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This is the initial stage towards compiling a bibliography of Hellenistic laws, comprising references to the law applied in the Greek-speaking world from the death of Alexander III of Macedon to the Roman conquest of Egypt in 31 BC.
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      Hellenistic PhilosophyHellenistic HistoryHistory of Late Classical and Hellenistic Asia MinorHellenistic Delos
In this paper I investigate the legal and institutional reforms or innovations that were introduced in the period 307-301 BC, a period recorded as the restoration of democracy, the rationale behind them and the tensions that developed... more
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      Ancient Greek LawAthenian LawGreek Law, Hellenistic LawTribes
I only uploaded the table of contents, conclusion, and German summary here.
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      Ancient HistoryPahlaviSogdianHistory of Law
A. V. Zaikov (= Andrey Zaykov) Die Rechtsprechung der spartanischen Könige (zur Interpretation von Herodot. VI 57, 4–5) Zusanmenfassung Eine Stelle bei Herodot (VI 57, 4-5), die den richterlichen Vollmachten der spartanischen... more
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      ClassicsLegal HistoryTransitional JusticeEquality
Grundsätzlich war es jederzeit möglich, einen Beschluss einer Volksversammlung, des Rates oder anderer Gremien rechtmäßig durch einen anderen Beschluss außer Kraft zu setzen oder abzuändern. Da diese Möglichkeit in manchen Fällen den... more
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      Greek EpigraphyHellenistic and Roman Asia MinorAncient Greek LawGreek and Roman Epigraphy
llr, ll rr ,a /\Nl) t(( )lvl^N A I I ll,,NS'
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      Hellenistic HistoryGreek EpigraphyAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek Epigraphy
È opinione comune, si direbbe tralatizia, che, almeno in età classica, ad Atene gli efeti si riunissero per giudicare in tre dei cinque tribunali competenti a decidere le cause di omicidio: Palladio, Delfinio, Freatto. Nonostante alcuni... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryLawClassics
La scienza giuridica è una disciplina che studia il diritto, inquadrandolo razionalmente ed elaborandolo in modo tale che l’interpretazione delle norme sia compiuta attraverso procedure logiche verificabili in ogni passaggio. Nella storia... more
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      PhilologyHistoryAncient HistoryLaw
Zaykov A. V. NOCH EINMAL ZUM PROBLEM DER RICHTERGEWALT SPARTANISCHER KÖNIGE UBER DIE WEGE Der Verfasser kommt nochmals auf die Interpretation von Herodot VI 57, 22f., zurück, einer Stelle, an der von der Richtergewalt der... more
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      SpartaGreek LawKingship and systems of ruleDemosthenes
Der Artikel betriffl die Erklärung des Sinns des sogenannten Zusatzes zur «Großen Rhetra», der archaischen Verfassung Spartas. Genauer gesagt, erstreckt sich die Untersuchung auf den Sinn des Wortes σϰoλιάv. In der «Großen Rhetra» heißt... more
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      ClassicsLegal HistoryTransitional JusticeEquality
We find the political category of paroikoi in several inscriptions of Asia Minor both in the Hellenistic age and in the first two centuries of the Roman Empire. In modern historiography there are strong uncertainties and different... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEconomic HistoryArchaeology
Dieser Band wurde im Rahmen der gemeinsamen Forschungsförderung von Bund und Ländern mit Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung und der Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Technologie und Forschung des Landes Berlin... more
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      Roman LawLatin EpigraphyUnderwater ArchaeologyPorts and Harbours
Proprietà letteraria riservata. I diritti di traduzione, memorizzazione elettronica, di riproduzione e di adattamento totale e parziale di questa pubblicazione, con qualsiasi mezzo (compresi i microfilm, le fotocopie e altro) sono... more
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      Hellenistic HistoryEpigraphy (Archaeology)Greek EpigraphyAncient Greek Law
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      International LawEpigraphy (Archaeology)International ArbitrationGreek Epigraphy
This paper is a response to J. Sickinger "Indeterminacy in Greek Law: Statutory Gaps and Conflicts", and it focusses in particular on the epigraphical evidence from late classical and early Hellenistic cities other than Athens.
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      Greek HistoryHellenistic HistoryGreek EpigraphyAncient Greek History
Die 78 Reden und Essays des bithynischen Philosophen Dio Chrysostomus liefern ein buntes und abwechslungsreiches Bild aus dem Leben griechischer Städte in der frühen Kaiserzeit und sind eine wichtige Quelle für sozial-und... more
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      Greek EpigraphyHellenistic and Roman Asia MinorAncient Greek LawDio Chrysostom
In recent years, the international exchange of information on tax matters has become an extremely important issue with regard to tax transparency and the combat of tax evasion. States are realising that a more intense mutual assistance is... more
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      Greek LawGreek Law, Hellenistic LawGreek insolvency lawGreek Constitutional Law
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      Ancient Greek LawGreek Law, Hellenistic LawHistory of Greek Law
Taxation of the income of individuals and legal entities in Greece is regulated by Law 2238/1994 (the Hellenic Income Tax Code-HITC). The HITC has undergone numerous changes over the last decade, increasing or decreasing tax rates,... more
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      Greek LawGreek Law, Hellenistic LawGreek insolvency lawGreek Constitutional Law
Die neuen Gerichtsakten aus dem Dikasterion von Herakleopolis in Unterägypten umfassen Vorladungen, Zeugenaussagen und Verträge in griechischer Sprache vom Anfang des 2. Jhs. vor Chr. Bearbeitungsvermerke von Gerichtsdienern deuten darauf... more
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      Greek PapyrologyPtolemaic EgyptAncient Greek LawGreek Law, Hellenistic Law
A paper about the influence of stoic philosphy on Kleomenes and the constitutional reforms in 3rd century Sparta.
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      StoicismSpartaAncient Greek HistoryStoicism (Philosophy)
Si è svolta un’indagine, dedicata alla ricerca di una eventuale riserva ereditaria a favore dei figli in diritto attico. La ricostruzione, cui si è pervenuti, è quella secondo la quale chi aveva figli o discendenti maschi legittimi doveva... more
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      HistoryLawClassicsGreek History
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      Greek EpigraphyAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek LawGreek Law, Hellenistic Law