Frank Miller
Recent papers in Frank Miller
Previously unpublished paper originally presented at the American Image/Text Conference, University of East Anglia, Norwich, June, 2011. A narratological and semiotic study in context and intertext. This paper argues that, in addition to... more
Der Film No Country for Old Men erzählt die Geschichte einer brutalen Verfolgungsjagd. Dabei zeigt der Thriller eine amerikanische Wirklichkeit, die mit ihren Werten und Traditionen nicht mehr in Übereinstimmung lebt und liefert eine... more
Robert Rodriguez claims that his Sin City “translates” Frank Miller’s graphic narratives, its source texts, “directly to the screen.” Surprisingly, however, Ro- driguez’s film includes almost constant references to film noir, to film... more
This colloquium paper is an attempt to reflect my thoughts on stories, and telling thereof using visual sequential art as the media. It also briefly discusses my understanding of the art form and its parallel evolution over time, in... more
A década de 1980: O gênero Superhero experimenta a transformação mais significativa desde a criação do Superman em 1939. Começa uma nova era de super-heróis, na qual os personagens engraçados ficam mais escuros, violentos, brutais, mais e... more
Ανάλυση και στρατηγική αφήγησης στο κόμικ Sin City του Frank Miller
About 300 and the Latin translation of Asterix by Rubricastellanus (Karl-Heinz Graf von Rothenburg). Draft of the study "Asterix Gallus ad maiorem Caesaris famam", published in "Intercod. Estetiche del fumetto, letteratura & cinema.... more
An examination of Frank Miller's comic, 300 inspired by Edward Said article, "Clash of Ignorance." Although Miller’s 300 weighs various stories in its depiction of the Battle of Thermopylae, it ultimately relies on a simplistic framework... more
O artigo faz uma análise da clássica obra O Cavaleiro das Trevas de autoria de Frank Miller, explicitando seus traços fascistas.
The 1980s: The Superhero genre experiments the most significant transformation since the creation of Superman in 1939. A new age of superheroes begins, in which the funny characters for children become darker, violent, brutal, more and... more
O presente artigo tem por objetivo apresentar a representação do período do governo Reagan dentro da Graphic Novel A queda de Murdock (Born Again) utilizando a perspectiva da visão da História Cultural. Busco apresentar neste trabalho... more
The antihero embodies competing values; he is the symptom of a crisis, and he exasperates it. During the 1980s these characters have their greatest success in superhero comics. The so-called Dark Age follows a profound crisis in American... more
In 2009, The Economist noted that "Atlas felt a sense of deja vu": in the wake of the economic crisis and the market interventions by the US government, the novels by Ayn Rand (1905-1982) experienced an actual renaissance and... more
An investigation of the different ways Snyder's 300 (2007) has been interpreted by critics and academics, with my own suggestion of how these interpretations have taken form and how the film should be regarded. Within these... more
¿Qué es para la arquitectura el cine?, ¿Y la fotografía?, ¿Y la pintura?, ¿Qué es para el cine la arquitectura?, ¿Y la ciudad? Son preguntas que se me presentaron el momento en el que leí "Fénomenos hístoricos de la arquitectura. La... more
Frank Millers Batman Die Rückkehr des dunklen Ritters und Francis Ford Coppolas Bram Stokers Dracula I Die Flügelspannweite des großen Vampirs betragt circa 70cm Das ist nicht viel, aber innerhalb der Familie der Fledermäuse, Flattertiere... more
Zack Snyder's 300 has been defined as both homoerotic and homophobic. In examining the way Spartans and Persians are depicted in the film, I explore how the film amalgamates influences from preceding ancient historical films, the... more
Criticato per i suoi contenuti ideologici, 300, nella sua versione filmica e disegnata, è stato accusato di essere un’opera reazionaria. Una serie di approfondimenti progressivi rivela la coesistenza di più livelli di lettura, non sempre... more
Resumen Este artículo estudia el diseño gráfico en el cómic Batman: The Dark Knight Returns (1986), de Frank Miller, en tanto elemento fundamental para el concepto, tratamiento narrativo y formato de publicación de la obra, aspectos... more
Welche Rolle spielt die Kategorie Gender für die Konstitution von Comic und Film? Véronique Sina geht dieser Frage anhand ausgewählter Comic- und Filmbeispiele wie Frank Millers »Sin City«, Enki Bilals »Immortel (ad vitam)« oder Matthew... more
Narratieve strategieën in de verfilming van Frank Millers comicbook Sin City.
En los últimos años ha habido un resurgimiento del mito de Esparta, gracias en gran medida a la película basada en el cómic homonimo de Frank Miller 300, pero no ha sido el único caso. La saga de videojuegos God of War también incide en... more
This article studies Frank Miller's 'Batman: The Dark Knight Returns' (1986) graphic design, as a key figure for the concept, narrative treatment and publication format of the book, which were important parts of its formal... more
O objetivo de nosso trabalho é fornecer uma contribuição ao debate relativo à tensão entre Estado e liberdades individuais na obra de Frank Miller (1957). Para tanto, cotejaremos Holy Terror, graphic novel publicada por Miller em 2011, e... more
خانه ای از آن همگان: فراخوانشی به بازستانی امر مشترک، نشریۀ مروارید
Il "Tavolo per le materie classiche" dell'Ufficio Scolastico Regionale della Lombardia, in collaborazione con le Università degli Studi di Milano e di Bergamo, organizza un seminario di aggiornamento per i docenti dei Licei lombardi.
2012. Arkæologisk Forum #27 Et af de absolutte højdepunkter i sværd-og-sandal-blockbusteren 300 er scenen, hvor den spartanske konge Leonidas skriger: ”This is Sparta!” ad perserkongens sendebud og med et velplantet spark sender... more
New developments in comics studies have begun to consider the superhero comic as a transnational, rather than American, phenomenon. This approach offers a new way of thinking about the typical story that Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight... more
Readings of covert progression have expanded the study of rhetorical criticism but are usually limited to analyzing short stories. Through an analysis of Frank Miller’s 300, the present article extends covert progression to comics, a... more
Am Beispiel der Sin City-Reihe (1991-2000) untersucht Véronique Sina das Zusammenspiel von Comics und der Kategorie Gender. Nicht zuletzt aufgrund des bis heute dominierenden Superhelden-Genres wird der Comic gerne als ein ‚triviales’... more