Francis Picabia
Recent papers in Francis Picabia
Dancefilm: Choreography and the Moving Image is a rich exploration of the choreographic in cinema. It traces the history of the dancefilm form from some of its earliest manifestations in the silent film era, through the historic... more
Review of Dadaglobe Reconstructed, exhibition catalogue, ed. Adrian Sudhalter, 304 pp. Scheidegger and Spiess, 2016, ISBN-10: 3858817759 ISBN-13: 978-3858817754. Published in the Kurt Schwitters Society Newslettter No. 22, May 2016.
See attached files for Table of Contents as well as dust jacket blurb.
New edition includes a 100-page Reintroduction augmenting the original content as well as tracking the history of the fourth dimension 1950-2000. Table of Contents in File attached.
World War II Picabia: Paintings appropriated from photographic and cinematic imagery.
It is a commonplace in certain areas of art theory and contemporary art practices to consider Marcel Duchamp's ready-mades as ordinary objects, which have an artistic value that depends more on a theoretical or institutional framework... more
Analyzes the latent bodily imagery within Picabia's revolutionary machine drawings of 1915.
BC: Before Concrete focuses on two centers where the modern visual poem developed, Paris and New York City. This an overview of individuals adding to the wider development of Latin and Cyrillic alphabets’ visual poem types and movements... more
This paper examines the importance of Marcel Duchamp's La Machine Célibataire (The Bachelor Machine) on Art and Technology in the 20th and 21st centuries.
The Art Bulletin, vol. 71 (March 1989), 114-23.
Examines the December 1914-January 1915 exhibition of Picasso and Braque's work at Alfred Stieglitz's 291 Gallery. As the first New York exhibition of 1912-13 Cubism, with its new combination of a spare linear scaffolding and collaged... more
Dada "smells of nothing, signifies nothing". Quoting Francis Picabia, the linguist Roman Jakobson concluded in his penetrating 1921 analysis of the Dada movement, that the painter's words could be likened to 'Armenian riddles', puzzles... more
L'avventura sinestetica di Satie, nata in clima simbolista, attraversa come una meteora il cubismo e l'orfismo, riemergendo in una veste dada e surrealista. Sullo sfondo della Parigi della Belle Époque Satie tesse una fitta rete di legami... more
This is the first major interview with Marcel Janco, conducted in Tel-Aviv, Israel, in 1982
L'impatto della poetica surrealista sul cinema d'avanguardia si traduce in un rivoluzionario sguardo sulla realtà. "L'occhio selvaggio" di Bréton ispira artisti e registi che collaborano col proposito di sovvertire la mentalità borghese,... more
Nella ricerca del compositore Erik Satie il dialogo con le arti visive è sempre costante e fecondo, ma in particolare nei suoi lavori orchestrali (Parade, Relâche, Socrate) si fa ancora più assiduo. Picasso, Cocteau, Picabia, Brancusi,... more
This paper will examine the importance of Marcel Duchamp's La Machine Célibataire (The Bachelor Machine) on Art and Technology in the 20th and 21st centuries.
In Claude Bragdon and the Beautiful Necessity, ed. Eugenia Ellis and Andrea Reithmayr, 73-86. Rochester New York: Rochester Institute of Technology, 2010.
The Ends of Collage, was an exhibition that spread over three platforms, each offering a different perspective from which to review the medium of collage and its legacies. At Luxembourg & Dayan, New York, the exhibition was dedicated to... more
Un excursus sul Surrealismo, dalle sue radici fino agli esiti estremi, attraverso il tema dello sguardo. Cinema, pittura e musica inseguono la metafora della vista interiore, approdando al tema del bianco e del silenzio.
On "Man Ray, Picabia et la revue Littérature (1922-1924)" Centre Pompidou, Paris July 2nd -September 15th, 2014
The Ends of Collage was an exhibition that spread over three platforms, each offering a different perspective from which to review the medium of collage and its legacies. At Luxembourg & dayan, New York, the exhibition was dedicated to... more
Eine Einführung in die gleichnamige Ausstellung. Auf ca. 40 Seiten stellt die Publikation die wichtigsten Arbeiten der gleichnamigen Ausstellung vor und legt die künstlerischen und gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhänge dar. Herausgegeben von... more
Der Vortrag handelt vom Motiv des Affen hauptsächlich in der Kunst, jedoch auch in Bildern allgemein, auch solchen, die nicht das Gütesiegel der autonomen Kunst (im Sinne des 19. Jahrhunderts) aufweisen - sonst hieße der Vortrag „Affen in... more
La exposición Picasso-Picabia. La pintura en cuestión une, por primera vez, a estos dos artistas fundamentales del siglo XX a través de un recorrido por la historia del arte moderno. El diálogo que se establece entre las obras de los dos... more
Against the common view that appropriation—of images, words, and machines—was the surest mark of Francis Picabia's modernism, Verdier posits that Picabia's constant reuse of visual and textual material was a melancholic symptom. Many of... more
Short piece on diagrams and theory, drawing and thinking, published the book Drawing A Hypothesis: Figures of Thought ed. by Nikolaus Gansterer , Vienna/New York: Springer, 2011, pp. 65–76. Original illustrations in the PDF by Nikolaus... more