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In 1969, Jean-Marie Souriau has introduced a “Lie Groups Thermo-dynamics” in Statistical Mechanics in the framework of Geometric Mechanics. This Souriau’s model considers the statistical mechanics of dynamic systems in their "space of... more
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      ThermodynamicsMachine LearningStatistical PhysicsInformation Geometry
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    • Geometric Mechanics
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsMathematical PhysicsPhysics
This paper introduces and studies a class of optimal control problems based on the Clebsch approach to Euler-Poincaré dynamics. This approach unifies and generalizes a wide range of examples appearing in the literature: the symmetric... more
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      Optimal ControlFluidsGeodesicGeometric Mechanics
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      ThermodynamicsStatistical PhysicsSymplectic geometryGeometric Mechanics
The classical notion of Gibbs' canonical ensemble is extended to the case of a symplectic manifold on which a Lie group has a symplectic action ("dynamic group"). The rigorous definition given here makes it possible to extend a certain... more
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      Lie AlgebraArtificial IntelligenceStatistical MechanicsThermodynamics
In this paper we present a geometric control law for position and line-of-sight stabilization of the nonholonomic spherical robot actuated by three independent actuators. A simple configuration error function with an appropriately defined... more
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      RoboticsControl SystemsGeometric Mechanics
In 1969, Jean-Marie Souriau introduced a "Lie Groups Thermodynamics" in the framework of Symplectic model of Statistical Mechanics. This Souriau's model considers the statistical mechanics of dynamic systems in their "space of evolution"... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceThermodynamicsMachine LearningStatistical Physics
This paper presents a new geometric adaptive control system with state inequality constraints for the attitude dynamics of a rigid body. The control system is designed such that the desired attitude is asymptotically stabilized, while the... more
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      Control Systems EngineeringNonlinear dynamicsAdaptive ControlNonlinear Control
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      ThermodynamicsStatistical PhysicsSymplectic geometryCohomology
This work studies the symmetries, the associated momentum map, and relative equilibria of a mechanical system consisting of a small axisymmetric magnetic body-dipole in an also axisymmetric external magnetic field that additionally... more
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      Applied MathematicsLyapunov StabilityGeometric MechanicsNonlinear Stability
A nonholonomic mechanical system is a pair (L, D ), where L : TQ → R is a mechanical Lagrangian and D ⊂ TQ is a distribution which is non-integrable (in the Frobenius sense). Although such mechanical systems are manifestly not Hamiltonian... more
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      MathematicsOptimal ControlQuantum MechanicsGeometric Mechanics
In this paper we describe and exploit a geometric framework for Gibbs probability densities and the associated concepts in statistical mechanics, which unifies several earlier works on the subject, including Souriau's symplectic model... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceThermodynamicsMachine LearningStatistical Physics
Jean-Marie Souriau a appelé cette nouvelle structure élémentaire de la physique statistique « la thermodynamique des groupes de Lie » et précisa que « ces formules sont universelles, en ce sens qu’elles ne mettent pas en jeu la variété... more
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      Information GeometryGeometric Mechanics
It is shown that the geometry of a class of multisymplectic manifolds, that is, smooth manifolds equipped with a closed nondegenerate form of degree greater than 1, is characterized by their automorphisms. Such a class is distinguished by... more
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    • Geometric Mechanics
We present a new multisymplectic framework for second-order classical field theories which is based on an extension of the unified Lagrangian-Hamiltonian formalism to these kinds of systems. Our model allows us to overcome all the... more
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    • Geometric Mechanics
By studying the Frölicher-Nijenhuis decomposition of cohomology operators (that is, derivations D of the exterior algebra Ω(M) with Z−degree 1 and D 2 = 0), we describe new examples of Lie algebroid structures on the tangent bundle T M... more
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      MathematicsAlgebraPhysicsTheoretical Physics
In 1969, Jean-Marie Souriau introduced a "Lie Groups Thermody-namics" in the framework of Symplectic model of Statistical Mechanics. This Souriau's model considers the statistical mechanics of dynamic systems in their "space of evolution"... more
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      ThermodynamicsMachine LearningStatistical PhysicsInformation Geometry
This work studies the symmetries, the associated momentum map, and relative equilibria of a mechanical system consisting of a small axisymmetric magnetic body-dipole in an also axisymmetric external magnetic field that additionally... more
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      Applied MathematicsLyapunov StabilityGeometric MechanicsNonlinear Stability
Résumé - En 1969, Jean-Marie Souriau a introduit une "Thermodynamique des Groupes de Lie" dans le cadre du modèle Symplectique de la Mécanique Statistique. Sur la base de ce modèle, nous introduirons une caractérisation géométrique de... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceThermodynamicsMachine LearningStatistical Physics
We present a covariant multisymplectic formulation for the Einstein-Palatini (or Metric-Affine) model of General Relativity (without energy-matter sources). As it is described by a first-order affine Lagrangian (in the derivatives of the... more
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      MathematicsPhysicsGeometric Mechanics
The multisymplectic formalism of field theories developed by many mathematicians over the last fifty years is extended in this work to deal with manifolds that have boundaries. In particular, we develop a multisymplectic framework for... more
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    • Geometric Mechanics
The objective of this chapter is to make better known Jean-Marie Souriau works, more particularly his symplectic model of statistical physics, called "Lie groups thermodynamics". This model was initially described in chapter IV... more
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      ThermodynamicsStatistical PhysicsInformation GeometrySymplectic geometry
Through several years the modified linear model has been proposed for fast and accurate prediction of short and long-range trajectories of spin-stabilized bullets. In this paper the modified linear model is compared with a full 6-DOF... more
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      MathematicsLinear AlgebraLinear ModelGeometric Mechanics
