Drafts by Maria Fabiani
AMAP processes and tools, 2018
Reactivate The Hub Adult Mobility Apprenticeship Pilot Action is implemented by the Città metropo... more Reactivate The Hub Adult Mobility Apprenticeship Pilot Action is implemented by the Città metropolitana di Roma Capitale (CMRC) and its agency Capitale Lavoro (CL) and the Bundesagentur für Arbeit - Zentrale Auslands- und Fachvermittlung (BA-ZAV). In this paper AMAP's processes, tools and measures are presented.
Adult Apprenticeship Pilot Reactivate The Hub, 2018
Reactivate The Hub is piloting pilot a small-scale scheme of adult apprenticeship focused on trad... more Reactivate The Hub is piloting pilot a small-scale scheme of adult apprenticeship focused on trades experiencing persistent skills shortage
Evidence based planning of an European job mobility scheme for the placement of EU citizens over ... more Evidence based planning of an European job mobility scheme for the placement of EU citizens over 35 years combining tailor-made recruitment, matching and placement services with financial support for jobseekers and employers (SMEs).
Talks by Maria Fabiani
Ripensare le guerre nella ex-Jugoslavia non come un'eruzione improvvisa di barbarie in seno al ci... more Ripensare le guerre nella ex-Jugoslavia non come un'eruzione improvvisa di barbarie in seno al civile e tollerante Occidente, ma come occasione per riflettere sul volto opaco e le tante contraddizioni della civiltà europea è possibile? È quanto cercherà di appurare nei giorni 16-18 ottobre un team di studiosi ed esperti internazionali a Roma presso l'Università "La Sapienza" e la sede del teatro Piccolo Eliseo, coadiuvati da rappresentanti della nota Radio Free Europe (l'emittente con sede a Praga, che svolge un ruolo indispensabile nel processo di democratizzazione dei paesi est-europei).
L’evento presenterà le linee guida dell’esperienza di Un’impresa che fa scuola, un’esperienza di ... more L’evento presenterà le linee guida dell’esperienza di Un’impresa che fa scuola, un’esperienza di alternanza scuola lavoro e di educazione all’imprenditorialità che ha operato, sia nei percorsi liceali che tecnici, un’interessante e creativa osmosi tra educazione e formazione, tra scuola e impresa.
The project will put the issue of Yugoslavia wars as a fracture in the fabric of European civilis... more The project will put the issue of Yugoslavia wars as a fracture in the fabric of European civilisation. This requires a decisively new slant driven by free inquiry and unlimited interrogation in order to explore the operating mechanism of our common civilisation. The events organised in the project will be the venue for difficult conversations about crucial questions on Yugoslav wars, European common identity, memory and values. The project, planned for 18 months, consists of (net)working meetings, workshops, conferences, exhibitions, and radio/multimedia programs aimed at a) generating a critical reflection on the past, with a European dimension through quality debates, interactions fostering exchange with other Europeans and awareness of the Union’s history, identity and aim; b) working towards the construction of European collective memories in the plural, which strive for a growing understanding of diversity and enduring challenges, c) fostering the identification with Europe as a complex and in progress reality which also implies engaging with our wounds and working through the feelings and thoughts associated with them.
On the Phenomenon of War, on the Culture of Peace: Reflections, Analyses, Experiences; the first project conference will be held on February 6th-8th, 2017 at the University of Kragujevac More: http://www.kg.ac.rs/vest.php?vest_je=1308
Consortium members: Sapienza University Department of Philosophy, University of Kragujevac, Ramon Llull University, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
Conference Presentations by Maria Fabiani
Promoting highly sensitive children wellbeing through mindful movement and embodied learning, 2021
The aim of the training is to provide participants with knowledge about how mindful movement, yog... more The aim of the training is to provide participants with knowledge about how mindful movement, yoga, embodied learning may promote highly sensitive children wellbeing
HSP DAY 2020 Learning Exchange Programme, 2020
HSP Day 2020
On the first-ever International HSP Day, free online workshops on:
Building chi... more HSP Day 2020
On the first-ever International HSP Day, free online workshops on:
Building child-friendly and healthy cities: lesson learnt and current challenges
The importance of the environment for the well-being of sensitive children
Presentation of the nationwide testing tool for measuring sensitivity for parents and teachers of children aged 3-10 years
How parents and teachers can help their sensitive children and students navigate their feelings during school re-openings
Highly sensitive child. Model of support in school/preschool environment
Happy sensitive ME – Mindfulness and mindful movement programme for children, parents and teachers (Wear comfortable clothes to practice)
Hosted by the metropolitan city of Rome Capital, the event is the culmination of many minds, many perspectives, and many areas of expertise.
