HUman Disturbance
Recent papers in HUman Disturbance
This study examined the impact of anthropogenic disturbances on species richness, pattern of diversity, forest structure and regeneration of tree species in the Madhupur Sal (Shorea robusta C.F. Gaertn) forests of Bangladesh. The forest... more
Ecosystem management of protection forests aims at maintaining forests near a state during which effective protection is secured. As the evolution of a dynamic forest ecosystem cannot be stopped, silvicultural measures are required which... more
Multiple disturbances to ecosystems can influence community structure by modifying resistance to and recovery from invasion by non-native species. Predicting how invasibility responds to multiple anthropogenic impacts is particularly... more
The islands of the Mediterranean Basin probably represent some of the ecosystems globally most at risk from invasive species. Compared to neighbouring mainland areas, island floras have a significantly higher proportion of alien plant... more
Anthropized landscapes are characterized by various human activities related to resource extraction, recreational activities, and urbanization, among others. Conservation of species living in such landscapes is challenging due to the... more
Mentougou District acts as a crucial component in the ecological buffer in western Beijing mountainous areas, Beijing, China. Using two Landsat MSS/TM images acquired on July 14, 1979 and July 23, 2005, the vegetation coverage of... more
The use of fish communities to assess environmental quality is common for streams, but a standard methodology for large rivers is as yet largely undeveloped. We developed an index to assess the condition of fish assemblages along 1,580 km... more
Quantitative information about spatial patterns in subtidal hard substrate assemblages is scant. Such information is necessary to understand the responses to anthropogenic disturbances in these habitats. Along the coast of Apulia... more
The potential impact of human disturbance on wintering waterbirds using intertidal mudflats was considered by relating their numbers to the presence of nearby footpaths, roads, railroads, and towns. Data were obtained for six English... more
This study aimed to investigate changes in macroinvertebrate assemblage within Nyando wetlands and developed an index of biotic integrity for monitoring human disturbances. Triplicate macroinvertebrate samples were collected monthly for... more
1. The Iberian ibex Capra pyrenaica is endemic to the Iberian Peninsula and of the four subspecies originally recognized, recent extinctions mean that only two now persist. Recent genetic analyses have cast doubt on the generally accepted... more
Tree condition and characteristics of natural regeneration of tree species was assessed in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. Sampling was done in anthropogenically undisturbed, lightly disturbed, heavily disturbed and completely... more
... example, where aeolian sands cover the soil uniformly, no vegetation banding occurs on the Niger plateaux (d'Herbès and Valentin, 1997). ... The occurrence of crusted surfaces in the interbands have been noted in most studies... more
Chile A B S T R A C T Over the last decade the Humboldt penguin, Spheniscus humboldti, has become a focus for ecotourism. Current management applies visitor guidelines similar to those developed for Magellanic penguins, Spheniscus... more
The animal soundscape is a field of growing interest because of the implications it has for human-landscape interactions. Yet, it continues to be a difficult subject to investigate, due to the huge amount of information which it contains.... more
In northern Europe at least, extensive knowledge of the systematics and ecology of spiders leads the authors to consider them as a very suitable group for pest limitation and for biodiagnostic purposes. An examination of both the... more
Banded landscapes are comprised of alternating bands of vegetation and bare ground aligned Ž . along the contours in arid and semi-arid regions 50-750 mm rainfall , on very gentle and uniform Ž . slopes 0.2-2% . Vegetated bands can be... more
Evolutionary and paleoecological studies suggest that fires are natural in the Mediterranean basin. However, the important increase in the number of fires and area burned during the 20th century has created the perception that fires are... more
The myth persists that in 1492 the Americas were a sparsely populated wilderness, "a world of barely perceptible human disturbance." There is substantial evidence, however, that the Native American landscape of the early sixteenth century... more
Three geomorphic considerations that underpin the design and implementation of realistic and strategic river conservation and rehabilitation programs that work with the nature are outlined. First, the importance of appreciating the... more
