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The dislocated, deterritorialized discourse produced by repatriates from formerly European colonies has remained overlooked in academic scholarship. One such group is the Eurasian “Indo” community that has its roots in the former Dutch... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural SociologySelf and IdentitySoutheast Asian Studies
Observatorio de la lengua española y las culturas hispánicas en los Estados Unidos
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Con la stesura di questa analisi, a fianco di uno studio più generico sulle teorie che hanno cercato di spiegare la formazione etnica e l'origine dei popoli barbarici, ci si vuole soffermare sul ruolo politico e "situazionale" che ha... more
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      HistoryEthnohistoryIdentity (Culture)Early Medieval History
ЭМИГРАЦИОННОЕ ДВИЖЕНИЕ УРАЛЬСКИХ НЕМЦЕВ В 1929-1930 гг. (ОПЫТ ЛОКАЛЬНОГО ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ) На основе архивных источников, впервые вводимых в научный оборот, рассматривается сопротивле-ние коллективизации в немецких колониях Уральской области.... more
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      Chinese Diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)EtnicityTransborder MigrationHistory of the Volga-Ural Region
In the article the author discusses the differing notions of the new border situation along the Slovenian-Croat state-border as emerged after the proclamation of Slovenian and Croat independence in 1991. The central attention is given to... more
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      Linguistic AnthropologyBorder StudiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologySocial History
The conflict in Ukraine has altered the geopolitical configuration in Eurasia. The very beginning of Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine’s internal affairs became the starting point of major geopolitical shifts in the region and in... more
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      Cultural StudiesSelf and IdentityPeace and Conflict StudiesInformation Security
Nationalism is one of the most potent political forces on the world stage today. Fusing the intractability of cultural politics with the power of the state, nationalism organizes individuals into cohesive political communities that are... more
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      NationalismNational IdentityNationalism And State BuildingNation-State
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      InfancyIntervención socialEtnicidadeIntervention
U nepoznatoj situaciji u kojoj se iznenada naaemo, tako govore mitovi svakodnevnog zivota, najprobitaenije je okrenuti se iskustvu starijih i od njih crpiti savjete za nas problem. Dakle, okrenuti se tradiciji i slijedeCi korijenje crpiti... more
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      PsychoanalysisPolitical PhilosophyAnthropological Linguistics (Languages And Linguistics)National Identity
This study aims to examine the Israeli identity discourse as embodied on contemporary Israeli television – national and ethnic identity, with an emphasis on the intersection of these identity with gender formations- both feminine and... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesCommunicationFeminist Theory
Uno studio sulla questione barbarica nell'Impero romano d'Oriente, negli anni a cavallo tra il IV e il V secolo, con particolare attenzione alla testimonianza di Sinesio di Cirene.
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      Roman HistoryByzantine StudiesStoria RomanaEtnicity
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      CaucasusAbkhaziaEthnic IdentitiesGeorgia
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      DemographyEconomicsInternational RelationsTaxation
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      EthnographyEtnicitySibirian EthnographyAltaic Studies
The awareness and desire to allocate funds to meet future needs have caused many employees to start investing. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of the level of financial literacy and demographic factors on... more
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      BusinessGenderFinancial LiteracyPersonal Financial Planning
This paper uses A. Wimmer's multilevel process theory to assess the dynamics of Flemish and Walloon ethnic groups through the ages and explain how political events have changed the Roman multilingual frontier into a political salient... more
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      LanguagesEuropean HistoryEthnic StudiesEuropean Studies
VOLUME I - FROM REVOLUTION TO WAR "Freedom or Death!" With this slogan in 1991 Chechnya proclaimed independence. A people of a million souls, led by General Dzhokhar Dudaev, challenged the authority of the Soviet Union. This book traces... more