Working language: English, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Spanish
Registration forms: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/HSP_Day
Strategies that allow funds and resources to be used in more flexible, coordinated, and sustainab... more Strategies that allow funds and resources to be used in more flexible, coordinated, and sustainable ways are critical to the success of efforts to improve the coordination and impact of multiple systems. and support high quality career pathways programs with the goal of helping workers acquire in-demand skills and employment. Blending and braiding funds encourages the structuring of new funding streams and facilitates their coordination with existing streams.
Blending and braiding strategies also allows funds to be allocated in different ways — based on outcomes and goals, rather than through the use of narrow or categorical funding streams.
When used effectively and coordinated with the help of an intermediary, these funding
strategies can help reduce duplication; increase the efficient use of resources; reduce the administrative burden of multiple categorical programs; and fund supports and services that are more integrated and coordinated so that jobseekers/workers and employer customers of the workforce investment system benefit.
Adult Mobility Apprenticeship Programme Reactivate, 2018
Presentation of the Adult Apprenticeship Pilot Programme in the framework of the Reactivate Progr... more Presentation of the Adult Apprenticeship Pilot Programme in the framework of the Reactivate Programme
From the war phenomenon to the culture of peace. Reflections, analyses, experiences: second event... more From the war phenomenon to the culture of peace. Reflections, analyses, experiences: second event of the EU funded project will be held in Barcelona from 24 to 26 April 2017. Full details of the event are in the programme.
The project will put the issue of Yugoslavia wars as a fracture in the fabric of European civilisation. This requires a decisively new slant driven by free inquiry and unlimited interrogation in order to explore the operating mechanism of our common civilisation. The events organised in the project will be the venue for difficult conversations about crucial questions on Yugoslav wars, European common identity, memory and values. The project, planned for 18 months, consists of (net)working meetings, workshops, conferences, exhibitions, and radio/multimedia programs aimed at a) generating a critical reflection on the past, with a European dimension through quality debates, interactions fostering exchange with other Europeans and awareness of the Union’s history, identity and aim; b) working towards the construction of European collective memories in the plural, which strive for a growing understanding of diversity and enduring challenges, c) fostering the identification with Europe as a complex and in progress reality which also implies engaging with our wounds and working through the feelings and thoughts associated with them.
Consortium members: Sapienza University Department of Philosophy, University of Kragujevac, Ramon Llull University, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
Books by Maria Fabiani
This paper presents the Porta Futuro model and its current challenges. Taking into account the co... more This paper presents the Porta Futuro model and its current challenges. Taking into account the contextual changes European PublicEmployment Services will be confronted with in the years to come, as well as the changes in the way labour markets are functioning and public service providers have to operate, the paper discuss the changes needed in the role and function of Public Employment Services.
In book: Servizi per l'impiego e politiche attive del lavoro. Le buone pratiche locali, risorsa per il nuovo sistema nazionale, Edition: I, Publisher: Servizi per l'impiego e politiche attive del lavoro. Le buone pratiche locali, risorsa per il nuovo sistema nazionale, Editors: Pier Giovanni Bresciani, Pier Antonio Varesi, pp.289 - 299
Teaching Documents by Maria Fabiani
, 2020
La principale finalità dello schema è quella di aiutare gli studenti nel pianificare in modo sist... more La principale finalità dello schema è quella di aiutare gli studenti nel pianificare in modo sistematico la propria revisione e nello scrivere il protocollo di revisione.
In questo momento di collaborazione, apprendimento e insegnamento in remoto ho deciso, anche su sollecitazione di colleghi ed ex studenti, di condividere gli strumenti che più hanno facilitato i processi di apprendimento.
