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      European StudiesEuropean Union Tourism PolicyHigher education for hospitality and tourism: a European dimensionEuropean tourism
This study provides an overview of the current state of affairs in European tourism, considering the latest developments, identifying future challenges and emerging opportunities. It draws a number of conclusions and makes recommendations... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism ManagementEuropean Union Tourism PolicyEuropean Union
The European Cultural Capital Event has become a much sought after distinction for cities seeking to attract cultural visitors. The event has developed beyond its mainly cultural origins to form an important part of urban economic and... more
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      Cultural PolicyEuropean Union Tourism PolicyEuropean Capital of CultureCapital of Culture
This study provides an overview of the current state of affairs in European tourism, considering the latest developments, identifying future challenges and emerging opportunities. It draws a number of conclusions and makes recommendations... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism ManagementEuropean Union Tourism PolicyEuropean Union
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      Discourse AnalysisEuropean StudiesTourism StudiesEuropean integration
Purpose This research uses the institutional theory perspective to better understand the social dynamics of the European Union (EU) tourism policy and its directions. Design/methodology/approach A thorough literature review involving a... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEuropean StudiesTourism StudiesEuropean integration
U radu je na detaljan način obrađena turistička delatnost kao jedna od izrazito razvijenih i profitabilnijih privrednih grana na području Evropske unije (EU). Kao naddržavna integraciona celina od dvadeset sedam država članica, Evropska... more
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      Tourism StudiesEuropean Union Tourism PolicyEuropean UnionEuropean Union Law
1. Evolution of the Romanian legislation on tourism in last decades; 2. Actual legal provisions on accommodation units’ activity; 2.1. Accommodation units’ categories; 2.2. Issuance of the classification certificate; 2.3. Modification of... more
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      Tourism StudiesEuropean Union Tourism PolicyTourismTourism and Law
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      Discourse AnalysisEuropean StudiesTourism StudiesEuropean integration
Bu çalışmanın temel amacı Türkiye'nin turizm alanında AB ile uyumlu politika üretip üretmediğinin anlaşılmasıdır. Bu amaca ulaşılabilmesi için birbirini destekler Avrupalılaşma ve Koşulluluk adlı iki kuramsal ve politik yaklaşımdan... more
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      European Union Tourism PolicyTurkish and European Union RelationsAccessible Tourism
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      European Union Tourism PolicySocial Tourism
2 Tourism and the European Union Constantia Anastasiadou Introduction The EU is characterized by a complex web of institutional structures and multi-level relation-ships. Unlike other regional trading areas, eco-nomic and political... more
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      European Union Tourism PolicyEuropean UnionTourism and Politics
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      Tourism Planning and PolicyDestination ManagementEuropean Union Tourism Policy
This is the prezi presentation of the seminar I held in Palma de Mallorca, University of Balearic Islands. The scope of the seminar was to propose to the students of tourism viable contents of a sustainable toursim package, and to make... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism ManagementCultural HeritageSustainable Development
This paper examines the role of the European Union (EU) in influencing employment in the tourism industry of its member states. Tourism in EU accounts for about 5% of GDP and approximately 7.4 million persons are directly employed in... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism Planning and PolicyEuropean Union Tourism PolicyTourism Strategy, Policy And Planning
Tourism mobility has been discussed in certain contexts in the relevant literature but has received limited treatment in the context of regional integration schemes. The purpose of this paper is to establish to what extent such schemes... more
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      European Union Tourism PolicyTourism Mobility