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      TerrorismContemporary HistoryWar StudiesNegotiation
In this chapter, I wish to propose that, by the Bronze AGe, we see for the first time in European History, the formation of larger cultural and- perhaps ethnic traditions.In this, the Bronze Age presents itself as a historicalc epoch with... more
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      Cultural IdentityInstitutionsEtnicity
The awareness and desire to allocate funds to meet future needs have caused many employees to start investing. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of the level of financial literacy and demographic factors on... more
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      GenderFinancial LiteracyPersonal Financial PlanningPersonal Finance
Shmuel N. Eisenstadt has modified the classical theory of modernization in principle. In the history of his work which is connected with the changes of sociological theory since the 1950s he has made a turn from the comparative analysis... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionSociologyCultural Studies
Guigou, L. Nicolás. Etnicidad y laicismo en el Uruguay. (a cura di) Carla Maria RITA Un paese che cambia Saggi antropologici sull'Uruguay tra memoria e attualità Collana Ethnografie americane, CISU, Università degli Studi di Roma “La... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionCultural StudiesSocial Movements
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      Cultural HistorySociologyCultural StudiesSocial Change
District 9 as a critique on 'Otherness' in new South Africa When science fiction uses its limitless range of symbol and metaphor novelistic ally, with the subject at the centre, it can show us who we are, and where we are, and what... more
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      Gender StudiesMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesFilm Studies
This study will comprehensively analyze the article “Using Racial and Ethnic Concepts: The critical case of very young children” by Debra Van Ausdale and Joe R. Feagin from the journal of American Sociological Review (1996). From this... more
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      SociologySocial SciencesRace and RacismRace and Ethnicity
Considerând bunurile culturale drept componentă a patrimoniului țării, conectat la societatea contemporană, preocupările autorilor s-au axat pe sinteza și descrierea unui spațiu al valorilor naționale relevante, care s-au aflat la baza... more
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      EthnohistoryArchaeologyArchitectureRomanian History
In this article we will review the anthropological work of the Prussian philosopher Immanuel Kant, in its relationship with the scientific instrumentalization by imperial policies of the time, and from the point of view of the Latin... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican HistoryEthnohistoryEthnic Studies
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      Andean ArchaeologyAndean CultureTerritorialidadEtnicity
Tujuan penulisan skripsi ini adalah untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh-pengaruh agama suku terhadap pertumbuhan rohani jemaat. Adapun penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut: Pertama, jemaat Pappanga dibangun dari latar... more
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      CultureChurch HistoryEvangelismEtnicity
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    • Etnicity
Versión en español de la tesis doctoral "Artisticidade, etnicidade e política no Caribe colombiano: uma etnografia dos Zenú e seus outros", ganadora del Premio Tenerife al fomento e Investigación de la Artesanía Iberoamericana, 2013.
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      AnthropologyEtnicityCaribe ColombianoArtesanias Indigenas
Hipotetički okvir za istraživanje nacionalizma i obrazovanja u BiH OBRAZOVANJE UNUTAR SOCIOLOŠKE MISLI: OD IDEOLOŠKOG APARATA DO INSTRUMENTA RAZVOJA Obrazovne perspektive moderne Liberalna perspektiva obrazovanja Funkcionalistička... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesEthnic StudiesEducation
The Others with Many Names: Macedonia as an Intersection Point of Otherness in the Medieval Balkans This paper examines the phenomenon of Otherness in the Medieval Balkan region of Macedonia. We analyze the terms used to designate and... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesBalkan HistoryByzantine Studies
Patih: Karna, yo main tebak2an. Karno: nggih man. Patih: hayo bedheken klungsune tak gegem tangan kiwa pa tengen? Karna: eem ....tengen. Patih: ora bisa...dheloken tanganku wis tak bukak. Karna: lha niku wonten tengen man. Patih:... more
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      ReligionSociologyPhilosophyPhilosophy Of Language