Condividere è prendersi cura - Sharing is caring
Il documento è stato aggiornato a marzo 2020. Il prossimo aggiornamento è previsto nel secondo trimestre 2021 Licenza: Creative Commons Attribuzione CC BY Come citare questo documento: Fabiani M. (2020) Schema protocollo di revisione. DOI 10.13140/RG.2.2.18354.96965 Disponibile su: https://www.academia.edu/42411187/Protocollo_Revisione_Schema_VERS
L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è tracciare, senza alcuna ambizione di esaustività, alcune linee gui... more L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è tracciare, senza alcuna ambizione di esaustività, alcune linee guida per l’elaborazione della tesi triennale al fine di agevolare il candidato nel suo lavoro di progettazione, elaborazione e stesura della tesi.
Il documento è stato scritto pensando agli studenti del corso di laurea in logopedia ma i suoi contenuti potranno essere utili anche per gli studenti di altri corsi triennali delle professioni sanitarie.
Drafts by Maria Fabiani
Talks by Maria Fabiani
On the Phenomenon of War, on the Culture of Peace: Reflections, Analyses, Experiences; the first project conference will be held on February 6th-8th, 2017 at the University of Kragujevac More: http://www.kg.ac.rs/vest.php?vest_je=1308
Consortium members: Sapienza University Department of Philosophy, University of Kragujevac, Ramon Llull University, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
Conference Presentations by Maria Fabiani
On the first-ever International HSP Day, free online workshops on:
Building child-friendly and healthy cities: lesson learnt and current challenges
The importance of the environment for the well-being of sensitive children
Presentation of the nationwide testing tool for measuring sensitivity for parents and teachers of children aged 3-10 years
How parents and teachers can help their sensitive children and students navigate their feelings during school re-openings
Highly sensitive child. Model of support in school/preschool environment
Happy sensitive ME – Mindfulness and mindful movement programme for children, parents and teachers (Wear comfortable clothes to practice)
Hosted by the metropolitan city of Rome Capital, the event is the culmination of many minds, many perspectives, and many areas of expertise.
Working language: English, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Spanish
Registration forms: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/HSP_Day
Blending and braiding strategies also allows funds to be allocated in different ways — based on outcomes and goals, rather than through the use of narrow or categorical funding streams.
When used effectively and coordinated with the help of an intermediary, these funding
strategies can help reduce duplication; increase the efficient use of resources; reduce the administrative burden of multiple categorical programs; and fund supports and services that are more integrated and coordinated so that jobseekers/workers and employer customers of the workforce investment system benefit.
The project will put the issue of Yugoslavia wars as a fracture in the fabric of European civilisation. This requires a decisively new slant driven by free inquiry and unlimited interrogation in order to explore the operating mechanism of our common civilisation. The events organised in the project will be the venue for difficult conversations about crucial questions on Yugoslav wars, European common identity, memory and values. The project, planned for 18 months, consists of (net)working meetings, workshops, conferences, exhibitions, and radio/multimedia programs aimed at a) generating a critical reflection on the past, with a European dimension through quality debates, interactions fostering exchange with other Europeans and awareness of the Union’s history, identity and aim; b) working towards the construction of European collective memories in the plural, which strive for a growing understanding of diversity and enduring challenges, c) fostering the identification with Europe as a complex and in progress reality which also implies engaging with our wounds and working through the feelings and thoughts associated with them.
Consortium members: Sapienza University Department of Philosophy, University of Kragujevac, Ramon Llull University, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
Books by Maria Fabiani
In book: Servizi per l'impiego e politiche attive del lavoro. Le buone pratiche locali, risorsa per il nuovo sistema nazionale, Edition: I, Publisher: Servizi per l'impiego e politiche attive del lavoro. Le buone pratiche locali, risorsa per il nuovo sistema nazionale, Editors: Pier Giovanni Bresciani, Pier Antonio Varesi, pp.289 - 299
Teaching Documents by Maria Fabiani
In questo momento di collaborazione, apprendimento e insegnamento in remoto ho deciso, anche su sollecitazione di colleghi ed ex studenti, di condividere gli strumenti che più hanno facilitato i processi di apprendimento.
