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      Neural NetworkIdentificationLs-DynaSystem
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      Supply ChainValue ChainLs-Dyna
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      Ls-DynaCorrelationLIBSLaser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
In regions of tropical and subtropical climates, nearly all installations used for intensive broiler chicken production and other animals of economic interest operate as curtain-sided open structures with assisted mechanical ventilation.... more
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      Air QualityLs-DynaVentilation
Rubber pad stamping process is mostly used in aerospace and automotive applications and is convenient for small-scale production of sheet metal parts. Simulation of this process requires a lot of processing time since rubber parts cannot... more
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      Sheet Metal FormingFinite Element Analysis (FEA)Ls-DynaSheet Hydroforming
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A great number of masonry arch bridges are still in service in Europe, the Middle East, and other parts of the world. Assessing the capacity of these historical structures is an important problem both for safety and preservation purposes.... more
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      Finite Element MethodsLs-Dyna
Birdstrike on aircraft is a major threat to human life and there is a need to develop structures which have high resistance towards birdstrike. This paper describes the numerical simulation of bird strike on the Aluminium Silicon Carbide... more
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      Aeronautical EngineeringFinite Element AnalysisLs-DynaBird Strike Research
Bicycle helmets are widely used as safety devices, especially among children. The construction of these safety devices was, until recently, unregulated and the certification of these devices depended upon several different standards such... more
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      Finite ElementsSimulationModelLs-Dyna
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In the context of head protection against traumatic brain injuries, this work attempts to understand the degree of protection offered by a commercial bicycle helmet under both linear and oblique impact conditions. In accordance with EN... more
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      StandardsLs-DynaNumerical modelling of head injury mechanisms and design and optimization of injury mitigating structures/environments (helmets, dashboards etc..).
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      Ls-DynaMutual InformationAttribute Selection
There is an ever-increasing demand for more advanced and user-friendly FEM packages. Despite the great progress achieved in FEM industry, the modelling of masonry structures is still challenging at several scales. The present paper... more
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      Civil EngineeringLs-DynaMasonryAnsys
In this paper we are discussing the machining of aluminium has been conducted at normal cutting conditions and the chip formation during machining is analyzed using FEM, the mean coefficient of friction between the tool and the work piece... more
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      Finite Element Analysis (Engineering)FEA with ANSYSLs-Dyna
In recent years, concerns about the sustainability and social responsibility (CSR) of businesses have become an increasingly high profile issue in many countries and industries, none more so than the mining industry. For mining, one... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCorporate Social ResponsibilityCleaner ProductionSustainable Development
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Centre and the Cranfield Impact Centre (CIC) inside Cranfield University. Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic (CFRP) tube is an important material for the lightweight design of automotive and aerospace structures. Simulation methods of... more
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      MatlabCrashworthiness and ImpactFEA with ANSYSLs-Dyna
A welding procedure (WPS) for MIL A46100 steel armor joints using the gas metal arc welding process (GMAW) was developed and qualified according to mechanical and non-destructive (NDT) requirements of military codes. Obtained results were... more
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This paper discusses the different features of ANSYS and LS-DYNA in solving structural analysis using finite element approach. ANSYS and LS-DYNA are two popular engineering software tools that are used for finite element analysis. The... more
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      Structural AnalysisFEA with ANSYSLs-Dyna
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      PerformanceWater TreatmentLs-Dyna
Este artículo revisa los materiales compuestos de matriz metálica (CCM) usados en las industrias eléctrica y electrónica. Usualmente, los composites útiles en estos sectores corresponden a la familia de las aleaciones ligeras, reforzadas... more
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      Ls-DynaMathematical Model
