicable à la protection du certificat d’utilité, c’est lex loci protectionis, le droit de l’État pour lequel la protection du certificat d’utilité est revendiquée.
Mots-Clés: Le certificat d’utilité, applicabilité industrielle, droit exclusif, protection, lex loci protectionis.
The protection of utility model covers the inventions, which are new, technical and susceptible to industrial application. The proprietor of a utility model has a right exclusive. Shall have the right to assign or transfer by succession, the utility model and to conclude licensing agreements. The protection of utility model is a very young style of protection. That is why it is not functioning properly. The law applicable to the protection of utility model, its lex loci protectionis, the law of the country for which protection is claimed.
Keywords: Utility model, exclusive right, industrial application, protection, lex loci protectionis.
“Faydalı Modelin Korunması ve Faydalı Modelin Korunmasına Uygulanacak Hukuk” isimli doktora tez çalışması, Galatasaray Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü özel hukuk doktora bölümünde tamamlanmıştır. Doktora tezi, sayın jüri üyelerinin görüş ve eleştirileri ışığında gözden geçirilerek düzeltilmiştir.
Öncelikle, tez konusunun seçiminden, çalışmanın ortaya çıkmasına kadar bütün aşamalarda daima bana destek olan, üzüntü ve sevinçlerimi paylaşabildiğim tez danışmanım saygıdeğer hocam Prof. Dr. Hamdi Yasaman’a tüm kalbimle saygı ve sevgilerimi sunarım. Tezin yazımı ve düzeltilmesi aşamasında, her konuda yolumu aydınlatan ve büyük bir özveriyle yardımlarını esirgemeyen saygıdeğer hocam Prof. Dr. Arslan Kaya’ya en içten şükranlarımı sunarım.
Her zaman beni en doğru yola ileten, sabır ve ilgiyle bana yaklaşan ve eleştirileriyle tez çalışmamı onurlandıran saygıdeğer hocam Prof. Dr. Serap Helvacı’ya teşekkürü bir borç bilirim. Değerli görüşleriyle beni onurlandıran ve değerli eserleriyle tez çalışmamı yücelten saygıdeğer hocam Prof. Dr. Bahadır Erdem’e teşekkür ederim. Lisans, yüksek lisans ve doktora öğrenim hayatım boyunca öğrencisi olmakla övündüğüm saygıdeğer hocam, Doç. Dr. Hatice Özdemir Kocasakal’a en içten saygı ve sevgilerimi sunarım.
Arş. Gör. Dr. Tolga Ayoğlu’na, saygılarımı sunar, tekrar tekrar teşekkür ederim. Tolga hocamın manevî desteği olmasaydı, o bana yol göstermeseydi, doktora tez çalışmamı tamamlayamazdım.
Maddî manevî yardımlarını asla esirgemeyen ve daima bana güvenen anneme şükranlarımı sunarım. Babama ve kardeşime de teşekkür ederim.
Özlem Tüzüner
Beykoz, Şubat 2011
Trademark right, whose funtions on the goods and services market said to be vital, is a precious asset. That’s why, such as all transferrable rights, it can be left for pledge. However, trade mark pledge, which is a kind of right pledge, is not put in order enough in Turkish legislation. On the other hand, both juridical qualification of trade mark and right pledge are polemical on the jurisprudence. On these grounds, trademark pledge resembles to “dark and deep hole”. Although, cause the international traffic develops, it is to be imminent to study on the pignorative contract of trademark that contains foreign elements. However, applicable law to intellectuel property has not put in order in Turkish legislation. In this work, we aim at going down the trademark hole and analyzing the conflict of laws which arises from trademark pledge.
Marka hakkı, mal ve hizmet piyasasındaki hayatî fonksiyonları icabı değerli bir aktiftir. Bu nedenle, her devredilebilen ve iktisadî değeri olan hak gibi marka hakkının da rehinle kayıtlanması mümkündür. Ne var ki, bir hak rehni türü olan marka rehni, Hukuk mevzuatımızda ayrıntılı düzenlenmiş değildir. Diğer taraftan, gerek marka hakkının hukukî niteliği, gerek hak üzerindeki rehin hakkının hukukî niteliği doktrinde tartışmalıdır. İşte bu nedenlerle, marka rehni “karanlık bir kuyu”ya benzemektedir. Bunlara ek olarak, milletlerarası ticaretin gelişmesi, yabancılık unsuru taşıyan marka rehni sözleşmesine uygulanacak hukuk üzerinde çalışmayı zorunlu kılmaktadır. Ne var ki, fikrî haklara uygulanacak hukuk, Hukuk mevzuatımızda henüz düzenlenmiş değildir. Çalışmamız, marka rehni kuyusuna inmeyi ve marka rehni sözleşmesinden doğan kanunlar ihtilâfını incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır.
