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Habitat utilisation
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      ConservationBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesBiological Conservation
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      Avian BiologyBiological SciencesStable IsotopeHabitat Selection
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      Evolutionary BiologyEcologyEvolutionary EcologyProfitability
An individual-based model of nesting smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieu, is used to predict the effects of water level fluctuations on reproductive success. The model simulates daily nest site selection, spawning, nest guarding, and... more
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      ZoologyEcologyHabitat SelectionReproductive Success
Space use, intra-territorial habitat preferences, and factors affecting both were studied in an invading population of American mink, Mustela vison, in two rivers of a Mediterranean region of Spain. Average linear home range was 1.19±0.73... more
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      ZoologyHabitat SelectionBody ConditionSpace Use
Estuarine fishes are generally much more abundant in structurally-complex seagrass beds than in nearby sand flats. We tested for this pattern by comparing trawl catches from adjacent seagrass beds and sand flats within Turkey Point Shoal,... more
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      Predator-Prey InteractionsSeagrass ecologyHabitat SelectionPredation Risk
During 1997–1999, 32 Woodland Caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) were translocated from the Sustut Herd to the Telkwa Mountains in westcentral British Columbia to augment recovery of the Telkwa Caribou Herd. The animals were fitted with... more
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      Wildlife BiologyWildlife Ecology And ManagementBiologyEcology
Although stony corals are most frequently studied on high-relief reef structures, many coral species occur in a wide variety of nearshore tropical habitats, including mangrove creeks, seagrass beds and rocky platforms. This study... more
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      Population structureHabitat SelectionPopulation SizeBanking system
Conservation of fauna breeding in vernal pools is challenging given their complex life histories. Many species, including the widespread North American Wood Frog (Rana sylvatica), require both aquatic and terrestrial habitat, yet... more
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      ZoologyHerpetologyLife historyConservation planning
Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus are threatened across much of their range and their conservation requires appropriate habitat management. The locations of 148 Hen Harrier nests found in the Republic of Ireland during national breeding surveys... more
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      Information SystemsZoologyEcologyIbis
The Canary Islands great spotted woodpecker Dendrocopos major canariensis is an endemic bird restricted to the Pinus canariensis forests of Tenerife and Gran Canaria. Classification tree models were applied to explore the relationship of... more
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      EcologyForest EcologyForest ManagementCanary Islands
Habitat modelling results are extremely sensitive to the habitat suitability criteria (HSC) used in the simulations. HSCs are usually expressed as univariate habitat suitability curves, although such univariate approach has been long... more
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      Environmental EngineeringEcologyRiverBrown trout
Ontogenetic shifts at lizards' microhabitat selection were studied using sand lizard (Lacerta agilis) as model organism. Field observations evidenced that sightings of hatchling lizards followed the distribution of microhabitat categories... more
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      Multivariate AnalysisHabitat SelectionHabitat UsePerch
Extensive logging of the boreal forest rejuvenates landscapes once dominated by old-growth stands. As black bear ( Ursus americanus Pallas, 1780) fitness and behavior are known to be primarily related to the abundance of shade-intolerant... more
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      ZoologyCanadianHabitat SelectionBoreal Forest
The little bustard Tetrax tetrax is a threatened grassland bird highly reliant on agro-ecosystems for survival. Understanding its habitat requirements throughout its yearly cycle is essential to promoting adequate management practices. A... more
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      ManagementReproductionEndangered SpeciesBiological Sciences
Habitat selection by female Dall's sheep (Ovis dalli dalli) during lambing was studied in interior Alaska, U.S. A., in 1988 and 1989. Selection of habitat changed with the chronology of lambing. During the prelambing period, maternal... more
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      ZoologyBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesHabitat Selection
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      ZoologyHabitat Selection
Habitat use of breeding diving ducks is not well-documented. I studied nesting and brood-rearing female redheads (Aythya americana) in southwestern Manitoba during 1994 and 1995 to document habitat use and associations between wetland... more
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      Earth SciencesWetlandsBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
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      ZoologyWildlife BiologyCompositional AnalysisSeasonality
Habitat quality, and the levels of habitat variables that are associated with good habitat, can vary between years. Therefore, animals that are able to adjust their habitat selectivity should enjoy higher fitness. I examined the use of... more
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      CrustaceaAnimal BehaviourIsraelBiological Sciences
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Foraging habitat use by colonial waterbirds breeding in New York Harbor was examined to identify resources that were particularly important for the provisioning of young. Stable isotope values of carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur were measured... more
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      Foraging ecologyWaterbirdsHabitat SelectionForaging Behavior
Terrain ruggedness is often an important variable in wildlife habitat models. Most methods used to quantify ruggedness are indices derived from measures of slope and, as a result, are strongly correlated with slope. Using a Geographic... more
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      Environmental ScienceLogistic RegressionBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
Habitat use and selection of 14 Alpine ibex males were studied in the Gran Paradiso National Park. Alpine meadows were always overused and positively selected, because this habitat constituted an important food resource for the ibex. Even... more
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      Habitat SelectionHabitat UseNational ParkPositive Selection
A model of genotype specific habitat selection is developed for an organism subject to within-lifetime environmental fluctuations. Habitat selection is first overlaid upon both hard and soft selection Levene models with either discrete or... more
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      Population GeneticsNatural SelectionHabitat SelectionHomeostasis
The dietary structure and distribution patterns of red foxes Vulpes vulpes in situations of different food supply in the coniferous-deciduous (mostly small-leaved) woodlands of northern Belarus were investigated. A total of 1526 scats of... more
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      ZoologyPopulation DynamicsSeasonalityFeeding Ecology
Wetlands are internationally recognized as a crucial habitat type for the conservation of many migratory birds. Despite the fact that many bats are also long-distant migrants, the importance of foraging habitats for sustaining migrant... more
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2008. Wolf, Canis lupus, den site selection in the Rocky Mountains. Canadian Field-Naturalist 122(1): 49-56.
