Recent papers in Graviton
The electron is not an elementary particle. The Standard Model is wrong “The electron is not an elementary particle, because it is composed of a Photon and a Dark electron” Adrian Ferent “The Standard Model is wrong because the... more
“I am the first who explained the Gravitational redshift” Adrian Ferent I discovered the equation for photon – graviton interaction:... more
In the last century, a small minority of physicists considered a hypothetical binary logarithmic connection between the large and the small constants of physics, which also implies a base-2 power law (Fürth, 1929; Eddington, 1938; Teller,... more
A team of researchers affiliated with several institutions in France has revisited the idea of improving on estimates of the upper limit of the mass of a graviton. [20] An international group of astronomers, including physicists at the... more
“Black Holes are Dark Matter” Adrian Ferent “Information is lost in black holes” Adrian Ferent “Our universe will die; Gravitons will change Matter in Dark Matter, inside the Black Holes” Adrian Ferent How Matter is change... more
We use that the gravitational Compton scattering factorizes on the Abelian QED amplitudes to evaluate various gravitational Compton processes. We examine both the QED and gravitational Compton scattering from a massive spin-1 system by... more
I found another wall, the Ferent wall beyond the Planck wall. The single graviton state is an eigenstate of H and the corresponding energy is aν. I replaced Max Planck equation E = h × f with the Ferent equation for the energy of a... more
“Black holes are Ferent matter” Adrian Ferent “Ferent matter is matter with density higher than Planck density” Adrian Ferent Graviton momentum > Photon momentum “Because the electromagnetic waves, the photons, can not escape from a... more
It is the ultimate dream of physicists to forge a hypothetical single, all-encompassing, coherent theoretical framework of physics that fully explains and links together all physical aspects of the universe, a single mathematical... more
“Ferent’s Universe is Big Crunch and Big Bang oscillation from Ferent Wall” Adrian Ferent “Ferent's Universe that began at Ferent Wall will last forever” Adrian Ferent “A Big Crunch followed by a Big Bang is Big Bounce, from Ferent... more
Graviton absorption cross sections and emission rates for hydrogen are calculated by both semi-classical and field theoretic methods. We point out several mistakes in the literature concerning spontaneous emission of gravitons and related... more
We explore some second-order amplitudes in loop quantum gravity. In particular, we compute some second-order contributions to diagonal components of the graviton propagator in the large distance limit, using the old version of the... more
In the last century, a small minority of physicists considered a hypothetical binary logarithmic connection between the large and the small constants of physics, which also implies a base-2 power law (Fürth, 1929; Eddington, 1938; Teller,... more
The long-range forces that act between neutral atoms and molecules have been known as dispersion forces since the work of London, who was the first to make manifest the connection between these forces and the dispersion of light by atoms,... more
We construct the gauge field and graviton propagators in Euclidean AdS d+1 space-time by two different methods. In the first method the gauge invariant Maxwell or linearized Ricci operator is applied directly to bitensor ansatze for the... more
Seismic Forecast for japan 2022 April-December
Graviton absorption cross sections and emission rates for hydrogen are calculated by both semi-classical and field theoretic methods. We point out several mistakes in the literature concerning spontaneous emission of gravitons and related... more
In this paper we provide an accurate bound on tensor-to-scalar ratio (r) for class of models where inflation always occurs below the Planck scale, and the field displacement during inflation remains sub-Planckian.
We determine solutions to 5D Einstein gravity with a discrete fifth dimension. The properties of the solutions depend on the discretization scheme we use and some of them have no continuum counterpart. In particular, we find that the... more
Yangton and Yington Theory is a hypothetical theory based on Yangton and Yington circulating particle pairs (Wu’s Pairs) with a build-in inter-attractive force (Force of Creation) that is proposed as the fundamental building blocks of the... more
We compute the one loop fermion self-energy for massless Dirac + Einstein in the presence of a locally de Sitter background. We employ dimensional regularization and obtain a fully renormalized result by absorbing all divergences with... more
In this paper we study the role of the 5D Gauss-Bonnet corrections and two loop higher genus contribution to the gravity action in type IIB string theory inspired low energy supergravity theory in the light of gravidilatonic interactions... more
We propose a framework of modulus stabilization in two brane warped geometry scenario in presence of higher curvature gravity and dilaton in bulk space-time. In the prescribed setup we study various features of the stabilized potential... more
This paper proposes an elegant Adimensional Cyclic Universe (toy-)Model (ACUM) mainly based on the electrograviton hypothesis (EGH), the quantized gravitational waves hypothesis (QGW-Hyp) and the dimensional relativity hypothesis (DRH).... more
Electromagnetic radiation emitted by the colliding beams is expected to play an important role at the next generation of high energy e + e − linear collider(s). Focusing on the simplest process e + e − → µ + µ − , we show that radiative... more
We explore some second-order amplitudes in loop quantum gravity. In particular, we compute some second-order contributions to diagonal components of the graviton propagator in the large distance limit, using the old version of the... more
One of the main problems of contemporary physics is to find a quantum description of gravity. This present approach attempts to remedy the problem through the quantization of a finite but large flat Minkowski space-time by means of... more
In this work, we find exact wormhole solutions in the context of noncommutative geometry, and further explore their physical properties and characteristics. The energy density of these wormhole geometries is a smeared and particle-like... more
Essential fundamentals of gravitomagnetism are found by applying the process of the reciprocal gravito n-losses by particles that are defined here as trapped photons. The gravity fi eld is found to be generated by a Coriolis effect,... more
Essential fundamentals of gravitomagnetism are found by applying the process of the reciprocal graviton-losses by particles that are defined here as trapped photons. The gravity field is found to be generated by a Coriolis effect, exerted... more
Electromagnetic radiation emitted by the colliding beams is expected to play an important role at the next generation of high energy e + e − linear collider(s). Focusing on the simplest process e + e − → µ + µ − , we show that radiative... more
This paper proposes a dimensional relativity hypothesis (DRH). DRH pushes the relativity of space and time to its…“informational” extremes, defining them as illusions created by the exchange of information in a bulk virtual matrix (BVM).... more
This work addresses spherically symmetric, static black holes in higher-derivative stringy gravity. We focus on the curvature-squared correction to the Einstein-Hilbert action, present in both heterotic and bosonic string theory. The... more
In this paper we work in perturbative Quantum Gravity and we introduce a new effective model for gravity. Expanding the Einstein-Hilbert Lagrangian in graviton field powers we have an infinite number of terms. In this paper we study the... more
Essential fundamentals of gravitomagnetism are found by applying the process of the reciprocal graviton-losses by particles that are defined here as trapped photons. The gravity field is found to be generated by a Coriolis effect, exerted... more
Math models may resolve about 10 particle-physics and astrophysics problems. The models use harmonic-oscillator math. The models correlate with Standard Model basic particles. The models seem to correlate with the following. A family... more
An intriguing feature of extra dimensions is the possible production of Kaluza-Klein gravitons by nucleon-nucleon bremsstrahlung in the course of core collapse of massive stars. In this event Kaluza-Klein gravitons are copiously produced... more
The electron is a photon around Dark Matter “The electron is a photon around Dark Matter” Adrian Ferent “The photon wavelength is 2πr, r the electron radius” Adrian Ferent “The high energy Gravitons emitted by Dark Matter keep the photon... more
Various processes that are forbidden in the vacuum due to angular momentum conservation can occur in a medium that is isotropic and does not carry any angular momentum. We illustrate this by considering explicitly two examples. The first... more