Evidence Based Policy
Recent papers in Evidence Based Policy
This article discusses recent trends to incorporate the results of systematic research (or 'evidence') into policy development, program evaluation and program improvement. This process is consistent with the New Public Management (NPM)... more
Este trabajo es resultado de un proceso de más de dos años en el que personas de la Administración Pública Federal, organismos públicos autónomos, organizaciones de la sociedad civil, academia, iniciativa privada, personas... more
What are the implications of that awareness about the role of evidence when it comes to policy making in the field of cultural heritage? On several occasions, the European Council has underlined the need to develop cultural statistics and... more
In this article, the author tells the story of her search for appropriate tools to conceptualise policy work. She had set out to explore the relationship between the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) of the... more
Evidence-based" methods, which most prominently include randomized controlled trials, have gained increasing purchase as the "gold standard" for assessing the effect of public policies. But the enthusiasm for evidence-based research... more
Scientific warnings about impending climate disaster and experts' advocacy for more and better climate science have been largely unsuccessful for advancing evidence-based policy in Australia. Continuing expectations to the contrary stem... more
Health Impact Assessment (HIA) is a relatively young field of endeavour, and hence, future progress will depend on the planning, implementation and rigorous evaluation of additional HIAs of projects, programmes and policies the world... more
Determining what constitutes a causal relationship between two concepts and how to infer causation are fundamental concepts in statistics and all the sciences. Causation becomes especially difficult in the social sciences where there are... more
ABSTRACT This paper conducts a theoretical examination of an evidence-based approach (EBA) to research on language policy and language-in-education policy (LPLEP), as well as a methodological examination of the feasibility of... more
The present chapter takes aim at the research methods that undergird “evidence-based policy”, particularly as they are used in the realm of global education governance. It does so by unpacking the foundational practices and assumptions of... more
We give a short overview of feminist perspectives on the use of evidence in policy making, covering both empirical and conceptual work. We present the case of the Conflict Tactics Scale, a measure of interpersonal violence that is both... more
The Rycroft-Malone paper states that co-production relies on 'authentic' collaboration as a context for action. Our commentary supports and extends this assertion. We suggest that 'authentic' co-production involves processes where... more
The OECD's international education indicators have become very influential in contemporary education policies. Although these indicators are now routinely, annually published in the form of Education at a Glance, the calculability upon... more
Background Many countries conduct Health Impact Assessment (HIA) of their projects and policies to predict their positive and negative health impacts. In recent years many guides have been developed to inform HIA practice, largely... more
Foro: Usos políticos y performatividad crítica en las ciencias sociales. Entre la reflexividad y la tecnocracia.
It is all in the charts, as the renowned American economist and Covid hero Thomas Woods would say. Woods has liked to confound his Covid fascist opponents and the non-thinkers all round with data. It is his metier. Despite the mounting... more
The following people contributed time in interviews, provision of data, identifying research resources, connecting to other researchers, conducting bibliographic research, compilation, and participation in the workshop for the community... more
En los ultimos anos, han surgido casos paradigmaticos de vinculacion entre politica publica y evidencia. Estas practicas han dado lugar a incipientes debates academicos que describen sus rasgos y logros, pero que aun no han acordado una... more
Finnish youth are found to be, despite their broad knowledge, uninterested in politics and in societal participation. As a remedy, international studies suggest enabling democratic experiences in schools. This article discusses an action... more
‘What’s measured matters’ is a common assumption in the development and application of indicator frameworks. This presentation considers reasons for the ‘cult of measurement’ in contemporary governance by exploring the political and... more
Over time, the predominant tendency of many governments’ agencies has been to evaluate a programme or policy investing large amount of resources in supporting policy evaluation. However, recommendations suggested by policy evaluators are... more
What are the implications of that awareness about the role of evidence when it comes to policy making in the field of cultural heritage? On several occasions, the European Council has underlined the need to develop cultural statistics and... more
Developed first in the late 1990s by the Centre for Applied Special Technology, the pedagogical framework known as "Universal Design for Learning" (UDL) has drawn increasing investment from K-12 and post-secondary institutions. The... more
Evidence based planning of an European job mobility scheme for the placement of EU citizens over 35 years combining tailor-made recruitment, matching and placement services with financial support for jobseekers and employers (SMEs).
Despite 40 years of research into evidence-based policy (EBP) and a continued drive from both policymakers and researchers to increase research uptake in policy, barriers to the use of evidence are persistently identified in the... more
The energy boom of the last decade has led to rapidly increasing wealth in the Middle East, particularly in the oil and gas-rich Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. This exceptional growth in prosperity has brought with it rapid... more
Background: The current literature proposing criteria and guidelines for collaborative health system research often fails to differentiate between: (a) various types of partnerships, (b) collaborations formed for the specific purpose of... more
Evidence based policy making and the 'art' of commissioninghow English healthcare commissioners access and use information and academic research in 'real life' decision-making: an empirical qualitative study.
SUPPORT tools consist of 18 articles addressing the health policy-makers so that they can learn how to make evidence-informed health policies. These tools have been particularly recommended for developing countries. The present study... more
What are the implications of that awareness about the role of evidence when it comes to policy making in the field of cultural heritage? On several occasions, the European Council has underlined the need to develop cultural statistics and... more
A number of developing countries have contracted out public health facilities to the Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) in order to improve service utilization. However, there is a paucity of in-depth qualitative information on barriers... more
This paper considers whether the implementation of this public health intervention was justified. Given that plain packaging (PP) is not be considered an intrusive intervention on the Nuffield Bioethics Intervention Ladder, this paper... more
W e are pleased that our recent paper, On Health Policy and Management (HPAM): mind the theorypolicy-practice gap (1), generated lively discussion. Most prominent among the respondents were Professors Jean de Kervasdoué (2) and David... more
BACKGROUND In recent times, there has been a growing demand internationally for health policies to be based on reliable research evidence. Consequently, there is a need to strengthen institutions and mechanisms that can promote... more
The Women's Policy Action Tank was established to place a gender lens over policies, many of which purport to be gender-neutral, because many policies are never subject to such a specific interrogation of gender blindness and effects. In... more
Community forestry in the UK has developed rapidly over the last 25 years, and the wide range of drivers has resulted in a great variety of relationships between communities and woodlands, and over 650 community woodlands. Given strong... more
Background Research predicting the public health and fiscal impact of Supervised Injection Facilities (SIFs), across different cities in Canada, has reported positive results on the reduction of HIV cases among People Who Inject Drugs... more