“Marka Rehni Sözleşmesi ve Uygulanacak Hukuk” başlıklı bu çalışma, Galatasaray Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Özel Hukuk Yüksek Lisans programı çerçevesinde yüksek lisans tezi olarak hazırlanmış ve Prof. Dr. Hamdi Yasaman, Prof. Dr. Gökhan Antalya ve Yard. Doç Dr. Hatice Özdemir Kocasakal’dan oluşan jüri önünde savunularak oybirliğiyle kabul edilmiştir.
Savunma esnasında Jüri Üyeleri tarafından belirtilen eksiklikler tamamlanmış ve kaynakça yeni çıkan basılara göre güncellenmiştir.
Kitabın, Hukuk Fakültesi öğrencileri, akademisyen ve uygulayıcılar açısından yararlı olması en büyük dileğimizdir.
Tezimin hazırlanması sırasında değerli katkılarını esirgemeyen Hocalarıma, özellikle Değerli Tez Danışmanım Doç. Dr. Hatice Özdemir Kosacakal’a, Sayın Dekanım Prof. Dr. Gökhan Antalya’ya ve değerli Hocam Yard. Doç Dr. Burak Özen’e en derin şükranlarımı sunarım.
Kavacık, 12.12.2006
Özlem Tüzüner
“Adlî Genetik ve Tıbbî Biyoloji Bilimlerinin Soybağı Hukukuna Etkileri” isimli bu eser, doçentlik takdim tezi niyetiyle kaleme alındı. Gerçekten, soybağı hukuku, adlî genetik ve tıbbî biyolojide meydana gelen bilimsel gelişmelerin doğrudan tesiri altındadır.
Birinci bölümde, soybağına ilişkin davalarda, kanunî şartlar gerçekleştikçe, mahkeme kararına dayalı olarak, gen analizine katılımın zorla yerine getirilebileceği savunulur. İkinci bölümde işlenen konu, cinsiyet değiştiren kişinin önceden orijin cinsiyetinden üreyerek edindiği soybağıdır. Üçüncü bölümde ise, sağ kalan eşin, müteveffa kocasının dondurulmuş spermasıyla sunî döllenmesine odaklanılır.
Bu kitapta, en çok önemsenen bölümün dördüncüsü olduğu ifade edilebilir. Fücur ürünü çocuğu tanıma yasağı, mukayeseli hukukta çifte soybağı yasağına evirilmiştir. Ensest ürünü çocuğu koruyan çifte soybağı yasağı, Türk Medenî Kanunu’na kazandırılabilir. Kısacası dördüncü bölüm, böylesine kanun değişikliğini tetikleyebilir.
Beşinci ve son bölümde, adlî genetik biliminde hata payından, özellikle pozitif rastlantısal uyum ihtimalinden bahsedilir. Burada, hata payını en aza indirmek adına, zorunlu akreditasyon sistemi açıklanır ve bu hususta kayda değer önerilerde bulunulur. Nihayet eserin sonucunda, her aşamada erişilen değerlendirme ve tavsiyelerin bütünsel özeti sunulmakla, bölümler arası bağlantı sağlanır.
Eserin en belirgin özelliği, mukayeseli hukuk yelpazesinin geniş tutul- masıdır. Özellikle üçüncü ve dördüncü bölümlerde, İslâm Hukuku yanı sıra, Hristiyan ve Yahudi-Musevi öğretilerine kısa da olsa değinilir. Diğer taraftan, yeri geldikçe, adlî tıp, adlî genetik, sosyoloji, antropoloji, felsefe ve psikoloji bilimlerinden yararlanılması, tartışılan hukukî meseleleri, çok disiplinli zemin üzerine sağlam inşa etme kaygısından kaynaklanır. Ümit edilir ki, Fransızca ve İngilizce dillerinde araştırılmaya uygun medenî hukuk konularının seçilmesi akademik açıdan faydalı bulunur.
Dr. Özlem Tüzüner
Assist. Prof. Özlem Tüzüner (Ph.D.)
“The purpose of this act is to take measures aimed at protecting the health, safety and economic interests of consumers in line with the public good, building consumer awareness, indemnifying losses incurred by consumers and protecting them against environmental hazards; to promote consumer initiatives aimed at protecting consumer interests and to encourage volunteer organizations aimed at devising consumer-related policies”.
The purpose of Law No. 6502 is to protect the consumer rights. The main objective set out in this article is to realize the consumer protection principle. Comparative law states the same purpose with similar expressions.
The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and the Directive on Consumer Rights are directed to the same purpose. French Consumer Code does contain no article about its purpose. But the traditional objective is expressed in the doctrine. There is no particular code to protect consumers in Switzerland. But the Swiss Code of Obligations contains provisions to protect the purchaser of the door sale with right of withdrawal. On the other hand, Federal Law on Consumer Credit, only in the consumer credit area, leads the purpose of protecting the loan recipients against the professional lenders.