Condividere è prendersi cura - Sharing is caring
Il documento è stato aggiornato a marzo 2020. Il prossimo aggiornamento è previsto nel secondo trimestre 2021 Licenza: Creative Commons Attribuzione CC BY Come citare questo documento: Fabiani M. (2020) Schema protocollo di revisione. DOI 10.13140/RG.2.2.18354.96965 Disponibile su: https://www.academia.edu/42411187/Protocollo_Revisione_Schema_VERS
Il documento è stato scritto pensando agli studenti del corso di laurea in logopedia ma i suoi contenuti potranno essere utili anche per gli studenti di altri corsi triennali delle professioni sanitarie.
On the Phenomenon of War, on the Culture of Peace: Reflections, Analyses, Experiences; the first project conference will be held on February 6th-8th, 2017 at the University of Kragujevac More: http://www.kg.ac.rs/vest.php?vest_je=1308
Consortium members: Sapienza University Department of Philosophy, University of Kragujevac, Ramon Llull University, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
On the first-ever International HSP Day, free online workshops on:
Building child-friendly and healthy cities: lesson learnt and current challenges
The importance of the environment for the well-being of sensitive children
Presentation of the nationwide testing tool for measuring sensitivity for parents and teachers of children aged 3-10 years
How parents and teachers can help their sensitive children and students navigate their feelings during school re-openings
Highly sensitive child. Model of support in school/preschool environment
Happy sensitive ME – Mindfulness and mindful movement programme for children, parents and teachers (Wear comfortable clothes to practice)
Hosted by the metropolitan city of Rome Capital, the event is the culmination of many minds, many perspectives, and many areas of expertise.
Working language: English, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Spanish
Registration forms: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/HSP_Day
Blending and braiding strategies also allows funds to be allocated in different ways — based on outcomes and goals, rather than through the use of narrow or categorical funding streams.
When used effectively and coordinated with the help of an intermediary, these funding
strategies can help reduce duplication; increase the efficient use of resources; reduce the administrative burden of multiple categorical programs; and fund supports and services that are more integrated and coordinated so that jobseekers/workers and employer customers of the workforce investment system benefit.
The project will put the issue of Yugoslavia wars as a fracture in the fabric of European civilisation. This requires a decisively new slant driven by free inquiry and unlimited interrogation in order to explore the operating mechanism of our common civilisation. The events organised in the project will be the venue for difficult conversations about crucial questions on Yugoslav wars, European common identity, memory and values. The project, planned for 18 months, consists of (net)working meetings, workshops, conferences, exhibitions, and radio/multimedia programs aimed at a) generating a critical reflection on the past, with a European dimension through quality debates, interactions fostering exchange with other Europeans and awareness of the Union’s history, identity and aim; b) working towards the construction of European collective memories in the plural, which strive for a growing understanding of diversity and enduring challenges, c) fostering the identification with Europe as a complex and in progress reality which also implies engaging with our wounds and working through the feelings and thoughts associated with them.
Consortium members: Sapienza University Department of Philosophy, University of Kragujevac, Ramon Llull University, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
In book: Servizi per l'impiego e politiche attive del lavoro. Le buone pratiche locali, risorsa per il nuovo sistema nazionale, Edition: I, Publisher: Servizi per l'impiego e politiche attive del lavoro. Le buone pratiche locali, risorsa per il nuovo sistema nazionale, Editors: Pier Giovanni Bresciani, Pier Antonio Varesi, pp.289 - 299
In questo momento di collaborazione, apprendimento e insegnamento in remoto ho deciso, anche su sollecitazione di colleghi ed ex studenti, di condividere gli strumenti che più hanno facilitato i processi di apprendimento.
Condividere è prendersi cura - Sharing is caring
Il documento è stato aggiornato a marzo 2020. Il prossimo aggiornamento è previsto nel secondo trimestre 2021 Licenza: Creative Commons Attribuzione CC BY Come citare questo documento: Fabiani M. (2020) Schema protocollo di revisione. DOI 10.13140/RG.2.2.18354.96965 Disponibile su: https://www.academia.edu/42411187/Protocollo_Revisione_Schema_VERS
Il documento è stato scritto pensando agli studenti del corso di laurea in logopedia ma i suoi contenuti potranno essere utili anche per gli studenti di altri corsi triennali delle professioni sanitarie.