Las chumaceras y los ejes de molino de caña de azúcar presentan fallas como: desgaste, fisuras y quemaduras. Un proyecto de investigación acerca de la tribología del par bronce-acero es realizado por la Escuela de Ingeniería Mecánica de... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringSugar caneLs-DynaScanning Electron Microscope
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se han realizado numerosos estudios de suelos en un amplio sector del barrio Laureles (Medellín, Departamento de Antioquia, Colombia), que han tenido como objeto la identificación de la estratigrafía de la zona y la determinación de la... more
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      CartographyStatistical AnalysisModelingGeostatistics
Accurate prediction of the formability in multistage forming process is very challenging due to the dynamic shift of limiting strain during the different stages depending on the tooling geometry and selection of the process parameters.... more
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      Sheet Metal FormingFinite Element Analysis (FEA)Ls-DynaForming Limit Curve (FLC)
RESUMEN: El aumento de la conciencia ambiental y una regulación más estricta de las emisiones atmosféricas han permitido desarrollar las mezclas asfálticas tibias (WMA). Estas mezclas se producen a una temperatura menor que las mezclas en... more
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      Ls-DynaLs Dyna
A pesar de que el método de distribución de momentos (MDM) desarrollado por Hardy Cross en 1932 ha sido superado por métodos de cálculo más poderosos como el método de Elementos Finitos este es parte importante de los cursos de análisis y... more
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En este trabajo se presenta una recopilación bibliográfica de los recubrimientos inorgánicos, híbridos, con partículas dispersas, depositados sobre aleaciones de acero inoxidable por medio de la técnica sol-gel. A partir de estos... more
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Dental ceramics are the preferred materials for oral restoration due to some characteristics, such as adequate esthetics, high fracture strength and chemical stability. Currently, dental professionals have a large amount of ceramic... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringGlassLs-DynaClassification
En este artículo se presenta la revisión del estado del arte sobre la adición de nanopartículas al cemento Pórtland. Se muestra cómo la nanotecnología está empezando a llegar a este material de construcción buscando generar hormigones de... more
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RESUMEN: Se presentan los resultados de un estudio experimental de flotación de feldespato usando mezcla de colectores. La evaluación de la hidrofobicidad de las partículas se realiza mediante la medición del potencial Z de los... more
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      Ls-DynaExperimental StudyZeta Potential
Modern research in automotive crashworthiness relies extensively on explicit finite element analysis. Crash analysts require deep understanding of finite element method and explicit time integration routines. This work presents the most... more
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      Crashworthiness and ImpactLs-DynaAutomotive Crash analysisVehicle Crashworthiness
Ceramic systems, feldspathic porcelain, leucite, zirconium oxide, glassceramics,mechanical and physical properties.
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      Biomedical EngineeringGlassLs-DynaClassification
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This study deals with additive manufacturing (AM) products. Employing AM technology, complex-shaped, and lightweight parts can be fabricated using the aluminum alloy, AlSi10Mg. Typically, AM of this alloy is performed by laser powder bed... more
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      Experimental MechanicsLs-DynaAdditive Manufacturing and 3D printingSplit Hopkinson Torsion Bar
RESUMEN: Se presentan los resultados sobre la destilación extractiva de mezclas etanol-agua con polialcohol PAW y las sales CaCl2 y KCOOCH3 disueltas en él, utilizando una relación volumétrica 1:1 de etanol–agua a polialcohol y una... more
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      Ls-DynaExtractive Distillation
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RESUMEN: Los muros no estructurales pueden ser desplazados de un lugar a otro por variaciones en el uso de los espacios, originando aún durante sismos moderados, una interacción pórtico-relleno que puede alterar significativamente la... more
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Landmines severely threaten the armoured vehicles. The principal objective is to present a methodology for blast simulations of vehicles subjected to landmine explosions. First, free field blast experiment of 2 kg TNT charge in a steel... more
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      Ls-DynaALEMine blast
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      HydrogeologyLs-DynaKrigingDigital Elevation Model
This paper investigates the impact of stronger roof structures on vehicle handling and stability .Baseline roof structures, their strength to weight ratios (SWR) and static stability factor (SSF) were considered. The effect on center of... more
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      EvaluationFinite ElementsLs-DynaDemonstrations