United States Code contains provisions about consumer product warranties. Under this title, following objectives are written: to improve the adequacy of information available to consumers, prevent deception and improve competition in the marketing of consumer products. Consumer Rights Act 2015, which is in force in England, refers to protect the interests of consumers in general. Consumer Protection Act 1986, which is in force in India, has the objective to strengthen consumer protection against unfair commercial practices.
When the objective is as such, critics to consumer protection policy should be laid. Both in the Turkish Consumer Law, as well as in the comparative consumer law, the effectiveness of this principle is discussed. The purpose of the protective law branches is not to favor one party, but to establish a fair balance on behalf of the general interest of the community. Rather than a rigid protection in favor of the consumer, it’s valuable to protect the consumer’s physical and economic integrity, also to maintain the consumer’s freedom of choice. As it’s the same in all law branches, consumer law’s ultimate objective is the public interest. Consumer can be maintained as far as the country’s economy is able to carry the burden. Because of the consumer protection principle, national productivity should not be ignored.
In special cases, the balance in the power relations may change. For example, small business can remain impotent in the face of persistent client. The consumer protection policy restricts the freedom to trade and paralyzes partly economic activities. It’s incorrect to give the impression to consumers as if they’re disabled that the legislator will protect them in every condition. The problem is the rationality issue. The protective provisions should be established in adequate and effective level.
Contrary to the acceptation of the Napoleon code, the consumer is not a good family man (bonus pater familias). It’s accepted that the consumer is half intelligent and incapable adult. In exceptional cases, this proposition may be unrealistic. Of course, when the professional steps forward in the consumers geographical space or is really economically superior, it is time to protect the consumer. When the marginal situations occur, in which the consumer is not unsafe and economically below but the trader is below, the general and abstract protection offered to all consumers by consumer law remains wrong and unjustifiable. The aim is, rather than to generalize this principle, to establish a fair balance of interests in between opposite benefits.
Consumer protection policy has now been reformed, is not the same as it was in the late 1970s. Ensuring the contractual equality and the protection of contractual balance has taken place the reviews in favor of consumer principle. The economic balance of the contract is limited by the absence of abuse. Normative balance of the contract consists of transparency and honesty of the contract content.
Principles are not static. In the new contractual ethical profile, transparency, consistency and proportionality obligations are sufficient for traders. Also in the economic profile, it’s acceptable as the enough objective that the consumer appears an independent and consciously moving individual.
As seen, the consumer protection principle is criticized because of its rigidity in favor of consumer. The traditional understanding, according to which consumers are incapable and must be sponsored in an absolute protection shield, is being transformed. The tendency of the resilience of the consumer protection principle is expressed by the following concerns: social state, social justice, the overall benefit of the society and the establishment of a fair balance between the conflicting interests. In fact, it’s nonsense to apply rigidly the consumer protection principle in the exceptional situations, especially when the consumer is not poor, emotional or incapable. When the exceptional situations occur, it’s normal the flexing of the mentioned principle to the extent away from the ultimate goal called social benefit.
Assist. Prof. Özlem Tüzüner (Ph.D.)
“This Act covers all kinds of consumer transactions and consumer related practices (or applications directed to the consumer)”.
The Act No. 6502 covers all kinds of consumer transactions and applications directed to the consumer. The term “application directed to the consumer” was not found in the Repealed Law No. 4077. The reference to consumer related practice is one of the indications that show the scope of the Act expands. The applications directed to the consumer include exemplarily after-sales services, promotions organized by periodicals and broadcasters, unfair trade practices, pre-contractual information form and sales method during the establishment of the timeshare contract.
According to the Directive 2011/83/EU on Consumer Rights, European Union Consumer Law includes any contracts concluded between a trader and a consumer. It shall also apply to the contracts for supplying water, gas, electricity or district heating, including by public providers, to the extent that these commodities are provided on a contractual basis.
French Consumer Code does contain no article about its scope. Introductory article begins with consumer definition. As long as one side is appropriate consumer according to the legal recognition the French consumer law includes each consumer transaction, which is on the subjective system.
In Switzerland, except for consumer loans, a special act dedicated to consumer protection, does not exist. In Swiss Code of Obligations, the chapter titled as “the right of withdrawal in door sales and related contracts” has a coverage as “customer getting movable goods or services personal or family use from the vendor or provider who offers professional or commercial activity”.
Consumer Rights Act 2015 has identified the scope as follows: “where there is an agreement between a trader and a consumer for the trader to supply goods, digital content or services, if the agreement is a contract”. It makes no difference in terms of the application of the act whether the consumer contract is written, oral or implied from the parties.
Consumer Protection Act 1986, which is in force in India, is dedicated to protect consumers from unfair commercial practices. This law is comprehensive enough to prevent all kinds of consumer exploitations. It’s interesting that the provisions of this Act shall be in addition to and not in derogation of the provisions of any other law for the time being in force.