Esta investigación se centra en estudiar las causas por las cuales la Comunidad Campesina e “Indígena” San Juan de Cañaris de Lambayeque se opone al “Proyecto Cañariaco” de la empresa minera canadiense Candente Cooper Corp. Para ello se... more
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      Social MovementsGlocalizationPolitical ScienceSocial Conflict
Ulus ve etni arasında kurulmuş hiyerarşik yapı, etnik/ulusal çatışmaların başlıca nedenidir denebilir. Bu yüzden ulus ve etnisite arasındaki farkın belirginleştirilmesine ihtiyaç vardır, ancak ulusdevletlerin inanmaya yatkın oldukları... more
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      National IdentityMilliyetçilikEtnicityUlus Devlet
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      Ethnic StudiesDemographyIndonesian StudiesIndonesia
El racismo duele. Se experimenta de múltiples maneras. Cala en lo más profundo de nuestras vidas. Está imbricado en las estructuras que organizan nuestras sociedades. Este número tiene muchas reflexiones incómodas, dolorosas y... more
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      Afro Latin AmericaRace and RacismAfrican Diaspora StudiesRacismo y discriminación
Öz Bu makalede; Gacallarla birlikte anılan ve halk kültürleri çok yakın olan Gerlova-Çıtak ve Tozluk Türkleri de birlikte ele alınmıştır. Makalede; Gacalların isim alışları; Oğuz, Peçenek, Kuman gibi hangi Türk grubuna mensup oldukları;... more
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      Balkan StudiesTurkish and Middle East StudiesOttoman BalkansEthnography of Balkans
18 de octubre de 2019: se inicia la revuelta popular más importante de las últimas décadas. El «estallido social», como será conocido por los medios, llevará como consigna generalizada «Chile despertó». Las pancartas, grafitis y cánticos... more
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      Race and RacismRace and EthnicitySecurity StudiesColonialism
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      Gender StudiesFilm StudiesFilm TheoryFilm Analysis
Dans une « réflexion sur les différences, les différends et les développements des communautés », Nsame Mbongo (2004) se demande comment réussir une « recomposition intercommunautaire » à l'intérieur des États multiethniques africains.... more
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      EtnicityCultural and Social Identites
Thesis to obtain the degree of Candidate of Political Science, specialty 23.00.02 – Political Institutions and Processes. – Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi, 2015. This thesis presents research findings related... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical TheoryPolitical Science
Colombia tiene tres grupos étnicos recnocidos, los afrodescendientes, indígenas y gitanos. Sumados los tres grupos étnicos, representan alrededor del 25% de la población de país y son dueños de más de la mitad de territorio nacional.
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    • Etnicity
Language is the phenomenon that cannot be thought apart from society. At this sense the characters of societies more or less and diversely reflect on languages up to a certain extent. These features can differ within the scope of some... more
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      SociolinguisticsGenderSocial ClassEtnicity
This article analyzes Jewish and Arab national formations by exploring dynamics surrounding their border-zone community of Arabized-Jews during the first half of the 20th century. As the internal composition of the Arab and Zionist-Jewish... more
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      Diplomatic HistorySociologyPolitical SociologySocial Movements
Respon Dunia Intenasional Terhadap Konflik Etnis Rohingya
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      Human RightsConflictGenocideEtnicity
"Drugost je osnovna kategorija ljudske misli. Nijedna zajednica se nikada ne definiše kao Jedno bez neposrednog postavljanja prema sebi Drugog." Simone de Beauvoir 1 Apstrakt: Na području Bosne i Hercegovine, u periodu od 1878. do 1918.... more
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      Habsburg StudiesOthernessRoma PeopleHistory of Bosnia and Herzegovina
ANA MARtA GONZÁLEZ DE TOBIA ... ANA MARtA GONZÁLEZ DE TOBIA - La escena trágica griega: parámetro espacial de frontera y ética ANA TERESA MARQUES GoNÇALVES - Homenagens ao Imperador: os arcos dedicados a Septímio Severo em Roma ANDRÉ... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyRoman HistoryAncient PhilosophyAncient Greek History
The paper explores Wanna/ Wangala, a Garo festival related to harvesting, its revival in the newer settings of Dhaka and its import amongst the urban Mandi youth. It focuses on how organizing for Wanna is bringing about a “consciousness”... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous Peoples RightsIndigenous PeoplesIdentity