Georg Trakl
Recent papers in Georg Trakl
En este sugerente ensayo, Carla Carmona trata de reflejar la visión del mundo del pintor Egon Schiele destacando las relaciones de parentesco que se dan entre su obra y la de algunos de sus contemporáneos, principalmente Wittgenstein y... more
Annales de phénoménologie 19/2020, p. 59-79.
RESUMEN La poesía como nostalgia. Georg Trakl, considerado, junto a Rilke, como el máximo poeta lírico del siglo XX en lengua alemana, nace en Salzburgo el 3 de febrero de 1887 (muere en 1914) en lo que entonces era el Imperio... more
Auf häufig emphatische Weise ist im 20. Jahrhundert von Dichtern und Lyriktheoretikern mehrmals von einer -in der pessimistischen Variante -Krise der Lyrik bzw. -in der konstruktiven Variante -von einem gewaltigen Transformationsprozess... more
Posto un ebook con una raccolta di poesie di Rilke e Trakl, edito in pdf dal "Progetto Manuzio"
Jacques Derrida's prolonged and intimate proximity to the thought of Martin Heidegger has played a significant role in the understanding of Derrida's religious inflections and in the theorizing of deconstruction and religion in general.... more
Among the many words Heidegger explores in order to elucidate his primary matter for thought, one would not likely expect Schmerz (‘pain’) to play a prominent role. And yet, in a selection of notes recently published in a limited German... more
It is the aim of this paper to offer a comprehensive account of Heidegger’s approach to language and to Trakl’s work. There are, however, three features found in the Heidegger literature that stand in the way of a comprehensive account,... more
In this chapter, I examine the work of two poets who, on Heidegger’s interpretation, use particular colors to characterize Being and the related concept of the Holy. Although separated by two and a half millennia, Heidegger finds that the... more
A reconstruction and critical interpretation of Heidegger's remarkable relationship to the poet Georg Trakl. In the early 1950s, German philosopher Martin Heidegger proclaimed the Austrian expressionist Georg Trakl to be the poet of his... more
Der Band untersucht das Ungarnbild in der österreichischen Literatur, hauptsächlich in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jh.-s.
in memoriam … über die Sprache sprechen ist vermutlich noch schlimmer als über das Schweigen schreiben. (Die Sprache, GA 12, 10) … und über die Stille schreiben gehört zweifellos mit zum Allerschlimmsten, dessen man sich überhaupt... more
© copyright edizioni università di trieste, trieste 2013.
RESUMEN: Este trabajo se propone desplegar una mirada metafísico-existencial -y por ello también arquitectónica- sobre el habitar, entendido éste como un acto de resonancias espirituales mediante el cual el hombre afianza su identidad y... more
Bericht zum 80. Geburtstag von Reiner Kunze bringt einen Überblick über sein lyrisches und übersetzerisches OEuvre samt bisher kaum gestreiften Momenten der Editionspolitik in der DDR aufgrund persönlicher Zeugnisse (am Beispiel der... more
In this article, I analyze Heidegger’s marginalia in his personal copy of the 1946 Zurich edition of poems by Georg Trakl, which I discovered several years ago while conducting research in the castle of Heidegger’s hometown of Meßkirch.... more
In the essay Language in the Poem, Heidegger situates the entire body of Trakl's poetic work under the banner of a restricted conception of detachment (Abgeschiedenheit). Nearly every key term in his essay is subjected to etymological... more
Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą odczytania tekstu Martina Heideggera pt. Język poezji, który poświęcony jest poezji Georga Trakla, jako traktatu o duchu. Przyjmuję przy tym dwa punkty odniesienia. Po pierwsze wykład Derridy poświęcony temu... more
In the large circle of German-speaking writers who animated Expressionism since its birth, Georg Trakl is one of the least easily definable, and one of the most elusive and mysterious. In this short essay I will try to analyze two of his... more
Un dettaglio oscuro, esente da qualsiasi vanità intellettuale, uno scrupolo, etico oltre che estetico, che impedisca di sprofondare nella sabbia del proprio tempo e consenta per un attimo di capire, attraverso la letteratura, la... more
This document includes the first English translation of Georg Trakl’s recently discovered poem “Hölderlin,” along with two commentaries on it. Moore’s commentary highlights the significance of this poem for continental philosophy... more
Die Arbeit setzt die Enderwartung expressionistischer Lyrik als mythopoetisches Medium kollektiver Selbsterkenntnis mit einschlägigen herkömmlichen Theologemata monotheistischer Heilsgeschichte in Zusammenhang.
Given that Nick Land is one of the central influences on certain strands of accelerationism, xenofeminism, and inhumanism, it is important to understand how he himself first developed and deployed the concepts of acceleration, the... more
Den wilden Orgeln des Wintersturms Gleicht des Volkes nstrer Zorn, Die purpurne Woge der Schlacht, Entlaubter Sterne. Mit zerbrochnen Brauen, silbernen Armen Winkt sterbenden Soldaten die Nacht. Im Schatten der herbstlichen Esche Seufzen... more
Riporto i primi due interventi e l'indice generale dei miei "Anelli di Saturno", raccolti in volume e in uscita nel 2017.
Given that Nick Land is one of the central influences on certain strands of accelerationism, xenofeminism, and inhumanism, it is important to understand how he himself first developed and deployed the concepts of acceleration, the... more
Prolegomenon to a speculative comparison between Michelstaedter and Trakl, departing from their poetic works.
In seiner für das Selbstverständnis der expressionistischen Bewegung zentralen, 1924 erschienenen Studie über "Expressionismus der Lyrik" bestimmt Arno Schirokauer den Expressionismus als die "Verkündigung der Zeit". Die Zeit aber, die... more
It was December 31, New Year’s Eve, when the unnamed little girl who sold matches for a living walked barefoot through frosty snow, winding her way through the city’s narrow streets and alleyways. Her body shivered in the cold breeze. She... more
Starting with an attempt to outline characteristics of the dream-world (section 1), the essay sketches a tentative systematic poetics of dream narration, which is based on a dialectical interplay between devices of familiarization and... more
In this paper I critically examine Heidegger’s interpretation of Trakl, focusing in particular on a possibility it opens up but just as soon forecloses: namely, the idea that spirit is inherently and insuperably riven. Rather than... more
Die vorliegende Monographie führt an die Ursprünge von Skacels mährischem Sentiment, an die Verwurzelung seiner Lyrik in den Tiefen von Sprache, Lied und Volksdichtung heran, umreißt aber auch seinen Platz in der Dichtung der... more