Ethics and literary studies
Recent papers in Ethics and literary studies
This essay considers virtue ethics and universalism in the wisdom literature of Musharrif al-Din Muṣliḥ Saʿdī (d. ca. 690/1291). Published in Renovatio, Spring (2018). If possible, please use this link to access:... more
The purpose of our collection of essays is to frame Shakespeare’s representation of human moral choice within the context of intellectual history. The contributors extend the Cambridge method of moderate contextualism from its origins,... more
Editor, special issue/ebook from open access journal _Humanities , 2020
In this article I offer an overview and assessment of “Wallace Studies” in the wake of the author’s death, and outline the historically novel forces, technological and critical, that have shaped the early academic reception of Wallace’s... more
C Co om mb bi ie en n d d' 'a au ut te eu ur rs s y y a a--t t--i il l d da an ns s c ce et tt te e oe oeu uv vr re e ? ? R Ra ap ph ha aë ël l B Ba ar ro on ni i D De e q qu ue el ll le e m ma an ni iè èr re e l l' 'a au ut te eu ur r h... more
This thesis is a study of the Jinamahānidāna, a biography of the Buddha, composed in Pāli, probably in Ayutthaya in Thailand between the fourteenth and eighteenth centuries. The Jinamahānidāna covers the Buddha's entire life, from his... more
SOMMARIO Il saggio analizza l’influenza dei Viaggi di Gulliver sull’opera di Primo Levi. A partire dalla Ricerca delle radici, in cui Levi inserisce il capolavoro di Swift tra i libri cruciali della sua giovinezza, si esplora l’importanza... more
This paper provides a brief introduction to the ethical thought of Emmanuel Levinas, discusses the connections between Levinas and Shakespeare, and makes the case for a scholarly pairing of these two great thinkers.
The novels of Jane Austen in relation to the ethics of Kierkegaard. Some consideration of ethics in Aristotle, the Scottish Enlightenment and Hegel.
The Shadow-Line represents a fundamental achievement in Conrad's literary career and constitutes the peak of the author's ethical reflection on the relationship between literature and life. By combining the autobiographical narration with... more
The Bell is Iris Murdoch's fourth novel, first published in 1958. The setting is the isolated complex of Imber, which is in a rural woodland area in England. Within the complex of Imber, the market garden, the three rivers, the immense... more
Lecteur modèle, lecteurs empiriques et tensions interprétatives dans l'oeuvre de Michel Houellebecq / Raphaël Baroni, in journée d'études "Le lecteurs et ses autres (2)" organisée, sous la responsabilité scientifique de Marie-Josée... more
This article tests Martha Nussbaum's assertion that a novel can be "a paradigm of moral activity" (1990: 148) and expands that claim beyond the boundaries Nussbaum is likely to have originally conceived, through a study of Lionel... more
This article considers challenges posed to reading practices and hermeneutics by Ishtiyaq Shukri’s I See You. The content of the novel is at times didactic, and surface reading might seem an appropriate means of analysis, yet the form is... more
In this article, I attempt to untangle the conflated representations of the two dead women who haunt Axel Vander, the narrator of large portions of John Banville’s 2002 novel, Shroud. The narrating protagonist has an inflated sense of his... more
This chapter examines literary relations in human rights contexts, where the production and consumption of such narratives relies on a public circulation of affect that divides the world into “comfort zones” and zones of risk,... more
That one ought to live like an artwork is the ideal of Gilbert Osborn in Henry James’ 'Portrait of a Lady,' the false aesthete who would escape moral judgement in the pose of beauty’s faithful admirer. John Barth’s 'End of the Road' picks... more
The untranslatable and intriguing notion of ethos (mores, goodness, character, etc.) contrasts in Ancient rhetoric with pathos and logos, the other two pisteis or means of persuasion. Rhetorical ethos is characterized by ambivalence; is... more
This essay observes that Cordelia figures into Shakespeare's King Lear much as autrui figures into Levinas's philosophy. She is the one who overawes, obsesses, and afflicts Lear. She is the one who summons and solicits him from "beyond... more
Editor, special issue/ebook from open access journal _Humanities , 2020
The presentation investigates the ethical discourse in contemporary Polish literature in the context of Stefan Chwin’s novel "The Golden Pelican". The period in Polish literature after the communism fall in 1989 was a time of very... more
This article analyzes the representation of ethics in Pat Barker’s novel Double Vision (2003), exploring the effects of the September 11 terrorist attacks on the communities and individuals aggregated in the novel. In particular, it... more
By examining the representation of popular and inquisitorial forms of punishment in the works of Cervantes, this essay seeks to recover shame as an emotional register of lived experience in the early modern Mediterranean, an affect which... more
Referat ma na celu analizę zależności między osobistymi a zbiorowymi narracjami w Sońce Ignacego Karpowicza. Pozwoli to na odczytanie utworu jako głosu sceptycznie oceniającego możliwości wpływu jednostkowej opowieści na zbiorowy dyskurs... more
Editor, special issue/ebook from open access journal _Humanities , 2020
... prey for the shadow" (1), and criticism correlatively depends on "a public's mode of ... In Levinas's Otherwise Than Being, Or Beyond Essence (1981), such deliberative sojourningis captured ... to... more
Cet article déploie une réflexion épistémologique sur la littérature, l’éthique et la philosophie ainsi que sur la littérature en tant qu’incommunicabilité. Alors que la critique éthique a gagné de plus en plus d’intérêt depuis les années... more
Beginning with the observation that young adult literature has been the subject of ethical criticism from multiple sides of the ideological spectrum and drawing on Roberta Seelinger Trites’s argument that this body of work is a postmodern... more
La racionalidad del poder, la imposición de un régimen semi-colonial, las políticas de privatización y transnacionalización de los bienes comunales han sido acciones que han realizado los últimos Gobiernos, los grupillos políticos y las... more
Studies or Locating Ethics Anna Fahraeus AnnKatrin Jonsson (Eds) 'fJiPi ... Textual Ethos Studies Thls On© F70P-E0H-PX9U ... Critical Studies Vol. 26 General Editor Myriam Diocaretz European Centre for Digital... more
Referat jest poświęcony możliwości ujęcia etyki czytania literatury w kategoriach zaproponowanych przez Alaina Badiou, łączącego (za nurtem neomarksistowskim) ściśle w swoich rozważania zagadnienie moralnego aspektu egzystencji z... more
The untranslatable and intriguing notion of ethos (mores, goodness, character, etc.) contrasts in Ancient rhetoric with pathos and logos, the other two pisteis or means of persuasion. Rhetorical ethos is characterized by ambivalence; is... more
How are we to understand an invention that neither copies its source texts in a servile manner, nor competes to displace them? Piers Plowman defies the categories of primary and secondary translation. Instead, Langland adopts... more