Recent papers in Flânerie
The extensive use of smartphones in our everyday lives has created new modes of appropriation and behavior in public spaces. Recognition of these are essential for urban design and planning practices which help us to improve the... more
Em diferentes épocas marcadas por choques de valores e mudanças sociais, os cidadãos urbanos aparecem na literatura jornalística que Walter Benjamin chamou de flânerie como uma legião de homens "ofuscados" pela proliferação de signos.... more
My contribution today is titled Walking with buildings. The flâneur and the (im)mobilizing power of non-human narrators and aims to reflect on the contrasting encounter between the apparent immobility of buildings, as non-human inert... more
L'articolo indaga la costruzione letteraria e simbolica della Parigi di Baudelaire ne "I «passages» di Parigi" di Walter Benjamin
This article examines the popular fascination with what was known as "ryōki" (curiosity-hunting) in Japan during the 1920s and 1930s. In the 1920s, there emerged with the rise of the mass printing industry, a large number of publications... more
The image of the urban stroller in surrealist narratives has emerged as one of the more important symbols of the movement. The male flâneur figure and his prolonged, aimless urban strolls signify rebellion against bourgeois standards like... more
The practice of psychogeography has a long and rich tradition which continues to inspire artists today. Writers and artists such as Laura Oldfield Ford, Patrick Keiller and Janet Cardiff continue to produce work in the psychogeographic... more
redasse un breve saggio nel 1927, in collaborazione con Franz Hessel, dal titolo Passagen: si trattava di una descrizione dei passages parigini, interpretati quali luoghi privilegiati di concrezione di fantasmagorie urbane.
Despite the multitude of filmmakers and characters that wander these urban environments, locating revelatory findings in its spatial-imaginary as they do, the flâneur remains a surprisingly underdeveloped concept in film theory. A... more
In this Master's thesis I have reconsidered the fairly recent concept of cyberflânerie, which has been approached predominantly as a mere metaphorical construct to this day. By taking a closer look at a group of cyberflâneurs, which owes... more
Entre las teorías estéticas que produjo nuestro siglo destaca de manera singular la obra fragmentaria de Walter Benjamín cuyo complejo y enigmático pensamiento hoy en día es objeto de numerosos estudios e invita a continuas reflexiones.... more
Un homme marche dans les rues de Paris, seul et sans but. Il parcourt les longues avenues aux immeubles majestueux, il se perd dans la foule des Grands Magasins. Enveloppé dans son manteau noir, il erre dans la ville sans répit. Mais que... more
The flâneur became a literary figure of 19 th century Paris and was taken up as a theoretical figure in the early 20 th century. During these periods the city was undergoing massive social, architectural and infrastructural change. Today,... more
Nel romanzo storico dell’Ottocento il badaud è più di una figura letteraria. È metafora di un ceto popolare, di una massa urbana, di una folla indistinta che, in un frangente in cui si formano o si consolidano gli stati nazionali europei,... more
Esta tese tem como objeto de pesquisa videogames que têm uma cidade audiovisual como tema principal de sua construção. Tratam-se de ambiências constituídas por imagens audiovisuais com montagens temporais e espaciais (MANOVICH, 2014;... more
Come insegna Charles Baudelaire, camminare e passeggiare non sono esattamente la stessa cosa. Passeggiare è un’arte raffinata che richiede abilità e impegno. Un’arte che il flâneur parigino del XIX secolo praticava nel clima delle grandi... more
This paper revolves around a series of media art projects that present creative uses of technological errors and glitches in order to subvert the logic, processes and aesthetics of digital mapping technologies. The first scope of this... more
Using as a prism the symbiosis between flânerie and the consumption and production of popular culture, this article reconstructs the intellectual history of Jakarta’s encounter with economic modernisation under Indonesia’s New Order... more
Au détour de l’habitude est un recueil de fragments soutenu par une démarche d’écrivain flâneur, qui se décline dans la pratique quotidienne d’espaces urbains et dans l’assemblage du texte même. Sont principalement donnés à lire, à... more
«Τα σύγχρονα ερείπια δηλώνουν συγχρόνως τη μεγαλύτερη ελευθερία του ατόμου (ελευθερία από κάθε κυρίαρχο αφήγημα «εθνικού» τύπου) και συνάμα την αυξανόμενη μόνωσή του – έναν μετεωρισμό ανάμεσα στην ελευθερία και τη μοναξιά. Η εμπειρία... more
Cet article propose de contribuer à la géopoétique urbaine en mettant en relation la littérature avec la géographie, qui s'est inspirée des propos de Heidegger pour repenser la question de l'habiter (Berque, Biase et Bonnin; Roux). Dans... more
Duetredue consiglia la lettura di questo e-book su Google play libri o su I-books per una corretta formattazione del testo
Focusing on the latest trends of fashion and society, Federico Castigliano navigates through the megalopolises and the phantasmagorias of today's China.
