Formal Ontology (Philosophy)
Recent papers in Formal Ontology (Philosophy)
The digitalization of the economy and technological innovations are pushing central banks to investigate new forms of digital money. The concept and design of digital currencies have been investigated by central banks for some time.... more
I consider the metaphysics of farts. I contrast the essential-bum-origin view with a phenomenological view, and I argue in favour of the latter. Le Petomane performed at the Moulin Rouge in the 1890s to the great and good of the day, such... more
The Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO) was developed over the last two decades by consistently putting together theories from areas such as formal ontology in philosophy, cognitive science, linguistics, and philosophical logics. It... more
Discussing the Meyler influence in Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity with specific examples of 'Relativity violations' and 'causality violations' caused by Closed Timelike Loops. A deconstruction of Einstein's inspiration and... more
Premessa Ormai è un dato di fatto: in Italia esiste una ben definita ontologia formale di ispirazione tomista! Per quanto queste ricerche non siano ancora state recepite né dalla filosofia italiana (tomista o meno) né tanto meno da quella... more
Published version available at : The word ontology comes from the ancient Greek ontos ("being"-present... more
Roman Ingarden’s theory of modes of being belongs to the most interesting and original parts of his ontology. According to Ingarden the word “being” is used with a number of different meanings. Not only have we to distinguish between... more
This article aims to provide a metaphysical elucidation of a specific model of the doctrine of the Trinity: Monarchical Trinitarianism, within the formal, neo–Aristotelian ontological and metaphysical framework of Jonathan Lowe (i.e. his... more
Estudiamos el cambio y la destrucción como nociones filosóficas que deben definirse y analizarse utilizando un lenguaje formal. Para lograr nuestro objetivo, presentamos algunas nociones filosóficas como individuo sustancial, propiedad y... more
Divulgo a versão depositada de minha tese de doutoramento no PPGFIL/UnB. O título completo é "Primeiro esboço de um tratado de metametafísica: introdução ao realismo complexo", trabalho orientado pelo professor Hilan Bensusan. Esta tese... more
La rappresentazione dei concetti è un settore centrale di ricerca in Intelligenza Artificiale (IA) e nelle Scienze Cognitive. In anni recenti, tale tematica ha ricevuto una grande attenzione nell'ambito dei formalismi per lo sviluppo... more
The current text expresses my reflections on Frank Griffel's recently published book "The Formation of Post-Classical Philosophy in Islam." As mentioned in the text, many intellectual aspects of philosophy became gradually integrated into... more
Chapter in J. Rogove and P. D'Oriano, Heidegger and his Anglo-American Reception: A Comprehensive Approach, Springer, “Contributions to Phenomenology”, 2022
George Spencer-Brown's Laws of Form is a mathematical treatise that calls for philosophical interpretation. Its core component, the calculus of indications, progresses from the simple act of drawing a distinction, through a number of... more
Dallueshmëria esencë-ekzistencë qe një temë qendrore në debatet metafizike mes mendimtarëve post-Avisenianë në botën Islame. Një grup ka argumentuar se ajo çfarë është një gjësend është e ndryshme nga ajo çka është veçse konceptualisht.... more
La méréologie est la théorie des parties et des touts. Littéralement le terme « méréologie » signifie la science des parties (du grec ancien μέρος, « partie »). Cette théorie décrit les différentes relations que peuvent entretenir les... more
A critical survey of the fundamental philosophical issues in the logic and formal ontology of space, with special emphasis on the interplay between mereology (the theory of parthood relations), topology (broadly understood as a theory of... more
La connessione fra logica ed ontologia si puó cogliere in maniera il piú possibile precisa osservando una teoria formalizzata. In tal caso l’ontologia relativa a tale teoria è da intendersi, da un punto di vista sintattico, una teoria... more
Mereological atomism is the thesis that everything is ultimately composed of atomic parts, i.e., parts lacking proper parts. Standardly, this thesis is characterized by an axiom that says, more simply, that everything has atomic parts.... more
Proponiamo un manuale di Logica formale concepito all'interno del più ampio progetto di Filosofia formale. Ciò significa non solo attenzione alla disciplina della logica, sviluppatasi in senso rigoroso (formalizzato) a partire dalla fine... more
W monografii zaprezentowałem analizę trzech podstawowych płaszczyzn ważnych dla badań ontologicznych: płaszczyznę indywiduów, płaszczyznę przedmiotów idealnych oraz płaszczyzną pojęć. Podałem również "formalny obraz" idei (por.... more
A critical reconstruction of the motivations that led to the development of mereology as we know it today, along with a brief description of some problems that define current research in the field.
