Human rights and environment
Recent papers in Human rights and environment
The article describes new international approaches linking human rights instruments and environmental protection and their current application in the Czech Republic, which has been rather poor so far. The Czech Constitution guarantees the... more
Atendiendo a su Pilar II, los Principios Rectores de John Ruggie permiten evaluar los efectos adversos de las actividades de las corporaciones sobre el cuerpo de derechos humanos codificado a nivel internacional (determinados en el... more
This edited collection brings together internationally renowned scholars to explore green criminology through the interdisciplinary lenses of power, justice and harm. The chapters provide innovative case study analyses from North America,... more
The present model of global development is unsustainable. The ecological crisis, of which climate change is just one aspect, is a daily reality for millions upon millions, in particular the most marginalized peoplethose who were not... more
Even though the emergency of floriculture industry is a recent phenomenon, it has brought many blessing to Ethiopia. It is a source of export earnings; it is a means of employment for many, especially for women; it is a cause for the... more
From the Ogoni people devastated by oil drilling in Nigeria to the Inuit and other indigenous populations threatened by climate change, communities disparately burdened by environmental degradation are increasingly framing their demands... more
This thesis researches if human rights law can be the foundation of a legal framework to stop climate change. First, it is proved that climate change meets the definition of Hardin’s ‘tragedy of the commons’: a common resource is... more
Edited by Marco Armiero, Federica Giardini, Dario Gentili, Daniela Angelucci, Ilaria Bussoni The environmental crisis that has been declared for several decades strongly challenges the human and political sciences. Not only because they... more
Ce travail se concentre sur la protection du droit de vivre dans un environnement sain dans le cadre de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme de 1948 sous contrôle du Conseil de l’Europe. PS: L'auteur a changé son nom de famille... more
"Environmental law finds itself in a very delicate position. Its role is to elaborate rules and principles for addressing multiple ecological crises, yet environmental law is structurally and conceptually rooted in a broader legal... more
İnsanoğlunun doğaya ve çevreye verdiği kirliliğin boyutu her geçen gün hızla artmaktadır. 20. ve 21. yüzyılda dünya nüfusunun hızla yükselmesi, çarpık kentleşme, teknoloji ve sanayinin hızla gelişmesi çevre sorunlarının da hızla artmasına... more
This text is a chapter in The Human Right to A Healthy Environment (John H. Knox & Ramin Pejan, eds.) (forthcoming; Cambridge University Press). This chapter aims to analytically and empirically unpack the question of whether there... more
States are under positive obligations to secure the social conditions necessary to protect people’s health and secure their human rights. This book shows that the protection of health can derive from the European Con-vention on Human... more
Článek zkoumá současný status a budoucí perspektivy práva na životní prostředí jako jednoho ze základních lidských práv. Rozšíření katalogu lidských práv o toto právo se jeví jako nový nadějný prostředek právní ochrany životního... more
Los desafíos que las amenazas medioambientales presentan en nuestra sociedad han propiciado, desde hace algunas décadas, un interés creciente de los juristas. En los últimos años, la discusión ha traspasado las fronteras del Derecho... more
Addressing collisions between environmental protection and competing economic and social interests often constitutes the very core of environmental cases. At the constitutional level, a balancing approach based on the doctrine of... more
This paper draws on the work of Michel Foucault in order to analyze the constellation of political strategies and power at the US/Mexico border wall. These strategies, however, are incredibly diverse and often directly antagonistic of one... more
Specijalistički rad |Pravo na zdravu životnu sredinu 2 SADRŽAJ Sadržaj 2 Uvod 4 Opšte definisanje -pravo na zdravu životnu sredinu 6 Klasifikacija i kvalifikacija prava na zdravu životnu sredinu u korpusu ljudskih prava 9 Međunarodna... more
The environmental costs of economic development have received increasing attention during the recent years. According to the World Energy Outlook 2009 today´s energy policies have a severe impact on climate change, since energy accounts... more
Norwegian Abstract: Klimaendringer utgjør en alvorlig trussel mot menneskerettighetene. Likevel er menneskerettighetene marginale i klimapolitikk og debatten rundt overganger til "grønne økonomier". Samtidig er mothegemoniske tilnærminger... more
This article includes a comprehensive analysis of work currently being carried out by regional and international human rights supervisory bodies in the field of disaster management, being cognizant of the fact that the past decade has... more
En los últimos cincuenta años, la preocupación por el medio ambiente ha sido creciente, como consecuencia de un desarrollismo acelerado que, iniciado sobre todo tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial, plantea serias amenazas para el planeta. Los... more
This essay explores and evaluates the applicability of international conventions as promulgated by UNESCO and the UN General Assembly to the loss of African heritage. Using the extant literature up to the mid-1990s, this is the first... more
In Košičiarová, S. (Ed.). Právo na životné prostredie a nástroje jeho presadzovania. Zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferenice. Trnava: Trnavská univerzita v Trnave, Právnická fakulta, 2016, s. 164-175. ISBN... more
TO DOWNLOAD THE FULL FILE OF THE ARTICLE: China is appraised to have the world's largest exploitable reserves of shale gas, although several legal, regulatory, environmental and... more
The social pillar?and thus social equity and social development?is critical to understanding what green growth (or making the economic patterns of development more sustainable) needs to do (that has not been done before), who it needs to... more
MÜLLEROVÁ, H. Právo na příznivé životní prostředí: Zkušenosti vybraných evropských zemí a návrhy pro budoucí uplatňování v ČR. Praha: Ústav státu a práva AV ČR, 2018, 236 s. ISBN 978-80-87439-34-0, 978-80-87439-35-7 (e-kniha). Dostupné z... more
In this Blog post at The Wrench I argue that it is more vital than ever that we refuse to allow the Trump regime to define what counts as protest. Already confined to "free speech zones," the criminalizing of free expression as a form of... more
States and corporations are being forced out of their comfort zones. A consensus is building among international human rights courts and committees that states can and will be held accountable for overseas human rights abuses by... more
Topics: Urgenda in Comparative Perspective. Role of Human Rights in Climate Litigation? Enforcement of Climate and Environmental Law? Role of Courts? Speakers: Prof. Marcel Brus (RuG, Chair) Prof. Roel Schutgens (Nijmegen) Prof. Gerrit... more
TO DOWNLOAD THE FULL PAPER : The increasing sensibility regarding cultural heritage provides momentum to better define a legal framework for the protection of these peculiar... more