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1. La gobernanza forestal es necesaria para poder alcanzar una gobernanza más amplia que permita conservar los bosques en el paisaje. 2. Asegurar derechos de propiedad sobre la tierra y recursos forestales son la base para que funcionen... more
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Green Book on Participatory 3-D Modelling Mapping and mapping tools, which consist of coordinates, geographical information systems (GIS), databases and software, enable the collection of standardised information (rivers, mountains,... more
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      Participatory ResearchParticipatory Action ResearchCommunity-Based Participatory ResearchForestry policy and governance
Esta publicación se enmarca en el estudio “Estimando y mejorando la legalidad de la madera en el Perú”, y tiene por objetivo identificar y analizar los diferentes conceptos y modalidades de ilegalidad en la cadena de valor de la madera en... more
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      Forestry policy and governanceIllegal LoggingTimber LegalityFLEGT
In recent years, there has been a rethinking of the role of disturbance regimes in nature conservation: from exceptional and destructive events to be controlled and/or avoided, to key ecological processes to be nurtured and choreographed.... more
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      Human GeographyPlant-Herbivore InteractionsRural GeographyDisturbance Ecology
HIGHLIGHTS • Database attractiveness is independent of data quality. • Global forest products databases have different levels of quality. • Since many data users are not data professionals or statisticians, the quality of a database is... more
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      African StudiesDevelopment StudiesForestrySociology of Knowledge
Full paper available here: Good fiscal management is of critical importance if the forest sector is to fulfil its potential to... more
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      ForestryRural DevelopmentGhanaRevenue Management
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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      African StudiesEnvironmental ScienceDevelopment StudiesPolitical Ecology
Au nord-est de la RDC le prix du bois scié est contrôlé par un puissant lobby formé des grands commerçants de Butembo qui en ont le monopole de l'exportation vers l'Ouganda et le Kenya. Ce lobby tend à maintenir le bois scié tiré de la... more
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    • Forestry policy and governance
sayfa 3-4, Tam metin tez için tezler bölümüne bakınız...
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      ForestryClimate ChangeForestry EconomicsCarbon Market
Commercial shrimp aquaculture began in coastal Bangladesh in the late 1970s and now represents the second-largest export sector after garments in the nation. Hailed as har-binger of a blue revolution that could lift the people out of... more
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      BangladeshShrimp CultureForest PolicyForestry policy and governance
The Schedule Tribe and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 (FRA) was passed by the Indian Government to recognize rights of forest dwelling tribal communities. The Act aims to positively impact the... more
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      IndiaForest RightsHuman rights of the tribal people living in forestTribals,sustainable Development and livelihoods
This study evaluates the impact of state policies on forest cover in Costa Rica, focusing on the influence of public policies on private incentives for preserving forest cover. Three periods are analyzed: the "laissez-faire period" when... more
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      Costa RicaForest PolicyForestry policy and governance
This paper recounts the historical evolution of the FVs in Assam, its impact on the traditional peasant economy of the state and the growing conflict between the FD and the forest dwellers. It critiques the approach of the state toward... more
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      Forest RightsForestry policy and governanceForest Rights Acts
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      Forest GovernanceREDD+Forestry policy and governanceETFRN
En octobre 2014, à sa quarante et unième session, le Comité de la sécurité alimentaire mondiale (CSA) a demandé au Groupe d’experts de haut niveau sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (HLPE) d’entreprendre une étude sur le thème de... more
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      Food SecurityForestry policy and governanceForesterieSécurité Alimentaire
Scholars and advocates increasingly favor rights-based approaches over traditional exclusionary policies in conservation. Yet, national and international conservation policies and programs have often led to the exclusion of... more
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      Landscape EcologyHuman EcologyHuman GeographyEnvironmental Science
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      EcuadorCosta RicaNicaraguaHonduras
Over the centuries, governments and international agencies have developed a wide range of institutions to manage timber resources and conserve values provided by treed lands. Concerns regarding the sustainable supply of timber have... more
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      ForestryNatural Resource ManagementEnvironmental Policy InstrumentsBamboo
SUMMARY As forest products from Cameroon and DR Congo are commercialised, a value chain is created from harvesters, processors, and retailers to consumers worldwide. In contrast to dominant narratives focusing on regulations and customs,... more
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      GovernanceCentral AfricaValue chain analysisValue Chain
Nas últimas décadas, novas formas de governança das florestas vêm se estabelecendo a partir da participação de diferentes atores sociais que interagem em arenas de ação para promover a gestão sustentável das florestas nativas na América... more
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      Forestry policy and governanceNative forest in ChileSustenable Development
La superficie hondureña con bosques es de 5.96 millones de hectáreas ocupando las áreas protegidas 3.96 millones de ha. El área de bosque latifoliado es de 3.53 millones de has; los pinares son 1.68 millones de has y las restantes 550,000... more
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      ForestryForestry policy and governanceREDD+ or Reducing Emissions form Deforestation and (Forest) Degradation
With the long history of scientific forest management based on the Burmese customs of timber extraction, forest policies and its development supported the economy of country and livelihoods of the people until the 21 th century. Forests... more
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      Forestry policy and governanceDeforestationInstitutional Arrangements of Farmer Organisations
This chapter examines forest and agricultural land-use changes in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) region of Bangladesh. The CHT region contains more than 40% of the total forest cover of the country. Although forest resources in the... more
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      Agrarian StudiesBangladeshChittagong Hill TractsForestry policy and governance
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      MarketsForest PolicyForestry policy and governancePeruvian Amazon
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    • Forestry policy and governance
This report, in its first part specifically relating to Sudan, attempts to contribute to understanding the ways of forming partnerships in forest management between the state and local resource managers. Specifically, it presents... more