As migratory animals, sustainable management of African elephant populations, both within and around protected areas, is a major challenge in the conservation policy of many African countries. We captured seven female elephants,... more
Courir, marcher, ramper, galoper, ou simplement contempler sont des activités de plein air indispensables au bien-être de chaque humain. Sur une terre où la nature laisse la place à l'urbanisation, à des structures de transport, à... more
In response to various types of human disturbance, most Italian rivers have experienced considerable channel adjustment during the last centuries and in particular in the last decades. This paper reviews all existing published studies and... more
Responses of carabid beetles ͑Coleoptera: Carabidae͒ to urbanisation were studied along an urban-suburban-rural gradient representing decreasing intensities of human disturbance. Carabids were collected by pitfall trapping during their... more
Se encontró una diferencia significativa entre el número de ítems consumidos entre una zona con perturbación (ZCP) y otra sin perturbación (ZSP) (t= -4,198; gl =118; P < 0,001). En ambas zonas la dieta es de tipo especialista (0.043 ZCP y... more
... Joanna Hoyle,1* Andrew Brooks,2 Gary Brierley,3 Kirstie Fryirs1 and James Lander1 1 Department of Physical Geography, Environmental ... A year later, Allan Cunningham (1825) described elongate pools on the Upper Hunter immediately... more
As urban areas continue to expand and replace natural and agricultural landscapes, the ability to manage and conserve native wildlife within urban environments is becoming increasingly important. To do so we first need to understand... more
Recent data on oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) indicates that Mediterranean soil communities tend to show uneven patterns of species abundance distribution (SAD) that are well fitted by a simple model such as the geometric series. In... more
Mexico harbors more than 10% of the planet's endemic species. However, the integrity and biodiversity of many ecosystems is experiencing rapid transformation under the influence of a wide array of human and natural disturbances. In order... more
Over the last decade there has been considerable growth in marine mammal-watching tourism throughout the world. Due to the species use of coastal habitats, bottlenose dolphins are most frequently exposed to dolphin-watching tourism. We... more
A butterfly species inventory of the Bifeng Valley within the Baishuijiang Natural Reserve in Gansu Province in China was conducted and several aspects of biodiversity were analyzed in a biogeographical context. One hundred and... more
Numerous field reports of hybrid monkeys and documented cases of persistent hybrid zones suggest that natural hybridization is common among African cercopithecines. Both theoretical considerations and a review of cases lead us to conclude... more
The brown bear (Ursus arctos) population in Estonia is a part of the large fragmented Eurasian population, constituting a piece of its north- westernmost branch. The large forested region in northeastern Estonia has been a core area for... more
As migratory animals, sustainable management of African elephant populations, both within and around protected areas, is a major challenge in the conservation policy of many African countries. We captured seven female elephants,... more
We assessed the diversity of woody plants at 15 forested sites in the Tansa Valley of Thane District, in Maharashtra, India. The fewest species (11) were seen at a degraded mangrove site near the river mouth, and the greatest number (150)... more
There is an exceptional group of alpine peatlands in the world situated in the arid grasslands of the central Andes. The peatlands in northern Chile occur in the most arid part of their range. Members of the Juncaceae are the primary... more
Reindeer and caribou Rangifer tarandus are reported to avoid human infrastructure such as roads, high-voltage power lines, pipelines, and tourist resorts. Lichens are important forage for reindeer during winter, and their relatively slow... more
The breeding seabirds of the Azores comprise five species of Procellariiformes, four Charadriiformes and one Pelecaniform. This paper reviews their past and present status, ecology and conservation. Historical population trends inferred... more
The Gambia River is one of the last aquatic ecosystems in West Africa that has not yet been affected by strong environmental changes and human disturbances. In contrast to the neighbouring Casamance and Sine Saloum estuaries, the Gambia... more
Increased disturbance hypothesis Intermediate disturbance hypothesis a b s t r a c t