Luisa Antonitsch Mansilha Mello & Ana Paula Pereira da Gama Alves Ribeiro [Artigo publicado na Revista Estudos Feministas, Florianópolis, 29(1): e67152, em 2021, tradução] Abstract: This paper reflects on women's circulation in... more
This research paper is going to revolve around Paul Auster’s urban dystopia entitled In the Country of Last Things. Yet, my claim is that the novel may also be categorised as an American city novel in which a flâneuristic account plays... more
Mimar, bir tasarımcı, bir eylemci, bir analizci, bir sosyolog olma kimlikleri arasında kentte gezinirken düşünme ve pratik etmenin birbirine yakınlaştığı ya da uzaklaştığı alanlarda kendi rolünü tekrar belirler. İkincil mimarlık, kent... more
Questo articolo prende in esame il ruolo politico del “perdigiorno” – o “badaud” – nella letteratura francese del XIX secolo. Il badaud è stato variamente descritto come una persona che guarda con stupore e meraviglia, un ozioso credulone... more
El presente ensayo propone una lectura semiótica de la obra "En la ciudad he perdido una novela..." del escritor ecuatoriano Humberto Salvador, atrevido texto-umbral entre deshumanización total y problemática rehumanización de la... more
Während eine Handlung in Medien wie Büchern oder Filmen in der Regel linear abläuft und sich auf die durch das mediale Dispositiv eingegrenzten Rahmen beschränkt, bietet das Computerspiel im Gegensatz dazu einen offeneren Raumzugang, der... more
Peter, Clarissa, Richard, Septimus or the mysterious passante, all wait or hesitate to cross streets, they walk across London, cross parks and rooms, meeting friends or anonyms on their way. They move forward, reach beyond, stop and go,... more
Mexico City's urban development, oriented to car infrastructure, has contributed to the degradation of public spaces and neighborhood segregation, making walking difficult and limiting people's access to the city's resources. In this... more
flâneur que pontuava as descrições socioliterárias sobre o cenário urbano da urbanidade. Entre elas destacam-se as considerações e experiências de Franz Hessel e as interpretações de Walter Benjamin. Se se pode admitir que a flânerie... more
Ob sie ihrer Arbeit oder einem anderen Erledigungsdrang nachgeht – zumeist zeugen die entschlossenen Schritte der mobilen Frau auf den Straßen moderner Metropolen von der Anständigkeit ihres Ziels. Doch hält sie nicht genau und erst recht... more
Τόπος της νεωτερικής περιπλάνησης που περιγράφει ο Βάλτερ Μπένγιαμιν είναι οι σκεπαστές στοές (Passagen) και οι δρόμοι των σύγχρονών του ευρωπαϊκών μεγαλουπόλεων: Ρώμη, Βερολίνο, και βεβαίως Παρίσι. Τόπος της περιπλάνησης του Κυριακού... more
Resumo As experiências da flânerie na Paris do século XIX influenciaram o trabalho intelectual para além da França. No campo do jornalismo, contribuíram para o fortalecimento de um novo gênero, a reportagem. Este artigo se propõe a... more
A speech with a non-specialistic target about Walter Benjamin and his Passagenwerk
Rosalba Maletta, A Milano con Benjamin. Soglie ipermoderne tra flânerie e time-lapse (1912-2015), Mimesis 2015 Il passato porta con sé un indice segreto che rinvia alla redenzione. Non sfiora forse anche noi uno spiraglio dell'aria che è... more
Mateos de Manuel, Victoria (2018) "The gaze of the flâneuse: a feminist reading of the act of wandering", 10th European Feminist Research Conference "Difference, Diversity, Diffraction: Confronting Hegemonies and Dispossession" (September... more
Deriva, ciudad, espacios híbridos, arte, matemáticas, GPS.
This article focuses on the concept of flâneur, which had largely emerged from the works of Baudelaire and Walter Benjamin, and attempts to reveal the level that this concept has echoed through the contemporary period. Flâneur is accepted... more