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Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 1983
Advances in Historical Studies, 2013
In the first and second parts of his masterpiece, Analytical Mechanics, dedicated to static and dynamics respectively, Lagrange (1736-1813) describes in detail the development of both branches of mechanics from a historical point of view. In this paper this important contribution of Lagrange (Lagrange, 1989) to the history of mechanics is presented and discussed in tribute to the bicentennial year of his death.
Meccanica, 2005
The birth of Lagrange's Mechanics constitutes a milestone in the history of Mechanics. The genius of Lagrange should have been aware of this turning point inasmuch as he devoted a substantial part of his celebrated book to an account of the previous development of Mechanics. This historical part, located before the technical exposition in the Me´canique analytique, is the subject of the present paper. By directly consulting the original writings of the scientists that contributed to the development of Mechanics, Lagrange produced a first hand historical account. It largely influenced the historians of the XIX century and also those of the beginning of XX century. We interpret Lagrange's motivations for writing his history and we suggest an interpretation of the foundations of his historical account.
Odone Belluzzi (1892-1956), Ernst Mach (1838–1916), J.L. Lagrange (1736-1813), P. Varignon (1654-1722), Philippe De la Hire (1640-1718), Robert Hooke (1635-1703), Simon Stevin (1548-1620) : scientists whom I wish to recall together in these brief notes for some historical and philosophical considerations on mechanics.
The Application of Mathematics to the Sciences of Nature, 2002
The present paper has been completed during a visiting scholarship at the Faculty of Sciences (dpt. of Mathematics) of the University of Mexico-City (UNAM). I thank it for its logistic and financial support. I thank also Pierre Souffrin for useful discussions concerning a part of my paper.
A history of analysis, 2003
Up to the 1740s, problems of equilibrium and motion of material systems were generally solved by an appeal to Newtonian methods for the analysis of forces. Even though, from the very beginning of the centurythanks mainly to Varignon (on which cf. [Blay 1992]), Jean Bernoulli, ...
IUTAM Symposium on Exploiting Nonlinear Dynamics for Engineering Systems, 2019
We present a brief introduction to Poincare’s ideas and projects. After a global survey of his life and work we give an extensive evaluation of his famous Prize Essay and discuss his concepts of dynamical systems. A section is devoted to Poincare’s influence on theoretical engineering and one on his many results in mathematical physics.
Reti Medievali Rivista 20, 1, 2019
La fondazione dell’abbazia di Nonantola nel 752 da parte del duca Anselmo con il sostegno di re Astolfo segnò profondamente la fisionomia dell’Emilia orientale. L’ente ricevette dal re longo- bardo e dai successori carolingi di diversi complessi fiscali con lo scopo di sottrarli al controllo ordinario degli ufficiali del regno, riservandoli alla propria disponibilità diretta. Dopo l’875, si affievolì il rapporto diretto tra abbazia e potere centrale, Nonantola e il suo cospicuo patrimonio di beni fiscali divennero così ambita preda di alcune delle figure vescovili più eminenti. Il saggio indaga la competizione politica giocata tra i re carolingi, i vescovi italici e l’abate Teodorico, che mirava all’autonomia politica e patrimoniale della propria abbazia. The foundation of Nonantola abbey in 752 by Duke Anselm with King Aistulf’s endorsement marked the shape of eastern Emilia profoundly. The Lombard King and his Carolingian succes- sors granted the abbey several fiscal estates with the aim of subtracting them from the ordinary control of the officers of the kingdom, reserving them for their own direct disposal. After 875, the close relationship between the abbey and the political power at court weakened, Nonantola
La Facultad de Derecho de Valencia 1499-1975, 2018
Военная археология Сборник материалов научного семинара, vol. 5, Москва, pp. 100-116, 2019
Early Childhood Education Journal, 2010
Annali n. 27 | Museo Storico Italiano della Guerra, 2019
Rome, IAI, April 2023, 18 p. (IAI Papers ; 23|08), ISBN 978-88-9368-288-6, 2023
Comparative migration studies, 2024
Proceedings of the International Seminar on Language Teaching ISeLT 2015: Contextual Diversity in Language Teaching and Learning, 2015
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 2010
Applied Physics Letters, 2014
Frontiers in Immunology, 2019
Scientific reports, 2017
Ciencia & Saude Coletiva, 2011
Transfusion Medicine, 2021