European Diplomacy and Ottoman Empire
Recent papers in European Diplomacy and Ottoman Empire
The article traces the life of the 19th century German scholar and diplomat Andreas David Mordtmann (1811-1879). Mordtmann came to Istanbul in 1845. Until 1959 he was the official representative of the Hanseatic Cities, afterwards he... more
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Introduction to a special section in Osmanlı Araştırmaları / The Journal of Ottoman Studies, issue 48 (2016) on Ottoman-European diplomacy, 1500-1800, the result of a workshop held at the University of St Andrews in 2014.
A slightly extended version of the M.A. Thesis, Boğaziçi University, History Department, 2015. The main concern of this study is to make a foreign policy analysis of the Ottomans, and to try demonstrating how policy-making might have... more
“I baili veneziani e la diplomazia d’informazione fra Venezia e Istanbul,” Θησαυρίσματα / Thesaurismata: Bollettino dell'Istituto Ellenico di Studi Bizantini e Postbizantini 46 (2018): 101-116.
Quale ruolo ebbe Sidney Sonnino e il suo «Giornale d'Italia» nella campagna di stampa per la guerra Italo-Turca? Quale fu la posizione di Sidney Sonnino nelle scelte di politica coloniale italiana? Questa ricerca intende ripercorrere la... more
Updated and substantially supplemented version of the first edition (of June 2013).
This paper investigates the remarkable example of a cross-border family network of Turkuł/Turculeţ, a family of mercenaries, spies and nobles living on both sides of the Polish-Ottoman border at the end of the seventeenth... more
The arrest in 1905 of Edward Joris, an anarchist from Antwerp who had settled in Istanbul, for his implication in the failed bomb attack on Sultan Abdülhamid II, created anxiety and embarrassment among Belgian foreign policymakers. Public... more
This paper examines Western European thoughts on the Ottoman Empire before and after it lost socio-economic/military parity with Europe. It also argues that European superiority predates the C18 and C19.
This dissertation investigates the manifold contacts and exchanges that took place between the Kingdom of Belgium and the Ottoman Empire between 1865 and 1914. Combining macro-level (foreign relations, trade, and finance) with micro-level... more
Abstract  This article examines the hitherto unexamined Ottoman Turkish text of the Capitulations granted to the British in 1641. As well as containing the articles governing Ottoman-British trade and diplomatic jurisdiction, the... more
politikalarının önemli bir göstergesidir. Osmanlı yönetimi tarafından elçinin sınırda karşılanmasından Osmanlı başkentine kamusal girişine, sultan ve veziriazam huzurunda kabulüne, sunulan hediyelere ve tayinatına varıncaya dek XVIII.... more
The article analyses selected letters from the exchange between the Ottoman Sultan Murat III and Emperor Rudolf II of Habsburg in the 1570s. Sokollu Mehmed Paşa (Mehmed-paša Sokolović) wrote the letters on behalf of the Sultan while the... more
Please note, I have withdrawn this research paper from the MENACS conference at the University of Sussex on 27th - 28th April 2017.
This work offers a well-researched study of the border areas between the Ottoman Empire (Turkey) and Iran focused on the period from the middle of the 19th century until the first part of the 20th century. This topic has received little... more
This paper looks at ethnic cleansing as a geopolitical strategy of the Russian and Ottoman Empires as they clashed in the Caucasus and eastern vilayets of Ottoman Empire. I take interest in how imperial competition of Ottoman and Russian... more
Adviser: Tudor Dan Duzinschi Redactor: Mihaela Răducă Desktop publisher: Luminiţa Răducanu Cover: Manuela Oboroceanu First cover illustration: L'Illustrazione Italiana , 1913 -detail Fourth cover illustration: The Second Hague Peace... more
Émile de Borchgrave’s "Souvenirs diplomatiques de quarante ans" (1908) represent the first ‘ego-document’ ever published by a Belgian diplomat. De Borchgrave was one of prewar Belgium’s most prominent diplomats and a longtime confidant of... more
Bamford, D.; Gábor Kármán & Lovro Kunčević (ed.s). The European Tributary States of the Ottoman Empire in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. The Ottoman Empire and Its Heritage, no. 53. (Leiden - Boston: Brill, 2013) Rosetta 18: 65... more
MÜTERCİM HALÎMÎ EFENDİ1’NİN NOTLARI ÇERÇEVESİNDE SULTAN ABDÜLAZİZ’İN AVRUPA SEYAHATİ VE SONUÇLARI (21 Haziran 1867 ‐ 7 Ağustos 1867)2 Özet Sultan Abdülaziz ordusunun başında olmaksızın, Avrupa’yı sadece seyahat ve ikili ilişkiler... more
Una prima ricostruzione del servizio postale tra Napoli e Costantinopoli nel XVIII secolo
Die politischen Dynamiken der letzten 100 Jahre auf der Geographie der heutigen Türkei, wie auch die Interessen und Ziele von divergent politischen Gruppen und Staaten. Eine Chronologie von Sykes-Picot bis Kanal Istanbul (1915 - 2015).
Les premiers pas de la pénétration consulaire française en Bulgarie : le consulat de Varna. – in : Enjeux politiques, économiques et militaires en mer Noire (XIVe – XXIe siècles). Edudes à la mémoire de Mihail Guboglu. Sous la direction... more
Vienna, a place for Ottoman diplomacy in 18th century Europe Vienna was one of the main sites of 18th century European diplomacy. Due to relations between Austria and the Ottoman Sultanate, it became a key place for producing and... more