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      Medieval StudiesDigital TechnologyOral TraditionsMedieval Music
The Influences of the Dominican Order in the Middle Ages Taylor Institute, Lincoln College, and Blackfriars Hall, Oxford University September 10-12, 2015 This interdisciplinary conference will explore the influences of the... more
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      HistoryMusicologyArt HistoryHigh Middle Ages
This talk is being presented on the heels of the release of a two new publications in the Metropolis of Portland of the Divine Liturgy in English in Byzantine notation and the Service of the Great Vigil of Pascha (and subsequent... more
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      Liturgical StudiesByzantine MusicChristian liturgical musicChant research
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      Chant researchChantSequencesNotker Balbulus
A transcription of Leonin's "Viderunt Omnes" (c. mid to late 12th century), showing excerpts of the original two sources with comparative variations and a modern transcription. For a recording and score-video see the link below:... more
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      Early MusicMusic Theory PedagogyMusic HistoryMusicology
Journal of the Alamire Foundation 2 (2010), 233-269. This paper focuses on the Cistercian historia in honor of the beguine and recluse Mary of Oignies. It provides a context for the office by studying the musical and literary culture at... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesCult of SaintsSaints' Cults
The Middle Ages greatly valued originality and creativity, although these qualities were not only linked in the long chain of imagination (as we usually do today), but they were also framed in the field of memory. Therefore, the usual... more
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      MusicMusicologyReception StudiesMedieval Literature
En 1885, Alessandro Parisotti publicó una antología de partituras de arias barrocas titulada Arias antiguas Italianas, en una versión para para canto y piano. Este libro se convirtió desde entonces y hasta la actualidad en el texto... more
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      MusicMusicologyVocal PedagogyVocal performance
This thesis provides the first comparative analysis situating the chants of Hildegard von Bingen within the mid-12th century Cistercian liturgical reform. In applying Cistercian theory, a clear distinction between the melodies written... more
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      Digital TechnologyOral TraditionsMedieval MusicRenaissance music
Round Table on modality and harmony of European and Georgian medieval polyphonic music. With Polo Vallejo, Susan Rankin, Simha Arom, and Svimon Jangulashvili.
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      Cultural StudiesMusicEarly MusicMusicology
This paper is a study of Hildegard's Musical Hermeneutic, and the upload includes the bibliography of the entire volume in which the paper appears: Unversehrt und Unverletzt: Hildegards von Bingen Menschenbild und Kirchenverständnis... more
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      MusicMusic HistoryTheologyMedieval History
This thesis provides the first comparative analysis situating the chants of Hildegard von Bingen within the mid-12th century Cistercian liturgical reform. In applying Cistercian theory, a clear distinction between the melodies written... more
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      Digital TechnologyOral TraditionsRenaissance musicPerformance Practice
This is my PhD dissertation. The third chapter might be interesting since it shows that the natural scale was the primary scale used in European antiquity (the so-called Folk Music Scale). It combined with the early diatonic scale... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreAncient HistoryEuropean HistoryEuropean Studies
Round Table on modality and harmony of European and Georgian medieval polyphonic music. With Polo Vallejo, Susan Rankin, Simha Arom, and Svimon Jangulashvili.
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      Cultural StudiesEarly MusicLiturgical StudiesLiturgy
More than a dozen 15th- and early 16th-century music theorists prescribed or referred to a formation of the chromatic scale in which all 5ths are pure except B-F#. In this kind of tuning, the 3rds and 6ths containing one sharp... more
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      Music HistoryRenaissance StudiesDigital TechnologyOral Traditions
The essay focuses on a historical moment placed at the beginning of the parable outlined by the technology of music writing in Western culture: the introduction, at the beginning of the ninth century, of the first neumatic notations,... more
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      Digital TechnologyOral TraditionsRenaissance musicPerformance Practice
The prestigious and exceptional characterization of Hildegard von Bingen, promoted for at least the past century, and popularized within the past few decades, has become the standard expectation in most textbooks and curriculums on... more
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      MusicEarly MusicMusic HistoryMusicology
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      HagiographyCultural HeritageManuscript StudiesCodicology of medieval manuscripts
Although the general position within musicology is that all musical instruments originate from the Middle East, it is still possible that in the case of the gusla – at least regarding the way it was played, with a bow – that it was a... more
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      Early MusicMusic HistoryMusicologyHomer
The article presents an old folio kept in the church of Däbrä Śaḥl (Gärˁalta, northern Ethiopia), one of a few other leaves, all originating from a codex dating to a period well before the mid-14thcentury. The codicological and... more
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      HagiographyManuscripts (Medieval Studies)PalaeographyChant research
Many scholars have described Dufay's sense of harmony and tonal structure, but almost no one seems to have noticed that some of his early music contains 3rds, 6ths and major 10ths used in a remarkably salient way as harmonic intervals... more
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      Digital TechnologyOral TraditionsRenaissance musicPerformance Practice
These appendices accompany our article "Melodic Dialects in Old Hispanic Chant", Plainsong and Medieval Music 25 (2016)
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      MusicologyChant researchChantOld Hispanic Chant and Liturgy
Balázs J. Nemes: Das lyrische Oeuvre von Heinrich Laufenberg in der Überlieferung des 15. Jahrhunderts. Untersuchungen und Editionen (The Lyrical Oeuvre of Heinrich Laufenberg in 15th Century Manuscripts) (ZfdA Beiheft 22), Stuttgart... more
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      Church MusicMedieval German LiteratureDevotional PoetryMariology
Historically, Ethiopian sacred Christian chant may offer unparalleled insight into the human progression of oral to written cultures. Additionally, it has the potential to offer scientists a new perspective on the structure of memory and... more
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      Music HistoryHistory of ChristianityEthiopian StudiesEarly Christianity
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      Chant researchAmbrosian chant
The current presentation deals with the basic chant repertory that was used in Divine Liturgies in the Valaam Monastery in the 19th and 20th centuries.