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    • Forestry policy and governance
El Proyecto VERIFOR trabaja sobre opciones institucionales para mejorar la aplicabilidad de la legislación forestal. Nuestro principal problema en Costa Rica es el cambio del uso de la tierra y la deforestación: ahí es donde deberíamos... more
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      Costa RicaGobernanzaForestry policy and governancePolitica Forestal
Un análisis de los orígenes de este problema puede revelar que, a la vez que los modelos económicos de desarrollo han sido extractivos de los recursos naturales, han sido las políticas de otros sectores las que más han influido en... more
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      Forest PolicyForestry policy and governanceForestry Policy and Economics
The Philippines is one of the many countries that currently acknowledge the presence of indigenous peoples (IPs) within their territories. This acknowledgment often comes with a formal recognition of the rights of IPs, including the right... more
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      Indigenous StudiesForestrySustainable DevelopmentLegal Pluralism
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      Forestry policy and governanceIllegal LoggingFLEGT
La iniciativa Puembo II intercede a favor de aumentar el compromiso para el manejo sostenible de los bosques facilitando el dialogo y la formulación de recomendaciones para la futura acción a nivel de país, subregional y toda América... more
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      ForestryForestry EconomicsForest PolicyForestry policy and governance
As if under a magnifying glass, the COVID-19 pandemic renders global inequalities, as well as conflicts within societies, more visible. It is particularly the marginalized, weak and vulnerable groups in societies—as well as poorer... more
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      HumanitarianismKenyaPeace EducationBelgium
Participatory mapping is an essential tool towards legitimate, consensual, stable and sustainable land-use planning and exploitation of natural resources. This document presents excerpts from the support and advocacy work provided to... more
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      Democratic Republic of CongoParticipatory MappingForestry policy and governanceCommunity Forestry
The Forest Rights Act, 2006 has the potential to democratise forest governance by recognising community forest resource rights over an estimated 85.6 million acres of India’s forests, thereby empowering over 200 million forest dwellers in... more
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      Social MovementsForestryIndigenous Peoples RightsIndigenous Peoples
The ecosystem services of urban forests are under threat in Ghana due to continuous conversion of urban green spaces into other land uses. The loss of urban forests is contributing to decreases in resilience and increases in... more
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      Environmental Valuation (Economics)Forest PolicyForestry policy and governance
Since the 2000s, facing the increasing globalization and commodification of common-pool resources, community-based organizations managing water and forests at the local level started to create transnational networks. Their main goal is to... more
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      Water governanceForestry policy and governanceGrassroots
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      Biodiversity ConservationLandscape Conservation and ManagementForestry policy and governance
Internationally funded carbon forestry projects have become a central concern of scholars and policy makers working on global climate change mitigation. The anticipated impacts of carbon forestry projects on forest-dependent communities... more
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      ForestryClimate ChangeGlocalizationEnvironmental Studies
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      Forest GovernanceREDD+Forestry policy and governance
Il testo dimostra come la politica forestale italiana, a partire dall'Unità (1861), sia stata sempre subordinata ad altri interessi e non finalizzata alla selvicoltura e al miglioramento delle condizioni ecologiche e produttive dei... more
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      Forest PolicyForest HistoryForestry policy and governanceEcology and Religion
This paper studies the experience of foreign-funded programmes aimed at establishing participatory forest management (PFM), primarily in the walnut-fruit forests, in Kyrgyzstan. Having reviewed programme reports, NGO evidence and... more
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      International DevelopmentDemocracyCentral AsiaForestry policy and governance
This study analyses the extent to which the Romanian National Plan Against Illegal Logging (Planul Național de Combatere a Tăierilor Ilegale de Arbori (PNCTIA) fulfils the conditions of a functional public policy proposal; the degree of... more
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      Program EvaluationSocial Research Methods and MethodologyStakeholder AnalysisSustainable forestry management
Illegal logging. About the getting of the problem in the institutional agenda The study, focused on the problem of illegal logging, aimed to identify prospectively what were the main social problems associated with the field of forestry... more
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      Policy Analysis/Policy StudiesForestry PolicySustainable forestry managementMass media
La problemática de la tala -y comercio- ilegal es un tema complejo que ha cambiado a través del tiempo, influenciada por diversas corrientes de pensamiento y tendencias institucionales, económicas y sociales (Campos et al, 2001). En el... more
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      Central AmericaForestry policy and governanceIllegal Logging
Inclusion of marginalized sections and minorities remains one of the most vexing problems for democratic politics. This article discusses the enactment of a recent Indian law, ‘The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers... more
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      Social MovementsDemocratizationLand tenureEmpowerment
7 to 10 billion dollars are invested each year in nature conservation, funding the creation of protected areas to keep biodiversity out of man’s destructive power. As protecting the nature has become a priority on the international agenda... more
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      Indigenous Peoples RightsForestry policy and governanceNature ConservationRights Based Approach to Development
Sustainable management of forest depends on effective participation of primary stakeholders-the local people. This paper focuses on the assessment of factors that affect participation of local people in four key aspects of forest... more
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      ForestryNatural Resource ManagementForestry policy and governance
Non-timber forest products (NTFP) comprise a diversity of natural resources that support livelihoods of those along the chain from harvester to traders. The Central African Forest Commission (COMIFAC) recognises the importance of NTFPs in... more
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      GovernanceApplied EconomicsValue ChainForest Policy
This article investigates forest policies and institutions surrounding REDD+ in three heavily-forested countries: India, Tanzania, and Mexico. The comparative analysis leads to three key insights. First, each of the case study countries... more
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      ForestryLand tenureInstitutions (Political Science)Tanzania