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Si l'on fait abstraction des personnes effectuant un séjour de courte durée et de celles qui relèvent du domaine de l'asile, cette proportion descend à 20,2 %.
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      Urban GeographyGender StudiesTransnationalismMigration Studies
Like many geographers, I found myself intrigued by the Super Bowl advertisement that Chrysler ran, a two-minute piece featuring musician Eminem and trumpeting the city of Detroit. It's an interesting ad for a number of reasons.... more
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      MarketingGeographyUrban GeographyMedia Studies
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      Urban GeographyGender StudiesTransnationalismMigration Studies
This paper develops a spatial perspective to examine the nature of China’s transnational influence, focusing on the implications of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) for international relations. Drawing upon political economy, regional... more
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      Critical GeopoliticsSpace and PlaceReterritorializationSilk Road
Violence is a confounding concept. It frequently defies explanation and lacks an agreed upon definition. Yet geographers are well positioned to bring greater conceptual clarity to violence by thinking through its intersections with space.... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyPolitical SociologySocial Theory
Geography means earth writing, and so it is perhaps fitting that writing itself has become a primary intellectual battleground in contemporary geographical thought. This paper advocates for metaphorical earth writing, arguing that it... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSociology
Este libro realizado en conjunto entre los departamentos de Arte y Literatura, reúne artículos y trabajos de artistas que trazan en conjunto un recorrido crítico y estético por nuevos imaginarios y conceptualizaciones del espacio natural.... more
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      Cultural StudiesLatin American StudiesGeographical ImaginariesGeographical Imaginations
In this paper, I call for geographers to engage further with a so far under‐explored concept of the socio‐ecological imagination, which I define as a variant of political‐geographical imagination(s) concerned with envisioning (and... more
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      Climate ChangeImaginationSocial EcologyYoung People
Birikim. 277.
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      Urban StudiesUrban CulturesGeographical Imaginations
This volume focuses on Slovenian students’ geographical imaginations of Slovenian landscapes and the impact of curricula, syllabuses for selected subjects, and textbooks for them. It proceeds from the premise that photographs play an... more
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      GeographyEducationCultural LandscapesSlovenia
How to reimagine the contemporary world in the light of human mobility: this is the main question addressed in this paper. While being aware that any answer cannot but turn out partial and inchoative, I propose starting from the very... more
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      Human GeographyCultural GeographyEthicsMobility/Mobilities
ÖZ. Bu makalede disiplinlerarası bir perspektiften “jeozofi” kavramı ele alınacak ve felsefe-mekân-siyaset ilişkisi konu edilecektir. Makalede jeozofik yaklaşımların Türkiye ve dünyadaki muhtemel etkisi ele alınacak, jeozofik anlayışın... more
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      Geographical ImaginationsTerrae Incognitae
The central part of the article focuses on the geographical imagination of landscapes, depicted in the photographs. The research stems from the assumption that photographs play an important role in shaping and preserving individual and... more
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      Landscape EcologyGeographyHuman GeographyCultural Geography
The beginning of the 21 st century is marked by consummate globalization on the one hand and the rise of right-wing nationalism with a return to xenophobia on the other hand. Although it seems a paradox at first glance, globalization... more
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      Ontological SecurityGeographical Imaginations
Stehen wir vor einem "Ende der Globalisierung"? Seit geraumer Zeit schon wird darüber sowohl in den Medien als auch in der Wissenschaft zunehmend kritisch spekuliert . Das Wirtschaftsmagazin Capital interpretiert die seit 2010... more
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      Ontological SecurityGlobalisierungGeographical Imaginations
Literary works as discursive articulation of the experience of residing in a space are becoming a legitimate subject of geographic inquiry. Postmodern geography also has adopted for its purposes some concepts from literary studies, such... more
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      Cultural LandscapesCultural RepresentationGeographical Imaginationsqualitative textual analysis
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      Urban GeographyGender StudiesTransnationalismMigration Studies
Within the past two decades, scholars of migration are beginning to understand the importance of incorporating cultural dimensions into research concerning migration decision-making practices. While it is recognised that economic, social... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural GeographySocial SciencesDecision Making
Background. Informed by debates over sustainable development and global land grabs, agroecology, and a desire for connection and re-cognition with the natural world, individuals in cities are taking independent steps to change food... more
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      AgroecologyOrientationUnlearningGetting Lost, Disorientation, Geography
Dans les années 80, l'approche de la mondialisation des échanges économiques envisageait l'émigration non pas simplement comme le résultat des décisions d'individu·e·s rationnel·le·s mais comme l'effet du besoin d'expansion de l'économie... more
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      Gender StudiesQualitative methodologyBiographyMigration Studies
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      Cultural GeographyMemory StudiesImaginationPersonal Narratives
Ce numéro de Nouvelles Questions Féministes aborde la problématique des migrations dans une perspective de genre à partir de recherches menées en Suisse. Dans ce pays, les travaux traitant des migrations sont rares et récents et souvent... more
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      Urban GeographyGender StudiesTransnationalismMigration Studies
Il presente lavoro si focalizza sulla stretta relazione tra formazione delle nazioni e territorialità. Dopo aver discusso tale relazione in termini teorici (Anderson, Held, Mellor, Penrose, Sparke, White), si... more
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      GeographyMexico HistoryNational IdentityMexico
This article endeavours to analyse the European and Turkish discourses regarding the concept of the " Mediterranean " and its variations both in temporal and spatial terms. The theoretical inspiration of this article comes from the "... more
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      Mediterranean StudiesGeographical Imaginations
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      Landscape EcologyGeographyHuman GeographyCultural Geography
The paper reviews the concept of ontological (in)security as an analytical tool to shed light on (dis)continuous narratives of selfhood engendered by geopolitics. It contributes to a growing body of empirically grounded research by... more
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      GeopoliticsDavid HarveyFeminist GeographySpace and Time (Philosophy)
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      Translation StudiesMedieval LiteratureSocial NetworksPeriodization
This session explores hidden cultural infrastructures or creativity in peripheral places, in an attempt to reclaim creativity from the neoliberal agenda of economic growth and urban regeneration. For my part I was slotted to present the... more
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    • Geographical Imaginations
Contemporary conflicts, centred on the questions of identity and power, are deeply tied up with how the past is represented in the present. There evolves multiple representations of the past depending upon the political ideologies and... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesColonialismCultural IdentitySpatial Imagination