After reviewing the Lagrangian-Hamiltonian unified formalism (i.e, the Skinner-Rusk formalism) for higher-order (non-autonomous) dynamical systems, we state a unified geometrical version of the Variational Principles which allows us to... more
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      Geometric MechanicsKey wordsLagrangian
The Frank tensor plays a crucial role in linear elasticity, and in particular in the presence of dislocation lines, since its curl is exactly the elastic strain incompatibility. Furthermore, the Frank tensor also appears in Cesaro... more
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      MathematicsGeometric Mechanics
We obtain the affine Euler-Poincaré equations by standard Lagrangian reduction and deduce the associated Clebsch-constrained variational principle. These results are illustrated in deriving the equations of motion for continuum spin... more
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      Geometric MechanicsChaotic DynamicsEquation of Motion
We consider various notions of strains-quantitative measures for the deviation of a linear transformation from an isometry. The main approach, which is motivated by physical applications and follows the work of [1], is to select a... more
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    • Geometric Mechanics
This paper deals with Jean-Louis Koszul's works related to Geometric and Analytic Mechanics, and to Souriau's Lie Group Thermodynamics that have appeared over time as elementary structures of Information Geometry. The 2 nd Koszul form has... more
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      ThermodynamicsStatistical PhysicsInformation GeometryCohomology
We study a family of approximations to Euler's equation depending on two parameters ε, η ≥ 0. When ε = η = 0 we have Euler's equation and when both are positive we have instances of the class of integro-differential equations called... more
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    • Geometric Mechanics
The aim of this paper is to develop a constraint algorithm for singular classical field theories in the framework of k-cosymplectic geometry. Since these field theories are singular, we need to introduce the notion of k-precosymplectic... more
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      MathematicsPhysicsOptimal ControlGeometric Mechanics
We explicitly compute the semi-global symplectic invariants near the hyperbolic equilibrium point of the Euler top. The Birkhoff normal form at this point is computed using Lie series. The Picard-Fuchs equation for the action near the... more
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    • Geometric Mechanics
A close relationship between the classical Hamilton-Jacobi theory and the kinematic reduction of control systems by decoupling vector fields is shown in this paper. The geometric interpretation of this relationship relies on new... more
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      Differential GeometryControl systemClose relationshipsGeometric Mechanics
This paper studies the mechanics of undulatory locomotion. This type of locomotion is generated by a coupling of internal shape changes to external nonholonomic constraints. Employing methods from geometric mechanics, we use the dynamic... more
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      Control TheoryMorphologyGeometryAutomation
The use of solar chimneys for energy production was suggested more than 100 years ago. Unfortunately, this technology has not been realized on a commercial scale, in large part due to the high cost of erecting tall towers using... more
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      Optimal ControlGeometric MechanicsSymmetry
In this paper we have obtained some dynamics equations, in the presence of nonlinear nonholonomic constraints and according to a lagrangian and some Chetaev-like conditions. Using some natural regular conditions, a simple form of these... more
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      MathematicsMathematical PhysicsPhysicsTheoretical Physics
The objective of this work is twofold: First, we analyze the relation between the kcosymplectic and the k-symplectic Hamiltonian and Lagrangian formalisms in classical field theories. In particular, we prove the equivalence between... more
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      MathematicsField TheoryPhysicsDifferential Geometry
On a Poisson foliation equipped with a canonical and cotangential action of a compact Lie group, we describe the averaging method for Poisson connections. In this context, we generalize some previous results on Hannay-Berry connections... more
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      MathematicsGeometric Mechanics
The concept of superposition rule for second-order differential equations is stated and conditions ensuring the existence of such superposition rules are analysed. In this way, second-order differential equations become formally included... more
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      MathematicsPhysicsGeometric Mechanics
In this paper we look at the question of integrability, or not, of the two natural almost complex structures \begin{document}$ J^{\pm}_\nabla $\end{document} defined on the twistor space \begin{document}$ J(M, g) $\end{document} of an... more
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    • Geometric Mechanics
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    • Geometric Mechanics
The aim of this paper is to write explicit expression in terms of a given principal connection of the Lagrange-d'Alembert-Poincaré equations in several stages. This is obtained by using a reduced Lagrange-d'Alembert's Principle in several... more
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    • Geometric Mechanics
In this paper we describe and exploit a geometric framework for Gibbs probability densities and the associated concepts in statistical mechanics, which unifies several earlier works on the subject, including Souriau's symplectic model of... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceThermodynamicsMachine LearningStatistical Physics
We give a characterization of linear canonoid transformations on symplectic manifolds and we use it to generate biHamiltonian structures for some mechanical systems. Utilizing this characterization we also study the behavior of the... more
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    • Geometric Mechanics
We present a new multisymplectic framework for second-order classical field theories which is based on an extension of the unified Lagrangian-Hamiltonian formalism to these kinds of systems. Our model allows us to overcome all the... more
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    • Geometric Mechanics
We state a unified geometrical version of the variational principles to derive the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian equations for higher-order (non-autonomous) dynamical systems.
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    • Geometric Mechanics
We give a characterization of linear canonoid transformations on symplectic manifolds and we use it to generate biHamiltonian structures for some mechanical systems. Utilizing this characterization we also study the behavior of the... more
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    • Geometric Mechanics