Recent papers in Flanders
Lisbon city was the common homeland of many nations in the Early Modern period. This paper studies the signs of the Flemish / Dutch presence in the Portuguese capital, between the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries, a presence with... more
Published and available here https://www.edi-colibri.pt/Detalhes.aspx?ItemID=2576&fbclid=IwAR0bbUK8NXDjQkWS3DSShW9Yd1XFHspVar0837GuVAP37CMKugl-42MfeyQ "In the year of 1496, a new breed of men was created after the expulsion and forced... more
In this paper, the draft evasion during the Napoleonic periode is examined. It has its focus on the Departement de l'Escaut, which is almost the same area as the current Belgian province Eastern Flanders. Several methods of draft evasion... more
In 1714 the treaties of Rastatt and Baden ceded the southern Netherlands to the Habsburg monarchy. The southern Netherlands were not contiguous to the rest of the monarchy and furthermore enjoyed their own distinct local rights and... more
The present contribution aims at explaining why some Flemish (Belgian) organisations evaluate policy, while others don’t. The study relies on a unique combination of two configurational comparative methods: the Most Similar Different... more
Scotland is not the only sub-state unit in Europe where relevant political actors make claims for independence. To generate insights on these independence demands, we compare the drivers, arguments and popular support for secession in... more
De communautaire spanningen binnen de Belgische Werkliedenpartij liepen voor de Eerste Wereldoorlog hoger op dan tot nu toe aangenomen werd. Niet alleen zorgde de taalkwestie voor onenigheid, maar Vlamingen en Franstaligen bleken zich te... more
The lead-tin badges with a sexual image were popular on the territories of Flanders and Zeeland roughly between 1250-1500, after that, their popularity ceased. Some sexual images can be traced to popular stories and plays, in particular... more
Abstract: This paper proposes a notion of critique as a public metadiscourse that allows subjects to recognize , rearticulate and/or reconfigure the logics and rationalities that lead to social suffering. It analyses the way critique... more
In 1127 Charles the Good, count of Flanders, was surrounded by assassins while at prayer and killed by a sword blow to the forehead. His murder upset the fragile balance of power between England, France, and the Holy Roman Empire, giving... more
Grâce à des exemples empruntés à l'Antiquité (Grèce) puis à l'époque contemporaine (Espagne, Wallonie, Grèce), on s'est attaché à comprendre comment le rite votif a pu évoluer au sein des manifestations de piété populaire. En Grèce... more
The results of the 2010 federal elections in Belgium show a growing divide between the French-speaking south (Wallonia) and the Dutch-speaking north (Flanders) of the country. In the north, the Flemish nationalist party New Flemish... more
Bislang existiert noch keine systematische Erforschung des Nationenbildes von Belgien im deutschsprachigen Raum (Grünewald, 2018; Roland, 2014). Diese Informationen sind aber für Übersetzer*innen und Dolmetscher*innen interessant, um die... more
This paper is an English translation of my master's thesis in Cultural Studies. I've made the translation myself, so no matter how many times I proofread it, errors may still appear. Manga and anime, which are Japanese comics and... more
Many of Agnolo Bronzino's tapestry cartoons of monumental allegorical, devotional, and narrative subjects avoid or minimise some significant tapestry genres of the Renaissance and Middle Ages, including verdures, millefleurs, and courtly... more
Du XVe au XVIIe siècle, la Flandre wallonne, région située aux alentours de Lille et Douai semble avoir été un centre de production héraldique. De nombreux indices montrent l’existence d’une "culture héraldique" locale . On ne connaît... more
Based on rigorous analysis of the propaganda of five Western European separatist parties, this book provides in-depth examination of the ‘nationalism of the rich’, defined as a type of nationalist discourse that seeks to end the economic... more
This paper is the final outcome of my MA Thesis research, carried out at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid throughout 2010. Diplomacy played a key role during the troubled period of the Thirty Years’ War. Diplomats were chosen for... more
Located on the southern side of Cologne (Köln), Germany there is a small but beautiful graveyard maintained by the CWGC. There is two Gurkhas from World War 1 commemorated here. They are found outside the main CWGC area along with some... more
En el contexto de la crisis de los Países Bajos y tras la decisión de Felipe II de enviar un ejército formado por tercios españoles para devolver el orden en aquellos dominios era imprescindible contar con un estricto aparato de control... more
La integración de los Paises Bajos en la Monarquía Hispánica, al convertirse en rey de esta última el joven Carlos V en 1516, trajo consigo la apertura de un difícil proceso de gobierno en el que los intereses del poder central y los de... more
En este trabajo se estudia la continuada adquisición de bienes artísticos en Flandes por parte de miembros de la familia Velasco, tanto los pertenecientes al tronco principal de los Condestables como aquellos otros miembros que... more
Dit proefschrift fungeert als een instrumenteel symbool (TURNER 1967:31-32) binnen de individuele rite de passage die het postuleren naar de wetenschappelijke graad van doctor nu eenmaal is. Het markeert het einde van de – in dit geval... more
Depuis une vingtaine d’années, le fait régional et l’action régionale semblent s’être fortement développés en Europe. La promotion de l’Europe des régions a été sur le devant de la scène dans la conclusion de nouveaux traités jalonnant la... more
A major challenge for authorities in the modern world is the linguistic integration of minorities. In this context, language policies play a key role as authorities are increasingly faced with the challenge of adjusting their language... more
The concept of the mobility budget (MB) has gained much positive attention in Flanders in less than a decade. Many actors embrace the concept as a solution to the dominance of the company car and the problems associated with it; in... more
Living within the microcosm of the Lille elites, the members of the Hangouart family left behind them a wealth of records, enough to complete a monography. Their social ascension over two centuries was not disrupted by the change of... more
This article offers insight into the role of the state in land financialisation through a reading of urban hegemony. This offers the basis for a conjunctural analysis of the politics of planning within a context in which authoritarian... more
Full analytic report of the problem of Aalst Carnival 2019, the role of some players, an abstract of two pages and in front the suggestion for a decision: in the abstract, the conclusions from the detailed sections, using paragraph... more
Digitization, new entrants and the disruption of business models prompt concern about the media’s societal mission. The article investigates how media managers conceptualize societal responsibility in an era of turmoil. Based on 20... more
During the meeting in Baku in December 2013, the Intergovernmental Committee of the 2003 UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, inscribed shrimp fishing on horseback in Oostduinkerke (Flanders, Belgium) in... more
History of the bloody and controversial Royal Navy raids to block the ports of Zeebrugge and Ostend in 1918.
A Constitution for Flanders has been preoccupying Flemish politicians and scholars for over twenty years. On 23 May 2012, the majority parties presented in the Flemish Parliament the Charter for Flanders. Since Flanders only has embryonic... more
Une légende apparue au milieu du XIVe siècle, rapportée presque simultanément par Jean d’Ypres, abbé de Saint Bertin et Jean d’Outremeuse, raconte que les armoiries au lion auraient été prises par le comte de Flandre Philippe d’Alsace (+... more