Gender and Etnicity (Anthropology of Friendship)
Recent papers in Gender and Etnicity (Anthropology of Friendship)
The Ifugaos seem to be the only people in the world who have developed peacemaking ideology in a typically aggressive genre of oral literature. The rich literature on epic traditions worldwide portrays a highly male-centered genre of song... more
The volume "New Directions in Spiritual Kinship: Sacred Ties Across the Abrahamic Religions," edited by Todne Thomas, Asiya Malik and Rose Wellman, undertakes a comparative analysis of "spiritual kinship" (such as God-parenthood) in... more
What is the relationship between friendship and human flourishing? This is a central topic in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics and one to which Maimonides also returned throughout his career. Despite the relative neglect of this topic in... more
Full papers International Interdisciplinary Conference on Gender Studies and the Status of Women (WomenBeing Conference 2017)
En esta tesis se analiza el papel fundamental que actualmente juegan las mujeres en el campo público de la música istmeña y la manera en que han transformado el sistema musical istmeño dominado por hombres durante décadas. Asimismo se... more
Please let your comments how to built a good relationship between good colleague .
District 9 as a critique on 'Otherness' in new South Africa When science fiction uses its limitless range of symbol and metaphor novelistic ally, with the subject at the centre, it can show us who we are, and where we are, and what... more
Problem of ethnic identity between Roman and Longobards in Historia Langobardoum of Paul the Deacon (paper in Italian)
Apstrakt: Rad je nastao na osnovu analize transkripta odabranih delova intervjua koji se odnose na religiju, mitologiju, kultove, verovanja i magijsko-religijske obrede u Kačaničkoj klisuri na Kosovu i Metohiji. Većinu analiziranih pojava... more
While Humanities and Social Science scholars have a long history of trying to understand how people from different backgrounds get along, typically this work misses much of the work carried out in sociolinguistics and related areas. In... more
Las últimas décadas trajeron consigo la necesidad de revisar aquella noción de sujeto de derecho que posee una carga fuertemente individualista y se presenta como “ciega a las diferencias”. Pues gracias a la acción de minorías étnicas y... more
Özet İstanbul’un Şişli ilçesinde yer alan Kuştepe Mahallesi farklı geç-peripatetik gruplara ev sahipliği yapan bir yerleşim bölgesidir. Bu çalışmada Kuştepe Mahallesi’nde yaşayan peripatetik kökenli grupların birbirleri ve çevreleriyle... more
La representación de la amistad en el cine de animación. Tratamiento y desarrollo en Bambi (1942) y Toy Story (1995) La manifestación de la amistad en dos obras de cine de animación, presentes en diferentes épocas históricas, mediante la... more
Abstract: This article deals with an interesting social phenomenon, namely the mixed marriages between Serbian men and Albanian women from Albania. The article is based on fieldwork in the reagion of Sandžak. However, the examination od... more
kasus cita-citata yang secara tidak langsung dianggap menghina etnis papua melanggar hukum media massa.
During my anthropological field research in Ghimeş region (Romania) between 2005 and 2016 I observed some remarkable inconsistencies in the relationship between the local wedding culture and the ethnic identities of the Hungarian and... more
The article discusses the construction of social representations on the Panoan indigenous peoples of Bolivian Amazonia during the rubber boom (late 19th Century and early 20th Century). It is argued that this imagery was neither... more
This is a novel investigation of whether, and how, a single close supportive friendship may facilitate psychological resilience in socio-economically vulnerable British adolescents. A total of 409 adolescents (160 boys, 245 girls, four... more
En la Antigüedad, las representaciones de amazonas fueron numerosas y relativamente variadas, gracias a los diversos mitos que de ellas existían A lo largo de este trabajo intentaré elaborar una relación de los motivos y los paralelismos,... more
“Goebel's book is a carefully crafted examination of how talk mediates social relations in the context of ethnic diversity…. A strength of Goebel's approach is his effort to take into account historical perspectives captured in language... more
Kalo bicara tentang globalisasi, pelaku globalisasi tertinggi adalah kawula muda. Karena kawula muda sekarang tidak pernah jauh dengan yang namanya music, jadi saya terinspirasi oleh salah satu aliran music yaitu rock. Saya mengusung tema... more
June 24, 2015 Young people from low-income areas typically face substantial challenges to good physical health, mental health, academic achievement and employment. A single supportive close friendship can help young people from low-income... more
En esta clase trabajamos con múltiples definiciones de “raza”, (RAE, Lineo, Todorov, Hall, Wade, Du Bois, Foucault, etc.) La idea es debatir sobre la genealogía de este problemático concepto y sobre sus implicaciones políticas y... more
"What are you waiting for?" Stop wasting your time" "You will die alone," "You will miss the train and stay on your own!" These are some of the questions and warnings that single women hear on an everyday basis. Single women are... more
“‘Mother Latvia’ in Constructing Self and Other: A Case of Latvian Caricature From the Nineteenth Century to 1920” demonstrates how the figure of ‘Mother Latvia’ has become an important part of modern Latvian identity and its role in the... more
Amazonian ethnology has traditionally labelled Pacaguaras, Chacobos, Sinabos or Caripunas as “Southeastern Panoan” groups. However, ethnohistorical analysis reveals that canonical classification hides three important facts. First, that... more
New findings published in the British Journal of Psychology reveal that friendship is very important for children, particularly those coming from a low-income background. The study results showed that relationships like these can make... more
JULY 10, 2015 We all need a little help from our friends, and that help may be invaluable to youths from low-income backgrounds. According to a new study, a single bestie can help a young person be resilient and thrive in the face of... more
Kitabin Girişi ve Önsöz . Makalenin Özeti: 2014 yılında Çerkes ve Ermenilerle yapılan araştırmada Türkiye’deki Çerkeslerin (Abazalar dahil)... more
One of the codes used by individuals to define their identity and convey it to others is clothing. Clothing, which is an instrument that can draw symbolic boundaries between people, must have a strong link between individuals' real social... more
La presente investigación cualitativa y etnográfica pretende explicar el valor de la etnicidad en los procesos de identificación y ategorización social entre estudiantes de pregrado de la universidad de Cochabamba y aportar así a la... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
A paper published in the British Journal of Psychology has been chosen as one of the six most interesting psychology papers of 2015 by The New Yorker. ‘Best friends and better coping: Facilitating psychological resilience through boys’... more
Friendship is the most enjoyable relationship after parental bonding and fraternal love. To be friend with God is a call to be intimately associated to his redemptive plan.