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      Remote SensingReproductionModelingEcology
Yellowstone have further bolstered the regional population. However, rigorous analysis of either the availability of wolf habitat in the entire region, or the specific habitat requirements of local wolves, has yet to be conducted. We... more
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      Logistic RegressionBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesNorthern Rocky Mountains
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      Information SystemsZoologyEcologyIbis
We studied habitat selection by Rhinolophus euryale in a rural area of southern Italy in 1998-2000 by radio-tracking. Two comparisons were carried out, one between habitat occurrence within individual home ranges and within the study... more
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      MediterraneanBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesBiological Conservation
Telemetry A B S T R A C T Leopards (Panthera pardus) are endangered in South East Asia yet little is known about which resources need to be secured for their long-term conservation or what numbers of this species this region can support.... more
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      Biological SciencesCompositional AnalysisEnvironmental SciencesBiological Conservation
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      Biological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesHabitatHabitat Selection
A study of the Japanese badger Meles meles anakuma was undertaken in Hinode, a suburb of Tokyo, between 1992 and 1998. Faecal analysis, based on 82 samples, revealed that during spring and summer, earthworms (Megaseolocidae spp.) occurred... more
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      ZoologyBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesHabitat Selection
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      Forest Ecology And ManagementBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesCanis lupus
At high latitudes and altitudes, ice formation is a major variable affecting survival of freshwater fauna and hence the abundance and composition of invertebrate communities. Freezing, but also desiccation and anoxia, are lethal threats... more
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      LimnologyMultidisciplinaryHibernationAquatic Insects
African elephants can affect the quality of the habitat of other species by breaking or uprooting trees and shrubs in savannas. Their effect on vegetation has been widely studied but less is known about the effects of such vegetation... more
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      Biological SciencesResource Selection FunctionEnvironmental SciencesElephants
This study investigated the anti-predator strategies adopted by 19 radio-collared female roe deer during the fawning season by monitoring their spatial behaviour and habitat selection by means of radio-tracking. The study was carried out... more
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      ZoologyBiological SciencesSeasonalityRoe Deer
Previous studies have proposed that seagrass habitats, by supporting diverse and abundant fish assemblages, are preferred by foraging dolphins in coastal systems. To test this hypothesis, we (1) examined the fine-scale behavior of... more
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      ZoologyEcologyStrategyCircadian Rhythm
Road-kill Common species
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      Spatial AnalysisEcological ModellingBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
RESUMEN El Cocodrilo Americano es una especie clave en el mantenimiento y función de los ecosistemas costeros a largo plazo por las actividades que realiza, sin embargo está catalogado como en amenaza de peligro de extinción (EN) UICN,... more
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The giant molerat Tachyoryctes macrocephalus is a high-altitude specialist endemic to the Bale Mountains, Ethiopia, and an important prey species for the endangered Ethiopian wolf Canis simensis. We assessed molerat prevalence, habitat... more
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      Biological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesBiological ConservationHabitat Selection
The origins, early history, captive populations, spread and habitat preferences of Reeves' Muntjac in Britain are reviewed. It is suggested that much of the published information on the history of Muntjac in Britain is based on... more
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      ZoologyEcologyMammalHabitat Selection
Hundreds of thousands of giant snakes (Python reticulatus) are taken from the wild to be killed for their skins each year, raising doubts about the longterm sustainability of this otake. We visited four locations in northern Sumatra... more
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      Biological SciencesSeasonalityEnvironmental SciencesBiological Conservation
We analyzed satellite track data for 186 loggerhead sea turtles in the North Pacific Ocean using remotely sensed environmental data to characterize pelagic habitat. A large number of candidate habitat variables were merged to the... more
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      Remote SensingSea surface temperatureBiological SciencesSeasonality
In northern Europe at least, extensive knowledge of the systematics and ecology of spiders leads the authors to consider them as a very suitable group for pest limitation and for biodiagnostic purposes. An examination of both the... more
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      Human FactorsSoil PollutionEnvironmental SciencesSampling methods
The house crow (Corvus splendens) has reached pest proportions in Singapore and requires an integrated system of population control measures. One such crucial component, possibly reducing its breeding success, was the focus of our study.... more
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      ManagementEngineeringUrban PlanningIT Management
Shorebirds, or waders, form an ecologically (but not phylogenetically) homogenous group of birds that, despite this homogeneity, exhibits clear correlated contrasts in habitat use and migration distance between closely related species... more
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      ZoologyOrnithologySeasonalityHabitat Selection
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      Tropical EcologyEcologyHabitat SelectionAgricultural landscape