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      Church MusicMusicologyEastern ChristianityByzantine Liturgy
This study explores the idea of music being used in interreligious engagements involving Muslims, both so non-Muslims can be aware of Muslim sensitivities and so Muslims can positively contribute to such types of engagement. After... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationPeace and Conflict StudiesLiturgical StudiesEthnomusicology
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      Medieval PhilosophyDigital TechnologyOral TraditionsGregorian Reform
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      Early MusicMedieval MusicGregorian ChantChant research
In the late 11th /early 12th century Pistoia was a flourishing centre for the production of tropes and has consequently attracted increasing attention from scholars. This essay looks at the main extant evidence of that work: the troper... more
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      Digital TechnologyOral TraditionsMedieval MusicRenaissance music
Just a quick reference I threw together one afternoon for my music history students
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      Music HistoryDigital TechnologyOral TraditionsMedieval Music
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      Chant researchAmbrosian chant
Die Studie verdankt sich der Identifizierung des ʽHeltauer Marienliedesʼ in zwei Handschriften, die wie die von CAROLA L. GOTTZMANN 1991 bekannt gemachte Grazer Handschrift Ms. 1972 dem bairisch-österreichischen Raum entstammen: Paris,... more
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      German LiteratureMusicChurch MusicArchival Studies
The spoken language phenomenon in social interaction, like in the sports discourse domain, is always exciting but rare to be discussed. This study focuses on the textual meaning of the supporting chants to support football players sung by... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsFootball (soccer)Applied LinguisticsSystemic Functional Linguistics
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      MusicologyChant researchLutheran ReformationHymnody
This paper compares the use of older and newer technologies in Hindu chanting through the example of Iskcon (International Society for Krishna Consciousness) devotees. Iskcon is global but has spiritual roots in West Bengal, India, and... more
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      Material culture of religionPraxisChant research
This article presents a study of melodic practice for the Exultet iam angelica of the Easter vigil associated with medieval Braga, and also comments on text variants observable in the sources. Principal sources studied are the Missal de... more
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      Medieval MusicChant research
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      LiturgyGregorian ChantSacred MusicMedieval Liturgy
This paper presents and comments on the plainchant treatise printed in 1533 by the then chapelmaster of Évora Cathedral, the Spaniard Mateus de Aranda. It focus both on the main theoretical concepts used, and on the historical and musical... more
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    • Chant research
The music of Estonian minimalist, Arvo Pärt, is influenced by the style and form of medieval polyphony. This influence permeates both his compositional method, and the resulting musical affect. This paper focuses on rhythm as a point of... more
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      MusicologyDigital TechnologyOral TraditionsMinimalism
The sacramentary, Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional VITR/20/8, thought to have been prepared for the monastery of Sahagún, is strongly associated with Bernard of Sédirac, (c. 1040-1125), Archbishop of Toledo during the latter part of his... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval SpainChant research
A popular article briefly discussing the past and present of church singing at the first class Valaam Monastery, situated in Finland.
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      Church MusicMusicologyEastern ChristianityByzantine Liturgy
The paper deals with the contemporary church music repertoire and practices at the divine services of the Valaam Monastery in Finland, based on the author’s participant observation as a singer, chanter, and reader, carried out in multiple... more
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      Church MusicMusicologyParticipatory ResearchEastern Christianity
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      Church MusicMusicologyByzantine StudiesByzantine Music
Attention ce fichier correspond à une version de travail avant mise en page de l'éditeur, épreuves et corrections
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      Music HistoryMedieval MusicHildegard von BingenChant research
Old Spanish ballads have survived extensive travels through time and space in the hearts of Sephardic Jews. The songs are part of a cultural memory that has remained with these people for more than 500 years since they were banished from... more
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      Digital TechnologyOral TraditionsRenaissance musicPerformance Practice
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      Music HistoryDigital TechnologyOral TraditionsRenaissance music
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      Church MusicMusicologyPaleographyOld Rus'
A müncheni Bayerische Staatsbibliothek gyűjteményében Res/2 Liturg. 380 jelzet alatt őrzött Psalterium Strigoniense, melyet a könyvtár a közelmúltban digitális adatbázisán keresztül mindenki számára hozzáférhetővé tett, 1 elsősorban a... more
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      Liturgical StudiesManuscripts and Early Printed BooksMedieval Church HistoryGregorian Chant