Gregorian Chant (Performing Arts)
Recent papers in Gregorian Chant (Performing Arts)
Fifteen introductions and an edition of handwritten chant scores. Dutch experts wrote the introductions on items related to the edition, like the changes in the liturgy since Vaticanum II, rhythm and ornamentation in chant, vocal... more
A transcription of Leonin's "Viderunt Omnes" (c. mid to late 12th century), showing excerpts of the original two sources with comparative variations and a modern transcription. For a recording and score-video see the link below:... more
This doctoral thesis attempts to outline an overview of liturgical monophony between the fifteenth and the nineteenth century. For its realization we have based mostly on the study and analysis of its sources; in our case, represented by... more
The famous treatise Micrologus by Guido d'Arezzo includes a small chapter on right and wrong vocal intonation, which opens a window on contemporary performative practice of chant, including microtonal shading. This paper presents a full... more
con sede a Cremona, dell'associazione culturale «Il Saggiatore musicale», della Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino.
This study explores the idea of music being used in interreligious engagements involving Muslims, both so non-Muslims can be aware of Muslim sensitivities and so Muslims can positively contribute to such types of engagement. After... more
con sede a Cremona, dell'associazione culturale «Il Saggiatore musicale», della Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino, della Società Italiana di Musicologia. MEDIOEVO MUSICALE MUSIC IN THE MIDDLE AGES Bollettino... more
Wittgenstein's experiments on rhythm, conducted in Charles Myers's laboratory in Cambridge during the years 1912-13, are his earliest recorded engagement in thinking about music, not just appreciating it, and philosophizing by means of... more
Nichil, michi, veementer – the sound of the „h” in medieval liturgical Latin. Phonetic analysis based on Gregorian semiology The primary objective of this research is to draw attention, by reference to the oldest manuscript sources, to... more
Bonum est 117 -28 maart 2013 Vanaf de zeventigste dag vóór Pasen zong men geen alleluia meer in de liturgie. Veertig dagen vóór Pasen begon de Vasten. De laatste twee weken van de Vasten vormen samen de Lijdenstijd. De laatste week vóór... more
Dosier compuesto de 4 artículos firmados por: Björn Schmelzer, Juan Carlos Asensio, Paloma Gutiérrez del Arroyo y Pepe Rey, y Josemi Lorenzo Arribas. En la historia de la humanidad, y de occidente por tanto, la música ha sido... more
Elevazione spirituale in canto gregoriano
Indirizzato alla comunità, a studiosi ed appassionati di musica sacra e liturgia, a cantori, strumentisti e direttori di coro, nonché al clero diocesano, il laboratorio si configura come un momento per-formativo entro cui i partecipanti... more
Abstract Contemporary technology allows for simple means to measure "a capella" intervals, durations and vocal inflections in sound samples obtained from authentically traditional psaltis, recorded at the turn of the 20th century, and... more
Comunicação apresentada na " I JORNADA DE MÚSICA E RELIGIOSIDADES - PUCPR" . Como compreender em profundidade o efeito do canto gregoriano na alma e o significado dos seus modos? Para responder essa e outras questões a pesquisa que... more
My guest-edited issue of Journal of the Alamire Foundation 5/2, 2013; my Introduction on p. 141-142.
Bibliografia gregoriana di Nino Albarosa fino al 2014. Comprende: Curriculum del Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Nino Albarosa A) Monografie, saggi e articoli B) Cure e traduzioni C) Recensioni D) Introduzioni, prefazioni, presentazioni E) Direzioni e... more
A practical look at the Gregorian Chant in its aspects which may lead to a meditation. Gregorian Chant grew up from the meditation so, naturally it could be regarded as a successful introduction to the meditation. The text includes the... more
Movement One of "Alma Mater," a piece for solo soprano, SATB choir, and piano: a modern musical setting of the four great Marian Antiphons of Compline.
The liturgical celebration of the Mass, a multifarious spiritual, artistic, and intellectual manifestation, had a central position in the cultural life of medieval Europe. The 'Gregorian Chants', mostly words from passages of the Old... more
Bonum est 014 -13 februari 2011
Movement Four of "Alma Mater," a piece for solo soprano, SATB choir, and piano: a modern musical setting of the four great Marian Antiphons for Compline.
Bonum est 133 -31 juli 2014 Vandaag vragen we ons af: Wat hebben gregoriaans en flamenco met elkaar te maken? Als je naar het gepolijste gregoriaans uit de vorige twee afleveringen van Bonum est luistert dan is het antwoord duidelijk:... more