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Doris Lessing has lived in London since she first arrived there in 1949, from Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). Lessing has always expressed her passion for the city of London, which has been turned into the setting for most of her novels... more
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      SociologyGender StudiesDoris LessingFlaneuse
The image of the urban stroller in surrealist narratives has emerged as one of the more important symbols of the movement. The male flâneur figure and his prolonged, aimless urban strolls signify rebellion against bourgeois standards like... more
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      Urban StudiesSurealismFlaneuseFlânerie
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      PoeticsTwentieth-Century and Contemporary PoetryContemporary PoetryLiterature and Urban Space
This article considers the themes that shape the female character Justine in Lawrence Durrell’s The Alexandria Quartet. Adopting a feminist Gothic position, I shall consider how Justine’s portrayal as a femme fatale makes her a vehicle... more
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      SurrealismGothic StudiesTextual and Visual AnalysisFlaneuse
Lauren Elkins Buch ist zu einem gewissen Grade das, was im Englischen ein memoir genannt wird -eine autobiographische Erzählung, die auf einen bestimmten Lebensabschnitt der Autorin fokussiert. In diesem Fall ist es Elkins Studienzeit an... more
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      LeisureHistory of leisureFlaneurFlâneur
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryFilm SoundFilm Music And Sound
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      Film StudiesCinemaFilmCinema Studies
A middle-class male, wandering through the streets for no apparent reason other than the mere jouissance. The Flâneur, Baudelaire's conception of such a figure, becomes problematic when feminist theorists conceptualised the flâneuse, the... more
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      Female GazeFreedomAgnes VardaFlâneur
Using the media images from the exhibition 'The New Woman Behind the Camera' at the National Gallery of Art, Washington (31st October, 2021 - 30th January, 2022) as a starting point, this text examines the (in)visibility of the "New... more
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      Art HistoryPhotographyGenderHistory of photography
The ubiquity of the flâneur as an observer of modern life has led various literary critics, such as Janet Wolff, Rebecca Solnit, and, more recently, Lauren Elkin to try to sketch a feminist sociology of modernity through the figure of the... more
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      Gender StudiesUrban StudiesVirginia WoolfHistory of Prostitution
A question of repetition: a specter is always a revenant. One cannot control its comings and goings because it begins by coming back.
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      Modernist Literature (Literary Modernism)HauntologyJean RhysMirrors
This research paper is going to revolve around Paul Auster’s urban dystopia entitled In the Country of Last Things. Yet, my claim is that the novel may also be categorised as an American city novel in which a flâneuristic account plays... more
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      PostmodernismPostmodern LiteraturePaul AusterUrban Space
In literature on modern urban life, a flâneur is a man who wanders seemingly aimlessly but with the intention of observing people or events in urban life and perhaps recording these observations in text or images. This article shows how... more
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      Feminist ArtChinese contemporary artFlaneuseWomen's Art
“‘Mitä sinä tässä kävelet?’ Naisiin kohdistettu katse Helsingin julkisissa tiloissa 1900-luvun vaihteen kirjallisuudessa.” (“What Are You Walking Here? The Male Gaze in Helsinki’s Public Space in Literature of the Turn of the Century.” In... more
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      Public SpaceFlaneuse
Resumen. Este estudio se fundamenta en las bases de la deriva artística, como técnica etnográfica para explorar el territorio urbano, iniciada por Surrealistas y Situacionistas. La autora investiga las particularidades de ser flâneuse... more
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      CartographyInitial teacher trainingDriftFlaneuse
The article underlines the connection between the flâneur, as described in Benjamin's studies, and the emblematic places of the modern consumer society centered on the symbolic value of the merchandise. First of all, the philosophical... more
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      Walter BenjaminModernityHyperrealityRetailing
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      Gender StudiesGender. space and cultureToplumsal CinsiyetMoment
This article focuses on the experience of walking, cycling, the emotional experience of mobility and (in)visibility in urban space in rhizomatic urban spaces in different cities in the Netherlands by an architect flaneur/flaneuse,... more
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      AutoethnographyRhizomesFlâneurDutch Architecture
The dissertation proposes a reading of the photographic work of Sophie Calle (1980-1999), which draws on the writings of Walter Benjamin principally 'On Some Motifs in Baudelaire', and Georg Simmel, for their theses on the effect of... more
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      PhotographyStorytellingWalter BenjaminPhotography Theory
Elkin, L. (2018). Flanöz-Şehirde Yürüyen Kadınlar. (Doğacan Dilcun Doğan, Çev.). (2. Baskı). İstanbul: Nebula Kitap, 371 sayfa, ISBN-13: 978-605-81886-5-5. Bizim için hazır edilmiş patikalardan başka bir yola ne zaman sapar, kendi... more
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    • Flaneuse
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      Autobiographical Self-RepresentationAutofictionContemporary Spanish NovelFlâneur
KEYNOTE | New Ethnographic Perspectives in Urban Settings Can new methods be developed to capture urban dynamics and transformation processes? How can an interdisciplinary perspective between ethnography and geography help us?... more
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      Feminist GeographyEthnography of urban spacesMappingUrban Ethnography
Préambule de l'ouvrage.
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      Israel/PalestineJerusalemFlaneurPalestinian women
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      Modernist Literature (Literary Modernism)HauntologyLinguisticsJean Rhys
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      Doris LessingFlaneuse
Текст является попыткой анализа фотопроекта «Способы городского картографирования: опыт flaneuse?», а также его обсуждения в Интернете. Размышления автора во многом спровоцированы тем, как беларусские фотографы и близкие к арт-среде люди... more
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      Eastern European StudiesBelarusian StudiesPost-Soviet StudiesFeminist Art