The orbital debris problem presents an opportunity for international cooperation toward the mutually beneficial goals of orbital debris prevention, mitigation, remediation, and improved space situational awareness (SSA). Achieving these... more
Realism refers to a range of ontological and epistemological positions within which research may be conducted. Realist ontologies (assumptions about the nature of reality) range from the view that the world of objects and social... more
Ontology, as science, must not presuppose the entity as its object, but must define its constitution so as to establish what exists. The connection between logic and ontology, in a formalized theory, is perceived by considering the... more
I submit that epistemic progress in key areas of contemporary academic philosophy has been compromised by politically correct (" PC ") ideology. First, guided by an evolutionary account of ideology, results from social and cognitive... more
We present a new axiomatization of classical mereology in which the three components of the theory—ordering, composition, and decomposition principles—are neatly separated. The equivalence of our axiom system with other, more familiar... more
As Heidegger made apparent, the assumed telos of the human, and their uses of technology, is generated by the metaphysical understandings about what things are. In light of new genetic technologies such as CRISPR-CAS9, capable of editing... more
French translation of "On the Boundary between Material and Formal Ontology" (2010)
デカルトと形式存在論 à la Société Franco-Japonaise de Philosophie ("日仏哲学会")
Basic Formal Ontology (BFO), developed by Barry Smith and his colleagues, is a foundational ontology used in information science for the description of entities at the highest level of generality. One of the salient features of BFO is the... more
The Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO-A) is a foundational ontol-ogy about endurants that has been built as a foundation for conceptual modeling, and which focuses on static aspects of endurants. In addition to UFO-A, we have the Unified... more
Jest to monografia habilitacyjna z zakresu ontologii formalnej. Omawiam w niej między innymi wybrane ontologie formalne (Wolniewicz, Perzanowski, Meixner), analizuję struktury gatunków i rodzajów, wprowadzam ontologiczne wersje... more
In this paper I will discuss Barry Smith’s and Kevin Mulligan’s revision of Husserl’s phenomenology, starting from the fact that many Italian scholars seem to follow them in a sense, by dealing with phenomenology as a sort of a priori... more
course paper written Good Friday, April 6, 2012
We present in this paper a novel ontological theory of events whose central tenet is the Aristotelian distinction between the object that changes and the actual subject of change, which is what we call an individual quality. While in the... more
Planetary synchronicities as an axis of suspicion to overcome Cartesian dualism and the disenchantment of the world, from the scientific astronomy vs. archetypal astrology debate. By Fernando Baena Vejarano Richard... more
The use of formal languages in the specification of upper ontologies helps establishing precise and unambiguous definitions for its concepts and relations. In this context, the use of formal languages with support of proof-assistant... more
La epigenética está llamada a descubrir muchos de los secretos que desde una simple lectura determinista de la genética no se comprenden. Aproximándonos a una definición, observamos cómo ayuda a aportar también luz en cuestiones... more
Paul Hovda’s ‘What Is Classical Mereology?' has fruitfully reshaped the debate concerning the axiomatic foundations of classical mereology. Precisely because of the importance of Hovda’s work and its usefulness as a reference tool, we... more
Poster presented at International School on Applied Ontology (ISAO), June 27 - July 1, 2016, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy ( Is about my space ontology project concept ( Has... more
The mass-count distinction is a morpho-syntactic distinction among nouns in English and many other languages. The morpho-syntactic distinction is generally taken to have semantic content or reflect a semantic mass-count distinction. At... more
This paper examines whether classical extensional mereology is adequate for formalizing the whole-parts relation in quantum chemical systems. Although other philosophers have argued that classical extensional and summative mereology does... more