Recent papers in Explosives
Heat of formation is one of the most important parameters in the performance prediction of explosive and propellant formulations and their individual ingredients. This paper reports the development of user-friendly computer code for the... more
Surface-modifi ed quantum dots (QDs) are extensively used as fl uorescent labels for sensing and biosensing events. [ 1 , 2 ] Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) or electron-transfer quenching of the QDs are two fundamental... more
Metal matrix composites with high interface density are produced via severe plastic co-deformation of multiphase alloys. 1–15 Corresponding compounds are first prepared by liquid or powder metallurgy3–12 or through restacking solids of... more
The combustion of hydrogen in a hot, bubbling bed of quartz sand fluidized by air has been studied for the first time, by injecting hydrogen just above the distributor, via six horizontal fine tubes of Cr/Ni. Overall the fluidizing gas... more
Blast mitigation seats have been employed in armored vehicles to protect occupants from injuries caused by improvised explosive devices (IEDs). Currently, there exist no standard experimental evaluation methods that can be used to fully... more
In recent years there has been an increased interest in audio steganography and watermarking. This is due primarily to two reasons. First, an acute need to improve our national security capabilities in light of terrorist and criminal... more
The detection of buried land mines in soil is a well-studied problem; many existing technologies are designed and optimized for performance in different soil types. Research on mine detection in shallow water environments such as beaches,... more
This 2nd edition of the internationally acclaimed guide to forensic stable isotope analysis uses real-world examples to bridge discussions of the basic science, instrumentation and analytical techniques underlying forensic isotope... more
The life cycle of concrete structures is usually 40 to 90 years. During this life, structures often meet with some situations like disasters, changing functions, city reconstruction, or higher residence demand due to population, all these... more
Production of ethanol, biogas, pectin and limonene from citrus wastes (CWs) by an integrated process was investigated. CWs were hydrolyzed by dilute-acid process in a pilot plant reactor equipped with an explosive drainage. Hydrolysis... more
There are always risks associated with silos when the stored material has been characterized as prone to self-ignition or explosion. Further research focused on the characterization of agricultural materials stored in silos is needed due... more
The Syrian government has made extensive use of improvised munitions delivering a chemical payload over the course of the civil war, with incidents involving re-purposed toxic industrial chemicals (TIC) substantially outnumbering those... more
Microelectric Detonators (MED) is the new and emerging field in the miniaturize electro explosive devices. MEDs are used in field with extremely sensitive primary explosive material for initiating secondary explosives. To use MEDs in... more
Explosive weapons use the detonation of a high-explosive substance to create blast, and commonly fragmentation, effects. The explosive weapons that raise specific concerns when used in populated areas are those having wide-area effects.... more
The model-free and model-®tting kinetic approaches have been applied to data for nonisothermal and isothermal thermal decompositions of HMX and ammonium dinitramide. The popular model-®tting approach gives excellent ®ts for both... more
This is the second part of an abridged version of an article which will be published in a forthcoming issue of “The Ordnance Society Journal”. It covers export sales, patents, development difficulties in Finland, and the decline of the... more
Armament Research Services (ARES) Special Report 4, Munitions Employing Sensor-fuzed Submunitions: Do they Comply with the Convention on Cluster Munitions?, critically evaluates the definition of "cluster munition" established by the... more
Resumen: La aparición de estos textos ha sido el gran acontecimiento del otoño editorial en Alemania. Tres años después de su muerte aparecen los artículos 'malditos' de Ernst Jünger, textos escritos durante la República de Weimar que el... more
Humanitarian demining aims for a total clearance of all types of landmines from infected areas and infrastructures as efficiently and as safely and as rapidly as possible while keeping cost to minimum. It requires that each individual... more
Public Reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and... more
A comprehensive mechanistic study regarding acetone peroxides reveals that water has a profound effect on the formation of the solid cyclic peroxides, TATP, and DADP. The identification and rate of occurrence of reaction intermediates as... more
Conventional explosives are relatively easy to obtain and may cause massive harm to people and property. There are several tools employed by law enforcement to detect explosives, but these can be subverted. Active neutron interrogation is... more
Explosives are employed extensively not only in military areas but also in civilian applications. There are many researchers working on the discovery of explosives. In recent years, synthetic and theoretical studies on polycyclic aromatic... more
The detonation of energetic materials will result in the formation of decomposition products. These may be carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, carbon, water, etc. In order to clarify the problems of decomposition products, a software package... more
: The achievements of this five-year project are summarized. The primary achievement is the development of a new paradigm to investigate the complex reaction processes that control the behavior of heterogeneous energetic materials in... more
Mass spectrometry has recently undergone a second contemporary revolution with the introduction of a new group of desorption/ionization (DI) techniques known collectively as ambient mass spectrometry. Performed in an open atmosphere... more
Characterizing structural responses and applied loads during the entire course of a blast event is problematic due to the harsh conditions of the explosive environment. A procedure for the distribution of blast-like pressures to... more
Kachia 24.95 sq km military training (small arms and artillery weapons) shooting ranges, longitudes 90 55' N and 70 58' E at 732m elevation above sea level, was established 1965 Kaduna, Nigeria. Soil pollutants explosives Xenobiotic four... more
A new method is described to predict shock sensitivity of C a H b N c O d explosives without using any experimental data. It can determine shock sensitivity based on small-scale gap test as the pressure required to initiate material... more
Infrared absorption spectra have been obtained for the high explosive molecules TNT, RDX, and PETN in the vapor phase. Integrated band strengths were measured for the symmetric and antisymmetric -NO 2 vibrations in each of these... more
Laser photothermal methods of standoff detection of trace explosive residues on surfaces are considered. The analysis is restricted to the most promising methods: photoacoustic spectroscopy, deêection spectroscopy, and IR photothermal... more
Energetic glycidyl azide polymer (GAP) was synthesized from polyepichlorohydrin (PECH) precursor. Thermal decomposition behavior of a mixture of GAP and nitramine oxidizer (4,10-dinitro-2,6,8,12-tetraoxa-4,10-diazaisowurtzitane (TEX)) was... more
New technology is needed to counter the growing threat of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE)
Seacoast Science develops chemical sensors that use polymer-coated micromachined capacitors to measure the dielectric permittivity of an array of selectively absorbing materials. We present recent results demonstrating the sensor... more
mRhTOsAEiT Approved for public r.1.auj DEFENCE RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT SUFFIELD, RALSTON, ALBERTA WARN NG PER~eOtp me I ______W Canadg 91 4 _09 1 02 I I N..CIhASS I'S k) RALISTO)N, A1I13IIKI'A StIffield HRport No. 5-18 ADVANCES IN '[Il... more